void CVFD::showVolume(const char vol, const bool perform_update) { static int oldpp = 0; if(!has_lcd) return; ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_MUTE, muted); if(vol == volume) return; volume = vol; wake_up(); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_FRAME, true); if ((mode == MODE_TVRADIO) && g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME]) { int pp = (int) round((double) vol * (double) 8 / (double) 100); if(pp > 8) pp = 8; if(oldpp != pp) { printf("CVFD::showVolume: %d, bar %d\n", (int) vol, pp); int i; int j = 0x00000200; for(i = 0; i < pp; i++) { ShowIcon((vfd_icon) j, true); j /= 2; } for(;i < 8; i++) { ShowIcon((vfd_icon) j, false); j /= 2; } oldpp = pp; } } }
void CVFD::showPercentOver(const unsigned char perc, const bool perform_update) { if(!has_lcd) return; if ((mode == MODE_TVRADIO) && !(g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME])) { //if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 0) { ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_FRAME, true); int pp; if(perc == 255) pp = 0; else pp = (int) round((double) perc * (double) 8 / (double) 100); printf("CVFD::showPercentOver: %d, bar %d\n", (int) perc, pp); if(pp > 8) pp = 8; if(pp != percentOver) { int i; int j = 0x00000200; for(i = 0; i < pp; i++) { ShowIcon((vfd_icon) j, true); j /= 2; } for(;i < 8; i++) { ShowIcon((vfd_icon) j, false); j /= 2; } percentOver = pp; } } } }
void WeaselTrayIcon::Refresh() { if (!m_style.display_tray_icon) { if (m_mode != INITIAL) { RemoveIcon(); m_mode = INITIAL; } return; } WeaselTrayMode mode = m_status.disabled ? DISABLED : m_status.ascii_mode ? ASCII : ZHUNG; if (mode != m_mode) { m_mode = mode; ShowIcon(); SetIcon(mode_icon[mode]); if (mode_label[mode]) { ShowBalloon(mode_label[mode], WEASEL_IME_NAME); } } else if (!Visible()) { ShowIcon(); } }
void CGridIcon::updateByContent() { if(m_GridsType == emGrids_BagBook) { ShowQuality(); ShowIcon(); ShowMask(); ShowNum(); ShowPrecent(); ShowPrecentBar(); ShowLevel(); } else { ShowQuality(); ShowIcon(); ShowMask(); ShowNum(); ShowCd(); } setTouchEnabled(true); if (m_bCanMove&&m_pItem) { CDragCtrol* pDrag = CDragCtrol::create(this,m_pItem->getId(),DragSlotType_Item,this,toucheventselector(CGridIcon::clickGridIcon),NULL); addChild(pDrag); } else { addTouchEventListener(this,toucheventselector(CGridIcon::clickGridIcon)); } }
void fsTrayIconMgr::TestIcon() { if (FALSE == ShowIcon (m_iCurIconIndex)) { InitializeTrayIcon (); ShowIcon (m_iCurIconIndex); } }
void CVFD::UpdateIcons() { CZapitChannel * chan = CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannel(); if (chan) { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_HD,chan->isHD()); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_LOCK,!chan->camap.empty()); if (chan->getAudioChannel() != NULL) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_DD, chan->getAudioChannel()->audioChannelType == CZapitAudioChannel::AC3); } }
void CVFD::UpdateIcons() { j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>CVFD::UpdateIcons() - DISABLED DD/AC3/HD icons\n"); //j00zek> we do NOT display those small, almost invisible, icons. :) #if 0 CZapitChannel * chan = CZapit::getInstance()->GetCurrentChannel(); if (chan) { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_HD,chan->isHD()); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_LOCK,!chan->camap.empty()); if (chan->getAudioChannel() != NULL) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_DD, chan->getAudioChannel()->audioChannelType == CZapitAudioChannel::AC3); } #endif }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CStatusAreaIcon //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CStatusAreaIcon::CStatusAreaIcon( HINSTANCE Instance ,HWND Wnd ) { // インスタンス this->Instance = Instance; // ウィンドウ ハンドル this->Wnd = Wnd; // プロセス ID ProcessID = NULL; // 各インスタンスを作成する Setting = new CSetting( Instance, Wnd ); PropertySheet = new CPropertySheet( Instance, Wnd ); Device = new CDevice(); // デバイスが存在すればステータス エリアにアイコンを追加する if( Device->IsConnected() == TRUE ) { ShowIcon(); } // 設定の自動切換え用タイマーを開始する if( Setting->AutoSettingChange == TRUE ) { SetTimer( Wnd, AUTO_SETTING_CHANGE_TIMER, 0, NULL ); } }
void CVFD::showVolume(const char vol, const bool force_update) { //j00zekDBG(DEBUG_DEBUG,"j00zek>%s:%s >>>\n", "CVFD::", __func__); static int oldpp = 0; if (j00zekVFDsize < 4) return; ShowIcon(FP_ICON_MUTE, muted); if(!force_update && vol == volume) return; volume = vol; bool allowed_mode = (mode == MODE_TVRADIO || mode == MODE_AUDIO || mode == MODE_MENU_UTF8); if (!allowed_mode) return; if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 1) { wake_up(); int pp = (int) round((double) vol / (double) 2); if(oldpp != pp) { char vol_chr[64] = ""; if (j00zekVFDsize==4) snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "v%3d", (int)vol); else if (j00zekVFDsize==8) snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "VOL %d%%", (int)vol); else snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "Volume: %d%%", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); oldpp = pp; } } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wmTaskbarCtreated //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CStatusAreaIcon::wmTaskbarCtreated() { // デバイスが有ればステータス エリアにアイコンを追加する if( Device->IsConnected() == TRUE ) { ShowIcon(); } }
void CVFD::showPercentOver(const unsigned char perc, const bool /*perform_update*/, const MODES origin) { #if HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE return; #else static int ppold = 0; if(!has_lcd) return; percentOver = perc; if (mode == MODE_AUDIO && origin != MODE_AUDIO) // exclusive access for audio mode return; bool allowed_mode = (mode == MODE_TVRADIO || mode == MODE_AUDIO || mode == MODE_MENU_UTF8); if (!allowed_mode) return; if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 0) { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FRAME, true); int pp; if(perc == 255) pp = 0; else pp = (int) round((double) perc * (double) 8 / (double) 100); if(pp > 8) pp = 8; if(pp != ppold) { //printf("CVFD::showPercentOver: %d, bar %d\n", (int) perc, pp); int i; int j = 0x00000200; for(i = 0; i < pp; i++) { ShowIcon((fp_icon) j, true); j /= 2; } for(;i < 8; i++) { ShowIcon((fp_icon) j, false); j /= 2; } ppold = pp; } } #endif }
BOOL CXTPTrayIcon::ShowIcon(BOOL bShow) { if (bShow) { return (BOOL)ShowIcon(); } else { return (BOOL)HideIcon(); } }
LazyWord::LazyWord( QWidget * parent ) : QDialog(parent) ,LID(0),CheckEnd(0),GetTheSlot(0) { //-----------Open the database-------------- SqlOperate a; a.connectdatabase(); //-----------Open the database-------------- //================Initial the UI start================= RestoreConfig_color(); RestoreConfigall(); ConfigureUI(); createActions(); IconMenu(); ShowIcon(); //************For test************* T = new QTimer(this); connect(T,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(remind())); T->start(3600 * 1000); //************For test************** connect(ActionRestore, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ShowNormal())); connect(UpdateLibButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateLib())); connect(InsertLibButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(InsertLib())); connect(ShowTestButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ShowMessage())); connect(OkButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(OkSubmit())); connect(AboutButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(about())); connect(GetAllExplainButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(getAllExplain())); connect(ChangeColorButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(setshowcolor())); connect(ItimeBox,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(changeItime(int))); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(messageClicked()), this, SLOT(LetterClicked())); connect(show_AllBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this, SLOT(setBoxVisible(bool))); connect(show_StrangeBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this, SLOT(setBoxVisibleSingle())); connect(show_UnderstandBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this, SLOT(setBoxVisibleSingle())); connect(show_MasterBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this, SLOT(setBoxVisibleSingle())); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(ConfigureBox); setLayout(mainLayout); trayIcon->show(); setWindowTitle(tr("LazyWord")); setGeometry(QRect(400, 200, 449, 407)); resize(400, 300); //======================Initial the UI end========================== }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wmDeviceChange //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CStatusAreaIcon::wmDeviceChange() { // デバイスの有無によってアイコンの表示、非表示を切換える if( Device->IsConnected() == TRUE ) { // ステータス エリアにアイコンを追加する ShowIcon(); } else { // ステータス エリアからアイコンを削除する HideIcon(); } }
void CVFD::showTime(bool force) { if(!has_lcd) return; if (showclock) { if (mode == MODE_STANDBY) { char timestr[21]; struct timeb tm; struct tm * t; static int hour = 0, minute = 0; ftime(&tm); t = localtime(&tm.time); if(force || ((hour != t->tm_hour) || (minute != t->tm_min))) { hour = t->tm_hour; minute = t->tm_min; strftime(timestr, 20, "%H:%M", t); ShowText((char *) timestr); } } } if (CNeutrinoApp::getInstance ()->recordingstatus) { if(clearClock) { clearClock = 0; ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_CAM1, false); } else { clearClock = 1; ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_CAM1, true); } } else if(clearClock) { // in case icon ON after record stopped clearClock = 0; ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_CAM1, false); } }
void CVFD::repaintIcons() { char * model = g_info.hw_caps->boxname; if(strstr(model, "ufs912") || strstr(model, "ufs913")) { bool tmp_icon[16] = {false}; printf("VFD repaint icons boxmodel: %s\n", model); for (int i = 0x10; i < FP_ICON_MAX; i++) { tmp_icon[i & 0x0F] = active_icon[i & 0x0F]; active_icon[i & 0x0F] = false; ShowIcon((fp_icon)i, tmp_icon[i & 0x0F]); } } }
void CVFD::ClearIcons() { #if defined (BOXMODEL_ATEVIO7500) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7110) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7810A) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7119) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7819) return; #endif for (int id = 0x10; id < FP_ICON_MAX; id++) { #if defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) if (id != FP_ICON_USB && id != FP_ICON_HDD) #elif defined(BOXMODEL_FORTIS_HDBOX) || defined (BOXMODEL_TF7700) if (id != FP_ICON_USB) #else if (id != 0x10 && id != 0x12) #endif ShowIcon((fp_icon)id, false); } return; }
void CVFD::wake_up() { if(fd < 0) return; if (atoi(g_settings.lcd_setting_dim_time.c_str()) > 0) { timeout_cnt = atoi(g_settings.lcd_setting_dim_time.c_str()); g_settings.lcd_setting_dim_brightness > -1 ? setBrightness(g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_BRIGHTNESS]) : setPower(1); } else setPower(1); if(g_settings.lcd_info_line){ switch_name_time_cnt = g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_INFOBAR] + 10; } #if defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) ShowIcon(ICON_COLON2, false); #endif }
void CVFD::showAudioPlayMode(AUDIOMODES m) { if(!has_lcd) return; switch(m) { case AUDIO_MODE_PLAY: ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PLAY, true); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PAUSE, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_STOP: ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PAUSE, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_PAUSE: ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_PAUSE, true); break; case AUDIO_MODE_FF: break; case AUDIO_MODE_REV: break; } wake_up(); }
void CVFD::setMode(const MODES m, const char * const title) { if(!has_lcd) return; if(mode == MODE_AUDIO) ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_MP3, false); #if 0 else if(mode == MODE_STANDBY) { ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_COL1, false); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_COL2, false); } #endif if(strlen(title)) ShowText((char *) title); mode = m; setlcdparameter(); switch (m) { case MODE_TVRADIO: switch (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME]) { case 0: showPercentOver(percentOver, false); break; case 1: showVolume(volume, false); break; #if 0 case 2: showVolume(volume, false); showPercentOver(percentOver, false); break; #endif } showServicename(servicename); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; case MODE_AUDIO: { ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_MP3, true); showAudioPlayMode(AUDIO_MODE_STOP); showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; } case MODE_SCART: showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; case MODE_MENU_UTF8: showclock = false; //fonts.menutitle->RenderString(0,28, 140, title, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON, 0, true); // UTF-8 break; case MODE_SHUTDOWN: showclock = false; break; case MODE_STANDBY: #if 0 ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_COL1, true); ShowIcon(VFD_ICON_COL2, true); #endif showclock = true; showTime(true); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ /* "showTime()" clears the whole lcd in MODE_STANDBY */ break; #ifdef VFD_UPDATE case MODE_FILEBROWSER: showclock = true; display.draw_fill_rect(-1, -1, 120, 64, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_OFF); // clear lcd showFilelist(); break; case MODE_PROGRESSBAR: showclock = false; display.load_screen(&(background[BACKGROUND_SETUP])); showProgressBar(); break; case MODE_PROGRESSBAR2: showclock = false; display.load_screen(&(background[BACKGROUND_SETUP])); showProgressBar2(); break; case MODE_INFOBOX: showclock = false; showInfoBox(); break; #endif // VFD_UPDATE } wake_up(); }
void CSystemTray::MoveToRight() { HideIcon(); ShowIcon(); }
void CVFD::showTime(bool force) { //unsigned int system_rev = cs_get_revision(); static int recstatus = 0; #if 0 if(!has_lcd) return; #endif if(fd >= 0 && mode == MODE_SHUTDOWN) { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_CAM1, false); return; } if (fd >= 0 && showclock) { if (mode == MODE_STANDBY || ( g_settings.lcd_info_line && (MODE_TVRADIO == mode))) { char timestr[21]; struct timeb tm; struct tm * t; static int hour = 0, minute = 0; ftime(&tm); t = localtime(&tm.time); if(force || ( switch_name_time_cnt == 0 && ((hour != t->tm_hour) || (minute != t->tm_min))) ) { hour = t->tm_hour; minute = t->tm_min; #if !defined (BOXMODEL_HS7810A) && !defined (BOXMODEL_HS7819) #if defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) ShowIcon(ICON_COLON2, true); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7119) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_250HD) strftime(timestr, 5, "%H%M", t); #else strftime(timestr, 6, "%H:%M", t); #endif ShowText(timestr); #else //HS7810A or HS7819, string should not scroll strftime(timestr, 6, "%H:%M", t); struct vfd_ioctl_data data; memset(data.data, ' ', 6); memcpy (data.data, timestr, 6); data.start = 0; data.length = 5; write_to_vfd(VFDDISPLAYCHARS, &data); #endif if (support_text) { strftime(timestr, 20, "%H:%M", t); ShowText(timestr); } else if (support_numbers && has_led_segment) { ShowNumber((t->tm_hour*100) + t->tm_min); #ifdef BOXMODEL_APOLLO ioctl(fd, IOC_FP_SET_COLON, 0x01); #endif } } } } int tmp_recstatus = CNeutrinoApp::getInstance()->recordingstatus; if (tmp_recstatus) { if(clearClock) { clearClock = 0; if(has_lcd) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_CAM1, false); #if !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE setled(false);//off #endif } else { clearClock = 1; if(has_lcd) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_CAM1, true); #if !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE setled(true);//on #endif } } else if(clearClock || (recstatus != tmp_recstatus)) { // in case icon ON after record stopped clearClock = 0; if(has_lcd) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_CAM1, false); #if !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE setled(); #endif } recstatus = tmp_recstatus; }
void CVFD::showAudioPlayMode(AUDIOMODES m) { // j00zek: fired when audioplayer starts #if 0 if(fd < 0) return; if (mode != MODE_AUDIO) return; switch(m) { case AUDIO_MODE_PLAY: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_STOP: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_PAUSE: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_FF: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); break; case AUDIO_MODE_REV: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, true); break; } wake_up(); #endif return; }
void CVFD::showVolume(const char vol, const bool force_update) { static int oldpp = 0; if(!has_lcd) return; ShowIcon(FP_ICON_MUTE, muted); if(!force_update && vol == volume) return; volume = vol; bool allowed_mode = (mode == MODE_TVRADIO || mode == MODE_AUDIO || mode == MODE_MENU_UTF8); if (!allowed_mode) return; if (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME] == 1) { wake_up(); #if HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE int pp = (int) round((double) vol / (double) 2); if(oldpp != pp) { #if defined (BOXMODEL_UFS910) || defined (BOXMODEL_UFS922) int i; unsigned char speaker[5] = {0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x3E, 0x7F}; // speaker symbol writeCG(0, speaker); int j = pp / 5; // v-lines 0-5 = {0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15} char c0[1] = {0x5F}; char c1[1] = {0x11}; char c2[1] = {0x12}; char c3[1] = {0x13}; char c4[1] = {0x14}; char c5[1] = {0x15}; char VolumeBar[17]; memset (VolumeBar, 0, sizeof(VolumeBar)); char act[2] = {0x01, 0x20}; strncat(VolumeBar, act, 2); for(i=1; i <= j; i++) { strncat(VolumeBar, c5, 1); } i = pp % 5; switch (i) { case 1: strncat(VolumeBar, c1, 1); break; case 2: strncat(VolumeBar, c2, 1); break; case 3: strncat(VolumeBar, c3, 1); break; case 4: strncat(VolumeBar, c4, 1); break; } //dprintf(DEBUG_DEBUG,"CVFD::showVolume: vol %d - pp %d - fullblocks %d - mod %d - %s\n", vol, pp, j, i, VolumeBar); if (strlen(VolumeBar) < 12) { for (int a=strlen(VolumeBar); a < 12; a++) strncat(VolumeBar, c0, 1); } ShowText(VolumeBar); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_TF7700) char vol_chr[64] = ""; snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "VOL: %d%%", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_OCTAGON1008) char vol_chr[64] = ""; snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "VOL=%3d", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_HS7119) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7810A) || defined (BOXMODEL_HS7819) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_250HD) || defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX55) char vol_chr[64] = ""; snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "v%3d", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); #elif defined (BOXMODEL_FORTIS_HDBOX) || defined (BOXMODEL_ATEVIO7500) || defined (BOXMODEL_UFS912) || defined (BOXMODEL_UFS913) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_MINI) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_MINI2) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_2000HD) || defined (BOXMODEL_CUBEREVO_3000HD) || defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX9900) || defined (BOXMODEL_IPBOX99) char vol_chr[64] = ""; snprintf(vol_chr, sizeof(vol_chr)-1, "Volume: %d%%", (int)vol); ShowText(vol_chr); #endif oldpp = pp; } #else ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FRAME, true); int pp = (int) round((double) vol * (double) 8 / (double) 100); if(pp > 8) pp = 8; if(force_update || oldpp != pp) { printf("CVFD::showVolume: %d, bar %d\n", (int) vol, pp); int i; int j = 0x00000200; for(i = 0; i < pp; i++) { ShowIcon((fp_icon) j, true); j /= 2; } for(;i < 8; i++) { ShowIcon((fp_icon) j, false); j /= 2; } oldpp = pp; } #endif } }
void CVFD::showAudioPlayMode(AUDIOMODES m) { if(fd < 0) return; if (mode != MODE_AUDIO) return; switch(m) { case AUDIO_MODE_PLAY: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, false); #ifdef HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); #endif break; case AUDIO_MODE_STOP: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, false); #ifdef HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); #endif break; case AUDIO_MODE_PAUSE: ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PLAY, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_PAUSE, true); #ifdef HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); #endif break; case AUDIO_MODE_FF: #ifdef HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, false); #endif break; case AUDIO_MODE_REV: #ifdef HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FF, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_FR, true); #endif break; } wake_up(); }
void CVFD::setMode(const MODES m, const char * const title) { if(fd < 0) return; // Clear colon in display if it is still there #ifdef BOXMODEL_APOLLO if (support_numbers && has_led_segment) ioctl(fd, IOC_FP_SET_COLON, 0x00); #endif if(mode == MODE_AUDIO) ShowIcon(FP_ICON_MP3, false); #if 0 else if(mode == MODE_STANDBY) { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_COL1, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_COL2, false); } #endif if(strlen(title)) ShowText(title); mode = m; setlcdparameter(); switch (m) { case MODE_TVRADIO: switch (g_settings.lcd_setting[SNeutrinoSettings::LCD_SHOW_VOLUME]) { case 0: showPercentOver(percentOver, false); break; case 1: showVolume(volume, false); break; #if 0 case 2: showVolume(volume, false); showPercentOver(percentOver, false); break; #endif } showServicename(servicename); showclock = true; if(g_settings.lcd_info_line) switch_name_time_cnt = g_settings.timing[SNeutrinoSettings::TIMING_INFOBAR] + 10; break; case MODE_AUDIO: { ShowIcon(FP_ICON_MP3, true); showAudioPlayMode(AUDIO_MODE_STOP); showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; } case MODE_SCART: showVolume(volume, false); showclock = true; //showTime(); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ break; case MODE_MENU_UTF8: showclock = false; //fonts.menutitle->RenderString(0,28, 140, title, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_ON); break; case MODE_SHUTDOWN: showclock = false; Clear(); break; case MODE_STANDBY: #if 0 ShowIcon(FP_ICON_COL1, true); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_COL2, true); #endif ClearIcons(); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_USB, false); ShowIcon(FP_ICON_HDD, false); showclock = true; showTime(true); /* "showclock = true;" implies that "showTime();" does a "displayUpdate();" */ /* "showTime()" clears the whole lcd in MODE_STANDBY */ break; #ifdef VFD_UPDATE case MODE_FILEBROWSER: showclock = true; display.draw_fill_rect(-1, -1, 120, 64, CLCDDisplay::PIXEL_OFF); // clear lcd showFilelist(); break; case MODE_PROGRESSBAR: showclock = false; display.load_screen(&(background[BACKGROUND_SETUP])); showProgressBar(); break; case MODE_PROGRESSBAR2: showclock = false; display.load_screen(&(background[BACKGROUND_SETUP])); showProgressBar2(); break; case MODE_INFOBOX: showclock = false; showInfoBox(); break; #endif // VFD_UPDATE } wake_up(); #if !HAVE_DUCKBOX_HARDWARE setled(); #endif }
void CTrayNotifyIcon::MoveToExtremeRight() { HideIcon(); ShowIcon(); }
void CTrayIcon::MoveToRight() { HideIcon(); ShowIcon(); }
void CTryIconDriver::MoveToRight() { HideIcon(); ShowIcon(); }