void Entity::FollowRoute()
	AppDebugAssert(m_routeId != -1);
	Route *route = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->GetRoute(m_routeId);
    if( g_app->Multiplayer() ) route = g_app->m_location->m_routingSystem.GetRoute( m_routeId );

        m_routeId = -1;

	if (m_routeWayPointId == -1)
		m_routeWayPointId = 0;

    WayPoint *waypoint = route->m_wayPoints.GetData(m_routeWayPointId);
    if( !waypoint )
        m_routeId = -1;

    SetWaypoint ( waypoint->GetPos() );
	Vector3 targetVect = waypoint->GetPos() - m_pos;

	m_spawnPoint = waypoint->GetPos();

    if (waypoint->m_type != WayPoint::TypeBuilding &&
        targetVect.Mag() < m_routeTriggerDistance )

		if (m_routeWayPointId >= route->m_wayPoints.Size())
			m_routeWayPointId = -1;
			m_routeId = -1;

    // If its a building instead of a 3D pos, this unit will never
    // get to the next waypoint.  A new unit is created when the unit
    // enters the teleport, and taht new unit will automatically
    // continue towards the next waypoint instead.
예제 #2
파일: nuke.cpp 프로젝트: cahocachi/DEFCON
bool Nuke::Update()
    // Are we disarmed?

    if( m_currentState == 1 && m_stateTimer <= 0 )
        if( m_teamId == g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId )
            char message[64];
            sprintf( message, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_disarmed") );
            g_app->GetWorld()->AddWorldMessage( m_longitude, m_latitude, m_teamId, message, WorldMessage::TypeObjectState );
        return true;

    // Is our waypoint changing?

    Fixed timePerUpdate = SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD * g_app->GetWorld()->GetTimeScaleFactor();
    if( m_newLongitude != 0 || m_newLatitude != 0 )
        Fixed factor1 = m_turnRate * timePerUpdate * 2;
        Fixed factor2 = 1 - factor1;
        m_targetLongitude = ( m_newLongitude * factor1 ) + ( m_targetLongitude * factor2 );
        m_targetLatitude = ( m_newLatitude * factor1 ) + ( m_targetLatitude * factor2 );

        if( ( m_targetLongitude - m_newLongitude ).abs() < 1 &&
			( m_targetLatitude - m_newLatitude ).abs() < 1 )
            SetWaypoint( m_newLongitude, m_newLatitude );
            m_newLongitude = 0;
            m_newLatitude = 0;

    // Move towards target

    Vector3<Fixed> target( m_targetLongitude, m_targetLatitude, 0 );
    Vector3<Fixed> pos( m_longitude, m_latitude, 0 );
    Fixed remainingDistance = (target - pos).Mag();
    Fixed fractionDistance = 1 - remainingDistance / m_totalDistance;

    Vector3<Fixed> front = (target - pos).Normalise();  
    Fixed fractionNorth = 5 * m_latitude.abs() / ( 200 / 2 );
    fractionNorth = max( fractionNorth, 3 );
    front.RotateAroundZ( Fixed::PI / (fractionNorth * m_curveDirection) );
    front.RotateAroundZ( fractionDistance * (-m_curveDirection * Fixed::PI/fractionNorth) );

    if( pos.y > 85 )
        // We are dangerously far north
        // Make sure we dont go off the top of the world
        Fixed extremeFractionNorth = (pos.y - 85) / 15;
        Clamp( extremeFractionNorth, Fixed(0), Fixed(1) );
        front.y *= ( 1 - extremeFractionNorth );

    m_vel = Vector3<Fixed>(front * (m_speed/2 + m_speed/2 * fractionDistance * fractionDistance));
    Fixed newLongitude = m_longitude + m_vel.x * timePerUpdate;
    Fixed newLatitude = m_latitude + m_vel.y * timePerUpdate;
    Fixed newDistance = g_app->GetWorld()->GetDistance( newLongitude, newLatitude, m_targetLongitude, m_targetLatitude);

    if( newLongitude <= -180 ||
        newLongitude >= 180 )
        m_longitude = newLongitude;

        newLongitude = m_longitude;
        newDistance = g_app->GetWorld()->GetDistance( newLongitude, newLatitude, m_targetLongitude, m_targetLatitude );

    if( newDistance < 2 &&
        newDistance >= remainingDistance )
        m_targetLongitude = 0;
        m_targetLatitude = 0;
        g_app->GetWorld()->CreateExplosion( m_teamId, m_longitude, m_latitude, 100 );
        g_soundSystem->TriggerEvent( SoundObjectId(m_objectId), "Detonate" );
        return true;
        m_range -= Vector3<Fixed>( m_vel.x * Fixed(timePerUpdate), m_vel.y * Fixed(timePerUpdate), 0 ).Mag();
        if( m_range <= 0 )
            m_life = 0;
			m_lastHitByTeamId = -1;
            g_app->GetWorld()->AddOutOfFueldMessage( m_objectId );
        m_longitude = newLongitude;
        m_latitude = newLatitude;

    return MovingObject::Update();