예제 #1
 *  A simple 'SSH protocol version exchange' implemetation based on RFC (http://www.openssh.com/txt/draft-ietf-secsh-transport-14.txt)
 *  @file
void check_ssh(Socket_T socket) {

        char  buf[STRLEN];


        if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                THROW(IOException, "SSH: error receiving identification string -- %s", STRERROR);

        if (! Str_startsWith(buf, "SSH-"))
                THROW(IOException, "SSH: protocol error %s", buf);

        /* send identification string back to server */
        if (Socket_write(socket, buf, strlen(buf)) <= 0)
                THROW(IOException, "SSH: error sending identification string -- %s", STRERROR);

        /* Read one extra line to prevent the "Read from socket failed" warning */
        Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf));
예제 #2
 *  Check the server for greeting code 220 and then send a QUIT and check for code 221
 *  @file
void check_ftp(Socket_T socket) {
        int status;
        char buf[STRLEN];


        do {
                if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, STRLEN))
                        THROW(IOException, "FTP: error receiving data -- %s", STRERROR);
        } while (buf[3] == '-'); // Discard multi-line response
        if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &status) != 1 || status != 220)
                THROW(IOException, "FTP greeting error: %s", buf);
        if (Socket_print(socket, "QUIT\r\n") < 0)
                THROW(IOException, "FTP: error sending data -- %s", STRERROR);
        if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, STRLEN))
                THROW(IOException, "FTP: error receiving data -- %s", STRERROR);
        if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &status) != 1 || status != 221)
                THROW(IOException, "FTP quit error: %s", buf);
예제 #3
파일: sendmail.c 프로젝트: Nejuf/monit
static void do_status(SendMail_T *S) {
        int status = 0;
        char buf[STRLEN];
        do {
                if (! Socket_readLine(S->socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                        THROW(IOException, "Error receiving data from the mailserver '%s' -- %s", S->server, STRERROR);
                StringBuffer_append(S->status_message, "%s", buf);
        } while (buf[3] == '-'); // multi-line response
        if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &status) != 1 || status < 200 || status >= 400)
                THROW(IOException, "%s", buf);
예제 #4
파일: SMTP.c 프로젝트: GaiaMagic/monit
static void _receive(T S, int code, void (*callback)(T S, const char *line)) {
    int status = 0;
    char line[STRLEN];
    do {
        if (! Socket_readLine(S->socket, line, sizeof(line)))
            THROW(IOException, "Error receiving data from the mailserver -- %s", STRERROR);
        if (strlen(line) < 4 || sscanf(line, "%d", &status) != 1 || status != code)
            THROW(IOException, "Mailserver response error -- %s", line);
        if (callback)
            callback(S, line);
    } while (line[3] == '-'); // multi-line response
예제 #5
파일: pop.c 프로젝트: GaiaMagic/monit
 *  Check the server for greeting code +OK, then send QUIT and check for code +OK
 *  @file
void check_pop(Socket_T socket) {

    char buf[STRLEN];
    const char *ok = "+OK";

    // Read and check POP greeting
    if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
        THROW(IOException, "POP: greeting read error -- %s", errno ? STRERROR : "no data");
    if (strncasecmp(buf, ok, strlen(ok)) != 0)
        THROW(IOException, "POP: invalid greeting -- %s", buf);

    // QUIT and check response
    if (Socket_print(socket, "QUIT\r\n") < 0)
        THROW(IOException, "POP: QUIT command error -- %s", STRERROR);
    if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
        THROW(IOException, "POP: QUIT response read error -- %s", errno ? STRERROR : "no data");
    if (strncasecmp(buf, ok, strlen(ok)) != 0)
        THROW(IOException, "POP: invalid QUIT response -- %s", buf);
예제 #6
 * Simple redis RESP protocol ping test:
 *     1. send a PING command
 *     2. expect a PONG response
 *     3. send a QUIT command
 * @see http://redis.io/topics/protocol
 * @file
void check_redis(Socket_T socket) {
        char buf[STRLEN];

        if (Socket_print(socket, "*1\r\n$4\r\nPING\r\n") < 0)
                THROW(IOException, "REDIS: PING command error -- %s", STRERROR);
        if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                THROW(IOException, "REDIS: PING response error -- %s", STRERROR);
        if (! Str_isEqual(buf, "+PONG") && ! Str_startsWith(buf, "-NOAUTH")) // We accept authentication error (-NOAUTH Authentication required): redis responded to request, but requires authentication => we assume it works
                THROW(IOException, "REDIS: PING error -- %s", buf);
        if (Socket_print(socket, "*1\r\n$4\r\nQUIT\r\n") < 0)
                THROW(IOException, "REDIS: QUIT command error -- %s", STRERROR);
예제 #7
 *  Check the server for greeting "@RSYNCD: XX, then send this greeting back to server, send command '#list' to get a listing of modules.
 *  @file
void check_rsync(Socket_T socket) {
        char  buf[64];
        char  header[11];
        int   rc, version_major, version_minor;
        char  *rsyncd = "@RSYNCD:";
        char  *rsyncd_exit = "@RSYNCD: EXIT";


        /* Read and check the greeting */
        if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: did not see server greeting  -- %s", STRERROR);
        rc = sscanf(buf, "%10s %d.%d", header, &version_major, &version_minor);
        if ((rc == EOF) || (rc != 3))
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: server greeting parse error %s", buf);
        if (strncasecmp(header, rsyncd, strlen(rsyncd)) != 0)
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: server sent unexpected greeting -- %s", buf);

        /* Send back the greeting */
        if (Socket_print(socket, "%s\n", buf) <= 0)
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: identification string send failed -- %s", STRERROR);

        /* Send #list command */
        if (Socket_print(socket, "#list\n") < 0)
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: #list command failed -- %s", STRERROR);

        /* Read response: discard list output and check that we've received successful exit */
        do {
                if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                        THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: error receiving data -- %s", STRERROR);
        } while (strncasecmp(buf, rsyncd, strlen(rsyncd)));
        if (strncasecmp(buf, rsyncd_exit, strlen(rsyncd_exit)) != 0)
                THROW(IOException, "RSYNC: server sent unexpected response -- %s", buf);
예제 #8
void check_sip(Socket_T socket) {

        Port_T P = Socket_getPort(socket);
        const char *target = P->parameters.sip.target ? P->parameters.sip.target : "*****@*****.**";

        int port = Socket_getLocalPort(socket);
        char *proto = Socket_isSecure(socket) ? "sips" : "sip";

        char *transport = "";
        char *rport = "";
        switch (Socket_getType(socket)) {
                case Socket_Udp:
                        transport = "UDP";
                        rport = ";rport";
                case Socket_Tcp:
                        transport = "TCP";
                        THROW(IOException, "Unsupported socket type, only TCP and UDP are supported");

        char buf[STRLEN];
        const char *myip = Socket_getLocalHost(socket, buf, sizeof(buf));

        if (Socket_print(socket,
                         "OPTIONS %s:%s SIP/2.0\r\n"
                         "Via: SIP/2.0/%s %s:%d;branch=z9hG4bKh%ld%s\r\n"
                         "Max-Forwards: %d\r\n"
                         "To: <%s:%s>\r\n"
                         "From: monit <%s:monit@%s>;tag=%ld\r\n"
                         "Call-ID: %ld\r\n"
                         "CSeq: 63104 OPTIONS\r\n"
                         "Contact: <%s:%s:%d>\r\n"
                         "Accept: application/sdp\r\n"
                         "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
                         "User-Agent: Monit/%s\r\n\r\n",
                         proto,                        // protocol
                         target,                       // to
                         transport,                    // via transport udp|tcp
                         myip,                         // who its from
                         port,                         // our port
                         random(),                     // branch
                         rport,                        // rport option
                         P->parameters.sip.maxforward ? P->parameters.sip.maxforward : 70, // maximum forwards
                         proto,                        // protocol
                         target,                       // to
                         proto,                        // protocol
                         myip,                         // from host
                         random(),                     // tag
                         random(),                     // call id
                         proto,                        // protocol
                         myip,                         // contact host
                         port,                         // contact port
                         VERSION                       // user agent
                         ) < 0) {
                THROW(IOException, "SIP: error sending data -- %s", STRERROR);

        if (! Socket_readLine(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)))
                THROW(IOException, "SIP: error receiving data -- %s", STRERROR);


        DEBUG("Response from SIP server: %s\n", buf);

        int status;
        if (! sscanf(buf, "%*s %d", &status))
                THROW(IOException, "SIP error: cannot parse SIP status in response: %s", buf);

        if (status >= 400)
                THROW(IOException, "SIP error: Server returned status %d", status);

        if (status >= 300 && status < 400)
                THROW(IOException, "SIP info: Server redirection. Returned status %d", status);

        if (status > 100 && status < 200)
                THROW(IOException, "SIP error: Provisional response . Returned status %d", status);