CWaypoints::CPoint::CPoint(double dLon, double dLat, int iAltitude, const wchar_t * wcName) : m_OSMPropList() { static int iNextId = 0; m_iId = iNextId++; m_dLongitude = dLon; m_dLatitude = dLat; Cache(); m_iAltitude = iAltitude; SetLabel(wcName); m_iRadius = 0; SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft); m_dLastUsed = double(ft.dwHighDateTime) * double(1 << 16) * double(1 << 16) + double(ft.dwLowDateTime); m_fInProximity = false; }
bool wxStaticText::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if( !CreateControl( parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name ) ) return false; m_labelWidget = (WXWidget) 0; PreCreation(); Widget parentWidget = (Widget) parent->GetClientWidget(); Widget borderWidget = (Widget) wxCreateBorderWidget( (WXWidget)parentWidget, style ); m_labelWidget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (name.mb_str(), xmLabelWidgetClass, borderWidget ? borderWidget : parentWidget, wxFont::GetFontTag(), m_font.GetFontTypeC(XtDisplay(parentWidget)), XmNalignment, ((style & wxALIGN_RIGHT) ? XmALIGNMENT_END : ((style & wxALIGN_CENTRE) ? XmALIGNMENT_CENTER : XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING)), XmNrecomputeSize, ((style & wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE) ? TRUE : FALSE), NULL); m_mainWidget = borderWidget ? borderWidget : m_labelWidget; SetLabel(label); wxSize best = GetBestSize(); if( size.x != -1 ) best.x = size.x; if( size.y != -1 ) best.y = size.y; PostCreation(); AttachWidget (parent, m_mainWidget, (WXWidget) NULL, pos.x, pos.y, best.x, best.y); return true; }
void Matrix::Read(FILE *f) { int r, c; char buffer[100]; fscanf(f, " %s =", buffer); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; SetLabel(buffer); fscanf(f, " [ %d x %d ]", &r, &c); Dimension(r, c); for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) { fscanf(f, " %s", buffer); SetColumnLabel(c, buffer); } for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) fscanf(f, " %lf", &((*this)[r][c])); }
bool wxMenu::HandleCommandUpdateStatus( wxMenuItem* item, wxWindow* senderWindow ) { int menuid = item ? item->GetId() : 0; wxUpdateUIEvent event(menuid); event.SetEventObject( this ); bool processed = false; // Try the menu's event handler { wxEvtHandler *handler = GetEventHandler(); if ( handler ) processed = handler->ProcessEvent(event); } // Try the window the menu was popped up from // (and up through the hierarchy) if ( !processed ) { wxWindow *win = GetWindow(); if ( win ) processed = win->HandleWindowEvent(event); } if ( !processed && senderWindow != NULL) { processed = senderWindow->HandleWindowEvent(event); } if ( processed ) { // if anything changed, update the changed attribute if (event.GetSetText()) SetLabel(menuid, event.GetText()); if (event.GetSetChecked()) Check(menuid, event.GetChecked()); if (event.GetSetEnabled()) Enable(menuid, event.GetEnabled()); } return processed; }
void InputRequest::Init(const char* label, const char* text, const char* btn0_label, const char* btn1_label, const char* btn2_label) { BRect frame = Bounds(); fIrView = new InputRequestView(frame, btn0_label, btn1_label, btn2_label); // now move and resize the window with the calculated width of our view BRect screenRect = fScreen.Frame(); MoveTo(BPoint(screenRect.Width()/2-fIrView->Width()/2, screenRect.Height()/2-IR_WINDOW_HEIGHT/2-125)); ResizeTo(fIrView->Width(), IR_WINDOW_HEIGHT); AddChild(fIrView); SetLabel(label); SetText(text); fIrView->SelectText(); //init fButton_index = -1; }
AppMenuItem::AppMenuItem(const char* appSig, int category) : BMenuItem(kEmptyStr, NULL), fCategory(category), fIcon(NULL), fIsValid(false) { if (be_roster->FindApp(appSig, &fAppRef) == B_NO_ERROR) { fIcon = new BBitmap(BRect(0.0, 0.0, 15.0, 15.0), B_RGBA32); if (BNodeInfo::GetTrackerIcon(&fAppRef, fIcon, B_MINI_ICON) == B_OK) { BEntry appEntry(&fAppRef); if (appEntry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; appEntry.GetName(name); SetLabel(name); fIsValid = true; } } } }
void CargoBody::Init() { m_hitpoints = 1.0f; SetLabel(Equip::types[m_type].name); SetMassDistributionFromModel(); std::vector<Color> colors; //metallic blue-orangeish color scheme colors.push_back(Color(255, 198, 64)); colors.push_back(Color(0, 222, 255)); colors.push_back(Color(255, 255, 255)); SceneGraph::ModelSkin skin; skin.SetColors(colors); skin.SetDecal("pioneer"); skin.Apply(GetModel()); GetModel()->SetColors(colors); Properties().Set("type", EnumStrings::GetString("EquipType", m_type)); }
void GCardReaderMenu::ShowChipCardDetected() { const char* arypcLabels[8]; SetLabel(GSoftKeysWindowTemplate::eSOFT_R3, " "); //hide the label memset( arypcLabels, 0, sizeof(arypcLabels) ); arypcLabels[0] = ""; arypcLabels[1] = ""; arypcLabels[2] = ""; arypcLabels[3] = "Chip detected,"; arypcLabels[4] = ""; arypcLabels[5] = "please wait..."; arypcLabels[6] = " "; UpdateUserLabels(7, arypcLabels); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BMenuField::InitObject(const char *label) { fLabel = NULL; fMenu = NULL; fMenuBar = NULL; fAlign = B_ALIGN_LEFT; fStringWidth = 0; fEnabled = true; fSelected = false; fTransition = false; fFixedSizeMB = false; fMenuTaskID = -1; SetLabel(label); if (label) fDivider = (float)floor(Frame().Width() / 2.0f); else fDivider = 0; }
void ModPanel::OnPanelProps(wxCommandEvent& event) { // Get the copied node: iONode ini = (iONode)event.GetClientData(); if( ini != NULL && StrOp.equals(, NodeOp.getName( ini ) ) ) { // PropertiesDialog: m_ModPlanDlg = new ModPlanDlg( this, ini ); if( wxID_OK == m_ModPlanDlg->ShowModal() ) { SetLabel(wxString( wModPlan.getsubtitle( ini ),wxConvUTF8 )); wxGetApp().getFrame()->setPlanTitle( wModPlan.gettitle( ini ) ); } m_ModPlanDlg->Destroy(); m_ModPlanDlg = NULL; } else { iONode cmd = NodeOp.inst(, NULL, ELEMENT_NODE ); wSysCmd.setcmd( cmd, wSysCmd.getmodplan ); wxGetApp().sendToRocrail( cmd, false ); cmd->base.del(cmd); } }
ExplanationLabel::ExplanationLabel(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& label) : wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, ""), m_text(label), m_wrapWidth(-1) { m_text.Replace("\n", " "); SetLabel(m_text); #if defined(__WXOSX__) SetWindowVariant(wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL); SetForegroundColour(wxColour("#777777")); #elif defined(__WXGTK__) SetWindowVariant(wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL); #else SetForegroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT)); #endif SetInitialSize(wxSize(10,10)); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &ExplanationLabel::OnSize, this); }
void wxGenericFontButton::UpdateFont() { if ( !m_selectedFont.Ok() ) return; SetForegroundColour(m_data.GetColour()); if (HasFlag(wxFNTP_USEFONT_FOR_LABEL)) { // use currently selected font for the label... wxButton::SetFont(m_selectedFont); } if (HasFlag(wxFNTP_FONTDESC_AS_LABEL)) { SetLabel(wxString::Format(wxT("%s, %d"), m_selectedFont.GetFaceName().c_str(), m_selectedFont.GetPointSize())); } }
CViewHeader::CViewHeader(wxWindow* pParent, const wxString& label) { Create(pParent, wxID_ANY); m_pComboBox = new CComboBoxEx(this); m_pLabel = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, label, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); wxSize size = GetSize(); size.SetHeight(m_pComboBox->GetBestSize().GetHeight() + border_offset); SetLabel(label); SetSize(size); #ifdef __WXMSW__ m_pComboBox->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_PAINT, (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)(wxPaintEventFunction)&CViewHeader::OnComboPaint, 0, this); m_pComboBox->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)(wxMouseEventFunction)&CViewHeader::OnComboMouseEvent, 0, this); m_pComboBox->Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_UP, (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)(wxMouseEventFunction)&CViewHeader::OnComboMouseEvent, 0, this); m_bLeftMousePressed = false; #endif //__WXMSW__ }
bool TSliderComponent::ChangeProperty(string APropertyName, string APropertyValue) { ShowDebug(string("ChangeProperty Name=") + APropertyName + string(" Value=") + APropertyValue); if (LockLooper()) { FPropertyList->SetPropertyValue(APropertyName,APropertyValue); SetStandardProperties(APropertyName.c_str(),APropertyValue.c_str()); SetFrameProperties(APropertyName.c_str(),APropertyValue.c_str(),this); SetSizingProperties(APropertyName.c_str(),APropertyValue.c_str(),this); SetFlagsProperties(APropertyName.c_str(),APropertyValue.c_str(),this); if (FindPropertyName(APropertyName,PROP_LABEL)) SetLabel(APropertyValue.c_str()); if (FindPropertyName(APropertyName,PROP_MESSAGE)) ((TSliderCodeGenerator *)FCodeGenerator)->CreateMessageReceived(!FLoaded); UnlockLooper(); return TComponent::ChangeProperty(APropertyName,APropertyValue); } return false; }
bool ProjectPanel::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { ////@begin ProjectPanel member initialisation m_ProjectCtrl = NULL; ////@end ProjectPanel member initialisation ////@begin ProjectPanel creation wxPanel::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style ); CreateControls(); if (GetSizer()) { GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); } ////@end ProjectPanel creation SetLabel( SYMBOL_PROJECTPANEL_TITLE ); return true; }
TextPointer::TextPointer(GuiText *parent, int w, int h) : GuiButton(w, h) { TextPtr = parent; fontsize = TextPtr->GetFontSize(); MarkImage = NULL; currentline = -1; Position_X = 0; Position_Y = 0; width = w; height = h; visibility = true; TextPointerImgData = Resources::GetImageData("textpointer_img.png"); TextPointerImg = new GuiImage(TextPointerImgData); TextPointerImg->SetVisible(visibility); SetLabel(TextPtr); SetImage(TextPointerImg); }
// Update a menu and all submenus recursively. source is the object that has // the update event handlers defined for it. If NULL, the menu or associated // window will be used. void wxMenuBase::UpdateUI(wxEvtHandler* source) { wxWindow * const win = GetWindow(); if ( !source && win ) source = win->GetEventHandler(); if ( !source ) source = GetEventHandler(); if ( !source ) source = this; wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetMenuItems().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxMenuItem* item = node->GetData(); if ( !item->IsSeparator() ) { wxWindowID itemid = item->GetId(); wxUpdateUIEvent event(itemid); event.SetEventObject( source ); if ( source->ProcessEvent(event) ) { // if anything changed, update the changed attribute if (event.GetSetText()) SetLabel(itemid, event.GetText()); if (event.GetSetChecked()) Check(itemid, event.GetChecked()); if (event.GetSetEnabled()) Enable(itemid, event.GetEnabled()); } // recurse to the submenus if ( item->GetSubMenu() ) item->GetSubMenu()->UpdateUI(source); } //else: item is a separator (which doesn't process update UI events) node = node->GetNext(); } }
// // Initialize the toolbar // void ToolBar::Create( wxWindow *parent ) { // Save parameters mParent = parent; // Create the window and label it wxPanel::Create( mParent, mType, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, mTitle ); SetLabel( mLabel ); // Go do the rest of the creation ReCreateButtons(); // Let the user see it in all its glory Show(); mVisible = true; }
void CargoBody::Init() { m_hitpoints = 1.0f; SetLabel(ScopedTable(m_cargo).CallMethod<std::string>("GetName")); SetMassDistributionFromModel(); m_hasSelfdestruct = true; std::vector<Color> colors; //metallic blue-orangeish color scheme colors.push_back(Color(255, 198, 64)); colors.push_back(Color(0, 222, 255)); colors.push_back(Color(255, 255, 255)); SceneGraph::ModelSkin skin; skin.SetColors(colors); skin.SetDecal("pioneer"); skin.Apply(GetModel()); GetModel()->SetColors(colors); Properties().Set("type", ScopedTable(m_cargo).CallMethod<std::string>("GetName")); }
bool wxStaticText::Create( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name ) { m_macIsUserPane = false; if ( !wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name ) ) return false; m_peer = wxWidgetImpl::CreateStaticText( this, parent, id, label, pos, size, style, GetExtraStyle() ); MacPostControlCreate( pos, size ); SetLabel(label); return true; }
void SpectralSelectionBar::UpdatePrefs() { { wxCommandEvent e(EVT_FREQUENCYTEXTCTRL_UPDATED); e.SetInt((mbCenterAndWidth? mCenterCtrl : mLowCtrl)->GetFormatIndex()); OnUpdate(e); } if (mbCenterAndWidth) { wxCommandEvent e(EVT_BANDWIDTHTEXTCTRL_UPDATED); e.SetInt(mWidthCtrl->GetFormatIndex()); OnUpdate(e); } // Set label to pull in language change SetLabel(_("Spectral Selection")); // Give base class a chance ToolBar::UpdatePrefs(); }
void ToyLabelWidget::Recv(const QString &path, const OSCArgument *args, size_t count) { QString str; if(args && count>0) { std::string s; if( args[0].GetString(s) ) str = QString::fromUtf8(s.c_str()); } if(path == m_TriggerPath) { FadeLabel *label = static_cast<FadeLabel*>(m_Widget); if( m_pClient ) m_pClient->ToyClient_ResourceRelativePathToAbsolute(str); label->SetImagePath(IMAGE_PATH_INDEX_FROM_TRIGGER, str); label->SetImageIndex(IMAGE_PATH_INDEX_FROM_TRIGGER); } else SetLabel(str); }
/***** Set the value from a Color field. The format should contain %s. *****/ void tmwxStaticText::SetLabelFormatted(const wxChar* format, const tmFacet::Color c) { wxString text, ktext; switch(c) { case tmFacet::NOT_ORIENTED: ktext = wxT("not oriented"); break; case tmFacet::COLOR_UP: ktext = wxT("color up"); break; case tmFacet::WHITE_UP: ktext = wxT("white up"); break; default: TMFAIL("unknown Color encountered in "\ "tmwxStaticText::SetLabelFormatted(..)"); } text.Printf(format, ktext.c_str()); SetLabel(text); }
bool wxHyperlinkCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label, const wxString& url, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) { if ( !HasNativeHyperlinkCtrl() ) { return wxGenericHyperlinkCtrl::Create( parent, id, label, url, pos, size, style, name ); } if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) ) { return false; } SetURL( url ); SetVisited( false ); WXDWORD exstyle; WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(style, &exstyle); if ( !MSWCreateControl(WC_LINK, msStyle, pos, size, GetLabelForSysLink( label, url ), exstyle) ) { return false; } // Make sure both the label and URL are non-empty strings. SetURL(url.empty() ? label : url); SetLabel(label.empty() ? url : label); ConnectMenuHandlers(); return true; }
void FindReplaceDialog::ShowReplaceControls(bool show) { // detach the find string & its label from the gridbag sizer bool isFindDlg(false); isFindDlg = gbSizer->GetItemPosition(sz) == wxGBPosition(1, 0); if(show == false) { // is this dialog is already a 'Find' dialog? if(isFindDlg) { return; } // remove 'Replace' dialog items gbSizer->Detach(m_replaceWithLabel); gbSizer->Detach(m_replaceString); // reposition the options static sizer gbSizer->Detach(sz); gbSizer->Add(sz, wxGBPosition(1, 0), wxGBSpan(1, 2), wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5); } else { // is this dialog is already a 'Replace' dialog? if(!isFindDlg) { return; } // remmove the 'Options' item frmo pos 1,0 gbSizer->Detach(sz); gbSizer->Add(m_replaceWithLabel, wxGBPosition(1, 0), wxDefaultSpan, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5); gbSizer->Add(m_replaceString, wxGBPosition(1, 1), wxDefaultSpan, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5); gbSizer->Add(sz, wxGBPosition(2, 0), wxGBSpan(1, 2), wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5); } wxString label = show ? wxT("Replace") : wxT("Find"); m_replace->Show(show); m_replaceAll->Show(show); m_replaceString->Show(show); m_replacementsMsg->Show(show); m_replaceWithLabel->Show(show); m_selectionOnly->Show(show); SetLabel(label); this->Fit(); GetSizer()->Layout(); }
void BBox::_InitObject(BMessage* archive) { fBounds = Bounds(); fLabel = NULL; fLabelView = NULL; fLayoutData = new LayoutData; int32 flags = 0; BFont font(be_bold_font); if (!archive || !archive->HasString("_fname")) flags = B_FONT_FAMILY_AND_STYLE; if (!archive || !archive->HasFloat("_fflt")) flags |= B_FONT_SIZE; if (flags != 0) SetFont(&font, flags); if (archive != NULL) { const char *string; if (archive->FindString("_label", &string) == B_OK) SetLabel(string); bool fancy; int32 style; if (archive->FindBool("_style", &fancy) == B_OK) fStyle = fancy ? B_FANCY_BORDER : B_PLAIN_BORDER; else if (archive->FindInt32("_style", &style) == B_OK) fStyle = (border_style)style; bool hasLabelView; if (archive->FindBool("_lblview", &hasLabelView) == B_OK) fLabelView = ChildAt(0); } }
void ToyButtonWidget::Recv(const QString &path, const OSCArgument *args, size_t count) { if(path == m_FeedbackPath) { FadeButton *button = static_cast<FadeButton*>(m_Widget); bool edge = false; if(args && count>0) { bool press = false; if( args[0].GetBool(press) ) { edge = true; if( press ) button->Press(); else button->Release(); } } if( !edge ) { button->Press(); button->Release(); } } else { std::string str; if(args && count>0) { if( !args[0].GetString(str) ) str.clear(); } SetLabel( QString::fromUtf8(str.c_str()) ); } }
/** * Constructor for the TextPointer class. */ TextPointer::TextPointer(GuiText *parent, int linestodraw) : GuiButton(343, 240) { TextPtr = parent; fontsize = TextPtr->GetFontSize(); MarkImage = NULL; currentline = -1; Position_X = 0; Position_Y = 0; width = TextPtr->GetTextMaxWidth(); if(width == 0) width = TextPtr->GetTextWidth(); height = (linestodraw+1)*(fontsize+6); visibility = true; TextPointerImgData = Resources::GetImageData("textpointer_img.png"); TextPointerImg = new GuiImage(TextPointerImgData); TextPointerImg->SetVisible(visibility); SetLabel(TextPtr); SetImage(TextPointerImg); }
void W_slider::Init(int x, int y, int w, int h, string l, float v, float f, float t, int p, float bar, float red, float green, float blue) { value = v; from = f; to = t; precision = p; barSize = bar; mouseOffset = 0; if (h>w) vertical = true; refName = l; name = l; //text = new W_label(x+width/2-(strlen(l)*7)/2-4, y-2, 0, 1, name); if (l.size()) { text = new W_label(width/2-(l.size()*7)/2-4, 8-(height/2), 0, 1, name); this->AddChild(text); SetLabel(); } onSetValue = 0; }
void TWindowMenuItem::_Init(const char* name) { if (fMini) { fBitmap = fCurrentWorkSpace ? AppResSet()->FindBitmap(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, R_WindowHiddenIcon) : AppResSet()->FindBitmap(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, R_WindowHiddenSwitchIcon); } else { fBitmap = fCurrentWorkSpace ? AppResSet()->FindBitmap(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, R_WindowShownIcon) : AppResSet()->FindBitmap(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, R_WindowShownSwitchIcon); } BFont font(be_plain_font); fLabelWidth = ceilf(font.StringWidth(name)); font_height fontHeight; font.GetHeight(&fontHeight); fLabelAscent = ceilf(fontHeight.ascent); fLabelDescent = ceilf(fontHeight.descent + fontHeight.leading); SetLabel(name); }