const bool DB::Open(const std::string &filename) { if(IsOpen()==true) { Close(); } if(IsOpen()==false) { m_lastresult=sqlite3_open(filename.c_str(),&m_db); if(m_lastresult==SQLITE_OK) { if(IsProfiling()) { StartProfiling(); } return true; } else { std::string errmsg(""); int err=GetLastExtendedError(errmsg); HandleError(err,errmsg,"DB::Open"); return false; } } else { return false; } }
OP_STATUS OpScopeProfiler::OnAboutToLoadDocument(DocumentManager *docman, const OpScopeDocumentListener::AboutToLoadDocumentArgs &args) { if (!IsEnabled() || !AcceptDocumentManager(docman) || !current_session->GetStartOnLoad()) return OpStatus::OK; current_session->SetStartOnLoad(FALSE); return StartProfiling(); }
int main() { if (SystemCheck()) { LOG("Adding resources."); if (Effect.Load) Effect.Load(); StartEventQueue(); StartProfiling(); SetFrameCounter(0); TRY { BOOL loopExit = false; LOG("Setting up the effect."); Effect.Init(); LOG("Running up main loop."); do { InputEventT event; int32_t frameNumber; while (EventQueuePop(&event)) { if (event.ie_Class == IECLASS_RAWKEY) if (event.ie_Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX) if ((event.ie_Code & ~IECODE_UP_PREFIX) == KEY_ESCAPE) loopExit = true; if (Effect.HandleEvent && !loopExit) Effect.HandleEvent(&event); } frameNumber = ReadFrameCounter(); Effect.Render(frameNumber); RenderFrameNumber(frameNumber); RenderFramesPerSecond(frameNumber); DisplaySwap(); } while (!loopExit); LOG("Tearing down the effect."); Effect.Kill(); } CATCH { LOG("Effect crashed!"); } StopProfiling(); StopEventQueue(); if (Effect.UnLoad) Effect.UnLoad(); } return 0; }
/* * Set up effect function. */ void SetupEffect() { UVMapT *uvmap = R_("Map"); PixBufT *shades = R_("Shades"); LoadPalette(R_("TexturePal")); UVMapGenerate4(uvmap); UVMapSetTexture(uvmap, R_("Texture")); uvmap->lightMap = shades; PixBufSetColorMap(shades, R_("ColorMap")); ResAdd("Component", NewPixBufWrapper(WIDTH, HEIGHT, uvmap->; StartProfiling(); }
/* Toggle profiling. Can be called as a signal handler. */ ProfileToggle() { #if !defined (AFS_AIX_ENV) && !defined (AFS_HPUX_ENV) /* Soon should handle aix profiling */ static char *onMsg = "Profiling turned on.\n"; static char *offMsg = "Profiling turned off; mon.out written.\n"; if (profiling) { EndProfiling(); write(fileno(stdout), offMsg, strlen(offMsg)); } else { StartProfiling(); write(fileno(stdout), onMsg, strlen(onMsg)); } #endif }
/* * Set up effect function. */ void SetupEffect() { PaletteT *palette = R_("Palette"); RGB *colors = palette->colors; int i; /* create a suitable fire palette, this is crucial for a good effect */ /* black to blue, blue to red, red to yellow, yellow to white*/ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { /* black to blue, 32 values*/ colors[i].b = i << 1; /* blue to red, 32 values*/ colors[i + 32].r = i << 3; colors[i + 32].b = 64 - (i << 1); /*red to yellow, 32 values*/ colors[i + 64].r = 255; colors[i + 64].g = i << 3; /* yellow to white, 162 */ colors[i + 96].r = 255; colors[i + 96].g = 255; colors[i + 96].b = i << 2; colors[i + 128].r = 255; colors[i + 128].g = 255; colors[i + 128].b = 64 + (i << 2); colors[i + 160].r = 255; colors[i + 160].g = 255; colors[i + 160].b = 128 + (i << 2); colors[i + 192].r = 255; colors[i + 192].g = 255; colors[i + 192].b = 192 + i; colors[i + 224].r = 255; colors[i + 224].g = 255; colors[i + 224].b = 224 + i; } LoadPalette(palette); StartProfiling(); }
/* * Set up effect function. */ void SetupEffect() { PixBufClear(R_("Canvas")); LoadPalette(R_("Palette")); StartProfiling(); }
VSPTree::VSPTree( QString appPath, QString argument) : m_applicationPath( appPath ), m_settings( appPath + "/VSPTree.ini", QSettings::IniFormat ) { QDir dir(PATH32); QDir dir2(PATH64); if ( dir.exists() ) { m_profilerpath = PATH32; } else if ( dir2.exists() ) { m_profilerpath = PATH64; } else { QMessageBox::critical(NULL,"Standalone Debugger not installed", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Team Tools\\Performance Tools\\ does not exist"); } QStringList env = QProcess::systemEnvironment(); env.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^PATH=(.*)", Qt::CaseInsensitive), QString("PATH=\\1;") + m_profilerpath); m_process.setEnvironment(env); if ( m_settings.contains("m_lastExe") ) { m_lastExe = m_settings.value("m_lastExe").toString(); } if ( m_settings.contains("m_lastVSP") ) { m_lastVSP = m_settings.value("m_lastVSP").toString(); } if ( m_settings.contains("m_lastArguments") ) { m_lastArguments = m_settings.value("m_lastArguments").toString(); } m_editorPath = ""; if ( m_settings.contains("m_editorPath") ) { m_editorPath = m_settings.value("m_editorPath").toString(); } m_editorArguments = "<filename> -n<linenum>"; if ( m_settings.contains("m_editorArguments") ) { m_editorArguments = m_settings.value("m_editorArguments").toString(); } m_log = new QTextEdit(); m_log->setReadOnly(true); connect (&m_process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),this, SLOT(StdOutLog())); connect (&m_process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),this, SLOT(StdErrorLog())); menubar = this->menuBar(); QMenu* fileMenu = menubar->addMenu("File"); QAction* openAct = fileMenu->addAction("Open VSP"); connect(openAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(LoadVSPClicked())); QAction* exitAct = fileMenu->addAction("Exit"); connect(exitAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); QMenu* profilerMenu = menubar->addMenu("Profiler"); QAction* startProfilingAct = profilerMenu->addAction("Start Profiler Service"); connect(startProfilingAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(StartProfiling())); QAction* ProfileAct = profilerMenu->addAction("Profile Application"); connect(ProfileAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(Profile())); QAction* stopProfilingAct = profilerMenu->addAction("Stop Profiler Service"); connect(stopProfilingAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(StopProfiling())); QMenu* OptionsMenu = menubar->addMenu("Options"); QAction* setTextEditor = OptionsMenu->addAction("Set Text Editor"); connect(setTextEditor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setTextEditor())); m_tabWidget = new QTabWidget(); m_callTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget(); m_flatCallTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget(); m_functionSummaryTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget(); m_tabWidget->addTab(m_callTreeWidget,"CallTree"); m_tabWidget->addTab(m_flatCallTreeWidget,"CallTreeFlat"); m_tabWidget->addTab(m_functionSummaryTreeWidget,"FunctionSummary"); m_tabWidget->addTab(m_log,"Log"); m_callTreeMenu = new QMenu(); QAction* openFileAct = m_callTreeMenu->addAction("Open File"); connect(openFileAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openFile())); QAction* expandAllAct = m_callTreeMenu->addAction("Expand All"); connect(expandAllAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_callTreeWidget, SLOT(expandAll())); QAction* collapseAllAct = m_callTreeMenu->addAction("Collapse All"); connect(collapseAllAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_callTreeWidget, SLOT(collapseAll())); m_flatCallTreeMenu = new QMenu(); m_flatCallTreeMenu->addAction(openFileAct); QAction* FindInTreeAct = m_flatCallTreeMenu->addAction("Find In Tree"); connect(FindInTreeAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(FindInTree())); //threads connect( &m_thread, SIGNAL( output( QString ) ), this, SLOT( Log( QString ) ) ); connect( &m_thread, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( workDone() ) ); this->setCentralWidget(m_tabWidget); this->setWindowTitle(VERSION); this->resize(640,480); this->show(); if ( !argument.isEmpty() ) { LoadVSP(argument); } }
void VRSDClient::OnHandleCallback(IVisCallbackDataObject_cl *pData) { // check event source if(pData->m_pSender == &m_pClientLanguageImplementation->ScriptEvent) { VRSDScriptEvent* pEvent = static_cast<VRSDScriptEventCallbackItem*>(pData)->pScriptEvent; if(!pEvent) return; // If profiling is enabled the profiler will handle the script event, // Afterwards the return ensures that the standard debugging procedure is not followed if(m_bProfilingEnabled) { HandleScriptEventForProfiling(pEvent); return; } // Check if there is a connection from the remote debugger available if(!m_pConnection) return; // send event to debugger if(!SendScriptEvent(pEvent)) return; // wait for debugger on what to do VMessage Msg; { VMutexLocker lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if(!m_pConnection) return; m_pConnection->Recv(&Msg); } while(Msg.IsValid() && Msg.GetMessageType() != 'CONT') { // check here for profiling messages as well since the async send may lead to them being received here if(Msg.GetMessageType() == 'BRSP') { StartProfiling(); break; } else if(Msg.GetMessageType() == 'ERSP') { StopProfiling(); break; } // process message (get callstack, get local variables, get global variables etc.) HandleDebuggingMessage(&Msg); // get the next message VMutexLocker lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if(!m_pConnection || !m_pConnection->Recv(&Msg)) break; } } else if(pData->m_pSender == &VTarget::OnConnection) { VTargetConnectionCallbackItem* pTCCI = (VTargetConnectionCallbackItem*)pData; if(pTCCI->pConnection) { if(pTCCI->pConnection->IsFor("VRSD")) { m_pConnection = pTCCI->pConnection; // register message callback Vision::Error.AddCallback(EngineMessageCallback, this); Vision::Callbacks.OnUpdateSceneBegin += this; // Send connected callback OnConnected.TriggerCallbacks(); } } } else if(pData->m_pSender == &VTarget::OnDisconnection) { VTargetConnectionCallbackItem* pTCCI = (VTargetConnectionCallbackItem*)pData; if(pTCCI->pConnection) { if(pTCCI->pConnection->IsFor("VRSD")) { { VMutexLocker lock(m_ConnectionMutex); m_pConnection = NULL; } // register message callback Vision::Error.RemoveCallback(EngineMessageCallback, this); Vision::Callbacks.OnUpdateSceneBegin -= this; // Send disconnected callback OnDisconnected.TriggerCallbacks(); } } } else if(pData->m_pSender == &Vision::Callbacks.OnUpdateSceneBegin) { VMessage* pMsg = NULL; { VMutexLocker lock(m_ConnectionMutex); if(!m_pConnection) return; pMsg = m_pConnection->GetNextASyncReceivedMessage(); } if(!pMsg) return; // command messages switch(pMsg->GetMessageType()) { // begin remote script profiling case 'BRSP': StartProfiling(); break; // end remote script profiling case 'ERSP': StopProfiling(); break; // script reload case 'RSRN': HandleScriptReloadMessage(pMsg); break; } V_SAFE_DELETE(pMsg); } else if(pData->m_pSender == &Vision::Callbacks.OnEditorModeChanged) { if(Vision::Editor.IsInEditor() && !Vision::Editor.IsPlaying() && m_bProfilingEnabled) StopProfiling(); } }