vector<Edge*> Kruskal(int numVertices, vector<Edge> &edges) { auto minSpanForest = vector<Edge*>(); for( int i=0; i<numVertices; i++) { Parents.push_back(i); } sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); for( auto pE = edges.begin(); pE != edges.end(); pE++ ) { auto rootS = FindRoot(pE->Start); auto rootE = FindRoot(pE->End); if( rootE == rootS ) { continue; } if( rootS == pE->Start ) { SetRoot(pE->Start, rootE); } else { SetRoot(pE->End, rootS); } minSpanForest.push_back(&(*pE)); } return minSpanForest; }
void DisplayManager::RemoveElementReferences (DisplayElement *pElem) { if (mpFocus && (mpFocus == pElem)) { mpFocus->ClearFlag(DISPLAY_FLAG_FOCUS); mpFocus = 0; } if (mpMouseOverElement == pElem) { mpMouseOverElement = 0; } if (mpMouseDownElement == pElem) { mpMouseDownElement = 0; } ReleasePointer(pElem); if (GetRoot() == pElem) { SetRoot(0); } }
shared_ptr<const DistMatrix<T,U,V>> ReadProxy( const ElementalMatrix<S>* A, const ProxyCtrl& ctrl ) { typedef DistMatrix<T,U,V> DM; if( std::is_same<S,T>::value ) { const DM* ACast = dynamic_cast<const DM*>(A); const bool haveDist = (ACast != nullptr); const bool haveColAlign = haveDist && (!ctrl.colConstrain || A->ColAlign() == ctrl.colAlign); const bool haveRowAlign = haveDist && (!ctrl.rowConstrain || A->RowAlign() == ctrl.rowAlign); const bool haveRoot = haveDist && (!ctrl.rootConstrain || A->Root() == ctrl.root); if( haveColAlign && haveRowAlign && haveRoot ) return shared_ptr<const DM>( ACast, []( const DM* B ) { } ); } auto AShared = make_shared<DM>( A->Grid() ); if( ctrl.rootConstrain ) AShared->SetRoot( ctrl.root ); if( ctrl.colConstrain ) AShared->AlignCols( ctrl.colAlign ); if( ctrl.rowConstrain ) AShared->AlignRows( ctrl.rowAlign ); Copy( *A, *AShared ); return AShared; }
Element * Document::SetRoot(const string &name, const string &nsUri, const string &nsPrefix) { Element * newRoot = new Element(name, this, nsUri, nsPrefix); Element * result = SetRoot(newRoot); if ( result != newRoot ) delete newRoot; return newRoot; }
list insert(element e, list l) { list l1 = cons(e); l1->next = l; SetRoot(l, l1); return l1; }
void FindAndReplace(btree* root, const int find, void* newPayLoad) { btree* found = NULL; if(newPayLoad == NULL) return; found = SearchBinaryTree(GetRoot(), find); if(found != NULL) { printf("Found [%s] to replace with [%c]\n", (char *)found->payload, _getLetter(newPayLoad)); SetRoot(DeleteBinaryTreeNode(GetRoot(), _getLetter(found->payload))); SetRoot(InsertRoot(GetRoot(), newPayLoad)); } }
JTree::JTree ( JTreeNode* root ) : itsIsDestructingFlag(kJFalse) { SetRoot(root); }
list DelFirst(list l) { list next = tail(l); DeleteElement(head(l)); free(l); SetRoot(next, next); return next; }
void CTreeCtrlFolder::Inform() { CWnd* parent = GetParent(); if (parent != NULL) { /*CFolder* folder = (CFolder*) GetItemData(m_selectedItem); parent->SendMessage(WM_SELECTITEM_CHANGE, (WPARAM)folder);*/ SetRoot (m_selectedItem); m_comboBoxFolder->SetFocus(); } }
CBrowseForFolder::CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl, const CString& strTitle) { m_hwnd = NULL; SetOwner(hParent); SetRoot(pidl); SetTitle(strTitle); m_bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc; m_bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast<long>(this); m_bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelected; }
CBrowseForFolder::CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent /*= NULL*/, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl /*= NULL*/, const int nTitleID /*= 0*/) { m_hwnd = NULL; SetOwner(hParent); SetRoot(pidl); SetTitle(nTitleID); m_bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc; m_bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast<long>(this); m_bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelected; }
list append(list l1, list l2) { list r = l1; while (empty(tail(l1)) == false) { l1 = tail(l1); } l1->next = l2; SetRoot(l2, r); return r; }
void Tree::swap (Tree & srcTree) { if (srcTree.GetRoot () != 0) { std::auto_ptr<Node> srcRoot = srcTree.PopRoot (); if (GetRoot () != 0) { std::auto_ptr<Node> myRoot = _top.PopChild (); srcTree.SetRoot (myRoot); } SetRoot (srcRoot); } }
void BacaDict(Tree *T) { char s[20]; /* ALGORITMA */ STARTKATA("Dictionary.txt"); CreateTree(T); SetRoot(T,'\0', false); while(!EndKata) { KataToString(s); AddWord(T, s); ADVKATA(); } }
void CleanUpBinaryTree() { btree* nodeToDelete = NULL; if(GetRoot() == NULL) return; while(GetRoot() != NULL) { nodeToDelete = (btree *) _postOrder(GetRoot()); printf("Freeing node [%c]\n", _getLetter(nodeToDelete->payload)); SetRoot(DeleteBinaryTreeNode(GetRoot(), _getLetter(nodeToDelete->payload))); } }
SHBrowseWrapper::SHBrowseWrapper( const CWnd* pParent, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl, const CString* pstrTitle ) : // Init vars. m_hwnd( 0 ) { SetOwner( pParent->GetSafeHwnd() ); SetRoot(pidl); SetTitle( pstrTitle ); m_bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc; m_bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast<long>(this); m_bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelected; }
shared_ptr<DistMatrix<T,U,V>> ReadProxy( ElementalMatrix<S>* A, const ProxyCtrl& ctrl ) { typedef DistMatrix<T,U,V> DM; if( std::is_same<S,T>::value ) { DM* ACast = dynamic_cast<DM*>(A); const bool haveDist = (ACast != nullptr); const bool haveColAlign = haveDist && (!ctrl.colConstrain || A->ColAlign() == ctrl.colAlign); const bool haveRowAlign = haveDist && (!ctrl.rowConstrain || A->RowAlign() == ctrl.rowAlign); const bool haveRoot = haveDist && (!ctrl.rootConstrain || A->Root() == ctrl.root); if( haveColAlign && haveRowAlign && haveRoot ) { // Constrain the proxy to have the forced alignemnts. // This is somewhat tricky since a subsequent write could otherwise // change the alignment. if( ctrl.colConstrain ) A->AlignCols( ctrl.colAlign ); if( ctrl.rowConstrain ) A->AlignRows( ctrl.rowAlign ); if( ctrl.rootConstrain ) A->SetRoot( ctrl.root ); return shared_ptr<DM>( ACast, []( const DM* B ) { } ); } } auto AShared = make_shared<DM>( A->Grid() ); if( ctrl.rootConstrain ) AShared->SetRoot( ctrl.root ); if( ctrl.colConstrain ) AShared->AlignCols( ctrl.colAlign ); if( ctrl.rowConstrain ) AShared->AlignRows( ctrl.rowAlign ); Copy( *A, *AShared ); return AShared; }
int main() { int input1, input2; int head1, head2; int result = 0; memset(setArr, -1, sizeof(setArr)); while (1) { if (scanf("%d", &input1) == EOF) { break; } if (input1 == -1) { printf("%d\n", result); result = 0; memset(setArr, -1, sizeof(setArr)); continue; } scanf("%d", &input2); if (setArr[input1] == -1) setArr[input1] = input1; if (setArr[input2] == -1) setArr[input2] = input2; head1 = GetRoot(input1); head2 = GetRoot(input2); if (head1 == head2) { result++; } else { SetRoot(input2, head1); } } }
bool c4_Persist::Rollback(bool full_) { _root->DetachFromParent(); _root->DetachFromStorage(true); _root = 0; if (_space != 0) _space->Initialize(); c4_HandlerSeq *seq = d4_new c4_HandlerSeq(this); seq->DefineRoot(); SetRoot(seq); if (full_) { delete _differ; _differ = 0; } LoadAll(); return _strategy._failure == 0; }
void FbExportTreeModel::Create() { FbExportParentData * root = new FbExportParentData(*this, NULL, wxT('.')); SetRoot(root); wxString sql = wxT("\ SELECT DISTINCT \, file_size, title, file_type, file_name, lang, md5sum, letter, \ full_name, first_name, middle_name, last_name, sequences.value AS sequence, bookseq.number\ FROM books \ LEFT JOIN authors ON \ LEFT JOIN bookseq ON \ LEFT JOIN sequences ON \ WHERE IN (%s) %s \ ORDER BY full_name, sequence\ "); wxString filter; if ( m_author) filter = wxString::Format(wxT("AND (books.id_author=%d)"), m_author); sql = wxString::Format(sql, m_books.c_str(), filter.c_str()); FbExportTreeContext context(this); FbSortedArrayInt items(FbArrayEvent::CompareInt); FbCommonDatabase database; FbSQLite3ResultSet result = database.ExecuteQuery(sql); while (result.NextRow()) { int book = result.GetInt(0); int size = result.GetInt(1); if (items.Index(book) != wxNOT_FOUND) continue; items.Add(book); wxFileName filename = context.GetFilename(result); wxArrayString dirs = filename.GetDirs(); FbExportParentData * parent = root->GetDir(*this, dirs); if (parent) parent->Append(*this, book, filename, size); } root->Sort(*this); }
void pawsTreeStruct::InsertChild(const csString &parent, pawsTreeNode* node, const csString &nextSibling) { pawsTreeNode* parentNode, * nextSiblingNode; parentNode = FindNodeByName(parent); // Allows a root to be added automatically. if(!parentNode) { if(!root) { SetRoot(node); node->SetTree(this); return; } else { parentNode = root; } } nextSiblingNode = FindNodeByName(nextSibling); parentNode->InsertChild(node, nextSiblingNode); }
/// Tries to open an existing file; if not, creates a new one. /// Clears contents if unexpected root node name. /// Reports problems in a message box. /// @param parent Window to parent message boxes. /// @param filename Name only of file - will be created in standard user config directory. SavedState::SavedState(wxWindow * parent, const wxString & filename) { mFilename = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserConfigDir() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + filename; bool ok = false; if (!wxFile::Exists(mFilename)) { wxMessageDialog dlg(parent, wxT("No saved preferences file found. Default values will be used."), wxT("No saved preferences")); dlg.ShowModal(); } else if (!Load(mFilename)) { //already produces a warning message box } else if (wxT("Ingexgui") != GetRoot()->GetName()) { wxMessageDialog dlg(parent, wxT("Saved preferences file \"") + mFilename + wxT("\": has unrecognised data: re-creating with default values."), wxT("Unrecognised saved preferences"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); dlg.ShowModal(); } else { ok = true; } if (!ok) { SetRoot(new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, wxT("Ingexgui"))); Save(); } }
bool pawsTreeStruct::Load(iDocumentNode* node) { csRef<iDocumentNode> xmlRoot; csString factory; pawsWidget* rootAsWidget; pawsTreeNode* newRoot; version++; xmlRoot = node->GetNode("widget"); if(xmlRoot == NULL) { Error1("<widget> tag not found"); return true; } factory = xmlRoot->GetAttributeValue("factory"); rootAsWidget = PawsManager::GetSingleton().CreateWidget(factory); if(rootAsWidget == NULL) { Error2("Could not create root from factory: %s", factory.GetData()); return false; } newRoot = dynamic_cast<pawsTreeNode*>(rootAsWidget); if(newRoot == NULL) { Error2("Root(%s) is not pawsTreeNode",rootAsWidget->GetType()); delete rootAsWidget; return false; } SetRoot(newRoot); root->SetTree(this); return root->Load(xmlRoot); }
// Author: PCMan (HZY) 2004/07/22 07:51 AM // I finally came up with a really smart way to maintain ini file. // Every time I add a variable to CAppConfig, all I need to do is // adding the variable in my "Config Table," and all the data will // be load and save automatically. This is not the most efficient way. // In my first version I use some more efficient method, but at last I change // my code to what it is now. Because I think in a program not time-critical, // easy-maintaining is much more important. bool CAppConfig::DoDataExchange(bool bLoad) { BEGIN_CONFIG_SECT(Window) CFG_INT( MainWndX ) CFG_INT( MainWndY ) CFG_INT( MainWndW ) CFG_INT( MainWndH ) /* CFG_INT( EditorX ) CFG_INT( EditorY ) CFG_INT( EditorW ) CFG_INT( EditorH ) */ END_CONFIG_SECT() BEGIN_CONFIG_SECT(General) // CFG_STR ( Shadow ) CFG_BOOL( QueryOnExit) CFG_BOOL( QueryOnCloseCon) CFG_BOOL( CancelSelAfterCopy) CFG_BOOL( CopyTrimTail) CFG_BOOL( BeepOnBell ) #ifdef USE_MOUSE CFG_BOOL( MouseSupport ) #endif #ifdef USE_DOCKLET CFG_BOOL( ShowTrayIcon ) #endif CFG_BOOL( ShowStatusBar ) #ifdef USE_WGET CFG_BOOL( UseWgetFiles ) #endif CFG_STR ( WebBrowser ) CFG_STR ( MailClient ) CFG_BOOL( PopupNotifier ) CFG_INT ( PopupTimeout ) CFG_BOOL ( MidClickAsClose ) END_CONFIG_SECT() BEGIN_CONFIG_SECT(Display) CFG_STR ( FontFamily ) CFG_INT ( FontSize ) CFG_STR ( FontFamilyEn ) CFG_INT ( FontSizeEn ) CFG_BOOL( AntiAliasFont ) CFG_BOOL( CompactLayout ) _CFG_BOOL ( "HorizontalCenterAlign", m_DefaultSite.m_bHorizontalCenterAlign ) _CFG_BOOL ( "VerticalCenterAlign", m_DefaultSite.m_bVerticalCenterAlign ) CFG_INT ( CharPaddingX) CFG_INT ( CharPaddingY) END_CONFIG_SECT() BEGIN_CONFIG_SECT(Color) _CFG_CLR( "Black", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[0] ) _CFG_CLR( "DarkRed", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[1] ) _CFG_CLR( "DarkGreen", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[2] ) _CFG_CLR( "Brown", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[3] ) _CFG_CLR( "DarkBlue", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[4] ) _CFG_CLR( "DarkMagenta", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[5] ) _CFG_CLR( "DarkCyan", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[6] ) _CFG_CLR( "LightGray", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[7] ) _CFG_CLR( "Gray", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[8] ) _CFG_CLR( "Red", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[9] ) _CFG_CLR( "Green", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[10] ) _CFG_CLR( "Yellow", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[11] ) _CFG_CLR( "Blue", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[12] ) _CFG_CLR( "Magenta", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[13] ) _CFG_CLR( "Cyan", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[14] ) _CFG_CLR( "White", CTermCharAttr::m_DefaultColorTable[15] ) CFG_CLR( HyperLinkColor ) END_CONFIG_SECT() BEGIN_CONFIG_SECT(Site) _CFG_INT ( "AutoReconnect", m_DefaultSite.m_AutoReconnect ) _CFG_INT ( "AntiIdle", m_DefaultSite.m_AntiIdle ) _CFG_STR ( "AntiIdleStr", m_DefaultSite.m_AntiIdleStr ) _CFG_INT ( "Cols", m_DefaultSite.m_ColsPerPage ) _CFG_INT ( "Rows", m_DefaultSite.m_RowsPerPage ) _CFG_STR ( "TermType", m_DefaultSite.m_TermType ) _CFG_STR ( "Encoding", m_DefaultSite.m_Encoding ) _CFG_INT ( "CRLF", m_DefaultSite.m_CRLF ) _CFG_STR ( "ESCConv", m_DefaultSite.m_ESCConv ) _CFG_INT ( "DetectDBChar", m_DefaultSite.m_DetectDBChar ) #ifdef USE_EXTERNAL _CFG_BOOL ( "UseExternalSSH", m_DefaultSite.m_UseExternalSSH ) _CFG_BOOL ( "UseExternalTelnet", m_DefaultSite.m_UseExternalTelnet ) #endif CFG_INT ( SocketTimeout ) #ifdef USE_PROXY _CFG_INT ( "ProxyType", m_DefaultSite.m_ProxyType ) _CFG_STR ( "ProxyAddr", m_DefaultSite.m_ProxyAddr ) _CFG_STR ( "ProxyPort", m_DefaultSite.m_ProxyPort ) _CFG_STR ( "ProxyUser", m_DefaultSite.m_ProxyUser ) _CFG_STR ( "ProxyPass", m_DefaultSite.m_ProxyPass ) #endif END_CONFIG_SECT() BEGIN_CONFIG_FILE( ConfigFile ) CFG_SECT( Window ) CFG_SECT( General ) CFG_SECT( Display ) CFG_SECT( Color ) CFG_SECT( Site ) END_CONFIG_FILE() SetRoot(ConfigFile); bool ret = CConfigFile::DoDataExchange(bLoad); if( bLoad ) AfterLoad(); return ret; }
Document::Document(Element * rootElement) : Document() { if ( SetRoot(rootElement) == nullptr ) throw InternalError("Failed to set document root element"); }
bool wxXmlDocument::Load(wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& encoding, int flags) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE (void)encoding; #else m_encoding = encoding; #endif const size_t BUFSIZE = 1024; char buf[BUFSIZE]; wxXmlParsingContext ctx; bool done; XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); ctx.root = ctx.node = NULL; ctx.encoding = wxT("UTF-8"); // default in absence of encoding="" ctx.conv = NULL; #if !wxUSE_UNICODE if ( encoding.CmpNoCase(wxT("UTF-8")) != 0 ) ctx.conv = new wxCSConv(encoding); #endif ctx.removeWhiteOnlyNodes = (flags & wxXMLDOC_KEEP_WHITESPACE_NODES) == 0; XML_SetUserData(parser, (void*)&ctx); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, StartElementHnd, EndElementHnd); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, TextHnd); XML_SetStartCdataSectionHandler(parser, StartCdataHnd); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, CommentHnd); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, DefaultHnd); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, UnknownEncodingHnd, NULL); bool ok = true; do { size_t len = stream.Read(buf, BUFSIZE).LastRead(); done = (len < BUFSIZE); if (!XML_Parse(parser, buf, len, done)) { wxString error(XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)), *wxConvCurrent); wxLogError(_("XML parsing error: '%s' at line %d"), error.c_str(), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser)); ok = false; break; } } while (!done); if (ok) { if (!ctx.version.empty()) SetVersion(ctx.version); if (!ctx.encoding.empty()) SetFileEncoding(ctx.encoding); SetRoot(ctx.root); } else { delete ctx.root; } XML_ParserFree(parser); #if !wxUSE_UNICODE if ( ctx.conv ) delete ctx.conv; #endif return ok; }
DirectFilenameDB::DirectFilenameDB( RString root_ ) { ExpireSeconds = 30; SetRoot( root_ ); }
MainView::MainView(const Rect& cRect) : LayoutView(cRect, "MainView") // Here is where we construct the window e.g views, buttons, textviews, etc... { //create the vertical root layout node LayoutNode* pcRootNode = new VLayoutNode("Root"); //create textview //top spacer pcRootNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("Spacer1", 19, 19)); //create output box Rect y; y.Resize(0,0,0,0); textOutputView = new TextView (y, "OutputView", "", CF_FOLLOW_ALL ); textOutputView ->SetMultiLine(true); textOutputView ->SetReadOnly(true); pcRootNode->AddChild(textOutputView); //spacer between input and output pcRootNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("Spacer2", 5, 5)); //create horizontal layer LayoutNode* pcButtonNode = new HLayoutNode("Buttons", 0); pcButtonNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("Spacer3", 5, 5)); //create input box Rect x; x.Resize( 0,0,0,0); // TextView* textInputView = new TextView (x, "InputView", "Input", CF_FOLLOW_ALL ); textInputView = new TextView (x, "InputView", "Input", CF_FOLLOW_ALL ); pcButtonNode->AddChild(textInputView); //bottom spacer pcButtonNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("Spacer4", 5, 5)); m_pcStart = new Button(Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), "Send", "Send", new Message(MSG_SEND)); m_pcStart->GetFont()->SetSize(10); pcButtonNode->AddChild(m_pcStart); pcButtonNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("Spacer5", 5, 5)); m_pcStart->GetPreferredSize (false).y; //add the row of buttons to the vertical layout node pcRootNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("Spacer6", 10, 10)); pcRootNode->AddChild(pcButtonNode); pcRootNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("Spacer7", 10, 10)); //add it all to this layout view SetRoot(pcRootNode); // Menu *mainMenuBar, *tempMenu; mainMenuBar = new Menu( Rect(0,0,0,0), "mainMenuBar", ITEMS_IN_ROW ); mainMenuBar ->SetFrame ( Rect (0, 0, GetBounds().Width() + 1, 18) ); // App menu tempMenu = new Menu( Rect(0,0,0,0), "Application", ITEMS_IN_COLUMN ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Settings", new Message(MSG_SETTINGS)); tempMenu->AddItem("About", new Message(M_MENU_ABO)); tempMenu->AddItem("Quit", new Message(M_MENU_QUIT)); mainMenuBar->AddItem( tempMenu ); // File menu tempMenu = new Menu( Rect(0,0,0,0), "Server", ITEMS_IN_COLUMN ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Connect", new Message(M_MENU_CONNECT) ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Login", new Message(M_MENU_LOGIN) ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Disconnect", new Message(M_MENU_DISCONNECT) ); mainMenuBar->AddItem( tempMenu ); // Help menu tempMenu = new Menu( Rect(0,0,0,0), "Channel", ITEMS_IN_COLUMN ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Join Channel", new Message(MSG_JOINCHANNEL) ); tempMenu->AddItem( "Send Message", new Message(MSG_SEND) ); mainMenuBar->AddItem( tempMenu ); AddChild( mainMenuBar ); // mainMenuBar->SetTargetForItems( this ); m_CommThread = new CommThread( this ); m_CommThread->Run(); AddMailbox("MainView"); }
void JObjectTree::SetRootPath( const char* path ) { JObject* pRoot = g_pObjectServer->FindObject( path, NULL ); if (pRoot) SetRoot( pRoot ); } // JObjectTree::SetRootPath
bool MultiShearCatalog::getPixels(const Bounds& bounds) { // The pixlist object takes up a lot of memory, so at the start // of this function, I clear it out, along with psflist, etc. // Then we loop over sections of the coaddCat and only load the information // for each single-epoch observation that actually falls within the // bounds for the section we are working on. const int nPix = _pix_list.size(); dbg<<"Start getPixels: memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl; for (int i=0;i<nPix;++i) { _pix_list[i].clear(); _psf_list[i].clear(); } dbg<<"After clear: memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl; bool des_qa ="des_qa",false); try { dbg<<"Start GetPixels for b = "<<bounds<<std::endl; memory_usage(dbgout); // Loop over the files and read pixel lists for each object. // The Transformation and FittedPSF constructors get the name // information from the parameter file, so we use that to set the // names of each component image here. const int nfiles = _image_file_list.size(); for (int ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ++ifile) { #ifdef ONLY_N_IMAGES if (ifile >= ONLY_N_IMAGES) break; #endif dbg<<"ifile = "<<ifile<<std::endl; // Get the file names Assert(ifile < int(_image_file_list.size())); Assert(ifile < int(_fitpsf_file_list.size())); std::string image_file = _image_file_list[ifile]; std::string fitpsf_file = _fitpsf_file_list[ifile]; dbg<<"Reading image file: "<<image_file<<"\n"; // Set the appropriate parameters _params["image_file"] = image_file; SetRoot(_params,image_file); _params["fitpsf_file"] = fitpsf_file; if (_shear_file_list.size() > 0) { Assert(ifile < int(_shear_file_list.size())); std::string shear_file = _shear_file_list[ifile]; _params["shear_file"] = shear_file; } if (_skymap_file_list.size() > 0) { Assert(ifile < int(_skymap_file_list.size())); std::string skymap_file = _skymap_file_list[ifile]; _params["skymap_file"] = skymap_file; } // Load the pixels dbg<<"Before load pixels for file "<<ifile<< ": memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl; if (!getImagePixelLists(ifile,bounds)) { for (int i=0;i<nPix;++i) { _pix_list[i].clear(); _psf_list[i].clear(); } PixelList::reclaimMemory(); return false; } dbg<<"After load pixels for file "<<ifile<< ": memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl; } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { dbg<<"Caught bad_alloc\n"; double mem = memory_usage(dbgout); double peak_mem = peak_memory_usage(); dbg<<"memory usage = "<<mem<<" MB\n"; dbg<<"peak memory usage = "<<peak_mem<<" MB\n"; if (des_qa) std::cerr<<"STATUS5BEG "; std::cerr << "Memory exhausted in MultShearCatalog.\n" << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = " << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n" << "Actual Virtual Memory Usage = " << mem<<" MB \n" << "Try reducing multishear_section_size or " << "reducing mam_vmem\n" << "(Current values = " << _params["multishear_section_size"] << " , "<<_params["max_vmem"]<<")"; if (des_qa) std::cerr<<" STATUS5END"; std::cerr<<std::endl; dbg << "Memory exhausted in MultShearCatalog.\n" << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = " << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n" << "Actual Virtual Memory Usage = " << mem<<" MB \n" << "Try reducing multishear_section_size or " << "reducing mam_vmem\n" << "(Current values = " << _params["multishear_section_size"] << " , "<<_params["max_vmem"]<<")" << std::endl; exit(1); } dbg <<"Done getPixels\n"; dbg << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = " << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n"; double mem = memory_usage(dbgout); double peak_mem = peak_memory_usage(); double max_mem = double(_params["max_vmem"])*1024.; _params["peak_mem"] = peak_mem; // Keep track... dbg<<"Actual memory usage = "<<mem<<" MB\n"; dbg<<"Peak memory usage = "<<peak_mem<<" MB\n"; dbg<<"Max allowed memory usage = "<<max_mem<<" MB\n"; return true; }