CBaseEntity *CreateServerRagdoll( CBaseAnimating *pAnimating, int forceBone, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, int collisionGroup )
	SyncAnimatingWithPhysics( pAnimating );

	CRagdollProp *pRagdoll = (CRagdollProp *)CBaseEntity::CreateNoSpawn( "prop_ragdoll", pAnimating->GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, NULL );
	pRagdoll->CopyAnimationDataFrom( pAnimating );

	matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	pAnimating->SetupBones( pBoneToWorld, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );
	// Is this a vehicle / NPC collision?
	if ( (info.GetDamageType() & DMG_VEHICLE) && pAnimating->MyNPCPointer() )
		// init the ragdoll with no forces
		pRagdoll->InitRagdoll( vec3_origin, -1, vec3_origin, pBoneToWorld, pBoneToWorld, 0.1, collisionGroup, true );

		// apply vehicle forces
		// Get a list of bones with hitboxes below the plane of impact
		int boxList[128];
		Vector normal(0,0,-1);
		int count = pAnimating->GetHitboxesFrontside( boxList, ARRAYSIZE(boxList), normal, DotProduct( normal, info.GetDamagePosition() ) );
		// distribute force over mass of entire character
		float massScale = Studio_GetMass(pAnimating->GetModelPtr());
		massScale = clamp( massScale, 1, 1e4 );
		massScale = 1 / massScale;

		// distribute the force
		// BUGBUG: This will hit the same bone twice if it has two hitboxes!!!!
		ragdoll_t *pRagInfo = pRagdoll->GetRagdoll();
		for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			int physBone = pAnimating->GetPhysicsBone( pAnimating->GetHitboxBone( boxList[i] ) );
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pRagInfo->list[physBone].pObject;
			pPhysics->ApplyForceCenter( info.GetDamageForce() * pPhysics->GetMass() * massScale );
		pRagdoll->InitRagdoll( info.GetDamageForce(), forceBone, info.GetDamagePosition(), pBoneToWorld, pBoneToWorld, 0.1, collisionGroup, true );

	return pRagdoll;
예제 #2
CBaseEntity *CreateServerRagdoll( CBaseAnimating *pAnimating, int forceBone, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, int collisionGroup, bool bUseLRURetirement )
	SyncAnimatingWithPhysics( pAnimating );

	CRagdollProp *pRagdoll = (CRagdollProp *)CBaseEntity::CreateNoSpawn( "prop_ragdoll", pAnimating->GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, NULL );
	pRagdoll->CopyAnimationDataFrom( pAnimating );
	pRagdoll->SetOwnerEntity( pAnimating );

	matrix3x4_t pBoneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES], pBoneToWorldNext[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
	const float dt = 0.1f;

	// Copy over dissolve state...
	if ( pAnimating->IsEFlagSet( EFL_NO_DISSOLVE ) )
		pRagdoll->AddEFlags( EFL_NO_DISSOLVE );

	// NOTE: This currently is only necessary to prevent manhacks from
	// colliding with server ragdolls they kill
	pRagdoll->SetKiller( info.GetInflictor() );
	pRagdoll->SetSourceClassName( pAnimating->GetClassname() );

	// NPC_STATE_DEAD npc's will have their COND_IN_PVS cleared, so this needs to force SetupBones to happen
	unsigned short fPrevFlags = pAnimating->GetBoneCacheFlags();
	pAnimating->SetBoneCacheFlags( BCF_NO_ANIMATION_SKIP );

	// UNDONE: Extract velocity from bones via animation (like we do on the client)
	// UNDONE: For now, just move each bone by the total entity velocity if set.
	pAnimating->SetupBones( pBoneToWorld, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING );

	// Reset previous bone flags
	pAnimating->ClearBoneCacheFlags( BCF_NO_ANIMATION_SKIP );
	pAnimating->SetBoneCacheFlags( fPrevFlags );

	memcpy( pBoneToWorldNext, pBoneToWorld, sizeof(pBoneToWorld) );
	Vector vel = pAnimating->GetAbsVelocity();
	if ( vel.LengthSqr() > 0 )
		int numbones = pAnimating->GetModelPtr()->numbones();
		for ( int i = 0; i < numbones; i++ )
			Vector pos;
			MatrixGetColumn( pBoneToWorldNext[i], 3, pos );
			pos += vel * dt;
			MatrixSetColumn( pos, 3, pBoneToWorldNext[i] );

	// Is this a vehicle / NPC collision?
	if ( (info.GetDamageType() & DMG_VEHICLE) && pAnimating->MyNPCPointer() )
		// init the ragdoll with no forces
		pRagdoll->InitRagdoll( vec3_origin, -1, vec3_origin, pBoneToWorld, pBoneToWorldNext, dt, collisionGroup, true );

		// apply vehicle forces
		// Get a list of bones with hitboxes below the plane of impact
		int boxList[128];
		Vector normal(0,0,-1);
		int count = pAnimating->GetHitboxesFrontside( boxList, ARRAYSIZE(boxList), normal, DotProduct( normal, info.GetDamagePosition() ) );
		// distribute force over mass of entire character
		float massScale = Studio_GetMass(pAnimating->GetModelPtr());
		massScale = clamp( massScale, 1, 1e4 );
		massScale = 1 / massScale;

		// distribute the force
		// BUGBUG: This will hit the same bone twice if it has two hitboxes!!!!
		ragdoll_t *pRagInfo = pRagdoll->GetRagdoll();
		for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			int physBone = pAnimating->GetPhysicsBone( pAnimating->GetHitboxBone( boxList[i] ) );
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pRagInfo->list[physBone].pObject;
			pPhysics->ApplyForceCenter( info.GetDamageForce() * pPhysics->GetMass() * massScale );
		pRagdoll->InitRagdoll( info.GetDamageForce(), forceBone, info.GetDamagePosition(), pBoneToWorld, pBoneToWorldNext, dt, collisionGroup, true );

	// Are we dissolving?
	if ( pAnimating->IsDissolving() )
		pRagdoll->TransferDissolveFrom( pAnimating );
	else if ( bUseLRURetirement )
		s_RagdollLRU.MoveToTopOfLRU( pRagdoll );

	// Tracker 22598:  If we don't set the OBB mins/maxs to something valid here, then the client will have a zero sized hull
	//  for the ragdoll for one frame until Vphysics updates the real obb bounds after the first simulation frame.  Having
	//  a zero sized hull makes the ragdoll think it should be faded/alpha'd to zero for a frame, so you get a blink where
	//  the ragdoll doesn't draw initially.
	Vector mins, maxs;
	mins = pAnimating->CollisionProp()->OBBMins();
	maxs = pAnimating->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs();
	pRagdoll->CollisionProp()->SetCollisionBounds( mins, maxs );

	return pRagdoll;