moDirectorStatus moPreviewFrame::FullScreen( bool force) { if (!IsFullScreen() || force ) { Log("moPreviewFrame going fullscreen."); //ShowFullScreen( true, wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR | wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR | wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER | wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION | wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR ); ShowFullScreen( true ); } else { Log("moPreviewFrame restoring."); ShowFullScreen( false, 0 ); } return MO_DIRECTOR_STATUS_OK; }
void AeroQSPFrame::SetUserSize( const wxString &size ) { long width = 800, height = 600; int pos = size.Index(wxT('x')); if (pos > 0 && pos + 1 < size.Length()) { size.Mid(0, pos).ToLong(&width); size.Mid(pos + 1).ToLong(&height); } if (width > 0 && height > 0) { int curW, curH; if (_isFullScreen) { _isFullScreen = false; ShowFullScreen(false); } GetClientSize(&curW, &curH); if (width != curW || height != curH) { SetClientSize(width, height); CenterOnParent(); } } }
void Beamer::maximize() { fs=true; hereb->Hide(); m_text->Hide(); SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0,0,0)); ShowFullScreen(true); }
void GSFrame::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { switch (event.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_RETURN: if (event.AltDown()) { OnFullScreen(); return; } break; case WXK_ESCAPE: if (IsFullScreen()) { ShowFullScreen(false); return; } break; } event.Skip(); }
SjVisFrame::SjVisFrame( wxWindow* parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, bool fullscreen) : wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, _("Video screen"), pos, size, fullscreen? (wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxCLIP_CHILDREN|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE|wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR) : (wxCLIP_CHILDREN|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE|wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR)) { SetAcceleratorTable(g_accelModule->GetAccelTable(SJA_MAIN)); if( fullscreen ) { ShowFullScreen(true); } }
void CMainFrame::OnFullScreen() { ShowFullScreen(); if (!IsFullScreen ()) { AdjustClientArea (); } }
void moPreviewFrame::OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent &event ) { Log( "moPreviewFrame::OnKeyUp > keycode up: " + IntToStr(event.GetKeyCode()) ); /*fullscreen off on escape*/ if (event.GetKeyCode()==27) { Log( "moPreviewFrame::OnKeyUp > Off fullscreen" ); ShowFullScreen( false, 0); } }
void EnviroFrame::SetFullScreen(bool bFull) { m_bFullscreen = bFull; #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (m_bFullscreen) { ShowFullScreen(true, wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR | // wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR | // leave toolbar visible wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR | wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER | wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION ); } else ShowFullScreen(false); #else /* FIXME - ShowFullScreen not implemented in wxGTK 2.2.5. */ /* Do full-screen another way. */ #endif }
//************************************************************************************* void CBCGPFullScreenImpl::ShowFullScreen() { if (!m_bFullScreen) { ShowFullScreen (m_pImpl->m_pFrame); } else { RestoreState (m_pImpl->m_pFrame); } }
void AeroQSPFrame::Init() { Show(); if (wxFileExists(_filename)) LoadFile(_filename); else { wxCommandEvent dummy; OnLoadFile(dummy); } ShowFullScreen(_isFullScreen); }
void wxMFrame::ShowInInitialState() { bool showFullScreen; wxConfigBase * const pConf = GetFrameOptionsConfig(); if ( pConf ) showFullScreen = GetOptionValue(pConf, MP_SHOW_FULLSCREEN).GetBoolValue(); else showFullScreen = GetNumericDefault(MP_SHOW_FULLSCREEN) != 0; Show(true); if ( showFullScreen ) ShowFullScreen(true); }
void wxMainFrame::EndDuelMode() { m_DuelWnd->Hide(); #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 5, 0) // "DETACH" HAS BEEN INTRODUCED AT WX 2.5 m_mainsizer->Detach(m_DuelWnd); #else // ALTHOUGH AT VERSION WX 2.4 "REMOVE" WORKS THE SAME WAY m_mainsizer->Remove(m_DuelWnd); #endif ShowFullScreen(FALSE); m_mainsizer->Add(m_ActiveWnd, 1, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxEXPAND|wxALL); m_ActiveWnd->Show(); Layout(); }
YardEmployee::YardEmployee(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) :wxDialog(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name), m_loading(true) { wxBusyCursor busy(); wxXmlResource::Get()->Load("res/employee.xrc"); wxPanel * panel = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel(this, "Employee"); wxSizer * sizer = panel->GetSizer(); sizer->SetSizeHints(this); SetSize(wxSize(600,400)); Centre(); #if 0 if (wxGetApp().Full()) ShowFullScreen(true); #endif m_pic = static_cast<wxStaticBitmap *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_PICTURE"))); m_sig = static_cast<wxStaticBitmap *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_SIG"))); m_tree = static_cast<wxTreeCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_TREE"))); m_first = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_FIRST"))); m_middle = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_MIDDLE"))); m_last = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_LAST"))); m_address = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_ADDRESS"))); m_id = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_ID"))); m_taxid = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_TAX_ID"))); m_phone = static_cast<wxTextCtrl *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_PHONE"))); m_position = static_cast<wxStaticText *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_POSITION"))); m_save = static_cast<wxButton *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_SAVE"))); m_hire = static_cast<wxStaticText *>(FindWindow(XRCID("ID_EMPLOY_HIRE"))); m_save->Show(false); m_id->Enable(false); m_taxid->Enable(false); CreateImageList(m_tree); LoadTreeItems(m_tree); //ID_EMPLOY_PICTURE m_loading = false; }
MyFrame::MyFrame( bool stereoWindow ) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "wxWidgets OpenGL Cube Sample") { int stereoAttribList[] = { WX_GL_RGBA, WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, WX_GL_STEREO, 0 }; new TestGLCanvas(this, stereoWindow ? stereoAttribList : NULL); SetIcon(wxICON(sample)); // Make a menubar wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu; menu->Append(wxID_NEW); menu->Append(NEW_STEREO_WINDOW, "New Stereo Window"); menu->AppendSeparator(); menu->Append(wxID_CLOSE); wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; menuBar->Append(menu, "&Cube"); SetMenuBar(menuBar); CreateStatusBar(); SetClientSize(400, 400); Show(); // test IsDisplaySupported() function: static const int attribs[] = { WX_GL_RGBA, WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 0 }; wxLogStatus("Double-buffered display %s supported", wxGLCanvas::IsDisplaySupported(attribs) ? "is" : "not"); if ( stereoWindow ) { const wxString vendor = glGetwxString(GL_VENDOR).Lower(); const wxString renderer = glGetwxString(GL_RENDERER).Lower(); if ( vendor.find("nvidia") != wxString::npos && renderer.find("quadro") == wxString::npos ) ShowFullScreen(true); } }
void AeroQSPFrame::OnShowFullScreen( wxCommandEvent &event ) { _isFullScreen = !_isFullScreen; ShowFullScreen(_isFullScreen); }
void CMainFrame::OnViewFullScreen() { ShowFullScreen (); }
void MainFrame::OnFullscreen(wxCommandEvent&) { long style = wxFULLSCREEN_ALL; ShowFullScreen(!IsFullScreen(), style); }
void GSFrame::OnFullScreen() { ShowFullScreen(!IsFullScreen()); }
// Toggles fullscreen mode void FB_Frame::OnFullScreen( wxCommandEvent& event ) { ShowFullScreen( !IsFullScreen(), wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION | wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER ); SendSizeEvent(); }
void wxMFrame::OnMenuCommand(int id) { // is it a module generated entry? if(id >= WXMENU_MODULES_BEGIN && id < WXMENU_MODULES_END) { ProcessModulesMenu(id); return; } switch(id) { case WXMENU_FILE_CLOSE: Close(); break; case WXMENU_FILE_COMPOSE_WITH_TEMPLATE: case WXMENU_FILE_COMPOSE: { wxString templ; if ( id == WXMENU_FILE_COMPOSE_WITH_TEMPLATE ) { templ = ChooseTemplateFor(MessageTemplate_NewMessage, this); if ( templ.empty() ) { // cancelled by user break; } } Profile_obj profile(GetFolderProfile()); Composer *composeView = Composer::CreateNewMessage(templ, profile); composeView->InitText(); } break; case WXMENU_FILE_SEND_OUTBOX: mApplication->SendOutbox(); break; case WXMENU_FILE_POST: { Profile_obj profile(GetFolderProfile()); Composer *composeView = Composer::CreateNewArticle(profile); composeView->InitText(); } case WXMENU_FILE_COLLECT: { FolderMonitor *mailCollector = mApplication->GetFolderMonitor(); if ( mailCollector ) { // when the user explicitly checks for the new mail, also update // the currently opened folder(s) and give the verbose messages mailCollector->CheckNewMail(FolderMonitor::Interactive | FolderMonitor::Opened); } } break; #ifdef USE_PYTHON case WXMENU_FILE_RUN_PYSCRIPT: { wxString path = mApplication->GetDataDir(); if ( !path.empty() ) path += DIR_SEPARATOR; path += _T("scripts"); wxString filename = MDialog_FileRequester ( _("Please select a Python script to run."), this, path, "", "py", "*.py", false, NULL /* profile */ ); if ( !filename.empty() ) { PythonRunScript(filename); } //else: cancelled by user } break; #endif // USE_PYTHON case WXMENU_FILE_AWAY_MODE: mApplication->SetAwayMode(GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(id)); break; case WXMENU_FILE_EXIT: // flush MEvent queues for safety MEventManager::DispatchPending(); if ( CanClose() ) { // this frame has been already asked whether it wants to exit, so // don't ask it again mApplication->AddToFramesOkToClose(this); // exit the application if other frames don't object mApplication->Exit(); } break; case WXMENU_FILE_IMPORT: ShowImportDialog(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_ADB: ShowAdbFrame(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_PREF: ShowOptionsDialog(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_FILTERS: (void) ConfigureAllFilters(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_MODULES: ShowModulesDialog(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_TEMPLATES: EditTemplates(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_RESTORE_PREF: (void)ShowRestoreDefaultsDialog(mApplication->GetProfile(), this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_SAVE_PREF: if ( Profile::FlushAll() ) { wxLogStatus(this, _("Program preferences successfully saved.")); } else { ERRORMESSAGE((_("Couldn't save preferences."))); } break; case WXMENU_EDIT_CONFIG_SOURCES: ShowConfigSourcesDialog(this); break; case WXMENU_EDIT_EXPORT_PREF: case WXMENU_EDIT_IMPORT_PREF: { const bool doExport = id == WXMENU_EDIT_EXPORT_PREF; String path = MDialog_FileRequester ( doExport ? _("Choose file to export settings to") : _("Choose file to import settings from"), this, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, doExport // true => save, false => load ); if ( path.empty() ) break; ConfigSource_obj configSrc(ConfigSourceLocal::CreateDefault()), configDst(ConfigSourceLocal::CreateFile(path)); if ( !doExport ) { configSrc.Swap(configDst); } bool ok = ConfigSource::Copy(*configDst, *configSrc); if ( doExport ) { if ( ok ) { wxLogStatus(this, _("Settings successfully exported to file \"%s\""), path.c_str()); } else { wxLogError(_("Failed to export settings to the file \"%s\"."), path.c_str()); } } else // import { if ( ok ) { wxLogStatus(this, _("Settings successfully imported from \"%s\""), path.c_str()); } else { wxLogError(_("Failed to import settings from the file \"%s\"."), path.c_str()); } } } break; case WXMENU_HELP_ABOUT: MDialog_AboutDialog(this, false /* don't timeout */); break; case WXMENU_HELP_TIP: MDialog_ShowTip(this); break; case WXMENU_HELP_CONTEXT: MDialog_Message(_("Help not implemented for current context, yet."),this,_("Sorry")); break; case WXMENU_HELP_CONTENTS: mApplication->Help(MH_CONTENTS,this); break; case WXMENU_HELP_RELEASE_NOTES: mApplication->Help(MH_RELEASE_NOTES,this); break; case WXMENU_HELP_FAQ: mApplication->Help(MH_FAQ,this); break; case WXMENU_HELP_SEARCH: mApplication->Help(MH_SEARCH,this); break; case WXMENU_HELP_COPYRIGHT: mApplication->Help(MH_COPYRIGHT,this); break; // printing: case WXMENU_FILE_PRINT_SETUP: OnPrintSetup(); break; case WXMENU_FILE_PAGE_SETUP: OnPageSetup(); break; #ifdef USE_PS_PRINTING case WXMENU_FILE_PRINT_SETUP_PS: OnPrintSetup(); break; case WXMENU_FILE_PAGE_SETUP_PS: OnPageSetup(); break; #endif // USE_PS_PRINTING #ifdef USE_DIALUP case WXMENU_FILE_NET_ON: mApplication->GoOnline(); break; case WXMENU_FILE_NET_OFF: if(mApplication->CheckOutbox()) { if ( MDialog_YesNoDialog ( _("You have outgoing messages queued.\n" "Do you want to send them before going offline?"), this, MDIALOG_YESNOTITLE, M_DLG_YES_DEFAULT, M_MSGBOX_GO_OFFLINE_SEND_FIRST ) ) { mApplication->SendOutbox(); } } mApplication->GoOffline(); break; #endif // USE_DIALUP // create a new identity and edit it case WXMENU_FILE_IDENT_ADD: { wxString ident; if ( MInputBox(&ident, _("Mahogany: Create new identity"), _("Enter the identity name:"), this, "NewIdentity") ) { ShowIdentityDialog(ident, this); // update the identity combo in the toolbar of the main frame if // any (note that this will update all the other existing // identity combo boxes as they keep themselves in sync // internally) // // TODO: we really should have a virtual wxMFrame::GetIdentCombo // as we might not always create the main frame in the // future but other frames (e.g. composer) may have the // ident combo as well wxMFrame *frameTop = mApplication->TopLevelFrame(); if ( frameTop ) { wxToolBar *tbar = frameTop->GetToolBar(); if ( tbar ) { wxWindow *win = tbar->FindWindow(IDC_IDENT_COMBO); if ( win ) { wxChoice *combo = wxDynamicCast(win, wxChoice); combo->Append(ident); } } else { FAIL_MSG(_T("where is the main frames toolbar?")); } } wxLogStatus(this, _("Created new identity '%s'."), ident.c_str()); } } break; // change the current identity case WXMENU_FILE_IDENT_CHANGE: { wxArrayString identities = Profile::GetAllIdentities(); if ( identities.IsEmpty() ) { wxLogError(_("There are no existing identities to choose from.\n" "Please create an identity first.")); } else { identities.Insert(_("Default"), 0); int rc = MDialog_GetSelection ( _("Select the new identity"), MDIALOG_YESNOTITLE, identities, this ); if ( rc != -1 ) { Profile *profile = mApplication->GetProfile(); if ( rc == 0 ) { // restore the default identity profile->DeleteEntry(GetOptionName(MP_CURRENT_IDENTITY)); } else { wxString ident = identities[(size_t)rc]; profile->writeEntry(MP_CURRENT_IDENTITY, ident); } // update the identity combo in the toolbar if any wxWindow *win = GetToolBar()->FindWindow(IDC_IDENT_COMBO); if ( win ) { wxChoice *combo = wxDynamicCast(win, wxChoice); combo->SetSelection(rc); } // TODO: should update everything (all options might have // changed) } //else: dialog cancelled, nothing to do } } break; // edit an identity's parameters case WXMENU_FILE_IDENT_EDIT: { String ident; wxArrayString identities = Profile::GetAllIdentities(); if ( identities.IsEmpty() ) { wxLogError(_("There are no existing identities to edit.\n" "Please create an identity first.")); } else { if ( identities.GetCount() > 1 ) { int rc = MDialog_GetSelection ( _("Which identity would you like to edit?"), MDIALOG_YESNOTITLE, identities, this ); if ( rc != -1 ) { ident = identities[(size_t)rc]; } //else: dialog was cancelled } else // only one identity { // use the current one ident = READ_APPCONFIG_TEXT(MP_CURRENT_IDENTITY); } } if ( !ident.empty() ) { ShowIdentityDialog(ident, this); } } break; case WXMENU_FILE_IDENT_DELETE: { String ident; wxArrayString identities = Profile::GetAllIdentities(); if ( identities.IsEmpty() ) { wxLogError(_("There are no existing identities to delete.")); } else { int rc = MDialog_GetSelection ( _("Which identity would you like to delete?"), MDIALOG_YESNOTITLE, identities, this ); if ( rc != -1 ) { ident = identities[(size_t)rc]; } //else: cancelled } if ( !ident.empty() ) { Profile *profile = mApplication->GetProfile(); if ( ident == READ_APPCONFIG(MP_CURRENT_IDENTITY) ) { // can't keep this one profile->writeEntry(MP_CURRENT_IDENTITY, wxEmptyString); } // FIXME: will this really work? if there are objects which // use this identity the section will be recreated... String identSection; identSection << Profile::GetIdentityPath() << '/' << ident; profile->DeleteGroup(identSection); // update the identity combo in the toolbar if any wxWindow *win = GetToolBar()->FindWindow(IDC_IDENT_COMBO); if ( win ) { wxChoice *combo = wxDynamicCast(win, wxChoice); combo->Delete(combo->FindString(ident)); } wxLogStatus(this, _("Identity '%s' deleted."), ident.c_str()); } } break; case WXMENU_LANG_SET_DEFAULT: { static const wxFontEncoding encodingsSupported[] = { wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1, // West European (Latin1) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2, // Central and East European (Latin2) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3, // Esperanto (Latin3) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_4, // Baltic (old) (Latin4) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5, // Cyrillic wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_6, // Arabic wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7, // Greek wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8, // Hebrew wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9, // Turkish (Latin5) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10, // Variation of Latin4 (Latin6) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_11, // Thai wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_12, // doesn't exist currently, but put it // here anyhow to make all ISO8859 // consecutive numbers wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_13, // Baltic (Latin7) wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_14, // Latin8 wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15, // Latin9 (a.k.a. Latin0, includes euro) wxFONTENCODING_CP1250, // WinLatin2 wxFONTENCODING_CP1251, // WinCyrillic wxFONTENCODING_CP1252, // WinLatin1 wxFONTENCODING_CP1253, // WinGreek (8859-7) wxFONTENCODING_CP1254, // WinTurkish wxFONTENCODING_CP1255, // WinHebrew wxFONTENCODING_CP1256, // WinArabic wxFONTENCODING_CP1257, // WinBaltic (almost the same as Latin 7) wxFONTENCODING_KOI8, // == KOI8-R wxFONTENCODING_UTF7, // == UTF-7 wxFONTENCODING_UTF8, // == UTF-8 }; wxArrayString encDescs; encDescs.Add(_("Default 7 bit (US ASCII)")); for ( size_t n = 0; n < WXSIZEOF(encodingsSupported); n++ ) { encDescs.Add( wxFontMapper::GetEncodingDescription( encodingsSupported[n] ) ); } int choice = MDialog_GetSelection ( _("Please choose the default encoding:\n" "it will be used by default in both\n" "message viewer and composer."), _("Choose default encoding"), encDescs, this ); wxFontEncoding enc; if ( choice == -1 ) { // cancelled, do nothing break; } else if ( choice == 0 ) { enc = wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT; } else { enc = encodingsSupported[choice - 1]; } // remember the encoding as default mApplication->GetProfile()->writeEntry(MP_MSGVIEW_DEFAULT_ENCODING, enc); } break; case WXMENU_VIEW_TOOLBAR: if ( GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(id) ) { DoCreateToolBar(); } else // hide the toolbar { delete GetToolBar(); SetToolBar(NULL); } break; case WXMENU_VIEW_STATUSBAR: if ( GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(id) ) { DoCreateStatusBar(); } else // hide the status bar { delete GetStatusBar(); SetStatusBar(NULL); } break; case WXMENU_VIEW_FULLSCREEN: ShowFullScreen(GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(id)); break; } }
void MyFrame::OnFullScreen(wxCommandEvent& event) { ShowFullScreen(event.IsChecked()); }
bool wxSTEditorFrame::HandleMenuEvent(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxSTERecursionGuard guard(m_rGuard_HandleMenuEvent); if (guard.IsInside()) return false; int win_id = event.GetId(); // menu items that the frame handles before children switch (win_id) { case ID_STE_SAVE_PREFERENCES : { // we save everything the children do and more wxConfigBase *config = GetConfigBase(); if (config) { SaveConfig(*config, GetOptions().GetConfigPath(STE_OPTION_CFGPATH_FRAME)); GetOptions().SaveConfig(*config); } return true; } } wxWindow* focusWin = FindFocus(); wxSTEditor* editor = GetEditor(); wxSTEditorNotebook* notebook = GetEditorNotebook(); if (focusWin && wxDynamicCast(focusWin, wxSTEditorNotebook)) notebook = wxDynamicCast(focusWin, wxSTEditorNotebook); else if (focusWin && wxDynamicCast(focusWin, wxSTEditor)) editor = wxDynamicCast(focusWin, wxSTEditor); // Try the children to see if they'll handle the event first if (notebook && notebook->HandleMenuEvent(event)) return true; if (editor) { if (wxDynamicCast(editor->GetParent(), wxSTEditorSplitter) && wxDynamicCast(editor->GetParent(), wxSTEditorSplitter)->HandleMenuEvent(event)) return true; if (editor->HandleMenuEvent(event)) return true; } if ((win_id >= wxID_FILE1) && (win_id <= wxID_FILE9)) { if (GetOptions().GetFileHistory()) { wxFileName fileName = GetOptions().GetFileHistory()->GetHistoryFile(win_id-wxID_FILE1); LoadFile(fileName, true); } return true; } switch (win_id) { case ID_STE_SHOW_FULLSCREEN : { long style = wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER|wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR|wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION; ShowFullScreen(event.IsChecked(), style); return true; } case ID_STF_SHOW_SIDEBAR : { ShowSidebar(event.IsChecked()); return true; } case wxID_EXIT : { if (GetEditorNotebook()) { if (!GetEditorNotebook()->QuerySaveIfModified()) return true; } else if (editor && (editor->QuerySaveIfModified(true) == wxCANCEL)) return true; Destroy(); return true; } case wxID_ABOUT : { wxSTEditorAboutDialog(this); return true; } default : break; } return false; }
void SubMainFrame::OnFullscreen( wxCommandEvent& event ) { ShowFullScreen(event.IsChecked(), wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER | wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION ); }