void CFileZillaApp::InitLocale() { wxString language = COptions::Get()->GetOption(OPTION_LANGUAGE); const wxLanguageInfo* pInfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(language); if (!language.empty()) { #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (CInitializer::error) { wxString error; wxLocale *loc = wxGetLocale(); const wxLanguageInfo* currentInfo = loc ? loc->GetLanguageInfo(loc->GetLanguage()) : 0; if (!loc || !currentInfo) { if (!pInfo) error.Printf(_("Failed to set language to %s, using default system language."), language); else error.Printf(_("Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language."), pInfo->Description, language); } else { wxString currentName = currentInfo->CanonicalName; if (!pInfo) error.Printf(_("Failed to set language to %s, using default system language (%s, %s)."), language, loc->GetLocale(), currentName); else error.Printf(_("Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language (%s, %s)."), pInfo->Description, language, loc->GetLocale(), currentName); } error += _T("\n"); error += _("Please make sure the requested locale is installed on your system."); wxMessageBoxEx(error, _("Failed to change language"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION); COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_LANGUAGE, _T("")); } #else if (!pInfo || !SetLocale(pInfo->Language)) { for( language = GetFallbackLocale(language); !language.empty(); language = GetFallbackLocale(language) ) { const wxLanguageInfo* fallbackInfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(language); if( fallbackInfo && SetLocale(fallbackInfo->Language )) { COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_LANGUAGE, language.ToStdWstring()); return; } } COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_LANGUAGE, std::wstring()); if (pInfo && !pInfo->Description.empty()) wxMessageBoxEx(wxString::Format(_("Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language"), pInfo->Description, language), _("Failed to change language"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION); else wxMessageBoxEx(wxString::Format(_("Failed to set language to %s, using default system language"), language), _("Failed to change language"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } #endif } }
int UnitSet::LoadUnitTypes( MemBuffer &file ) { ut = new UnitType [num_tiles]; if ( !ut ) return -1; int rc = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < num_tiles; ++i ) { if ( ut[i].Load( file, this ) ) { rc = -1; break; } } // load unit names in different languages if ( rc == 0 ) rc = unit_names.Load( file ); if ( rc == -1 ) { delete [] ut; ut = NULL; num_tiles = 0; return -1; } SetLocale( CF_LANG_DEFAULT ); return 0; }
void App::InitLocale() { g_locale = new wxLocale(); // add translations missing from wxWidgets UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_BOSNIAN, "bs" , LANG_BOSNIAN , SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN, wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Bosnian"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_ILOKO, "ilo" , 0 , 0 , wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Iloko"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_KAPAMPANGAN, "pam" , 0 , 0 , wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Kapampangan"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN, "no" , LANG_NORWEGIAN, SUBLANG_DEFAULT, wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Norwegian"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_WARAY_WARAY, "war" , 0 , 0 , wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Waray-Waray"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_ACOLI, "ach" , 0 , 0 , wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Acoli"); UD_LNG(wxUD_LANGUAGE_SINHALA_SRI_LANKA, "si_LK", 0 , 0 , wxLayout_LeftToRight, "Sinhala (Sri Lanka)"); // get initial language selection int id = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US; wxConfigBase *cfg = wxConfigBase::Get(); if(cfg->HasGroup(wxT("Language"))){ id = (int)cfg->Read(wxT("/Language/Selected"),id); } else { id = g_locale->GetSystemLanguage(); if(id == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) id = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US; } SetLocale(id); }
bool CaMuleExternalConnector::OnInit() { #ifndef __WINDOWS__ #if wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION // catch fatal exceptions wxHandleFatalExceptions(true); #endif #endif // If we didn't know that OnInit is called only once when creating the // object, it could cause a memory leak. The two pointers below should // be free()'d before assigning the new value. // cppcheck-suppress publicAllocationError m_strFullVersion = strdup((const char *)unicode2char(GetMuleVersion())); m_strOSDescription = strdup((const char *)unicode2char(wxGetOsDescription())); // Handle uncaught exceptions InstallMuleExceptionHandler(); bool retval = wxApp::OnInit(); OnInitCommandSet(); InitCustomLanguages(); SetLocale(m_language); return retval; }
void TAutoVal::operator =(TString s) { vt = atString; bstrVal = ::SysAllocString((const OLECHAR *)s); SetLocale(s.GetLangId() ? s.GetLangId() : TLocaleString::NativeLangId); }
bool CInitializer::SetLocale(const std::string& arg) { const char *encodings[] = { "UTF-8", "UTF8", "utf-8", "utf8", 0 }; for (int i = 0; encodings[i]; i++) { std::string locale = CInitializer::LocaleAddEncoding(arg, encodings[i]); if (SetLocaleReal(locale)) return true; } if (CInitializer::SetLocaleReal(arg)) return true; int i = 0; while (fallbacks[i].locale) { if (fallbacks[i].locale == arg) return SetLocale(fallbacks[i].fallback); i++; } return false; }
void CTestUTCSort::CreateMessagesL() { TMsvId emailMessageID; CImEmailOperation* emailOp; TMsvPartList partList; partList = (KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments); for(TInt count=0;count<KNumEmailMessages;++count) { //change the UTC offset for each message SetLocale(count); //wait for a bit User::After(1000000); emailOp = CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL(iTestActive->iStatus, *iSession, KMsvDraftEntryIdValue, KMsvMessagePartBody, partList, KUidMsgTypeSMTP); CleanupStack::PushL(emailOp); // Active object which stops the active scheduler iTestActive->StartL(); CActiveScheduler::Start(); // Get the new message id. TPckg<TMsvId> param(emailMessageID); param.Copy(emailOp->FinalProgress()); iTMsvIdList->AppendL(emailMessageID); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(emailOp); } }
void fbLocaleManager::SetCountry(const char* country) { if (country && strlen(country)) { SetLocale(NULL, country); } }
void fbLocaleManager::SetLanguage(const char* language) { if (language && strlen(language)) { SetLocale(language, NULL); } }
void UnionLabelPreparerRus::PrepareUnitedPossibleStates() { wifstream in(string(DISAMBIGUATOR_CONFIG) + "Token_Label.txt"); SetLocale(in); wstring line; vector<wstring> splitted; int enumerator = 0; while (getline(in, line)) { ++enumerator; wcout << enumerator << std::endl; // Get token and label wstring token; wstring label; Tools::Split(line, L"\t", splitted); if (splitted.size() != 2) { continue; } label = splitted[1]; Tools::Split(wstring(splitted[0]), L"|", splitted); token = splitted[0]; // Get gram info vector<GrammInfo> data = dictionary->getGrammInfo(token, 2); // Get labels vector<wstring> labels; for (size_t tokenIndex = 0; tokenIndex < data.size(); ++tokenIndex) { vector<wstring> opFeatures = data[tokenIndex].features; if (opFeatures.size() == 0) { continue; } wstring opLabel = opFeatures[0]; for (size_t iter = 1; iter < opFeatures.size(); ++iter) { opLabel += L" - " + opFeatures[iter]; } vector<wstring> syntagLabel = converter.PartialConvert(opLabel); labels.insert(labels.end(), syntagLabel.begin(), syntagLabel.end()); } // Add united label wstring unitedLabel = getUnitedLabel(labels); if (unitedLabel.size() == 0) { unitedLabel = label; } if (unitedLabels.find(unitedLabel) != unitedLabels.end()) { ++unitedLabels[unitedLabel]; } else { unitedLabels[unitedLabel] = 1; } Print(string(DISAMBIGUATOR_CONFIG) + "UnitedLabels.txt", unitedLabels); } in.close(); }
void fbLocaleManager::ReadSystemSettings() { string systemSettings = C_SYSTEM_SETTINGS; if(!FileExists(systemSettings.c_str())) { systemSettings = C_ROOTFS; systemSettings.append(C_SYSTEM_SETTINGS); if(!FileExists(systemSettings.c_str())) { systemSettings.erase(); } } if(!systemSettings.empty()) { FILE* fp; if ((fp = fopen(systemSettings.c_str(), "r")) != NULL) { string language; string country; uint16_t bufSize = 80; char buffer[bufSize]; while (fgets(buffer, bufSize, fp) != NULL && (country.empty() || language.empty())) { char* p = strrchr(buffer, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; } if (strlen(buffer)) { if (language.empty() && strstr(buffer, C_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_PATTERN) == buffer) { language = buffer + strlen(C_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_PATTERN); language = trim(language); } else if (country.empty() && strstr(buffer, C_LOCALE_COUNTRY_PATTERN) == buffer) { country = buffer + strlen(C_LOCALE_COUNTRY_PATTERN); country = trim(country); } } } if (!language.empty()) { m_language = to_lower(language); } if (!country.empty()) { m_country = to_lower(country); } SetLocale(NULL, NULL); fclose(fp); } } }
void fbLocaleManager::Init() { m_language = C_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; m_country = C_DEFAULT_COUNTRY; to_lower(m_language); to_lower(m_country); SetLocale(NULL, NULL); m_default = m_locale; ReadSystemSettings(); }
void TAutoVal::operator =(const owl::tstring& s) { vt = atString; #if defined(_UNICODE) bstrVal = ::SysAllocString(s.c_str()); #else bstrVal = ::owl::SysAllocString(s.c_str()); #endif SetLocale(TLocaleString::NativeLangId); }
bool LocaleRoster::SetLocale(const char *name) { if(!name) return false; for(int32 i=0; i<fLocaleList.CountItems(); i++) { Locale *locale = (Locale*)fLocaleList.ItemAt(i); if(locale && strcmp(locale->Name(),name)==0) { SetLocale(locale); return true; } } return false; }
void fbLocaleManager::SetLocale(string& language, string& country) { SetLocale(language.c_str(), country.c_str()); }
void LocaleRoster::SetLocale(const int32 &index) { Locale *locale = (Locale *) fLocaleList.ItemAt(index); SetLocale(locale); }
// Read the string table bool LoadTableMain(wchar_t *filename) { BUF *b; UINT64 t1, t2; UCHAR hash[MD5_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL) { return false; } if (MayaquaIsMinimalMode()) { return true; } if (UniStrCmpi(old_table_name, filename) == 0) { // Already loaded return true; } t1 = Tick64(); // Open the file b = ReadDumpW(filename); if (b == NULL) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Error: Can't read string tables (file not found).\r\nPlease check hamcore.se2.\r\n\r\n(First, reboot the computer. If this problem occurs again, please reinstall VPN software files.)"); Alert(tmp, NULL); exit(-1); return false; } Hash(hash, b->Buf, b->Size, false); if (LoadUnicodeCache(filename, b->Size, hash) == false) { if (LoadTableFromBuf(b) == false) { FreeBuf(b); return false; } SaveUnicodeCache(filename, b->Size, hash); //Debug("Unicode Source: strtable.stb\n"); } else { //Debug("Unicode Source: unicode_cache\n"); } FreeBuf(b); SetLocale(_UU("DEFAULE_LOCALE")); UniStrCpy(old_table_name, sizeof(old_table_name), filename); t2 = Tick64(); if (StrCmpi(_SS("STRTABLE_ID"), STRTABLE_ID) != 0) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Error: Can't read string tables (invalid version: '%s'!='%s').\r\nPlease check hamcore.se2.\r\n\r\n(First, reboot the computer. If this problem occurs again, please reinstall VPN software files.)", _SS("STRTABLE_ID"), STRTABLE_ID); Alert(tmp, NULL); exit(-1); return false; } //Debug("Unicode File Read Cost: %u (%u Lines)\n", (UINT)(t2 - t1), LIST_NUM(TableList)); return true; }