UINT32 PlayJA2StreamingSample( UINT32 usNum, UINT32 usRate, UINT32 ubVolume, UINT32 ubLoops, UINT32 uiPan ) { SOUNDPARMS spParms; memset(&spParms, 0xff, sizeof(SOUNDPARMS)); spParms.uiSpeed = usRate; spParms.uiVolume = CalculateSoundEffectsVolume( ubVolume ); spParms.uiLoop = ubLoops; spParms.uiPan = uiPan; spParms.uiPriority=GROUP_PLAYER; return(SoundPlayStreamedFile(szSoundEffects[usNum], &spParms)); }
UINT32 PlayJA2StreamingSampleFromFile( STR8 szFileName, UINT32 usRate, UINT32 ubVolume, UINT32 ubLoops, UINT32 uiPan, SOUND_STOP_CALLBACK EndsCallback ) { // does the same thing as PlayJA2Sound, but one only has to pass the filename, not the index of the sound array SOUNDPARMS spParms; memset(&spParms, 0xff, sizeof(SOUNDPARMS)); spParms.uiSpeed = usRate; spParms.uiVolume = CalculateSoundEffectsVolume( ubVolume ); spParms.uiLoop = ubLoops; spParms.uiPan = uiPan; spParms.uiPriority=GROUP_PLAYER; spParms.EOSCallback=EndsCallback; return( SoundPlayStreamedFile(szFileName, &spParms) ); }