void CRelaxReminderDlg::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default ShowRightClickMenu(); CDialog::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
LONG CRelaxReminderDlg::OnNotifyIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // 响应在托盘图标上的单击,wParam中是响应消息的图标ID,lParam中则是Windows的消息 switch ( lParam ) { case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: ShowRightClickMenu(); break; case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: OnMenuMainWindow(); break; } return 0; }
int mxExpressionTray::handleEvent (mxEvent *event) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); int iret = 0; if ( HandleToolEvent( event ) ) { return iret; } switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONCLASS: { int index = g_pExpressionClass->getSelectedIndex(); if ( index >= 0 ) { CExpClass *current = expressions->GetClass( index ); if ( current ) { // Switch classname expressions->ActivateExpressionClass( current ); current->SelectExpression( 0 ); } } } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_NEWEXP: g_pFlexPanel->NewExpression(); break; case IDC_CONTEXT_EDITEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->EditExpression(); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_REVERT: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->RevertExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_SAVEEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->SaveExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_DELETEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pControlPanel->DeleteExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_TRAYSCROLL: { if (event->modifiers == SB_THUMBTRACK) { int offset = event->height; slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } else if ( event->modifiers == SB_PAGEUP ) { int offset = slScrollbar->getValue(); offset -= m_nGranularity; offset = max( offset, slScrollbar->getMinValue() ); slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); InvalidateRect( (HWND)slScrollbar->getHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } else if ( event->modifiers == SB_PAGEDOWN ) { int offset = slScrollbar->getValue(); offset += m_nGranularity; offset = min( offset, slScrollbar->getMaxValue() ); slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); InvalidateRect( (HWND)slScrollbar->getHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } } break; case IDC_AB: { AB(); } break; case IDC_THUMBNAIL_INCREASE: { ThumbnailIncrease(); } break; case IDC_THUMBNAIL_DECREASE: { ThumbnailDecrease(); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_CREATEBITMAP: { if ( m_nClickedCell >= 0 ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nClickedCell ); if ( exp ) { active->SelectExpression( m_nClickedCell ); exp->CreateNewBitmap( models->GetActiveModelIndex() ); redraw(); } } } } break; } break; } case mxEvent::MouseDown: { if ( !( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) ) { // Figure out cell # int cell = GetCellUnderPosition( event->x, event->y ); CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { if ( cell == m_nCurCell && cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { mxETButton *btn = GetItemUnderCursor( event->x, event->y ); if ( btn && btn->m_fnCallback ) { (this->*(btn->m_fnCallback))( cell ); return iret; } } if ( cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { active->SelectExpression( cell, event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ? false : true ); int cx, cy, cw, ch; if ( ComputeRect( cell, cx, cy, cw, ch ) ) { m_bDragging = true; m_nDragCell = cell; m_nXStart = (short)event->x; m_nYStart = (short)event->y; m_rcFocus.left = cx; m_rcFocus.top = cy; m_rcFocus.right = cx + cw; m_rcFocus.bottom = cy + ch - m_nDescriptionHeight; POINT pt; pt.x = pt.y = 0; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); OffsetRect( &m_rcFocus, pt.x, pt.y ); m_rcOrig = m_rcFocus; DrawFocusRect(); } } else { Deselect(); active->DeselectExpression(); redraw(); } } } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseDrag: { if ( m_bDragging ) { // Draw drag line of some kind DrawFocusRect(); // update pos m_rcFocus = m_rcOrig; OffsetRect( &m_rcFocus, ( (short)event->x - m_nXStart ), ( (short)event->y - m_nYStart ) ); DrawFocusRect(); } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseUp: { iret = 1; if ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) { SetClickedCell( GetCellUnderPosition( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ) ); ShowRightClickMenu( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ); return iret; } int cell = GetCellUnderPosition( event->x, event->y ); CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( m_bDragging ) { DrawFocusRect(); m_bDragging = false; // See if we let go on top of the choreo view if ( active ) { // Convert x, y to screen space POINT pt; pt.x = (short)event->x; pt.y = (short)event->y; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); HWND maybeTool = WindowFromPoint( pt ); // Now tell choreo view CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nDragCell ); if ( exp && maybeTool ) { if ( IsWindowOrChild( g_pChoreoView, maybeTool ) ) { if ( g_pChoreoView->CreateExpressionEvent( pt.x, pt.y, active, exp ) ) { return iret; } } if ( IsWindowOrChild( g_pExpressionTool, maybeTool ) ) { if ( g_pExpressionTool->SetFlexAnimationTrackFromExpression( pt.x, pt.y, active, exp ) ) { return iret; } } } } } if ( active ) { // Over a new cell if ( cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() && cell != m_nCurCell && m_nCurCell != -1 ) { // Swap cells CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nCurCell ); if ( exp ) { active->SwapExpressionOrder( m_nCurCell, cell ); active->SetDirty( true ); active->SelectExpression( cell ); } } } } break; case mxEvent::Size: { int width = w2(); int ch = GetCaptionHeight(); g_pExpressionClass->setBounds( 5, 5 + ch, width - 120, 20 ); m_pABButton->setBounds( width - 60, 4 + ch, 60, 16 ); m_pThumbnailIncreaseButton->setBounds( width - 60 - 40, 4 + ch, 16, 16 ); m_pThumbnailDecreaseButton->setBounds( width - 60 - 20, 4 + ch, 16, 16 ); m_nTopOffset = 0; RepositionSlider(); redraw(); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseWheeled: { // Figure out cell # POINT pt; pt.x = event->x; pt.y = event->y; ScreenToClient( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); if ( event->height < 0 ) { m_nTopOffset = min( m_nTopOffset + 10, slScrollbar->getMaxValue() ); } else { m_nTopOffset = max( m_nTopOffset - 10, 0 ); } RepositionSlider(); redraw(); iret = 1; } break; }; if ( iret ) { SetActiveTool( this ); } return iret; }