예제 #1
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT void SetupSniffer()
    RSSniffer = Sniffer();
예제 #2
void dng_host::SniffForAbort ()
	dng_abort_sniffer::SniffForAbort (Sniffer ());
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: DavidUser/CC3100
 * Application's entry point
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    _i32 channel = 0;
    _i32 numpackets = 0;
    _i32 retVal = -1;
    _i8 *pConfig = NULL;

    retVal = initializeAppVariables();

    params.BaudRate = 115200;
    params.FlowControlEnable = 1;
    params.CommPort = COMM_PORT_NUM;

    pConfig = (_i8 *)&params;
#endif /* SL_IF_TYPE_UART */

    /*This line is for Eclipse CDT only due to a known bug in console buffering
     * See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=173732 */
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);


     * Following function configures the device to default state by cleaning
     * the persistent settings stored in NVMEM (viz. connection profiles &
     * policies, power policy etc)
     * Applications may choose to skip this step if the developer is sure
     * that the device is in its default state at start of application
     * Note that all profiles and persistent settings that were done on the
     * device will be lost
    retVal = configureSimpleLinkToDefaultState(pConfig);
    if(retVal < 0)
        printf(" Failed to configure the device in its default state, Error code: %ld\r\n",retVal);

    printf("Device is configured in default state \r\n");

     * Assumption is that the device is configured in station mode already
     * and it is in its default state
    retVal = sl_Start(0, pConfig, 0);
    if ((retVal < 0) ||
        (ROLE_STA != retVal) )
        printf(" Failed to start the device, Error code: %ld\r\n",retVal);

    printf("Device is configured in default state \r\n");
    printf("Notes: There is at least a 0.5 second delay between each packet displayed.\n");
    printf("The command prompt can display a maximum of 50 packets.\n\n");
    printf("Please input desired channel number and click \"Enter\".\n");
    printf("Valid channels range from 1 to 13 (11 is standard): \n");
    scanf_s("%d",&channel, sizeof(channel));
    printf("Please input desired number of packets and click \"Enter\": \n");
    scanf_s("%d",&numpackets, sizeof(numpackets));
    retVal = Sniffer(channel, numpackets);
    if(retVal < 0)


    return 0;