예제 #1
bool AdminCmd_ChangeSystem(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	wstring wscArg = ToLower(GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0));
	//check master switch bruh
	if (!bPluginEnabled)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ChangeSys is disabled.\n");
		return true;
	if (wscArg.length()==0)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Incorrect Parameters <sys|list>");
		return true;
	//check what the parameters are
	if (wcscmp(wscArg.c_str(), L"list") == 0)
		//show list of systems
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"list of systems: ");
		/*for (vector<string>::iterator it = bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(); it != bPluginAllowedSystems.end(); ++it) 
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(*it));
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(bPluginAllowedSystemsFriendly));
		return true;
	//assume player is trying to enter a system id
	uint ship;
	pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, ship);
	if (!ship)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space\n");
		return true;
	//check if valid sys id from config vector
	if(find(bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(), bPluginAllowedSystems.end(), wstos(wscArg)) != bPluginAllowedSystems.end())
		//its a match buddy!
		//do tha magic
		//get system id for server
		uint iTargetSystem = CreateID(wstos(wscArg).c_str());
		Vector pos;
		Matrix ornt;
		//get the pos and ornt of ship
		pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(ship, pos, ornt);
		//move player
		SwitchSystem(iClientID, iTargetSystem, pos, ornt);
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Moving to system: ");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str());
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK\n");
		//done magic
		//well f**k
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid system id: ");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str());

	return true;
예제 #2
	bool AP::AlleyCmd_Chase(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		wstring rights;

		bool isAngel = false;

		// is it an admin		
		if (HkGetAdmin((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), rights) == HKE_OK)
			//PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are a platinum level Admin. Use $help for a list of available commands.");
			isAngel = true;

		// is it an angel
		list<wstring>::iterator iter = angels.begin();
		while (iter != angels.end())
			if (*iter == wscCharname)
				isAngel = true;

		if (isAngel == false)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are not an Angel. You will now be permabanned.");
			return true;

					wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0);
					if (!wscTargetCharname.length())
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
					return true;

				HKPLAYERINFO adminPlyr;
				if (HkGetPlayerInfo(wscCharname, adminPlyr, false)!=HKE_OK)
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space\n");
					return true;


				HKPLAYERINFO targetPlyr;
				if (HkGetPlayerInfo(wscTargetCharname, targetPlyr, false)!=HKE_OK || targetPlyr.iShip==0)
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player not found or not in space\n");
					return true;

				Vector pos;
				Matrix ornt;
				pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(targetPlyr.iShip, pos, ornt);
				pos.y += 100;

				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Jump to system=%s x=%0.0f y=%0.0f z=%0.0f\n", targetPlyr.wscSystem.c_str(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
				SwitchSystem(adminPlyr.iClientID, targetPlyr.iSystem, pos, ornt);
		return true;