예제 #1
bool StGLUVCylinder::computeMesh() {
    if(myNbRings == 0) {
        return false;

    const int aNbVerts = (myNbRings + 1) * 2;
    myNormals .initArray(aNbVerts);
    myTCoords .initArray(aNbVerts);

    for(int aRingIter = 0; aRingIter <= myNbRings; ++aRingIter) {
        const GLfloat aPhi    = float(aRingIter) * float(M_PI * 2.0) / float(myNbRings);
        const GLfloat aTexCrd = float(aRingIter) / float(myNbRings);
        myTCoords.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 0) = StGLVec2(aTexCrd, 0.0f);
        myTCoords.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 1) = StGLVec2(aTexCrd, 1.0f);

        const StGLVec3 aNorm(cosf(aPhi), 0.0f, sinf(aPhi));
        myNormals.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 0) = aNorm;
        myNormals.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 1) = aNorm;

        myVertices.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 0) = myCenter + aNorm * myRadius - StGLVec3(0.0f, myHeight * 0.5f, 0.0f);
        myVertices.changeValue(aRingIter * 2 + 1) = myCenter + aNorm * myRadius + StGLVec3(0.0f, myHeight * 0.5f, 0.0f);
    return true;
예제 #2
void StGLRootWidget::getRectGl(const StRectI_t& theRectPx,
                               StArray<StGLVec2>& theVertices,
                               const size_t theFromId) const {
    StRectD_t aRectGl = getRectGl(theRectPx);
    theVertices[theFromId + 0] = StGLVec2(GLfloat(aRectGl.right()), GLfloat(aRectGl.top()));
    theVertices[theFromId + 1] = StGLVec2(GLfloat(aRectGl.right()), GLfloat(aRectGl.bottom()));
    theVertices[theFromId + 2] = StGLVec2(GLfloat(aRectGl.left()),  GLfloat(aRectGl.top()));
    theVertices[theFromId + 3] = StGLVec2(GLfloat(aRectGl.left()),  GLfloat(aRectGl.bottom()));
예제 #3
void StGLStereoFrameBuffer::setVPDimensions(StGLContext&  theCtx,
                                            const GLsizei theSizeX,
                                            const GLsizei theSizeY) {
    GLsizei aVPSizeX = stMin(theSizeX, getSizeX());
    GLsizei aVPSizeY = stMin(theSizeY, getSizeY());
    if(aVPSizeX != myViewPortX
    || aVPSizeY != myViewPortY) {
        GLfloat aDX = GLfloat(aVPSizeX) / GLfloat(getSizeX());
        GLfloat aDY = GLfloat(aVPSizeY) / GLfloat(getSizeY());
        StArray<StGLVec2> aTCoords(4);
        aTCoords[0] = StGLVec2(aDX,  0.0f);
        aTCoords[1] = StGLVec2(aDX,  aDY);
        aTCoords[2] = StGLVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
        aTCoords[3] = StGLVec2(0.0f, aDY);
        myTexCoordBuf.init(theCtx, aTCoords);
        myViewPortX = aVPSizeX;
        myViewPortY = aVPSizeY;
예제 #4
bool StGLStereoFrameBuffer::init(StGLContext&  theCtx,
                                 const GLsizei theTextureSizeX,
                                 const GLsizei theTextureSizeY,
                                 const bool    theNeedDepthBuffer) {
    // release current objects

    if(theCtx.arbFbo == NULL) {
        return false;

    // create the textures
    if(!StGLStereoTexture::initTrash(theCtx, theTextureSizeX, theTextureSizeY)) {
        return false;

    const GLuint aFboBakDraw = theCtx.stglFramebufferDraw();
    const GLuint aFboBakRead = theCtx.stglFramebufferRead();

    const GLint aDepthFormat = theCtx.isGlGreaterEqual(3, 0) ? GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
    if(theNeedDepthBuffer) {
        theCtx.arbFbo->glGenRenderbuffers(2, myGLDepthRBIds);

        theCtx.arbFbo->glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, myGLDepthRBIds[StGLStereoTexture::LEFT_TEXTURE]);
        theCtx.arbFbo->glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, aDepthFormat, theTextureSizeX, theTextureSizeY);

    // build FBOs
    theCtx.arbFbo->glGenFramebuffers(2, myGLFBufferIds);

    // bind left texture to left FBO as color buffer
    theCtx.arbFbo->glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                          StGLStereoTexture::myTextures[StGLStereoTexture::LEFT_TEXTURE].getTextureId(), 0);
    if(theNeedDepthBuffer) {
        // bind left render buffer to left FBO as depth buffer
        theCtx.arbFbo->glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER,
    bool isOk = theCtx.arbFbo->glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE;
    theCtx.arbFbo->glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, StGLFrameBuffer::NO_RENDERBUFFER);
    if(!isOk) {
        return false;

    if(theNeedDepthBuffer) {
        // create right RenderBuffer (will be used as depth buffer)
        theCtx.arbFbo->glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, myGLDepthRBIds[StGLStereoTexture::RIGHT_TEXTURE]);
        theCtx.arbFbo->glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, aDepthFormat, theTextureSizeX, theTextureSizeY);


    // bind right texture to rights FBO as color buffer
    theCtx.arbFbo->glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                                          StGLStereoTexture::myTextures[StGLStereoTexture::RIGHT_TEXTURE].getTextureId(), 0);

    if(theNeedDepthBuffer) {
        // bind right render buffer to right FBO as depth buffer
        theCtx.arbFbo->glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER,
    isOk = theCtx.arbFbo->glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE;
    theCtx.arbFbo->glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, StGLFrameBuffer::NO_RENDERBUFFER);
    if(!isOk) {
        return false;

    ST_DEBUG_LOG("OpenGL, created StFrameBuffer(WxH= " + getSizeX() + 'x' + getSizeY() + ')');

    // create vertices buffers to draw simple textured quad
    StArray<StGLVec4> aQuad(4);
    aQuad[0] = StGLVec4( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // top-right
    aQuad[1] = StGLVec4( 1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // bottom-right
    aQuad[2] = StGLVec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // top-left
    aQuad[3] = StGLVec4(-1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // bottom-left
    myVerticesBuf.init(theCtx, aQuad);

    StArray<StGLVec2> aQuadTC(4);
    aQuadTC[0] = StGLVec2(1.0f, 0.0f);
    aQuadTC[1] = StGLVec2(1.0f, 1.0f);
    aQuadTC[2] = StGLVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
    aQuadTC[3] = StGLVec2(0.0f, 1.0f);
    myTexCoordBuf.init(theCtx, aQuadTC);

    myViewPortX = theTextureSizeX;
    myViewPortY = theTextureSizeY;
    return true;
예제 #5
void StGeometryTest::resizeGrid(const StRectI_t& winRectPx) {
    StGLContext& aCtx = getContext();

    // grid
    size_t linesCountV = 16 + 1;
    size_t cellSizePx  = 10;
    size_t linesCountH = 16 + 1;

    if(winRectPx.width() > winRectPx.height()) {
        cellSizePx = winRectPx.width() / (linesCountV - 1);
        linesCountH = (winRectPx.height() / cellSizePx) + 1;
    } else {
        cellSizePx = winRectPx.height() / (linesCountH - 1);
        linesCountV = (winRectPx.width() / cellSizePx) + 1;

    myCellSize.x() = 2.0f * GLfloat(cellSizePx) / GLfloat(winRectPx.width());
    myCellSize.y() = 2.0f * GLfloat(cellSizePx) / GLfloat(winRectPx.height());

    size_t vertixesCount = (linesCountH + linesCountV) * 2;
    StArray<StGLVec4> vertArray(vertixesCount);

    // insert black gap to make quads
    StGLVec2 blackGap(GLfloat(winRectPx.width()  - cellSizePx * (linesCountV - 1)) / GLfloat(winRectPx.width()),
                      GLfloat(winRectPx.height() - cellSizePx * (linesCountH - 1)) / GLfloat(winRectPx.height()));

    StGLVec2 bottomLeft = StGLVec2(-1.0f) + blackGap;
    StGLVec2 fat = StGLVec2( 2.0f) - blackGap * 2.0f;

    // horizontal lines
    for(size_t lineId = 0; lineId < linesCountH; ++lineId) {
        GLfloat anY = bottomLeft.y() + fat.y() * (GLfloat(lineId) / GLfloat(linesCountH - 1));
        vertArray[2 * lineId]     = StGLVec4(-1.0f, anY, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        vertArray[2 * lineId + 1] = StGLVec4( 1.0f, anY, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // vertical lines
    for(size_t lineId = 0; lineId < linesCountV; ++lineId) {
        GLfloat anX = bottomLeft.x() + fat.x() * (GLfloat(lineId) / GLfloat(linesCountV - 1));
        vertArray[2 * linesCountH + 2 * lineId]     = StGLVec4(anX, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        vertArray[2 * linesCountH + 2 * lineId + 1] = StGLVec4(anX,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    myGrid.changeVBO(ST_VBO_VERTEX)->init(aCtx, vertArray);

    // white color
    StArray<StGLVec4> lColorsArray(vertixesCount, StGLVec4(1.0f));
    myGrid.changeVBO(ST_VBO_COLORS)->init(aCtx, lColorsArray);

    // bottom left circle
    myCircles[0].create(StGLVec3(bottomLeft + myCellSize),
                        myCellSize.x(), myCellSize.y(), 64);
    // bottom right circle
    myCircles[1].create(StGLVec3(bottomLeft + myCellSize * StGLVec2(GLfloat(linesCountV - 2), 1.0f)),
                        myCellSize.x(), myCellSize.y(), 64);
    // top left circle
    myCircles[2].create(StGLVec3(bottomLeft + myCellSize * StGLVec2(1.0f, GLfloat(linesCountH - 2))),
                        myCellSize.x(), myCellSize.y(), 64);
    // top right circle
    myCircles[3].create(StGLVec3(bottomLeft + myCellSize * StGLVec2(GLfloat(linesCountV - 2), GLfloat(linesCountH - 2))),
                        myCellSize.x(), myCellSize.y(), 64);
    // center circle
    GLfloat minSize = 0.5f * (((linesCountV < linesCountH) ? linesCountV : linesCountH) - 1);
                        myCellSize.x() * minSize, myCellSize.y() * minSize, 64);
    // white color
    for(size_t aCircleId = 0; aCircleId < 5; ++aCircleId) {