void Scene_Hell_Vale::Init() { StartAnimation("smoke_for_hell_anim"); StartAnimation("clouds_anim"); // Objets à ramasser SetupItem("hell_item_heart"); SetupItem("hell_item_eyeball"); SetupItem("hell_item_butterfly"); SetupItem("hell_item_cane[2]"); SetupItem("hell_sling_stick"); // Quelle est l'âme visible ? if (TaskResolved("task_hell_meetsoul_1") && !TaskResolved("task_hell_savesoul_1")) { SetVisible("hell_vale_soul_1", true); } else if (TaskResolved("task_hell_meetsoul_2") && !TaskResolved("task_hell_savesoul_2")) { SetVisible("hell_vale_soul_2", true); } else if (TaskResolved("task_hell_meetsoul_3") && !TaskResolved("task_hell_savesoul_3")) { SetVisible("hell_vale_soul_3", true); } else if (TaskResolved("task_hell_meetsoul_richard")) { SetVisible("hell_vale_soul_richard", true); } }
void WalkEntity(Entity_T *e, int direction) { const float WALK_SPEED = TILE_WIDTH / 1000; switch(direction){ case ENTDIR_UP: e->body->v.y = WALK_SPEED; if(e->state != ENTSTATE_WALK || e->dir == ENTDIR_DOWN) StartAnimation(e, ANIM_WALK_UP); break; case ENTDIR_DOWN: e->body->v.y = -WALK_SPEED; if(e->state != ENTSTATE_WALK || e->dir == ENTDIR_UP) StartAnimation(e, ANIM_WALK_DOWN); break; case ENTDIR_LEFT: e->body->v.x = -WALK_SPEED; if(e->state != ENTSTATE_WALK || e->dir == ENTDIR_RIGHT) StartAnimation(e, ANIM_WALK_LEFT); break; case ENTDIR_RIGHT: e->body->v.x = WALK_SPEED; if(e->state != ENTSTATE_WALK || e->dir == ENTDIR_LEFT) StartAnimation(e, ANIM_WALK_RIGHT); break; } e->dir = direction; e->state = ENTSTATE_WALK; }
void CFadeButtonUI::DoEvent(TEventUI& event) { if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSEENTER && !IsAnimationRunning( FADE_IN_ID ) ) { m_bFadeAlpha = 0; m_bMouseHove = TRUE; StopAnimation( FADE_OUT_ID ); StartAnimation( FADE_ELLAPSE, FADE_FRAME_COUNT, FADE_IN_ID ); Invalidate(); return; } if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSELEAVE && !IsAnimationRunning( FADE_OUT_ID ) ) { m_bFadeAlpha = 0; m_bMouseLeave = TRUE; StopAnimation(FADE_IN_ID); StartAnimation(FADE_ELLAPSE, FADE_FRAME_COUNT, FADE_OUT_ID); Invalidate(); return; } if( event.Type == UIEVENT_TIMER ) { OnTimer( event.wParam ); } CButtonUI::DoEvent( event ); }
void Scene_Inca_Mainscreen::Init() { StartAnimation("bg2_anim"); StartAnimation("clouds_anim"); if (!TaskResolved("inca_ashleytalkintro")) { ResolveTask("inca_ashleytalkintro"); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->NarrationMode(NULL, SEQUENCE_NARRATION_DIALOG, true); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->Talk(NULL, CHARACTER_POSX, CHARACTER_POSY, KStr("INCA_DIALOGBOX_INTRO1"), "", false, true); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->Talk(NULL, CHARACTER_POSX, CHARACTER_POSY, KStr("INCA_DIALOGBOX_INTRO2"), "", false, true); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->Talk(NULL, CHARACTER_POSX, CHARACTER_POSY, KStr("INCA_DIALOGBOX_INTRO3"), "", false, true); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->NarrationMode(NULL, SEQUENCE_NARRATION_DIALOG, false); AddTask("task_inca_findspear"); AddObjective("inca","spear"); AddHint("inca","spear","where"); } // Ajout de la statuette à l'inventaire si elle n'y est pas déjà if (_lpSceneDirector->getInventory()->getItemFromInventory("inv_inca_statuette") == NULL) { _lpSceneDirector->getInventory()->AddItem("inca","inv_inca_statuette"); } // Morceaux de lance SetupItem("inca_spear[1]"); SetupItem("inca_spear[2]"); SetupItem("inca_spear[3]"); SetupItem("inca_spear[4]"); SetupItem("inca_spear[5]"); if (TaskResolved("task_inca_opencube")) { SetupItem("inca_spear[6]"); } // Bloc de pierre if (TaskResolved("task_inca_opencube")) { SetVisible("inca_main_cubesclosed", false, true); SetVisible("inca_main_cubesopen", true, true); } else { SetVisible("inca_main_cubesclosed", true, true); SetVisible("inca_main_cubesopen", false, true); } // Le garde // Il n'a pas encore sa lance if (!TaskResolved("task_inca_givespear")) { SetVisible("inca_main_guard_nospear", true); } // Il a eu sa lance else { SetVisible("inca_main_guard_spear", true); } // La porte est ouverte if (TaskResolved("task_inca_opendoor")) { SetVisible("inca_main_door", false, false); } }
bool nuiHugeImage::MouseClicked(const nglMouseInfo& rInfo) { if ((rInfo.Buttons & nglMouseInfo::ButtonLeft) && (rInfo.Buttons & nglMouseInfo::ButtonDoubleClick)) { float zoom = 0; int32 x = mX; int32 y = mY; if (mZoom == mMinZoom) { zoom = mMaxZoom; } else { zoom = mMinZoom; x += (rInfo.X - (mRect.GetWidth() / 2)) / mZoom; y += (rInfo.Y - (mRect.GetHeight() / 2)) / mZoom; } StopAnimation(_T("Zoom")); mpZoom->SetEndValue(zoom); StartAnimation(_T("Zoom")); if (mX != x) { StopAnimation(_T("PanX")); mpPanX->SetEndValue(x); StartAnimation(_T("PanX")); } if (mY != y) { StopAnimation(_T("PanY")); mpPanY->SetEndValue(y); StartAnimation(_T("PanY")); } Invalidate(); } else if (rInfo.Buttons & nglMouseInfo::ButtonLeft) { mClicked = true; mLastX = rInfo.X; mLastY = rInfo.Y; } else if (rInfo.Buttons & nglMouseInfo::ButtonWheelUp) { SetZoom(nuiClamp(mZoom * WHEEL_ZOOM, mMinZoom, mMaxZoom)); } else if (rInfo.Buttons & nglMouseInfo::ButtonWheelDown) { SetZoom(nuiClamp(mZoom / WHEEL_ZOOM, mMinZoom, mMaxZoom)); } return false; }
//━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ // Name : 初期化 // Description : 初期化 // Arguments : // Returns : //━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ void CFlower::Init(D3DXVECTOR3 pos,D3DXVECTOR3 dir,const LPCTSTR pszFName) { m_kuki = CObject2D::Create(pszFName); //m_kuki->Init(D3DXVECTOR3(1,1,0)); // キャラクターの初期化 CCharacter::Init(); Resize(D3DXVECTOR2(FLOWER_SIZE_X,FLOWER_SIZE_Y)); pos += dir * (FLOWER_SIZE_X / 2); Translate(pos); m_angle = AngleOf2Vector(pos,D3DXVECTOR3(0,1,0)); if(m_angle > 0) RotateZ((float)m_angle); m_lastTime = CTimer::GetTime(); if(rand() % 2 == 0) m_rotSpd = 3; else if(rand() % 2 == 1) m_rotSpd = -3; // アニメーション初期化 StartAnimation(); UVDivision(0, FLOWER_ANIME_SIZE_X, FLOWER_ANIME_SIZE_Y); }
void Vignette_Hands::Init() { SetVisible("hand_ashley", true); StartAnimation("handashley_animp2p"); if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "island") { strcpy(_szHandName, "hand_pirate"); Loader::LoadScene("island_beach"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "japan") { strcpy(_szHandName, "hand_japan"); Loader::LoadScene("japan_mainscreen"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "inca") { strcpy(_szHandName, "hand_inca"); Loader::LoadScene("inca_mainscreen"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "egypt") { strcpy(_szHandName, "hand_egypt"); Loader::LoadScene("egypt_land"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "middleage") { strcpy(_szHandName, "hand_middleage"); Loader::LoadScene("middleage_mainscreen"); } _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->PreloadVideo("videos/soul_tunnel.ogv"); }
void SceneTest::Init() { /* Load button graphics */ _lpButtonGraphic = EImageBank::getImage("buttons.png"); StartAnimation("crabeP2P"); }
void CCLUDrawBase::Key(unsigned char cKey, int iX, int iY) { /// Need to implement this function if (cKey == 'q' || cKey == 'Q') exit(0); if (cKey == 's' || cKey == 'S') { char pcName[30]; sprintf(pcName, "OGLScreen%03d.bmp", m_iSaveScreenNo++); SaveScreen2BMP(pcName); } if (cKey == 'a' || cKey == 'A') { if (!m_bIsAnimated) StartAnimation(m_iAnimPause); else StopAnimation(); } if (cKey == 'm' || cKey == 'M') { if (m_iAnimRotType !=4) m_iAnimRotType = 4; // ANIMROT_MOUSE else m_iAnimRotType =0; } // Select Rotation mode if (cKey >= '0' && cKey <= '9') { SetRTMode(cKey - '0'); } }
void nuiHugeImage::ZoomTo(float zoom) { mpZoom->SetEndValue(zoom); StopAnimation(_T("Zoom")); StartAnimation(_T("Zoom")); Invalidate(); }
void SceneMenu::Init() { _lpSceneDirector->ChangeMusic(DIRECTOR_MUSIC_MENU); SetSmoothOverlap("ashley", true); StartAnimation("ashleyanim"); StartAnimation("zeplight"); StartAnimation("bg1anim"); StartAnimation("bg2anim"); StartAnimation("bg4anim"); #ifdef BFG_TEASING Loader::LoadScene("teasing"); #endif Loader::LoadScene(GetStrGlobal("__lastscene__","parvis")); EWatchDog::Enable(); }
/** * \author Darryn Campbell (DCC, JRQ768) * \date November 2009 (DCC: Initial Creation, Modified from PB2.x Hourglass functionality) */ BOOL CHourglassAnimation::RequestToShow(BOOL bHourglassShouldBeShown) { m_bRequestedToShow = bHourglassShouldBeShown; if (!bHourglassShouldBeShown) { // Requested to hide the hourglass, stop the animation if it is // currently running if (m_bAnimationRunning) return StopAnimation(); } else { // Requested to Show the Hourglass if (m_bModuleIsForeground) { // Hourglass is requested to be shown and we are the foreground // window, start the animation if it is not already running if (!m_bAnimationRunning) return StartAnimation(); else return FALSE; } else { // Hourglass is requested to be shown and we are the background // window. No action. } } return TRUE; }
/** * \author Darryn Campbell (DCC, JRQ768) * \date November 2009 (DCC: Initial Creation, Modified from PB2.x Hourglass functionality) */ BOOL CHourglassAnimation::SetFocus(BOOL bCurrentlyHasFocus) { m_bModuleIsForeground = bCurrentlyHasFocus; // If we have moved to the background stop the animation if it is // currently running if (!bCurrentlyHasFocus) { // Background if (m_bAnimationRunning) StopAnimation(); } else { // We have gained focus // Test whether or not we should be showning the hour glass if (m_bRequestedToShow) { // We have previously been requested to shown the animation if (!m_bAnimationRunning) StartAnimation(); } else { // We have previously been requested to not show the animation // It should not be running but test and stop it here anyway. if (m_bAnimationRunning) StopAnimation(); } } return TRUE; }
OP_STATUS QuickPagingLayout::GoToPage(int pos) { if (0 > pos || UINT32(pos) >= m_pages.GetCount()) { OP_ASSERT(!"Index out of bounds"); return OpStatus::ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (pos == m_active_pos) return OpStatus::OK; if (m_active_pos >= 0) m_pages[m_active_pos]->SetParentOpWidget(0); m_previous_pos = m_active_pos; m_active_pos = pos; if (!m_visible) return OpStatus::OK; m_pages[m_active_pos]->SetParentOpWidget(m_parent_op_widget); if (m_previous_pos >= 0) StartAnimation(); if (m_rect.IsEmpty()) return OpStatus::OK; return Layout(m_rect); }
void CAnimControlUI::Start() { if(!IsRunning()) { StartAnimation(m_uElapse,m_uTotalFrameCnt,ANIMATION_ID,TRUE); } }
/* void resetAnimation (); */ NS_IMETHODIMP imgContainer::ResetAnimation() { if (mAnimationMode == kDontAnimMode || !mAnim || mAnim->currentAnimationFrameIndex == 0) return NS_OK; PRBool oldAnimating = mAnim->animating; if (mAnim->animating) { nsresult rv = StopAnimation(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } mAnim->lastCompositedFrameIndex = -1; mAnim->currentAnimationFrameIndex = 0; // Update display nsCOMPtr<imgIContainerObserver> observer(do_QueryReferent(mObserver)); if (observer) { nsresult rv = RestoreDiscardedData(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); observer->FrameChanged(this, mFrames[0], &(mAnim->firstFrameRefreshArea)); } if (oldAnimating) return StartAnimation(); return NS_OK; }
void ElementExpanderImpl::HandleCallback(OpMessage msg, MH_PARAM_1 par1, MH_PARAM_2 par2) { switch(msg) { case MSG_FINGERTOUCH_ANIMATE: StartAnimation(); break; } }
void WPJDisplayLinkDirector::SetAnimationInterval(double dValue) { m_dAnimationInterval = dValue; if (! m_bInvalid) { StopAnimation(); StartAnimation(); } }
void VLineFollowerComponent::CommonInit() { StartAnimation(Model_AnimationName); if (m_pPhys) m_pPhys->SetDebugRendering(Debug_RenderMesh); m_mDeltaRotation.setRotationMatrix (hkvVec3(0,0,1), Model_DeltaRotation); }
bool TankGob::Init(WCoord wx, WCoord wy, Player *pplr, fix fxHealth, dword ff, const char *pszName) { if (!MobileUnitGob::Init(wx, wy, pplr, fxHealth, ff, pszName)) return false; StartAnimation(&m_ani, m_dir, 0, 0); m_aniTurret.Init(m_pmuntc->panid); SetAnimationStrip(&m_aniTurret, m_pmuntc->anFiringStripIndices[m_dir16Turret]); return true; }
void ImageResource::EvaluateAnimation() { if (!mAnimating && ShouldAnimate()) { nsresult rv = StartAnimation(); mAnimating = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); } else if (mAnimating && !ShouldAnimate()) { StopAnimation(); } }
void KPstateAudioSettings::UpdateDisplay(KPstateContext *pContext) const { KPstate::UpdateDisplay(pContext); auto &menu = pContext->GetMenu(); const auto dy = 0.6f; static const Lbl soundVolumeIds[11] = { Lbl::SoundVolumeOff, Lbl::SoundVolume10, Lbl::SoundVolume20, Lbl::SoundVolume30, Lbl::SoundVolume40, Lbl::SoundVolume50, Lbl::SoundVolume60, Lbl::SoundVolume70, Lbl::SoundVolume80, Lbl::SoundVolume90, Lbl::SoundVolume100 }; static const Lbl musicVolumeIds[11] = { Lbl::MusicVolumeOff, Lbl::MusicVolume10, Lbl::MusicVolume20, Lbl::MusicVolume30, Lbl::MusicVolume40, Lbl::MusicVolume50, Lbl::MusicVolume60, Lbl::MusicVolume70, Lbl::MusicVolume80, Lbl::MusicVolume90, Lbl::MusicVolume100 }; menu.plates[KPPlate::MenuBackground].SetPosition(2, 3.5, 14, 8.5); menu.plates[KPPlate::Logo].SetPosition(4, 9, 12, 11); menu.plates[KPPlate::Logo].SetFullyVisible(); menu.labels[Lbl::Settings].SetPosition(4, 8, 1); menu.labels[Lbl::Settings].SetFullyVisible(); menu.labels[Lbl::Audio].SetPosition(12, 8, 1, AlignItem::Right); menu.labels[Lbl::Audio].SetFullyVisible(); auto y = 6.0f; menu.labels[Lbl::SoundVolume].SetPosition(8, y, 0.71f, AlignItem::Right); menu.labels[Lbl::SoundVolume].SetSignal(Signal::ToggleSoundVolume); auto labelId = soundVolumeIds[E_SoundVolume / 10]; menu.labels[labelId].SetPosition(8.2f, y, 0.71f); menu.labels[labelId].SetSignal(Signal::ToggleSoundVolume); y -= dy; menu.labels[Lbl::MusicVolume].SetPosition(8, y, 0.71f, AlignItem::Right); menu.labels[Lbl::MusicVolume].SetSignal(Signal::ToggleMusicVolume); labelId = musicVolumeIds[E_MusicVolume / 10]; menu.labels[labelId].SetPosition(8.2f, y, 0.71f); menu.labels[labelId].SetSignal(Signal::ToggleMusicVolume); menu.labels[Lbl::Back].SetPosition(8, 0.7f, 1, AlignItem::Centered); menu.labels[Lbl::Back].SetSignal(Signal::Back); StartAnimation(pContext); }
void ZoomControlExternal::ExtendedZoomControls::Fade( /* [in] */ Int32 visibility, /* [in] */ Float startAlpha, /* [in] */ Float endAlpha) { AutoPtr<IAlphaAnimation> anim; CAlphaAnimation::New(startAlpha, endAlpha, (IAlphaAnimation**)&anim); anim->SetDuration(500); StartAnimation(anim); SetVisibility(visibility); }
void SlimeKingMiddle::MakeTheOtherSelf() { auto s1 = Slime::create(); auto s2 = Slime::create(); auto monsterManager = static_cast<MonsterManager*>(layer->getChildByName("MonsterManager")); monsterManager->monsters.pushBack(s1); monsterManager->monsters.pushBack(s2); s1->setPosition(this->getPosition()); s2->setPosition(this->getPosition()); s1->Draw(layer); s2->Draw(layer); auto act = JumpBy::create(0.5f, Vec2(s1->getContentSize().width, 0), s1->getContentSize().height*0.5f, 1); s1->runAction(act->clone()); s2->runAction(act->reverse()); s1->scheduleUpdate(); s1->StartAnimation(); s2->scheduleUpdate(); s2->StartAnimation(); }
void KPstateLightTest::UpdateDisplay(KPstateContext *pContext) const { auto &menu = pContext->GetMenu(); KPstate::UpdateDisplay(pContext); menu.labels[Lbl::Ok].SetPosition(8, 1, 1, AlignItem::Centered); menu.labels[Lbl::Ok].SetSignal(Signal::Back); StartAnimation(pContext); }
void Scene_Inca_Mainscreen::StartEffect(const char *szEffect) { StartAnimation("bg2_anim"); if (strcmp(szEffect, "raise_door") == 0) { _bAnimDoor = true; int x, y; GetObjectPosition("inca_main_door", x, y, false, false); ESoundBank::getSound("rockdoor")->playSample(); _lpAnimDoor->startCounter(0.0f, -210.0f, 0, 10000, K_COUNTER_EASEOUT); _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->NarrationMode(NULL, SEQUENCE_NARRATION_CINEMATIC, true); } }
void CTrayIcon::SetAnimationDelay(int nDelay) { ASSERT (nDelay >= 100); m_nAnimationDelay = max(nDelay, 100); if (m_bAnimationOn) { KillTimer(1); StartAnimation(); } }
MinerGob::MinerGob() : MobileUnitGob(&gConsts) { m_aniVacuum.Init(s_panidVacuum); StartAnimation(&m_aniVacuum, 0, 0, kfAniLoop); m_nGalaxiteAmount = 0; m_gidFavoriteProcessor = kgidNull; m_tptGalaxite.tx = kxInvalid; m_fMinerUnderAttack = false; m_wfMunt &= ~kfMuntAggressivenessBits; m_fHidden = false; m_fAttemptingToDeliver = false; }
void SkeletController::AddAnimation(const char *name, int loop) { if (!m_animation || !m_started) { StartAnimation(name, loop); } else { AnimationEntry e = { name , loop }; m_added_animations.push_back(e); if (m_loop <=0 ) { m_loop = 1; } } }
void Vignette_Hands::Draw() { if (!_bSound) { _bSound = true; _lpSceneDirector->getSequencer()->PlaySound(NULL, "hands_vortex"); SetVisible("hand_ashley", true); StartAnimation("handashley_animp2p"); if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "island") { SetVisible("hand_pirate", true); StartAnimation("handpirate_animp2p"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "japan") { SetVisible("hand_japan", true); StartAnimation("handjapan_animp2p"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "inca") { SetVisible("hand_inca", true); StartAnimation("handinca_animp2p"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "egypt") { SetVisible("hand_egypt", true); StartAnimation("handegypt_animp2p"); } if (_strSceneAdditionalName == "middleage") { SetVisible("hand_middleage", true); StartAnimation("handmiddleage_animp2p"); } } EScene::Draw(); }