예제 #1
// Used to detect where steam is running from
static bool DetectSteamPath( char *pFileName, int nBufLen )
	*pFileName = 0;

	DWORD nLen;

	// First check to see if there's an active process
	HKEY hKey;
	LONG hResult = RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Steam\\ActiveProcess", &hKey );
	if ( hResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
		nLen = (DWORD)nBufLen;
		hResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "SteamClientDll", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pFileName, &nLen );
		RegCloseKey( hKey );
		if ( hResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
			// In this case, we queried the key properly. Strip off the steamclient.dll name
			// to make a good full path to steam.exe
			size_t nUsed = StripFileName( pFileName );
			strncpy( &pFileName[nUsed], "steam.exe", nBufLen - nUsed );
			return true;

	// If not, then get the default install location
	hResult = RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Steam", &hKey );
	if ( hResult != ERROR_SUCCESS )
		return false;

	nLen = (DWORD)nBufLen;
	hResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "SteamExe", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pFileName, &nLen );
	RegCloseKey( hKey );
	return ( hResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && nLen != 0 );
예제 #2
파일: ShaderGen.cpp 프로젝트: S-V/Lollipop
	virtual void GenerateShaderLib()
		const UINT numSrcFiles = config.srcFiles.Num();
		if( !numSrcFiles ) {
			Msgf("No input files are specified. Quitting...");

		Msgf("Generating shader library...");

		ParseResults	parseResults;

		for( UINT iSrcFile = 0; iSrcFile < numSrcFiles; iSrcFile++ )
			const OSPathName & srcFileName( config.srcFiles[ iSrcFile ] );

			ParseFileInput	input;
			input.pathToSrcFile = srcFileName;

			ParseFileOutput &	output = parseResults.parsedFiles.Add();
			output.fileData.name = config.outputFolderHLSL;
			output.fileData.name += StripFileName(srcFileName);
			output.fileData.pureFileName = GetPureFileName(srcFileName);

			ParseFile( input, output );

		Translate( config, parseResults );
예제 #3
// Copies test files into position
static bool CopyFilesIntoPosition( const char *pSteamPath )
	// Create a file that makes steam not delete different DLLs
	char pSteamRoot[MAX_PATH];
	strncpy( pSteamRoot, pSteamPath, sizeof(pSteamRoot) );
	StripFileName( pSteamRoot );

	char pSrcRoot[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !::GetModuleFileName( ( HINSTANCE )GetModuleHandle( NULL ), pSrcRoot, sizeof(pSrcRoot) ) )
		printf( "Unable to find rpt launch path!\n" );
		return false;
	StripFileName( pSrcRoot );

	return CopyFilesRecursively( pSrcRoot, pSteamRoot );
예제 #4
void EditFileName( void )
	char	str[256];
	strncpy( str, currentFile.name, 256 );
	StripFileName( str );
	renameWindowShowing = TRUE;
	returnFromRename   = FALSE;
	ActivateKeyboard( str, FILENAME_LENGTH, &ReturnFromRenameKeyboard );
예제 #5
// Launches new steam process
static bool LaunchNewSteamProcess( const char *pSteamPath )
	// Create a file that makes steam not delete different DLLs
	char pCfgPath[MAX_PATH];
	strncpy( pCfgPath, pSteamPath, sizeof(pCfgPath) );
	size_t nUsed = StripFileName( pCfgPath );
	strncpy( &pCfgPath[nUsed], "steam.cfg", sizeof(pCfgPath) - nUsed );

	FILE* fp = fopen( pCfgPath, "wt" );
	if ( !fp )
		printf( "rpt: Unable to relaunch steam! Aborting...\n" );
		return false;

	fprintf( fp, "MinFootprintAutoRefresh = disable\n" );
	fclose( fp );

	// Launch a new instance of steam
	DWORD nNewPID = LaunchSteam( pSteamPath, "" );

	// Wait for the new process to start.
	// Wait for at least 30 seconds. If it doesn't start by that time,
	// stop what we're doing.
	DWORD nStartTime = GetTickCount();
	DWORD nTestTime = 30;
	while ( GetActiveSteamPID( ) != nNewPID )
		Sleep( 1000 );
		DWORD dt = ( GetTickCount() - nStartTime ) / 1000;
		if ( dt <= nTestTime )

		TerminateSteamProcess( nNewPID );
		DeleteCfgFile( pCfgPath );
		printf( "rpt: Unable to launch new steam process!" );
		return false;

	DeleteCfgFile( pCfgPath );

	return true;
예제 #6
// BitmapFontLocal::Load
bool BitmapFontLocal::Load( char const * languagePackageName, char const * fontInfoFileName )
	OvrApkFile languagePackageFile( ovr_OpenOtherApplicationPackage( languagePackageName ) );
	if ( !FontInfo.Load( languagePackageFile, fontInfoFileName ) )
		return false;

	// strip any path from the image file name path and prepend the path from the .fnt file -- i.e. always
	// require them to be loaded from the same directory.
	String baseName = FontInfo.ImageFileName.GetFilename();
	LOG( "fontInfoFileName = %s", fontInfoFileName );
	LOG( "image baseName = %s", baseName.ToCStr() );
	char imagePath[512];
	StripFileName( fontInfoFileName, imagePath, sizeof( imagePath ) );
	LOG( "imagePath = %s", imagePath );
	char imageFileName[512];
	StripPath( fontInfoFileName, imageFileName, sizeof( imageFileName ) );
	LOG( "imageFileName = %s", imageFileName );
	AppendPath( imagePath, sizeof( imagePath ), baseName.ToCStr() );
	if ( !LoadImage( languagePackageFile, imagePath ) )
		return false;

    // create the shaders for font rendering if not already created
    if ( FontProgram.vertexShader == 0 || FontProgram.fragmentShader == 0 )
        FontProgram = BuildProgram( FontSingleTextureVertexShaderSrc, SDFFontFragmentShaderSrc );//SingleTextureFragmentShaderSrc );

	return true;
예제 #7
void MoveAFile(char* sourceDir, char* destDir, char* sourceFile, dword attr)
     bool fileAlreadyExists;
     char targetDir[500];
	 char currentFileName[256], baseFileName[256], title1[50], title2[50], str1[256], str2[256], fileName[256], counter[6];
	 int  fileIncrement;       // A counter used in case we need to append a number to an already existing file name. 


     appendToLogfile("MoveAFile: Started.", WARNING);
      // If we try to move a file and there is already an existing file in the target directory
	 // with the same name, we will append an incrementing counter to the file name. (eg. news-1.rec  news-23.rec)
	 fileAlreadyExists = FALSE;          // Flag to indicate that the renamed file already exists.
	 fileIncrement     = 0;              // Counter in case we need to append a number to an already existing file name.

     if (attr != ATTR_FOLDER)
         strncpy( currentFileName, sourceFile, 256 );   // Copy the current filename
         strncpy( fileName,        sourceFile, 256 );   // Copy the current filename
         strncpy( baseFileName,    sourceFile, 256 );   // Copy the current filename
    	 StripFileName( baseFileName );                       // Strip off the ".rec"
         strncpy( fileName, baseFileName, 256 );              // Copy the stripped off filename in case we need to rename on a move.
    	 strcat( fileName, REC_STRING );	                  // Append ".rec" to the base filename

     // Perform check that the Move routine is available for this firmware.
     #ifdef WIN32
     if (!TAP_Hdd_Move_Available())
         ShowMessageWin( rgn, "Move NOT available.", "This firmware does not support", "the move function via Archive.", 400 );
         returnFromMove = TRUE;   // Force a closer of the Move window, and refresh the list.
     appendToLogfile("MoveAFile: Creating target filename.", WARNING);
     // Create the fully qualified target directory name.  
     // Start with the Source Directory 
     strcpy(targetDir, sourceDir);
     // Add the intermediate "/"
     strcat(targetDir, "/" );
     // Add the target directory.
     strcat(targetDir, destDir);

     // Check in the target directory to make sure a file with the same name doesn't already exists.
     // Change to the target directory.
     appendStringToLogfile("MoveAFile: Changing to targetdir: %s.",targetDir, WARNING);
     GotoPath( targetDir );
     // Check for the same file.
     appendStringToLogfile("MoveAFile: Calling TAP_Hdd_Exist for:%s",sourceFile, WARNING);
     fileAlreadyExists = TAP_Hdd_Exist(sourceFile);

     // If we're moving a file and the target already exists, try to rename it - if the config option #28 has been set to allow rename..
     while ((fileAlreadyExists) && (fileIncrement < 99999) && (attr != ATTR_FOLDER) && (RenameOnMoveOption!=3))
         fileIncrement++;         // Increase the counter for the number to append to the filename.
         appendIntToLogfile("MoveAFile: fileAlreadyExists loop:%d",fileIncrement, WARNING);
         sprintf(counter, "-%d", fileIncrement);        // Create the counter text
         strncpy( fileName, baseFileName, 256);         // Copy back the original filename
         strcat(  fileName, counter);                   // Append the counter text to the filename
 	     strcat(  fileName, REC_STRING );	            // Append the ".rec" to the end.
         appendStringToLogfile("MoveAFile: fileAlreadyExists loop calling TAP_Hdd_Exist for: %s", fileName, WARNING);
         fileAlreadyExists = TAP_Hdd_Exist(fileName);   // Check if the file exists.
         appendToLogfile("MoveAFile: fileAlreadyExists loop TAP_Hdd_Exist finished", WARNING);

     // Return to the original directory.
     appendStringToLogfile("MoveAFile: Changing to sourceDir: %s.",sourceDir, WARNING);
     GotoPath( sourceDir );
    // Set up appropriate text strings for message windows, depending on whether it's a file or folder. 
     switch (attr)
           case ATTR_FOLDER: TAP_SPrint(title1, "Folder Move Failed.");
                             TAP_SPrint(title2, "");
                             TAP_SPrint(str1,   "Same folder already exists:");
                             TAP_SPrint(str2,   "");
           default:          TAP_SPrint(title1, "File Move Failed.");
                             TAP_SPrint(title2, "File Move Conflict.");
                             TAP_SPrint(str1,   "Same file already exists.");
                             TAP_SPrint(str2,   "Same file already exists.  Rename to:");
     // Copy source and destination information to Global variables so that they are available for the actual move routine.
     strncpy( GlbSourceFile, sourceFile, 256 );   // Copy the source filename
     strncpy( GlbSourceDir,  sourceDir,  256 );   // Copy the source directory
     strncpy( GlbTargetDir,  targetDir,  256 );   // Copy the target directory
     // If the target file already exists in the target directory we can't move.
     if (fileAlreadyExists)
         ShowMessageWin( rgn, title1, str1, sourceFile, 400 );
         fileMoved      = FALSE;
         returnFromMove = FALSE;   // Don't close the Move window to give user a chance to choose a different folder.
         return;                   // Jump out of this routine as we can't do the move.

     // Check if we needed to rename the file in the target directory.
     if (fileIncrement > 0) 
         strncpy( GlbRenamedFile, fileName, 256 );   // Copy the renamed filename into the Global variable
         // Check the config option #28 to see if the Rename On Move requires a confirmation or not.
         if (RenameOnMoveOption == 0)   // Need to display a confirmation panel.
                  DisplayYesNoWindow(title2, str2, fileName, "Yes", "No", 1, &ReturnFromMoveRenameYesNo );
                  fileMoved      = FALSE;
                  returnFromMove = FALSE;   // Don't close the Move window until after the Yes/No window.
                  return;                   // Jump out of this routine as Move will be done after Yes/No window.
         else   // Otherwise call routine as if we said "Yes" on the confirmation window.
                  ReturnFromMoveRenameYesNo( TRUE );
                  return;                    // Jump out of this routine as we've already done the move in the ReturnFromMoveRenameYesNo routine.
     // Call the routine to perform the actual move.

     appendToLogfile("MoveAFile: Finished.", WARNING);