예제 #1
  Function name: IceEnergyBalance()

  Purpose      : Calculate the surface energy balance for the snow pack

  Required     :
    double TSurf           - new estimate of effective surface temperature

  Returns      :
    double RestTerm        - Rest term in the energy balance

  Modifies     : 
    double *RefreezeEnergy - Refreeze energy (W/m2) 
    double *VaporMassFlux  - Mass flux of water vapor to or from the
                            intercepted snow (m/s)

  Comments     :
    Reference:  Bras, R. A., Hydrology, an introduction to hydrologic
                science, Addisson Wesley, Inc., Reading, etc., 1990.

  16-Jul-04 Renamed VaporMassFlux to vapor_flux to denote fact that its
	    units are m/timestep rather than kg/m2s.  Created new variable
	    VaporMassFlux with units of kg/m2s.  After VaporMassFlux is
	    computed, vapor_flux is derived from it by unit conversion.
	    vapor_flux is the variable that is passed in/out of this
	    function.							TJB
  24-Aug-04 Added logic to handle blowing_flux and vapor_flux.		TJB
  28-Sep-04 Added Ra_used to store the aerodynamic resistance used in flux
	    calculations.						TJB
  04-Oct-04 Merged with Laura Bowling's updated lake model code.  Now
	    blowing snow sublimation is calculated for lakes.		TJB
  2006-Sep-23 Replaced redundant STEFAN constant with STEFAN_B.  TJB
  2006-Nov-07 Removed LAKE_MODEL option. TJB

double IceEnergyBalance::calculate(double TSurf)

  const char *Routine = "IceEnergyBalance";

  double Density;                /* Density of water/ice at TMean (kg/m3) */
  double EsSnow;                 /* saturated vapor pressure in the snow pack
                                   (Pa)  */  
  double Ls;                     /* Latent heat of sublimation (J/kg) */
  double NetRad;			/* Net radiation exchange at surface (W/m2) */
  double RestTerm;		/* Rest term in surface energy balance
				   (W/m2) */
  double  TMean;                /* Average temperature for time step (C) */
  double qnull;
  double VaporMassFlux;          /* Total mass flux of water vapor to or from
                                    snow (kg/m2s) */
  double BlowingMassFlux;        /* Mass flux of water vapor to or from
                                    blowing snow (kg/m2s) */
  double SurfaceMassFlux;        /* Mass flux of water vapor to or from
                                    snow pack (kg/m2s) */
  /* Calculate active temp for energy balance as average of old and new  */
/*   TMean = 0.5 * (OldTSurf + TSurf); */
  TMean = TSurf;
  Density = RHO_W;
  /* Correct aerodynamic conductance for stable conditions
     Note: If air temp >> snow temp then aero_cond -> 0 (i.e. very stable)
     velocity (vel_2m) is expected to be in m/sec */                        
  /* Apply the stability correction to the aerodynamic resistance 
     NOTE: In the old code 2m was passed instead of Z-Displacement.  I (bart)
     think that it is more correct to calculate ALL fluxes at the same
     reference level */

  if (Wind > 0.0)
    *Ra_used = Ra / StabilityCorrection(Z, 0.f, TMean, Tair, Wind, Z0);
    /* *Ra_used = Ra / StabilityCorrection(2.f, 0.f, TMean, Tair, Wind, Z0);*/
    *Ra_used = HUGE_RESIST;

  /* Calculate longwave exchange and net radiation */
  *LongRadOut = LongRadIn - STEFAN_B * (TMean+273.15) * (TMean+273.15) 
    * (TMean+273.15) * (TMean+273.15);
  NetRad = ShortRad + *LongRadOut;
  /* Calculate the sensible heat flux */

  *SensibleHeat = AirDens * CP_PM * (Tair - TMean) / *Ra_used;

  /* Calculate the mass flux of ice to or from the surface layer */
  /* Calculate the saturated vapor pressure in the snow pack, 
     (Equation 3.32, Bras 1990) */

  EsSnow = svp(TMean) /* * 1000. */;

/*   EsSnow = 610.78 * exp((double)((17.269 * TMean) / (237.3 + TMean))); */

/*   if (TMean < 0.0) */
/*     EsSnow *= 1.0 + .00972 * TMean + .000042 * pow((double)TMean,(double)2.0); */
  /* Calculate sublimation terms and latent heat flux */

  /* blowing_flux was calculated outside of the root_brent iteration */
  BlowingMassFlux = *blowing_flux * Density / (Dt * SECPHOUR);

  latent_heat_from_snow(AirDens, EactAir, Lv, Press, Ra, TMean, Vpd,
                        LatentHeat, LatentHeatSub, &VaporMassFlux, &BlowingMassFlux,

  /* Convert sublimation terms from kg/m2s to m/timestep */
  *vapor_flux = VaporMassFlux * Dt * SECPHOUR / Density;
  *surface_flux = SurfaceMassFlux * Dt * SECPHOUR / Density;

  /* Calculate advected heat flux from rain 
     WORK IN PROGRESS:  Should the following read (Tair - Tsurf) ?? */
  // Temporary fix for lake model.
  *AdvectedEnergy = (CH_WATER * Tair * Rain) / (Dt*SECPHOUR);
  //*AdvectedEnergy = 0.0;
  /* Calculate change in cold content */
  /* No change in cold content in lake model */

  /* Changes for lake model start here. Actually, equals qo-Io (P&H eq. 7)*/
    /* because Io (SWnet) is included in NetRad below. */
  qnull = (1/AvgCond)*(Tfreeze - TMean + SWconducted);
  *qf   = qnull;

  /* Changes for lake model end here. */
  /* Calculate net energy exchange at the snow surface */
  RestTerm = ( NetRad + *SensibleHeat + *LatentHeat + *LatentHeatSub + *AdvectedEnergy 
	       + qnull );

  *RefreezeEnergy = (SurfaceLiquidWater * Lf * Density)/(Dt * SECPHOUR);

  /* Melting, or partially refreeze surface water. */
  if (TSurf == 0.0 && RestTerm > -(*RefreezeEnergy)) {
    *RefreezeEnergy = -RestTerm;  /* available energy input over cold content
                                    used to melt, i.e. Qrf is negative value
                                    (energy out of pack)*/ 
    RestTerm = 0.0;
  else {                         /* Pack is getting colder. */
    RestTerm += *RefreezeEnergy; /* add this positive value to the pack */
  return RestTerm;
예제 #2
void CSensibleHeatFlux::init(int y, int x, int Dt, float Ra, float ZRef,
		      float Displacement, float Z0, PIXMET * LocalMet,
		      float NetShort, float LongIn, float ETot,
		      int NSoilLayers, float *SoilDepth, SOILTABLE * SoilType,
		      float MeltEnergy, SOILPIX * LocalSoil)

  float FluxDepth;		/* Lower boundary for soil heat flux (m) */
  float HeatCapacity;		/* Soil heat capacity */
  float MaxTSurf;		/* Upper bracket for effective surface
				   temperature (C) */
  float MinTSurf;		/* Lower bracket for effective surface
				   temperature (C) */
  float OldTSurf;		/* Effective surface temperature at the end of
				   the last timestep (C) */
  float KhEff;			/* Thermal conductivity of the soil (W/(m*C)
  float TMean;			/* Average surface temperature (C) */
  float TSoilLower;		/* Temperature os the soil at FluxDepth (C)
  float TSoilUpper;		/* Temperature os the soil in top layer (C)
  double Tmp;			/* Temporary value */

  OldTSurf = LocalSoil->TSurf;
  MaxTSurf = 0.5 * (LocalSoil->TSurf + LocalMet->Tair) + DELTAT;
  MinTSurf = 0.5 * (LocalSoil->TSurf + LocalMet->Tair) - DELTAT;

  /* the lower boundary for the soil heat flux is currently fixed at a depth
     of 1.0 m */

  FluxDepth = 1.0;
  TSoilLower = LocalSoil->Temp[NSoilLayers - 1];
  TSoilUpper = LocalSoil->Temp[0];

  /* Calculate the effective thermal conductivity of the soil above between
     FluxDepth and DZ_TOP */

  KhEff = CalcEffectiveKh(NSoilLayers, DZ_TOP, FluxDepth, SoilDepth,
			  SoilType->KhDry, SoilType->KhSol, LocalSoil->Moist,
			  SoilType->Porosity, LocalSoil->Temp);

  /*   KhEff = 1; */

  /* Calculate the effective surface temperature that makes sure that the
     sum of the terms of the energy balance equals 0 */

  LocalSoil->TSurf =
    RootBrent(y, x, MinTSurf, MaxTSurf, SurfaceEnergyBalance, Dt, Ra, ZRef,
	      Displacement, Z0, LocalMet->Wind, NetShort, LongIn,
	      LocalMet->AirDens, LocalMet->Lv, ETot, KhEff,
	      SoilType->Ch[0], SoilType->Porosity[0], LocalSoil->Moist[0],
	      FluxDepth, LocalMet->Tair, TSoilUpper,
	      TSoilLower, OldTSurf, MeltEnergy);

  /* Calculate the terms of the energy balance.  This is similar to the
     code in SurfaceEnergyBalance.c */

  TMean = 0.5 * (OldTSurf + LocalSoil->TSurf);

  if (LocalMet->Wind > 0.0)
    Ra /= StabilityCorrection(ZRef, Displacement, TMean, LocalMet->Tair,
			      LocalMet->Wind, Z0);
    Ra = DHSVM_HUGE;

  LocalSoil->Ra = Ra;

  Tmp = TMean + 273.15;
  LocalSoil->Qnet = NetShort + LongIn - STEFAN * (Tmp * Tmp * Tmp * Tmp);

  LocalSoil->Qs = LocalMet->AirDens * CP * (LocalMet->Tair - TMean) / Ra;

  LocalSoil->Qe = -(LocalMet->Lv * ETot) / Dt * WATER_DENSITY;

  LocalSoil->Qg = KhEff * (TSoilLower - TMean) / FluxDepth;

  HeatCapacity = (1 - SoilType->Porosity[0]) * SoilType->Ch[0];

  if (TSoilUpper >= 0.0)
    HeatCapacity += LocalSoil->Moist[0] * CH_WATER;
    HeatCapacity += LocalSoil->Moist[0] * CH_ICE;

  LocalSoil->Qst = (HeatCapacity * (OldTSurf - TMean) * DZ_TOP) / Dt;

  LocalSoil->Qrest = LocalSoil->Qnet + LocalSoil->Qs + LocalSoil->Qe +
    LocalSoil->Qg + LocalSoil->Qst + MeltEnergy;