예제 #1
void idPlayerView::SingleView( idUserInterface *hud, const renderView_t *view ) {

	// normal rendering
	if ( !view ) {

	// place the sound origin for the player
	gameSoundWorld->PlaceListener( view->vieworg, view->viewaxis, player->entityNumber + 1, gameLocal.time, hud ? hud->State().GetString( "location" ) : "Undefined" );

	// if the objective system is up, don't do normal drawing
	if ( player->objectiveSystemOpen ) {
		player->objectiveSystem->Redraw( gameLocal.time );

	// hack the shake in at the very last moment, so it can't cause any consistency problems
	renderView_t	hackedView = *view;
	hackedView.viewaxis = hackedView.viewaxis * ShakeAxis();

	gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &hackedView );

	if ( player->spectating ) {

	// draw screen blobs
	if ( !pm_thirdPerson.GetBool() && !g_skipViewEffects.GetBool() ) {
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_SCREEN_BLOBS ; i++ ) {
			screenBlob_t	*blob = &screenBlobs[i];
			if ( blob->finishTime <= gameLocal.time ) {
			blob->y += blob->driftAmount;

			float	fade = (float)( blob->finishTime - gameLocal.time ) / ( blob->finishTime - blob->startFadeTime );
			if ( fade > 1.0f ) {
				fade = 1.0f;
			if ( fade ) {
				renderSystem->SetColor4( 1,1,1,fade );
				renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( blob->x, blob->y, blob->w, blob->h,blob->s1, blob->t1, blob->s2, blob->t2, blob->material );
		player->DrawHUD( hud );

		// armor impulse feedback
		float	armorPulse = ( gameLocal.time - player->lastArmorPulse ) / 250.0f;

		if ( armorPulse > 0.0f && armorPulse < 1.0f ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1.0 - armorPulse );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1, 1, armorMaterial );

		// tunnel vision
		float	health = 0.0f;
		if ( g_testHealthVision.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) {
			health = g_testHealthVision.GetFloat();
		} else {
			health = player->health;
		float alpha = health / 100.0f;
		if ( alpha < 0.0f ) {
			alpha = 0.0f;
		if ( alpha > 1.0f ) {
			alpha = 1.0f;

		if ( alpha < 1.0f  ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) : lastDamageTime, 1.0f, 1.0f, ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : alpha );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, tunnelMaterial );

		if ( player->PowerUpActive(BERSERK) ) {
			int berserkTime = player->inventory.powerupEndTime[ BERSERK ] - gameLocal.time;
			if ( berserkTime > 0 ) {
				// start fading if within 10 seconds of going away
				alpha = (berserkTime < 10000) ? (float)berserkTime / 10000 : 1.0f;
				renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha );
				renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, berserkMaterial );

		if ( bfgVision ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, bfgMaterial );

	// test a single material drawn over everything
	if ( g_testPostProcess.GetString()[0] ) {
		const idMaterial *mtr = declManager->FindMaterial( g_testPostProcess.GetString(), false );
		if ( !mtr ) {
			common->Printf( "Material not found.\n" );
			g_testPostProcess.SetString( "" );
		} else {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, mtr );
예제 #2
void idPlayerView::SingleView( idUserInterface *hud, const renderView_t *view ) {

	// normal rendering
	if ( !view ) {

	// place the sound origin for the player
	gameSoundWorld->PlaceListener( view->vieworg, view->viewaxis, player->entityNumber + 1, gameLocal.slow.time, hud ? hud->State().GetString( "location" ) : "Undefined" );

	// if the objective system is up, don't do normal drawing
	if ( player->objectiveSystemOpen ) {
		player->objectiveSystem->Redraw( gameLocal.fast.time );

	// hack the shake in at the very last moment, so it can't cause any consistency problems
	renderView_t	hackedView = *view;
	hackedView.viewaxis = hackedView.viewaxis * ShakeAxis();

#ifdef _D3XP
	if ( gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity() && gameLocal.IsPortalSkyAcive() && g_enablePortalSky.GetBool() ) {
		renderView_t	portalView = hackedView;
		portalView.vieworg = gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();

		// setup global fixup projection vars
		if ( 1 ) {
			int vidWidth, vidHeight;
			idVec2 shiftScale;

			renderSystem->GetGLSettings( vidWidth, vidHeight );

			float pot;
			int	 w = vidWidth;
			pot = MakePowerOfTwo( w );
			shiftScale.x = (float)w / pot;

			int	 h = vidHeight;
			pot = MakePowerOfTwo( h );
			shiftScale.y = (float)h / pot;

			hackedView.shaderParms[4] = shiftScale.x;
			hackedView.shaderParms[5] = shiftScale.y;

		gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &portalView );
		renderSystem->CaptureRenderToImage( "_currentRender" );

		hackedView.forceUpdate = true;				// FIX: for smoke particles not drawing when portalSky present

	// process the frame
	fxManager->Process( &hackedView );

	if ( player->spectating ) {

#ifdef _D3XP
	if ( !hud ) {

	// draw screen blobs
	if ( !pm_thirdPerson.GetBool() && !g_skipViewEffects.GetBool() ) {
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_SCREEN_BLOBS ; i++ ) {
			screenBlob_t	*blob = &screenBlobs[i];
			if ( blob->finishTime <= gameLocal.slow.time ) {

			blob->y += blob->driftAmount;

			float	fade = (float)( blob->finishTime - gameLocal.slow.time ) / ( blob->finishTime - blob->startFadeTime );
			if ( fade > 1.0f ) {
				fade = 1.0f;
			if ( fade ) {
				renderSystem->SetColor4( 1,1,1,fade );
				renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( blob->x, blob->y, blob->w, blob->h,blob->s1, blob->t1, blob->s2, blob->t2, blob->material );
		player->DrawHUD( hud );

		// armor impulse feedback
		float	armorPulse = ( gameLocal.fast.time - player->lastArmorPulse ) / 250.0f;

		if ( armorPulse > 0.0f && armorPulse < 1.0f ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1, 1, 1, 1.0 - armorPulse );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1, 1, armorMaterial );

		// tunnel vision
		float	health = 0.0f;
		if ( g_testHealthVision.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) {
			health = g_testHealthVision.GetFloat();
		} else {
			health = player->health;
		float alpha = health / 100.0f;
		if ( alpha < 0.0f ) {
			alpha = 0.0f;
		if ( alpha > 1.0f ) {
			alpha = 1.0f;

		if ( alpha < 1.0f  ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? MS2SEC( gameLocal.slow.time ) : lastDamageTime, 1.0f, 1.0f, ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : alpha );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, tunnelMaterial );

		if ( bfgVision ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, bfgMaterial );


	// test a single material drawn over everything
	if ( g_testPostProcess.GetString()[0] ) {
		const idMaterial *mtr = declManager->FindMaterial( g_testPostProcess.GetString(), false );
		if ( !mtr ) {
			common->Printf( "Material not found.\n" );
			g_testPostProcess.SetString( "" );
		} else {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, mtr );
예제 #3
void idPlayerView::SingleView( const renderView_t *view, idMenuHandler_HUD * hudManager ) {

	// normal rendering
	if ( !view ) {

	// place the sound origin for the player
	gameSoundWorld->PlaceListener( view->vieworg, view->viewaxis, player->entityNumber + 1 );

	// if the objective system is up, don't do normal drawing
	if ( player->objectiveSystemOpen ) {
		if ( player->pdaMenu != NULL ) {

	// hack the shake in at the very last moment, so it can't cause any consistency problems
	renderView_t hackedView = *view;
	hackedView.viewaxis = hackedView.viewaxis * ShakeAxis();

	if ( gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity() && gameLocal.IsPortalSkyAcive() && g_enablePortalSky.GetBool() ) {
		renderView_t portalView = hackedView;
		portalView.vieworg = gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
		gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &portalView );
		renderSystem->CaptureRenderToImage( "_currentRender" );

		hackedView.forceUpdate = true;				// FIX: for smoke particles not drawing when portalSky present

	// process the frame
	fxManager->Process( &hackedView );

	if ( !hudManager ) {

	// draw screen blobs
	if ( !pm_thirdPerson.GetBool() && !g_skipViewEffects.GetBool() ) {
		if ( !player->spectating ) {
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_SCREEN_BLOBS ; i++ ) {
				screenBlob_t	*blob = &screenBlobs[i];
				if ( blob->finishTime <= gameLocal.fast.time ) {

				blob->y += blob->driftAmount;

				float	fade = (float)( blob->finishTime - gameLocal.fast.time ) / ( blob->finishTime - blob->startFadeTime );
				if ( fade > 1.0f ) {
					fade = 1.0f;
				if ( fade ) {
					renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, fade );
					renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( blob->x, blob->y, blob->w, blob->h,blob->s1, blob->t1, blob->s2, blob->t2, blob->material );
		player->DrawHUD( hudManager );

		if ( player->spectating ) {

		// armor impulse feedback
		float armorPulse = ( gameLocal.fast.time - player->lastArmorPulse ) / 250.0f;

		if ( armorPulse > 0.0f && armorPulse < 1.0f ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f - armorPulse );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, armorMaterial );

		// tunnel vision
		float health = 0.0f;
		if ( g_testHealthVision.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) {
			health = g_testHealthVision.GetFloat();
		} else {
			health = player->health;
		float alpha = health / 100.0f;
		if ( alpha < 0.0f ) {
			alpha = 0.0f;
		if ( alpha > 1.0f ) {
			alpha = 1.0f;

		if ( alpha < 1.0f  ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? MS2SEC( gameLocal.slow.time ) : lastDamageTime, 1.0f, 1.0f, ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : alpha );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, tunnelMaterial );

		if ( bfgVision ) {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, bfgMaterial );

	// test a single material drawn over everything
	if ( g_testPostProcess.GetString()[0] ) {
		const idMaterial *mtr = declManager->FindMaterial( g_testPostProcess.GetString(), false );
		if ( !mtr ) {
			common->Printf( "Material not found.\n" );
			g_testPostProcess.SetString( "" );
		} else {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, mtr );
예제 #4
void idPlayerView::SingleView( idUserInterface *hud, const renderView_t *view, bool drawHUD ) {

	// normal rendering
	if ( !view ) {

	// place the sound origin for the player
	// TODO: Support overriding the location area so that reverb settings can be applied for listening thru doors?
	gameSoundWorld->PlaceListener( player->GetListenerLoc(), view->viewaxis, player->entityNumber + 1, gameLocal.time, hud ? hud->State().GetString( "location" ) : "Undefined" );

	// hack the shake in at the very last moment, so it can't cause any consistency problems
	renderView_t	hackedView = *view;
	hackedView.viewaxis = hackedView.viewaxis * ShakeAxis();

	//gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &hackedView );

	// grayman #3108 - contributed by neuro & 7318
	idVec3 diff, currentEyePos, PSOrigin, Zero;
	if ( ( gameLocal.CheckGlobalPortalSky() ) || ( gameLocal.GetCurrentPortalSkyType() == PORTALSKY_LOCAL ) ) {		
		// in a case of a moving portalSky
		currentEyePos = hackedView.vieworg;
		if ( gameLocal.playerOldEyePos == Zero ) {
			// Initialize playerOldEyePos. This will only happen in one tick.
			gameLocal.playerOldEyePos = currentEyePos;

		diff = ( currentEyePos - gameLocal.playerOldEyePos) / gameLocal.portalSkyScale;
		gameLocal.portalSkyGlobalOrigin += diff; // This is for the global portalSky.
												 // It should keep going even when not active.

	if ( gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity() && gameLocal.IsPortalSkyActive() && g_enablePortalSky.GetBool() ) {
		if ( gameLocal.GetCurrentPortalSkyType() == PORTALSKY_STANDARD ) {
			PSOrigin = gameLocal.portalSkyOrigin;
		if ( gameLocal.GetCurrentPortalSkyType() == PORTALSKY_GLOBAL ) {
			PSOrigin = gameLocal.portalSkyGlobalOrigin;
		if ( gameLocal.GetCurrentPortalSkyType() == PORTALSKY_LOCAL ) {
			gameLocal.portalSkyOrigin += diff;
			PSOrigin = gameLocal.portalSkyOrigin;
		gameLocal.playerOldEyePos = currentEyePos;
		// end neuro & 7318

		renderView_t portalView = hackedView;

		portalView.vieworg = PSOrigin;	// grayman #3108 - contributed by neuro & 7318
//		portalView.vieworg = gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
		portalView.viewaxis = portalView.viewaxis * gameLocal.portalSkyEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetAxis();

		// setup global fixup projection vars
		if ( 1 ) {
			int vidWidth, vidHeight;
			idVec2 shiftScale;

			renderSystem->GetGLSettings( vidWidth, vidHeight );

			float pot;
			int	 w = vidWidth;
			pot = MakePowerOfTwo( w );
			shiftScale.x = (float)w / pot;

			int	 h = vidHeight;
			pot = MakePowerOfTwo( h );
			shiftScale.y = (float)h / pot;

			hackedView.shaderParms[6] = shiftScale.x; // grayman #3108 - neuro used [4], we use [6]
			hackedView.shaderParms[7] = shiftScale.y; // grayman #3108 - neuro used [5], we use [7]

		gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &portalView );
		renderSystem->CaptureRenderToImage( "_currentRender" );

		hackedView.forceUpdate = true;				// FIX: for smoke particles not drawing when portalSky present
	else // grayman #3108 - contributed by 7318 
		// So if g_enablePortalSky is disabled, GlobalPortalSkies doesn't break.
		// When g_enablePortalSky gets re-enabled, GlobalPortalSkies keeps working. 
		gameLocal.playerOldEyePos = currentEyePos;

	hackedView.forceUpdate = true; // Fix for lightgem problems? -Gildoran
	gameRenderWorld->RenderScene( &hackedView );
	// process the frame

	//	fxManager->Process( &hackedView );

	if ( player->spectating ) {

	// draw screen blobs
	if ( !pm_thirdPerson.GetBool() && !g_skipViewEffects.GetBool() ) {
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_SCREEN_BLOBS ; i++ ) {
			screenBlob_t	*blob = &screenBlobs[i];
			if ( blob->finishTime <= gameLocal.time ) {

			blob->y += blob->driftAmount;

			float	fade = (float)( blob->finishTime - gameLocal.time ) / ( blob->finishTime - blob->startFadeTime );
			if ( fade > 1.0f ) {
				fade = 1.0f;
			if ( fade ) {
				renderSystem->SetColor4( 1,1,1,fade );
				renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( blob->x, blob->y, blob->w, blob->h,blob->s1, blob->t1, blob->s2, blob->t2, blob->material );
		if (drawHUD)
			player->DrawHUD( hud );

		// tunnel vision

		// grayman - This is where the red screen overlay is
		// applied for player damage. The red overlay's alpha is
		// the player's current health divided by his max health.
		// Less health when damaged means more overlay is visible.
		// The amount of alpha is also used to determine how long
		// the overlay is visible, its alpha climbing to 1.0
		// over the duration of the effect. Less health means a longer
		// duration. Some key words for search purposes:
		// damage dealt, damage hud, hurt hud, blood overlay

		float health = 0.0f;
		if ( g_testHealthVision.GetFloat() != 0.0f )
			health = g_testHealthVision.GetFloat();
			health = player->health;

		float alpha = health / 100.0f;
		if ( alpha < 0.0f )
			alpha = 0.0f;
		else if ( alpha > 1.0f )
			alpha = 1.0f;

		if ( alpha < 1.0f  )
			// Tels: parm0: when the last damage occured
			// Tels: parm1: TODO: set here f.i. to color the material different when in gas cloud
			// Tels: parm2: TODO: set here f.i. to color the material different when poisoned
			// Tels: parm3: alpha value, depending on health
			renderSystem->SetColor4( ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ) : lastDamageTime, 1.0f, 1.0f, ( player->health <= 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : alpha );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, tunnelMaterial );

	// Rotoscope (Cartoon-like) rendering - (Rotoscope Shader v1.0 by Hellborg) - added by Dram
	if ( g_rotoscope.GetBool() ) {
		const idMaterial *mtr = declManager->FindMaterial( "textures/postprocess/rotoedge", false );
		if ( !mtr ) {
			common->Printf( "Rotoscope material not found.\n" );
		} else {
			renderSystem->CaptureRenderToImage( "_currentRender" );
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, mtr );

	// test a single material drawn over everything
	if ( g_testPostProcess.GetString()[0] ) {
		const idMaterial *mtr = declManager->FindMaterial( g_testPostProcess.GetString(), false );
		if ( !mtr ) {
			common->Printf( "Material not found.\n" );
			g_testPostProcess.SetString( "" );
		} else {
			renderSystem->SetColor4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
			renderSystem->DrawStretchPic( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, mtr );