예제 #1
void __cdecl CIcqProto::icq_LogMessageThread(void* arg)
	LogMessageInfo *err = (LogMessageInfo*)arg;
	if (!err)

	if (bPopupService && getByte("PopupsLogEnabled", DEFAULT_LOG_POPUPS_ENABLED)) {
		ShowPopupMsg(NULL, err->szTitle, err->szMsg, err->bLevel);



	bErrorBoxVisible = TRUE;
	if (err->szMsg && err->szTitle)
		MessageBoxUtf(NULL, err->szMsg, err->szTitle, MB_OK);
	bErrorBoxVisible = FALSE;
예제 #2
void CIcqProto::handleUserOnline(BYTE *buf, size_t wLen, serverthread_info*)
	DWORD dwPort = 0;
	DWORD dwRealIP = 0;
	uid_str szUID;
	DWORD dwDirectConnCookie = 0;
	DWORD dwWebPort = 0;
	DWORD dwFT1 = 0, dwFT2 = 0, dwFT3 = 0;
	const char *szClient = NULL;
	BYTE bClientId = 0;
	WORD wVersion = 0;
	WORD wTLVCount;
	WORD wWarningLevel;
	WORD wStatusFlags;
	WORD wStatus = 0, wOldStatus = 0;
	BYTE nTCPFlag = 0;
	char szStrBuf[MAX_PATH];

	// Unpack the sender's user ID
	if (!unpackUID(&buf, &wLen, &dwUIN, &szUID))

	// Syntax check
	if (wLen < 4)

	// Warning level?
	unpackWord(&buf, &wWarningLevel);
	wLen -= 2;

	// TLV count
	unpackWord(&buf, &wTLVCount);
	wLen -= 2;

	// Ignore status notification if the user is not already on our list
	MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromUID(dwUIN, szUID, NULL);
	if (hContact == INVALID_CONTACT_ID) {
		debugLogA("Ignoring user online (%s)", strUID(dwUIN, szUID));

	// Read user info TLVs
	oscar_tlv_chain *pChain;
	oscar_tlv *pTLV;

	// Syntax check
	if (wLen < 4)

	// Get chain
	if (!(pChain = readIntoTLVChain(&buf, wLen, wTLVCount)))

	// Get Class word
	WORD wClass = pChain->getWord(0x01, 1);
	int nIsICQ = wClass & CLASS_ICQ;

	if (dwUIN) {
		// Get DC info TLV
		pTLV = pChain->getTLV(0x0C, 1);
		if (pTLV && (pTLV->wLen >= 15)) {
			BYTE *pBuffer = pTLV->pData;

			nIsICQ = TRUE;

			unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwRealIP);
			unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwPort);
			unpackByte(&pBuffer,  &nTCPFlag);
			unpackWord(&pBuffer,  &wVersion);
			unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwDirectConnCookie);
			unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwWebPort); // Web front port
			pBuffer += 4; // Client features

			// Get faked time signatures, used to identify clients
			if (pTLV->wLen >= 0x23) {
				unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwFT1);
				unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwFT2);
				unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwFT3);

		// Get Status info TLV
		pTLV = pChain->getTLV(0x06, 1);
		if (pTLV && (pTLV->wLen >= 4)) {
			BYTE *pBuffer = pTLV->pData;
			unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wStatusFlags);
			unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wStatus);
		else if (!nIsICQ) {
			// Connected thru AIM client, guess by user class
			if (wClass & CLASS_AWAY)
				wStatus = ID_STATUS_AWAY;
			else if (wClass & CLASS_WIRELESS)
				wStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE;

			wStatusFlags = 0;
		else {
			// Huh? No status TLV? Lets guess then...
			wStatusFlags = 0;
	else {

		if (wClass & CLASS_AWAY)
			wStatus = ID_STATUS_AWAY;
		else if (wClass & CLASS_WIRELESS)
			wStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE;

		wStatusFlags = 0;

	debugLogA("Flags are %x", wStatusFlags);
	debugLogA("Status is %x", wStatus);

	// Get IP TLV
	DWORD dwIP = pChain->getDWord(0x0A, 1);

	// Get Online Since TLV
	DWORD dwOnlineSince = pChain->getDWord(0x03, 1);

	// Get Away Since TLV
	DWORD dwAwaySince = pChain->getDWord(0x29, 1);

	// Get Member Since TLV
	DWORD dwMemberSince = pChain->getDWord(0x05, 1);

	// Get Idle timer TLV
	WORD wIdleTimer = pChain->getWord(0x04, 1);
	time_t tIdleTS = 0;
	if (wIdleTimer) {
		tIdleTS -= (wIdleTimer*60);

	if (wIdleTimer)
		debugLogA("Idle timer is %u.", wIdleTimer);
	debugLogA("Online since %s", time2text(dwOnlineSince));
	if (dwAwaySince)
		debugLogA("Status was set on %s", time2text(dwAwaySince));

	// Check client capabilities
	if (hContact != NULL) {
		wOldStatus = getContactStatus(hContact);

		// Collect all Capability info from TLV chain
		BYTE *capBuf = NULL;
		WORD capLen = 0;

		// Get Location Capability Info TLVs
		oscar_tlv *pFullTLV = pChain->getTLV(0x0D, 1);
		oscar_tlv *pShortTLV = pChain->getTLV(0x19, 1);

		if (pFullTLV && (pFullTLV->wLen >= BINARY_CAP_SIZE))
			capLen += pFullTLV->wLen;

		if (pShortTLV && (pShortTLV->wLen >= 2))
			capLen += (pShortTLV->wLen * 8);

		capBuf = (BYTE*)_alloca(capLen + BINARY_CAP_SIZE);

		if (capLen) {
			BYTE *pCapability = capBuf;

			capLen = 0; // we need to recount that

			if (pFullTLV && (pFullTLV->wLen >= BINARY_CAP_SIZE)) {
				// copy classic Capabilities
				BYTE *cData = pFullTLV->pData;
				int cLen = pFullTLV->wLen;

				while (cLen) {
					// be impervious to duplicates (AOL sends them sometimes)
					if (!capLen || !MatchCapability(capBuf, capLen, (capstr*)cData, BINARY_CAP_SIZE)) {
						// not present, add
						memcpy(pCapability, cData, BINARY_CAP_SIZE);
						capLen += BINARY_CAP_SIZE;
						pCapability += BINARY_CAP_SIZE;
					cData += BINARY_CAP_SIZE;
					cLen -= BINARY_CAP_SIZE;

			if (pShortTLV && (pShortTLV->wLen >= 2)) {
				// copy short Capabilities
				capstr tmp;
				BYTE *cData = pShortTLV->pData;
				int cLen = pShortTLV->wLen;

				memcpy(tmp, capShortCaps, BINARY_CAP_SIZE);
				while (cLen) {
					// be impervious to duplicates (AOL sends them sometimes)
					tmp[2] = cData[0];
					tmp[3] = cData[1];

					if (!capLen || !MatchCapability(capBuf, capLen, &tmp, BINARY_CAP_SIZE)) {
						// not present, add
						memcpy(pCapability, tmp, BINARY_CAP_SIZE);
						capLen += BINARY_CAP_SIZE;
						pCapability += BINARY_CAP_SIZE;
					cData += 2;
					cLen -= 2;
			debugLogA("Detected %d capability items.", capLen / BINARY_CAP_SIZE);

		if (capLen) {
			// Update the contact's capabilies if present in packet
			SetCapabilitiesFromBuffer(hContact, capBuf, capLen, wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);

			char *szCurrentClient = wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ? NULL : getSettingStringUtf(hContact, "MirVer", NULL);

			szClient = detectUserClient(hContact, nIsICQ, wClass, dwOnlineSince, szCurrentClient, wVersion, dwFT1, dwFT2, dwFT3, dwDirectConnCookie, dwWebPort, capBuf, capLen, &bClientId, szStrBuf);
			// Check if the client changed, if not do not change
			if (szCurrentClient && !strcmpnull(szCurrentClient, szClient))
				szClient = (const char*)-1;
		else if (wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {
			// Remove the contact's capabilities if coming from offline

			// no capability
			debugLogA("No capability info TLVs");

			szClient = detectUserClient(hContact, nIsICQ, wClass, dwOnlineSince, NULL, wVersion, dwFT1, dwFT2, dwFT3, dwDirectConnCookie, dwWebPort, NULL, capLen, &bClientId, szStrBuf);
		else  // Capabilities not present in update packet, do not touch
			szClient = (const char*)-1; // we don't want to client be overwritten

		// handle Xtraz status
		char *moodData = NULL;
		WORD moodSize = 0;

		unpackSessionDataItem(pChain, 0x0E, (BYTE**)&moodData, &moodSize, NULL);
		if (capLen || wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
			handleXStatusCaps(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, capBuf, capLen, moodData, moodSize);
			handleXStatusCaps(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, NULL, 0, moodData, moodSize);

		// Determine support for extended status messages
		if (pChain->getWord(0x08, 1) == 0x0A06)
			SetContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_STATUS_MESSAGES);
		else if (wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
			ClearContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_STATUS_MESSAGES);

		if (wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {
			if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY))
				debugLogA("Supports advanced messages");
				debugLogA("Does NOT support advanced messages");

		if (!nIsICQ) {
			// AIM clients does not advertise these, but do support them
			SetContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_UTF | CAPF_TYPING);
			// Server relayed messages are only supported by ICQ clients
			ClearContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY);

			if (dwUIN && wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
				debugLogA("Logged in with AIM client");

		if (nIsICQ && wVersion < 8) {
			ClearContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY);
			if (wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
				debugLogA("Forcing simple messages due to compability issues");

		// Process Avatar Hash
		pTLV = pChain->getTLV(0x1D, 1);
		if (pTLV)
			handleAvatarContactHash(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, pTLV->pData, pTLV->wLen);
			handleAvatarContactHash(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, NULL, 0);

		// Process Status Note
		parseStatusNote(dwUIN, szUID, hContact, pChain);
	// Free TLV chain

	// Save contacts details in database
	if (hContact != NULL) {
		setDword(hContact, "LogonTS", dwOnlineSince);
		setDword(hContact, "AwayTS", dwAwaySince);
		setDword(hContact, "IdleTS", tIdleTS);

		if (dwMemberSince)
			setDword(hContact, "MemberTS", dwMemberSince);

		if (nIsICQ) {
			// on AIM these are not used
			setDword(hContact, "DirectCookie", dwDirectConnCookie);
			setByte(hContact, "DCType", (BYTE)nTCPFlag);
			setWord(hContact, "UserPort", (WORD)(dwPort & 0xffff));
			setWord(hContact, "Version", wVersion);
		else {
			delSetting(hContact, "DirectCookie");
			delSetting(hContact, "DCType");
			delSetting(hContact, "UserPort");
			delSetting(hContact, "Version");

		// if no detection, set uknown
		if (!szClient)
			szClient = (nIsICQ ? "Unknown" : "Unknown AIM");		

		if (szClient != (char*)-1) {
			db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, "MirVer", szClient);
			setByte(hContact, "ClientID", bClientId);

		if (wOldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {
			setDword(hContact, "IP", dwIP);
			setDword(hContact, "RealIP", dwRealIP);
		else {
			// if not first notification only write significant information
			if (dwIP)
				setDword(hContact, "IP", dwIP);
			if (dwRealIP)
				setDword(hContact, "RealIP", dwRealIP);
		setWord(hContact,  "Status", (WORD)IcqStatusToMiranda(wStatus));

		// Update info?
		if (dwUIN) {
			// check if the local copy of user details is up-to-date
			if (IsMetaInfoChanged(hContact))

	LPCTSTR ptszStatus = pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(IcqStatusToMiranda(wStatus), 0);
	if (wOldStatus != IcqStatusToMiranda(wStatus)) {
		// And a small log notice... if status was changed
		if (nIsICQ)
			debugLogA("%u changed status to %S (v%d).", dwUIN, ptszStatus, wVersion);
			debugLogA("%s changed status to %S.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID), ptszStatus);

	if (szClient == cliSpamBot) {
		if (getByte("KillSpambots", DEFAULT_KILLSPAM_ENABLED) && db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0)) {
			// kill spammer
			icq_sendRemoveContact(dwUIN, NULL);
			if (getByte("PopupsSpamEnabled", DEFAULT_SPAM_POPUPS_ENABLED))
				ShowPopupMsg(hContact, LPGEN("Spambot Detected"), LPGEN("Contact deleted & further events blocked."), POPTYPE_SPAM);
			CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, hContact, 0);

			debugLogA("Contact %u deleted", dwUIN);