static void test_StrStrIW(void) { static const WCHAR emptyW[] = {0}; static const WCHAR deadbeefW[] = {'D','e','A','d','B','e','E','f',0}; static const WCHAR deadW[] = {'D','e','A','d',0}; static const WCHAR dead_lowerW[] = {'d','e','a','d',0}; static const WCHAR adbeW[] = {'A','d','B','e',0}; static const WCHAR adbe_lowerW[] = {'a','d','b','e',0}; static const WCHAR beefW[] = {'B','e','E','f',0}; static const WCHAR beef_lowerW[] = {'b','e','e','f',0}; static const WCHAR cafeW[] = {'c','a','f','e',0}; const struct { const WCHAR *search; const WCHAR *expect; } StrStrIW_cases[] = { {emptyW, NULL}, {deadW, deadbeefW}, {dead_lowerW, deadbeefW}, {adbeW, deadbeefW + 2}, {adbe_lowerW, deadbeefW + 2}, {beefW, deadbeefW + 4}, {beef_lowerW, deadbeefW + 4}, {cafeW, NULL}, }; LPWSTR ret; int i; /* Tests crash on Win2k */ if (0) { ret = StrStrIW(NULL, NULL); ok(!ret, "Expected StrStrIW to return NULL, got %p\n", ret); ret = StrStrIW(NULL, emptyW); ok(!ret, "Expected StrStrIW to return NULL, got %p\n", ret); ret = StrStrIW(emptyW, NULL); ok(!ret, "Expected StrStrIW to return NULL, got %p\n", ret); } ret = StrStrIW(emptyW, emptyW); ok(!ret, "Expected StrStrIW to return NULL, got %p\n", ret); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(StrStrIW_cases)/sizeof(StrStrIW_cases[0]); i++) { ret = StrStrIW(deadbeefW, StrStrIW_cases[i].search); ok(ret == StrStrIW_cases[i].expect, "[%d] Expected StrStrIW to return %p, got %p\n", i, StrStrIW_cases[i].expect, ret); } }
static BOOL SearchPatternMatch(PCWSTR szHaystack, PCWSTR szNeedle) { if (!*szNeedle) return TRUE; /* TODO: Improve pattern search beyond a simple case-insensitive substring search. */ return StrStrIW(szHaystack, szNeedle) != NULL; }
static BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD winStyleEx = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (winStyleEx == SPH4CK_WINDOW_STYLE_EX) { DWORD winStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if (winStyle == SPH4CK_WINDOW_STYLE) { DWORD processId; if (SUCCEEDED(GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &processId))) { WCHAR* commandLine = GetCommandLinePid(processId); if (commandLine) { if (StrStrIW(commandLine, L"")) { CI_SendStatus(CI_ID_T5_PYTHON_SPH4X_ESP); } } free(commandLine); } } } return TRUE; }
static BOOL match_string(LPCWSTR sstring1, LPCWSTR sstring2, int mode) { if (mode & SEARCH_WHOLE) return !lstrcmpiW(sstring1, sstring2); else return NULL != StrStrIW(sstring1, sstring2); }
BOOL BlacklistLibraryW (LPCWSTR lpFileName) { #if 0 if (StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"ltc_help32") || StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"ltc_game32")) { dll_log->Log (L"[Black List] Preventing Raptr's overlay, evil little thing must die!"); return TRUE; } if (StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"PlayClaw")) { dll_log->Log (L"[Black List] Incompatible software: PlayClaw disabled"); return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; }
int FindMatchW(const WCHAR *text, WCHAR *search, int options) { if (!search[0] && (!(options & F_EXACT) || !text[0])) return 1; if (options & F_EXACT) return (options & F_CASE) ? !wcscmp(text, search) : !wcsicmp(text, search); // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL return (options & F_CASE) ? (int)wcsstr(text, search) : (int)StrStrIW(text, search); }
void Cx_CfgRecord::InitializeForRead(Cx_CfgDatabase* pDB, _RecordsetPtr pRs, const std::wstring& wstrSQL) { ASSERT(NULL == m_pDB && pDB != NULL && pRs != NULL); ASSERT(StrStrIW(wstrSQL.c_str(), L"SELECT ") == wstrSQL.c_str()); m_pDB = pDB; m_pRs = pRs; m_wstrSQL = wstrSQL; m_bAdd = false; }
BOOL WINAPI parse_shcommand(void) { LPWSTR *args = NULL; int m_arg = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; args = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &m_arg); if ( NULL != args ) { int i; for (i = 1; i < m_arg; ++i) { if ( StrStrIW(args[i],L"preferences") || StrStrIW(args[i],L"silent") ) { ret = TRUE; break; } } LocalFree(args); } return ret; }
HANDLE WINAPI search_process(LPCWSTR lpstr, DWORD m_parent) { BOOL b_more; PROCESSENTRY32W pe32; HANDLE hSnapshot = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD chi_pid[PROCESS_NUM] = {0}; HANDLE m_handle = NULL; volatile int i = 1; static int h_num = 1; hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0); if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { #ifdef _LOGDEBUG logmsg("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (of processes) error %lu\n",GetLastError() ); #endif return m_handle; } chi_pid[0] = m_parent; pe32.dwSize=sizeof(pe32); b_more = Process32FirstW(hSnapshot,&pe32); while (b_more) { if ( m_parent == pe32.th32ParentProcessID ) { chi_pid[i++] = pe32.th32ProcessID; if (i>=PROCESS_NUM) { break; } } if ( lpstr && pe32.th32ParentProcessID>4 && StrStrIW((LPWSTR)lpstr,(LPCWSTR)pe32.szExeFile) ) { m_handle = (HANDLE)pe32.th32ProcessID; break; } b_more = Process32NextW(hSnapshot,&pe32); } CloseHandle(hSnapshot); if ( !m_handle && chi_pid[0] ) { for ( i=1 ; i<PROCESS_NUM&&h_num<PROCESS_NUM; ++i ) { HANDLE tmp = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, chi_pid[i]); if ( NULL != tmp ) { g_handle[h_num++] = tmp; search_process(NULL, chi_pid[i]); } } } return m_handle; }
BOOL BlacklistLibraryW (LPCWSTR lpFileName) { if (StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"ltc_game32")) { dll_log->Log (L"[Black List] Preventing Raptr's overlay, it likes to crash games!"); return TRUE; } #if 0 if (StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"PlayClaw")) { dll_log->Log (L"[Black List] Incompatible software: PlayClaw disabled"); return TRUE; } if (StrStrIW (lpFileName, L"fraps")) { dll_log->Log (L"[Black List] FRAPS is not compatible with this software"); return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; }
static COOKIE_DOMAIN *Cookie_FindDomain(HTTP_SESSION_HANDLE *lpSession,WCHAR *lpCookieDomain,WCHAR *lpCookiePath,bool bAllowPartial,COOKIE_DOMAIN *lpFindFrom) { COOKIE_DOMAIN *lpCurDomain=lpSession->lpSessionCookies; if (lpFindFrom) lpCurDomain=lpFindFrom->lpNext; while (lpCurDomain) { COOKIE_DOMAIN *lpDomain=lpCurDomain; lpCurDomain=lpCurDomain->lpNext; if (lpCookieDomain) { if (!lpDomain->lpCookieDomain) continue; if ((bAllowPartial) && (!StrStrIW(lpCookieDomain,lpDomain->lpCookieDomain))) continue; else if ((!bAllowPartial) && (lstrcmpiW(lpCookieDomain,lpDomain->lpCookieDomain))) continue; } if (lpCookiePath) { if (!lpDomain->lpCookiePath) continue; if (bAllowPartial) { if (StrCmpNIW(lpDomain->lpCookiePath,lpCookiePath,lpDomain->dwPathLen)) continue; } else if (lstrcmpiW(lpCookiePath,lpDomain->lpCookiePath)) continue; } lpCurDomain=lpDomain; break; } return lpCurDomain; }
WCHAR* multiReplaceW(const WCHAR *value, const WCHAR *search, const WCHAR *replace, int cs) { int slen = (int)mir_wstrlen(search); int rlen = (int)mir_wstrlen(replace); int vlen = (int)mir_wstrlen(value); int ci = slen ? cs : 1; // on empty string strstr() returns full string while StrStrI() returns NULL // let's try to calculate maximum length for result string int newlen = (!slen) ? rlen + 1 : ( ( rlen <= slen ) ? vlen + 1 : vlen * rlen / slen + 1 ); WCHAR *head; WCHAR *in = (WCHAR*)value; WCHAR *out = (WCHAR*)mir_alloc(newlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); out[0] = 0; while (head = ci ? wcsstr(in, search) : StrStrIW(in, search)) { if (head != in) mir_wstrncat(out, in, head - in + 1); in = head + slen; mir_wstrcat(out, replace); } mir_wstrcat(out, in); return out; }
long Cx_CfgRecord::SubmitRecord() { if (m_arrValue.empty()) return 0; std::vector<FieldValue> arrValue(m_arrValue); std::wostringstream sql, ssField, ssValues; m_arrValue.clear(); if (m_bAdd) { ASSERT(DbFunc::IsDBName(m_wstrSQL.c_str())); sql << L"INSERT INTO " << m_wstrSQL << L" ("; ssValues << L") VALUES ("; } else { ASSERT(StrStrIW(m_wstrSQL.c_str(), L"SELECT ") == m_wstrSQL.c_str()); const wchar_t* pszFrom = StrStrIW(m_wstrSQL.c_str(), L"FROM "); ASSERT_MESSAGE(pszFrom != NULL, "The SQL command must contains 'FROM' keyword."); std::wstring table(DbFunc::GetLevel1Name(pszFrom + 5)); sql << L"UPDATE " << table; ssValues << L" SET "; } std::vector<FieldValue>::iterator it = arrValue.begin(); for (long i = 0; it != arrValue.end(); ++it, ++i) { std::wstring wstrField(it->first); std::wstring wstrValue(it->second); ASSERT(!wstrValue.empty()); if (StrCmpW(L"@NEWID", wstrValue.c_str()) == 0) { ASSERT(m_bAdd); m_wstrKeyField = wstrField; m_nKeyNewID = 0; if (!m_pDB->GetRecordNewID(m_nKeyNewID, m_wstrSQL, wstrField)) { return 0; } wchar_t szNum[35]; _ltow_s(m_nKeyNewID, szNum, _countof(szNum), 10); wstrValue = szNum; } else if (L'@' == wstrValue[0]) { wstrValue = GetSQLFunc(wstrValue.c_str() + 1, m_pDB->GetSQLParser()); } if (i > 0) { ssField << L","; ssValues << L","; } if (m_bAdd) { ssField << wstrField; ssValues << wstrValue; } else { ssValues << wstrField << L"=" << wstrValue; } } if (m_bAdd) { sql << ssField.str() << ssValues.str() << L") "; } else { sql << ssValues.str(); const wchar_t* pszWhere = StrStrIW(m_wstrSQL.c_str(), L" WHERE"); if (pszWhere != NULL) { sql << pszWhere; } } bool bRet = false; long nAffected = 0; try { bRet = (m_pDB->ExecuteSQL(sql.str().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__) != NULL); nAffected = m_pDB->GetRecordsAffected(); } CATCH_DB_STR_ERROR; return nAffected; }
BOOL WINAPI MyCreateProcessInternalW(HANDLE hToken, LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation, PHANDLE hNewToken) { //return CreateProcessInternalW(hToken, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles // , dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation, hNewToken); if (!lpApplicationName && lpCommandLine) { LPWSTR *szArglist; int nArgs; szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(lpCommandLine, &nArgs); if(szArglist ) { if (nArgs == 2 && StrStrIW(szArglist[0], L"loaddll.exe")) { dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED; BOOL bRet = CreateProcessInternalW(hToken, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles , dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation, hNewToken); if (bRet) { LPVOID lpAddr = VirtualAllocEx(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, 0, 1000,MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (lpAddr) { CONTEXT ct; ct.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL; // eip GetThreadContext(lpProcessInformation->hThread, &ct); //*((DWORD*)lpAddr) = ct.Eip; WriteProcessMemory(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, lpAddr, &ct.Eip, 4, 0); HMODULE hKer = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"); PROC pp = GetProcAddress(hKer, "LoadLibraryA"); //*((DWORD*)lpAddr + 1) = GetProcAddress(hKer, "LoadLibraryA"); WriteProcessMemory(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpAddr+4), &pp, 4, 0); char loadsys[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, loadsys, MAX_PATH); char* p = strrchr(loadsys, '\\'); if (p) { *(p + 1) = 0; strcat(loadsys, "loadsys.dll"); } WriteProcessMemory(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpAddr+8), loadsys, MAX_PATH, 0); const char shell[] = {0x6A, 0x00, 0x60, 0x9C, 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5E, 0x81, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xAD, 0x89, 0x44, 0x24, 0x24, 0xAD, 0x56, 0xFF, 0xD0, 0x9D, 0x61, 0xC3}; WriteProcessMemory(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpAddr+8 + MAX_PATH), shell, MAX_PATH, 0); ct.Eip = (DWORD)lpAddr+8 + MAX_PATH; SetThreadContext(lpProcessInformation->hThread, &ct); ResumeThread(lpProcessInformation->hThread); //VirtualFreeEx(lpProcessInformation->hProcess, lpAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } } LocalFree(szArglist); return bRet; } LocalFree(szArglist); } } return CreateProcessInternalW(hToken, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles , dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation, hNewToken); }
/* 010601 Carl Corcoran */ int CCString::FindI(PCWSTR s, int nStart) { PWSTR n = StrStrIW(this->wszString + nStart, s); if(n == 0) return -1; return n - this->wszString; }
int BLBS_ReadSetting() { // Init and declare variables HANDLE hFile; uint8_t make_ini = FALSE; // If this is true, use default option wchar_t* file_buf = NULL; wchar_t path_buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; uint32_t file_size = 0; BLBS_GetIniFullPath(path_buf, sizeof(path_buf)); #ifdef _DEBUG_CONSOLE printf("[IniFile]\n%S\n\n", path_buf); #endif // _DEBUG_CONSOLE // File IO // // Open File hFile = CreateFileW(path_buf, // lpFileName GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // dwDesiredAccess FILE_SHARE_READ, // dwShareMode NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes OPEN_EXISTING, // dwCreationDisposition FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // dwFlagsAndAttributes NULL); // hTemplateFile // Cannot open! Error Handling if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // No ini file, use default opntion! if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) make_ini = TRUE; else JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_CreateFile, TRUE); } if (make_ini) { // no BatteryLine.ini, so generate BatteryLine.ini. Note : hFile is invalid at this point uint32_t written_byte = 0; // Write default setting to file hFile = CreateFileW(path_buf, // lpFileName GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // dwDesiredAccess 0, // dwShareMode NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes CREATE_ALWAYS, // dwCreationDisposition FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // dwFlagsAndAttributes NULL); // hTemplateFile // Is handle is opened without problem? if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_CreateFile, TRUE); // Write BOM to File if (!WriteFile(hFile, &BOM, sizeof(uint16_t), (DWORD*)&written_byte, NULL)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_WriteFile, TRUE); // Is BOM written to file fully? if (written_byte != sizeof(uint16_t)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_FILEIO_WRITTEN_BYTES, FALSE); // Write default setting string to File if (!WriteFile(hFile, (void*) BL_DefaultSettingStr, wcslen(BL_DefaultSettingStr) * sizeof(wchar_t), (DWORD*)&written_byte, NULL)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_WriteFile, TRUE); // Is string writeen to file fully? if (written_byte != wcslen(BL_DefaultSettingStr) * sizeof(wchar_t)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_FILEIO_WRITTEN_BYTES, FALSE); // Close Handle CloseHandle(hFile); // point file_buf to BL_DefaultSettingStr, no dyn alloc file_buf = BL_DefaultSettingStr; } else { // file is successfully open, read setting from file. Note : hFile is alive at this point uint32_t read_byte = 0; size_t sztmp = 0; // Get file size, and dyn allocate file_buf file_size = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); file_buf = (wchar_t*) malloc(file_size+16); memset((void*) file_buf, 0, file_size+16); // Read from file if (!ReadFile(hFile, // hFile file_buf, // lpBuffer file_size, // nNumberOfBytesToRead (DWORD*) &read_byte, // lpNumberOfBytesRead NULL)) // lpOverlapped JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_ReadFile, TRUE); // Is all bytes successfully read? if (read_byte != file_size) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_FILEIO_READ_BYTES, FALSE); // Close Handle CloseHandle(hFile); // Add \r\n at EOF sztmp = wcslen(file_buf); file_buf[sztmp] = L'\r'; file_buf[sztmp+1] = L'\n'; file_buf[sztmp+2] = L'\0'; } // Parse ini File - Too complex... wchar_t* str_cursor = NULL, *str_next = NULL; wchar_t line_token[BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE]; // Unicode LineFeed : \r\n (00d0 00a0) wchar_t line_rawbuf[BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE], line_buf[BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE]; size_t line_len = 0; wchar_t* equal_pos = NULL; wchar_t equal_left[BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE], equal_right[BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE]; uint8_t state_section = BS_SECTION_OFF; uint8_t color_idx = 0; BL_OPTION valid; // 01 using \r\n as token, traverse all lines in BL_SettingFile line_token[0] = L'\r'; line_token[1] = L'\n'; line_token[2] = L'\0'; // str_cursor will serve as cursor for each line str_cursor = file_buf; // 'valid' will be used to check wether these option is already set - FALSE for not set, TRUE for set ZeroMemory(&valid, sizeof(BL_OPTION)); // Parsing loop. Escape when meet EOF while (1) { // 02 Copy one line to line_rawbuf. // 02 Note that line_rawbuf contains 'raw' strings, which has tab, space, \r, \n. str_next = StrStrW(str_cursor, line_token); // Start of next line if (str_next == NULL) // No more line, EOF break; line_len = str_next - str_cursor; // Get this line's length StringCchCopyNW(line_rawbuf, BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE, str_cursor+1, line_len-1); // Copy one line to line_buf, +1 for remove first \r\n, -1 for remove last \r str_cursor = str_next + 1; // Fot next iteration, move cursor to next line // For debugging, there is too many segfaults in parsing alg! #ifdef _DEBUG_PARSING printf("line_rawbuf : %S\n", line_rawbuf); printf("state : %u\n", state_section); #endif // Finite State Machine Model // 03 line_rawbuf has [] -> start a section, represent as 'state' if (StrChrW(line_rawbuf, L'[') != NULL && StrChrW(line_rawbuf, L']') != NULL) { // Contains [ ] switch (state_section) { case BS_SECTION_OFF: if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[General]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_GENERAL; else if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[Color]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_COLOR; break; case BS_SECTION_GENERAL: if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[General]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_GENERAL; else if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[Color]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_COLOR; else state_section = BS_SECTION_OFF; break; case BS_SECTION_COLOR: if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[General]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_GENERAL; else if (StrStrIW(line_rawbuf, L"[Color]") != NULL) state_section = BS_SECTION_COLOR; else state_section = BS_SECTION_OFF; break; } } // 04 line_rawbuf does not have [] -> remove Tab, Space, \r, \n and put into line_buf else if (line_rawbuf[0] != L'#') // This line is not comment and do not contain [] { int32_t dword = 0; uint8_t lowedge8 = 0, highedge8 = 0, r8 = 0, g8 = 0, b8 = 0; wchar_t quote_tmp[BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; wchar_t* quote_pos = NULL, *quote_next = NULL; uint32_t x = 0; // 04 Remove Tab, Space, \r, \n from line_rawbuf and put into line_buf for (uint32_t i = 0; i < line_len; i++) { if (line_rawbuf[i] == L'#') // if we meet # in the middle, ignore remnant characters break; if (line_rawbuf[i] != L'\t' && line_rawbuf[i] != L' ' && line_rawbuf[i] != L'\r' && line_rawbuf[i] != L'\n') { line_buf[x] = line_rawbuf[i]; x++; } } line_buf[x] = L'\0'; line_len = x; #ifdef _DEBUG_PARSING printf("line_buf : %S\n", line_buf); #endif switch (state_section) { case BS_SECTION_OFF: break; case BS_SECTION_GENERAL: // 05 using = as basis, cut left sting and right string. // 06 left string : which option to set? // 06 right string : how to parse right string? equal_pos = StrChrW(line_buf, L'='); if (equal_pos == NULL) // no '=' { state_section = BS_SECTION_OFF; // invalid option, think this as end of section. continue; // so ignore this line and go to next line } StringCchCopyNW(equal_left, BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE, line_buf, equal_pos-line_buf); // Copy left part StringCchCopyW(equal_right, BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE, line_buf+(equal_pos-line_buf+1)); // Copy right part if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"showcharge") == 0) { // {true, false} if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"true") == 0) option.showcharge = TRUE; else if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"false") == 0) option.showcharge = FALSE; else JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_SHOWCHARGE, FALSE); valid.showcharge = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"monitor") == 0) { // {primary, 1, 2, ... , 32} if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"primary") == 0) option.monitor = BL_MON_PRIMARY; else { int32_t dword = _wtoi(equal_right); // Count Monitor's number and write to g_nMon g_nMon = 0; g_nPriMon = 0; ZeroMemory(&g_monInfo, sizeof(MONITORINFO) * BL_MAX_MONITOR); EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, BLCB_MonEnumProc_GetFullInfo, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG_MONITOR printf("[Monitor]\nThis system has %d monitors.\n\n", g_nMon); #endif if (!(1 <= dword && dword <= BL_MAX_MONITOR)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_MONITOR, FALSE); if (!(dword <= g_nMon)) // JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_NOT_EXIST_MONITOR, FALSE); option.monitor = (uint8_t) dword; } valid.monitor = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"position") == 0) { // {top, bottom, left, right} if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"top") == 0) option.position = BL_POS_TOP; else if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"bottom") == 0) option.position = BL_POS_BOTTOM; else if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"left") == 0) option.position = BL_POS_LEFT; else if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"right") == 0) option.position = BL_POS_RIGHT; else JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_POSITION, FALSE); valid.position = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"taskbar") == 0) { // {ignore, evade} if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"ignore") == 0) option.taskbar = BL_TASKBAR_IGNORE; else if (StrCmpIW(equal_right, L"evade") == 0) option.taskbar = BL_TASKBAR_EVADE; else JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_TASKBAR, FALSE); valid.taskbar = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"transparency") == 0) { // {0 <= number <= 255} int32_t dword = _wtoi(equal_right); if (!(0 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_TRANSPARENCY, FALSE); option.transparency = (uint8_t) dword; valid.transparency = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"height") == 0) { // {1 <= number <= 255} int32_t dword = _wtoi(equal_right); if (!(1 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_HEIGHT, FALSE); option.height = (uint8_t) dword; valid.height = TRUE; } break; case BS_SECTION_COLOR: // 05 using = as basis, cut left sting and right string. // 06 left string : which option to set? // 06 right string : how to parse right string? equal_pos = StrChrW(line_buf, L'='); if (equal_pos == NULL) // no '=' { state_section = BS_SECTION_OFF; // invalid option, think this as end of section. continue; // so ignore this line and go to next line } StringCchCopyNW(equal_left, BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE, line_buf, equal_pos-line_buf); // Copy left part StringCchCopyW(equal_right, BS_LINE_BUF_SIZE, line_buf+(equal_pos-line_buf+1)); // Copy right part if (!StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"defaultcolor")) { // Format : {R, G, B} quote_pos = equal_right; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) // R, G, B { quote_next = StrChrW(quote_pos, L','); if (quote_next != NULL) // , still exists { StringCchCopyNW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos, quote_next-quote_pos); // Copy a number quote_pos = quote_next+1; // +1 for , } else // NULL, no ','! StringCchCopyW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos); // Copy last number dword = _wtoi(quote_tmp); if (!(0 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_DEFAULTCOLOR, FALSE); switch (i) { case 0: r8 = dword; break; case 1: g8 = dword; break; case 2: b8 = dword; break; } } option.defaultcolor = RGB(r8, g8, b8); valid.defaultcolor = TRUE; } else if (!StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"chargecolor")) { // Format : {R, G, B} quote_pos = equal_right; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) // R, G, B { quote_next = StrChrW(quote_pos, L','); if (quote_next != NULL) // , still exists { StringCchCopyNW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos, quote_next-quote_pos); // Copy a number quote_pos = quote_next+1; // +1 for , } else // NULL, no ','! StringCchCopyW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos); // Copy last number dword = _wtoi(quote_tmp); if (!(0 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_CHARGECOLOR, FALSE); switch (i) { case 0: r8 = dword; break; case 1: g8 = dword; break; case 2: b8 = dword; break; } } option.chargecolor = RGB(r8, g8, b8); valid.chargecolor = TRUE; } else if (!StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"fullcolor")) { // Format : {R, G, B} quote_pos = equal_right; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) // R, G, B { quote_next = StrChrW(quote_pos, L','); if (quote_next != NULL) // , still exists { StringCchCopyNW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos, quote_next-quote_pos); // Copy a number quote_pos = quote_next+1; // +1 for , } else // NULL, no ','! StringCchCopyW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos); // Copy last number dword = _wtoi(quote_tmp); if (!(0 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_FULLCOLOR, FALSE); switch (i) { case 0: r8 = dword; break; case 1: g8 = dword; break; case 2: b8 = dword; break; } } option.fullcolor = RGB(r8, g8, b8); valid.fullcolor = TRUE; } else if (StrCmpIW(equal_left, L"color") == 0) { // {LowEdge, HighEdge, R, G, B}, Support up to 16 thresholds quote_pos = equal_right; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) // R, G, B { quote_next = StrChrW(quote_pos, L','); if (quote_next != NULL) // , still exists { StringCchCopyNW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos, quote_next-quote_pos); // Copy a number quote_pos = quote_next+1; // +1 for , } else // NULL, no ','! StringCchCopyW(quote_tmp, BS_TOKEN_BUF_SIZE, quote_pos); // Copy last number dword = _wtoi(quote_tmp); if (!(0 <= dword && dword <= 255)) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_INVALID_COLOR, FALSE); switch (i) { case 0: lowedge8 = dword; break; case 1: highedge8 = dword; break; case 2: r8 = dword; break; case 3: g8 = dword; break; case 4: b8 = dword; break; } } if (BL_COLOR_LEVEL <= color_idx) JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_TOO_MUCH_COLOR, FALSE); option.threshold[color_idx*2+0] = lowedge8; option.threshold[color_idx*2+1] = highedge8; option.color[color_idx] = RGB(r8, g8, b8); color_idx++; } break; } } } for (uint32_t i = color_idx; i < BL_COLOR_LEVEL; i++) { option.color[i] = 0; option.threshold[2*i] = 0; option.threshold[2*i+1] = 0; } // Free allocated byte in file_buf if (file_buf != BL_DefaultSettingStr) { free(file_buf); file_buf = NULL; } // Debug print #ifdef _DEBUG_CONSOLE puts("[Setting]"); printf("showcharge = %u\n", option.showcharge); printf("monitor = %u\n", option.monitor); printf("position = %u\n", option.position); printf("taskbar = %u\n", option.taskbar); printf("transparency = %u\n", option.transparency); printf("height = %u\n", option.height); putchar('\n'); puts("[Color]"); printf("defaultcolor = %lu,%lu,%lu\n", BLU_RGB_R(option.defaultcolor), BLU_RGB_G(option.defaultcolor), BLU_RGB_B(option.defaultcolor)); printf("chargecolor = %lu,%lu,%lu\n", BLU_RGB_R(option.chargecolor), BLU_RGB_G(option.chargecolor), BLU_RGB_B(option.chargecolor)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BL_COLOR_LEVEL; i++) { printf("color[%02d] = %lu,%lu,%lu\n", i, BLU_RGB_R(option.color[i]), BLU_RGB_G(option.color[i]), BLU_RGB_B(option.color[i])); printf("threshold[%02d] = %u\n", 2*i, option.threshold[2*i]); printf("threshold[%02d] = %u\n", 2*i+1, option.threshold[2*i+1]); } putchar('\n'); puts("[Event]"); // For WndProcedure Debug Message #endif // Check necessary options are read successfully if (!(valid.showcharge && valid.monitor && valid.position && valid.taskbar && valid.transparency && valid.height // Section [General] && valid.defaultcolor && valid.chargecolor && valid.fullcolor)) // Section [Color] { JV_ErrorHandle(JVERR_OPT_INI_MISSING_OPTIONS, FALSE); } return 0; }