/* ============================================================================
// fDetectHiLoTransition()
// Waits for transition from SDATA = 1 to SDATA = 0.  Has a 100 msec timeout.
// TRANSITION_TIMEOUT is a loop counter for a 100msec timeout when waiting for
// a high-to-low transition. This is used in the polling loop of
// fDetectHiLoTransition(). The timing of the while(1) loops can be calculated
// and the number of loops is counted, using iTimer, to determine when 100
// msec has passed.
// SCLK cannot run faster than the specified maximum frequency of 8MHz. Some
// processors may need to have delays added after setting SCLK low and setting
// SCLK high in order to not exceed this specification. The maximum frequency
// of SCLK should be measured as part of validation of the final program
// Returns:
//     0 if successful
//    -1 if timed out.
signed char fDetectHiLoTransition(void)
	/* nTimer breaks out of the while loops if the wait in the two loops totals
	// more than 100 msec.  Making this static makes the loop run a faster.
	// This is really a processor/compiler dependency and it not needed.
	static unsigned int iTimer;

	/* NOTE:
	// These loops look unconventional, but it is necessary to check SDATA_PIN
	// as shown because the transition can be missed otherwise, due to the
	// length of the SDATA Low-High-Low after certain commands.
	/* Generate clocks for the target to pull SDATA High */
	iTimer = 40000;	/*TRANSITION_TIMEOUT; */

	while (1) {
		int ret;
		ret = fSDATACheck();
		if (ret)	/* exit once SDATA goes HI */
		/* If the wait is too long then timeout */
		if (iTimer-- == 0)
			return ERROR;
	/* Generate Clocks and wait for Target to pull SDATA Low again */

#if 0 /* wly */
	iTimer = 40000;/* TRANSITION_TIMEOUT; */
	while (1) {
		int ret;
		ret = fSDATACheck();
		/* pr_info("wly while 2, ret=%d\n", ret); */
		if (!ret) {   /* exit once SDATA returns LOW */
		/* SCLKHigh();
		// If the wait is too long then timeout
		if (iTimer-- == 0) {
#ifdef USE_TP
			SetTPHigh();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */
			return ERROR;

	if (!fSDATACheck()) /* exit once SDATA returns LOW */
#ifdef USE_TP
	SetTPHigh();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */

	return PASS;
/* ============================================================================
// XCH: fVerifySecurity()
// This step is optional. Verifies that the security bits have been written correctly
============================================================================ */
signed char fVerifySecurity(void)
	/* unsigned char bBlockNumber = 0;//wly */

	bTargetAddress = 0x00;
#ifdef USE_TP
	SetTPHigh();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */
#ifdef USE_TP
	SetTPLow();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */

	SendVector(verify_security, num_bits_verify_security);
	fIsError = fDetectHiLoTransition();
	if (fIsError)
		return INIT_ERROR;

#ifdef USE_TP
	SetTPHigh();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */

#ifdef USE_TP
	SetTPLow();	/* Only used of Test Points are enabled */

	SendVector(wait_and_poll_end, num_bits_wait_and_poll_end);

	bTargetAddress = 0x00;
	bTargetDataPtr = 0x00;

	SendVector(tsync_enable, num_bits_tsync_enable);

	SendVector(read_write_setup, num_bits_read_write_setup);

	/* fReadWriteSetup(); */

	/* we do SECURITY_BYTES_PER_BANK * 2 because we bTargetAddress += 2 */
	while (bTargetAddress < (SECURITY_BYTES_PER_BANK * 2)) {
		/* Send Read Byte vector and then get a byte from Target */
		SendVector(read_byte_v, 4);
		/* Set the drive here because SendByte() does not */

		SendByte(bTargetAddress, 7);

		SetSDATAHiZ();     /* Set to HiZ so Target can drive SDATA */
		RunClock(2);       /* Run two SCLK cycles between writing and reading */
		bTargetDataIN = bReceiveByte();

		SendVector(read_byte_v + 1, 1);     /* Send the ReadByte Vector End */

		/* Test the Byte that was read from the Target against the original
		// value (already in the 128-Byte array "abTargetDataOUT[]"). If it
		// matches, then bump the address & pointer,loop-back and continue.
		// If it does NOT match abort the loop and return and error.

		if (bTargetDataIN != abTargetDataOUT[bTargetDataPtr])
			return BLOCK_ERROR;

		/* Increment the address by two to accomodate 7-Bit addressing
		   (puts the 7-bit address into MSBit locations for "SendByte()").

		bTargetAddress += 2;

	SendVector(tsync_disable, num_bits_tsync_disable);

	return PASS;
예제 #3
signed char download_firmware_main(char *filename)
    struct file     *filp;
    struct inode    *inode = NULL;
    int	length = 0, remaining = 0, count = 0;
    mm_segment_t    oldfs;

    char *fw_buf = NULL, *buffer;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    filp = filp_open(filename, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        pr_info("%s: file %s filp_open error, is_err = %x\n", __func__, filename, (int)IS_ERR(filp));
        return -EIO;

    if (!filp->f_op) {
        pr_info("%s: File Operation Method Error\n", __func__);
        return -EIO;

    inode = filp->f_path.dentry->d_inode;

    if (!inode) {
        pr_info("%s: Get inode from filp failed\n", __func__);
        filp_close(filp, NULL);
        return -EIO;

    pr_info("%s file offset opsition: %xh\n", __func__, (unsigned)filp->f_pos);

    length = i_size_read(inode->i_mapping->host);
    if (length == 0) {
        pr_info("%s: Try to get file size error\n", __func__);
        goto Transfer_DONE;

    pr_info("%s: length=%d\n", __func__, length);
    fw_buf = (char *)kmalloc((length + 1), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (fw_buf == NULL) {
        pr_info("%s: kernel memory alloc error\n", __func__);
        filp_close(filp, NULL);
        return -EIO;
    if (filp->f_op->read(filp, fw_buf, length, &filp->f_pos) != length) {
        pr_info("%s: file read error\n", __func__);
        goto Transfer_DONE;
    /* >>>> ISSP Programming Starts Here <<<< */

    fIsError = fXRESInitializeTargetForISSP();
    if (fIsError) {
        pr_info("power on failed!\n");
    pr_info("power on success!\n");
    /* Initialize the Host & Target for ISSP operations */
    fIsError = fPowerCycleInitializeTargetForISSP();
    if (fIsError) {
        pr_info("power on failed!\n");
    pr_info("power on success!\n");
    /* Run the SiliconID Verification, and proceed according to result. */

    fIsError = fVerifySiliconID();
    if (fIsError) {
        pr_info("SiliconID Verification failed!\n");
        return -EIO;
    pr_info("SiliconID Verification success!\n");

    xch: the function call below will erase one block (128bytes) of flash
    in the target device.  The block number to be erased is passed in
    as a parameter
    fEraseBlock(5);  // arbitrarily used the 5th block for debugging purposes

    fIsError = fEraseTarget();
    if (fIsError)
    pr_info("erase one block success!\n");

    /* ==============================================================//
       Program Flash blocks with predetermined data. In the final application
       this data should come from the HEX output of PSoC Designer.
    remaining = length;
    buffer = fw_buf;
    iChecksumData = 0;     /* Calculte the device checksum as you go */
    for (bBankCounter = 0; bBankCounter < NUM_BANKS; bBankCounter++) {
        for (iBlockCounter = 0; iBlockCounter < BLOCKS_PER_BANK; iBlockCounter++) {
            /* count = (remaining > TARGET_DATABUFF_LEN)? TARGET_DATABUFF_LEN : remaining; */
            LoadProgramData(bBankCounter, (unsigned char)iBlockCounter, buffer, count);
               This loads the host with test data, not the DUT
               remaining = remaining - count;
               buffer = &fw_buf[count * (iBlockCounter+1)];
            iChecksumData += iLoadTarget();	/* This loads the DUT */

#ifdef USE_TP
            SetTPHigh();    /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */
            fIsError = fProgramTargetBlock(bBankCounter, (unsigned char)iBlockCounter);
            if (fIsError)
#ifdef USE_TP
            SetTPLow(); /* Only used of Test Points are enabled */
            fIsError = fReadStatus();
            if (fIsError) /* READ-STATUS after PROGRAM-AND-VERIFY */

    pr_info("Program Flash blocks with predetermined data success.\n");

      Doing Verify
      Verify included for completeness in case host desires to do a
      stand-alone verify at a later date.
    remaining = length;
    buffer = fw_buf;
    for (bBankCounter = 0; bBankCounter < NUM_BANKS; bBankCounter++) {
        for (iBlockCounter = 0; iBlockCounter < BLOCKS_PER_BANK; iBlockCounter++) {
            /* LoadProgramData(bBankCounter, (unsigned char) iBlockCounter,buffer,count);
               count = (remaining > TARGET_DATABUFF_LEN)? TARGET_DATABUFF_LEN : remaining;
            LoadProgramData(bBankCounter, (unsigned char)iBlockCounter, buffer, count);
            /* This loads the host with test data, not the DUT
               remaining = remaining - count;
               buffer = &fw_buf[count * (iBlockCounter+1)];
            fIsError = fVerifySetup(bBankCounter, (unsigned char)iBlockCounter);
            if (fIsError) {
                pr_info("fVerifySetup err = %d\n", fIsError);
            fIsError = fReadStatus();

            if (fIsError) {
                pr_info("fReadStatus err = %d\n", fIsError);
            fIsError = fReadByteLoop();
            if (fIsError) {
                pr_info("fReadByteLoop err = %d\n", fIsError);

    pr_info("Doing Verify success.\n");

    xch: the function call below will erase one block (128bytes) of flash
    in the target device.  The block number to be erased is passed in
    as a parameter
    fEraseBlock(5);  // arbitrarily used the 5th block for debugging purposes

    /* =======================================================
     Program security data into target PSoC. In the final application
    this data should come from the HEX output of PSoC Designer
    for (bBankCounter = 0; bBankCounter < NUM_BANKS; bBankCounter++) {
        /* Load one bank of security data from hex file into buffer */
        fIsError = fLoadSecurityData(bBankCounter, buffer);
        if (fIsError)

        /* Secure one bank of the target flash */
        fIsError = fSecureTargetFlash();
        if (fIsError)
    pr_info("set securitydata success\n");
    /* ==============================================================
       Load one bank of security data from hex file into buffer
       loads abTargetDataOUT[] with security data that was used in secure
       bit stream
    fIsError = fLoadSecurityData(bBankCounter, buffer);
    if (fIsError)

    fIsError = fVerifySecurity();
    if (fIsError)

    /* =======================================================
       Doing Checksum after VERIFY-SECURITY
    iChecksumTarget = 0;
    for (bBankCounter = 0; bBankCounter < NUM_BANKS; bBankCounter++) {
        fIsError = fAccTargetBankChecksum(&iChecksumTarget);
        if (fIsError)

    pr_info("%s: checksum = %x\n", __func__, iChecksumTarget);
    if (iChecksumTarget != (iChecksumData & 0xFFFF))

    pr_info("checksum success!\n");
    pr_info("download firmware success!\n");
    /* *** SUCCESS ***
       At this point, the Target has been successfully Initialize,
       ID-Checked, Bulk-Erased, Block-Loaded, Block-Programmed,
       Block-Verified, and Device-
       Checksum Verified.

    return 0;

    filp_close(filp, NULL);

    return -EIO;