예제 #1
extern void DwarfFini( dw_client  client )
    int     i;
    int     status;
    char    *out_fname;
    FILE    *out_file;

    if( !CompFlags.emit_browser_info ) return;

    DWEndCompileUnit( client );
    DWFini( client );

    // close after writing
    for( i = 0 ; i < DW_DEBUG_MAX ; i++ ) {
        DwioCloseOutputFile( dw_sections[i].file );

    out_fname = IoSuppOutFileName( OFT_MBR );
    out_file = SrcFileFOpen( out_fname, SFO_WRITE_BINARY );
    if( out_file == NULL ) {
        puts( strerror( errno ) );
        puts( out_fname );
        CFatal( "dwarf: unable to open file for writing" );

    // concatenate files
    if( createBrowseFile( out_file,
                          &dw_sections[DW_DEBUG_MACINFO] ) ) {
        puts( strerror( errno ) );
        CFatal( "dwarf: error in merging browse files" );

    status = SrcFileFClose( out_file );
    if( status ) {
        puts( strerror( errno ) );
        puts( out_fname );
        CFatal( "dwarf: unable to close file" );

    // delete
    for( i = 0 ; i < DW_DEBUG_MAX ; i++ ) {
        DwioFreeFile( dw_sections[i].file );
예제 #2
boolean IoSuppCloseFile(        // CLOSE FILE IF OPENED
    FILE **file_ptr )           // - addr( file pointer )
    boolean retn;               // - return: TRUE ==> was open
    BUF_ALLOC* ba;              // - current allocated buffer

    if( *file_ptr == NULL ) {
        retn = FALSE;
    } else {
        RingIterBegSafe( buffers, ba ) {
            if( *file_ptr == ba->buffer ) {
                freeBuffer( ba );
        } RingIterEndSafe( ba );
        SrcFileFClose( *file_ptr );
        *file_ptr = NULL;
        retn = TRUE;
    return( retn );