예제 #1
size_t ProfileMMapFile::makeNewPage(size_t nPageSize)
    if (!_mmap) {
        return 0;

    _mmap = false;
    size_t nOldLength = _nLength;
    if (ftruncate(_fd, nOldLength + nPageSize) == -1) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: ftruncate failed:%s", strerror(errno));
        return 0;

    char* pNew = (char*)mremap((void*)_pBase, nOldLength, (nOldLength + nPageSize), MREMAP_MAYMOVE);
    if (pNew == MAP_FAILED) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: mremap failed:%s", strerror(errno));
        _fd      = -1;
        _nLength = 0;
        return 0;
    _mmap    = true;
    _pBase   = pNew;
    _nLength = nOldLength+nPageSize;
    return _nLength;
예제 #2
bool CMMapFile::close()
  	bool bRes = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (m_pBase!=NULL) {
		m_pBase = NULL;
		m_nLength = 0;
		m_pHander.m_hFile = m_pHander.m_hMapFile = NULL;
	if (m_pBase!=NULL) {
		if(munmap(m_pBase, m_nLength) != 0){
			TERR("CMMapFile: munmap fail: %s", strerror(errno));
			bRes = false;
		if(m_pHander.m_fd != -1 && ::close(m_pHander.m_fd) != 0){
		  	TERR("CMMapFile: close file fail: %s", strerror(errno));
			bRes = false;
		m_pBase = NULL;
		m_nLength = 0;
		m_pHander.m_fd = 0;
	if (m_szFileName != NULL) {
		m_szFileName = NULL;
	return bRes;
예제 #3
 * 初始化  行政区划转换编码表
 * @param path     数据存放路径  完整路径
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int initProvCity(const char * path)
    ProvCityManager * mgr = ProvCityManager::getInstance();

    if ( NULL == mgr )
        TERR("ProvCityManager instance is null");
        return -1;

    if ( (NULL == path) || strlen( path ) <= 0 )
        TERR("provcity node's path attribute is null");
        return -1;

    TLOG("begin to load provcity! path:%s", path);

    if ( false == mgr->load( path ) )
        TERR("load inc index failed! path:%s", path);
        return -1;

    TLOG("load provcity success!");

    return 0;
예제 #4
 * 初始化 nid->docId的字典 和 deletemap
 * @param path     数据存放路径
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int initIdDict(const char * path, bool sync = true)
    DocIdManager * mgr = DocIdManager::getInstance();

    if ( NULL == mgr )
        TERR("DocIdManager instance is null");
        return -1;

    if ( (NULL == path) || strlen( path ) <= 0 )
        TERR("idDict node's path attribute is null");
        return -1;

    TLOG("begin to load nid->docId dict and deleteMap! path:%s", path);

    mgr->setDataSync( sync );
    if ( false == mgr->load( path ) )
        TERR("load nid->docId dict and deleteMap failed! path:%s", path);
        return -1;

    TLOG("load nid->docId dict and deleteMap success!");

    return 0;
예제 #5
 * 初始化 增量 index
 * @param path     数据存放路径
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int initIncIndex(const char * path, bool sync, bool et, int32_t inc_max_num )
    IndexIncManager * mgr = IndexIncManager::getInstance();

    if ( NULL == mgr )
        TERR("IndexIncManager instance is null");
        return -1;

    if ( (NULL == path) || strlen( path ) <= 0 )
        TERR("index node's path attribute is null");
        return -1;

    TLOG("begin to load inc index! path:%s", path);

    mgr->setDataSync( sync );
    mgr->setExportIdx( et );
    mgr->setMaxIncNum( inc_max_num );
    if ( mgr->open( path ) < 0 )
        TERR("load inc index failed! path:%s", path);
        return -1;

    TLOG("load inc index success!");

    return 0;
예제 #6
 * 初始化 全量index 的 builder, 重新打开, 为了修改
 * @param path     数据存放路径
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int initIdxBuilder(const char * path)
    IndexBuilder * builder = IndexBuilder::getInstance();

    if ( NULL == builder )
        TERR("IndexBuilder instance is null");
        return -1;

    if ( (NULL == path) || strlen( path ) <= 0 )
        TERR("index node's path attribute is null");
        return -1;

    TLOG("begin to load full index! path:%s", path);

    if ( builder->reopen( path ) < 0)
        TERR("load full index failed! path:%s", path);
        return -1;

    TLOG("load full index success!");

    return 0;
예제 #7
int IndexFieldInc::dump(bool flag)
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s.%s", _fieldName, INC_IND1_INFIX);

    int ret = idx_dict_save(_invertedDict, _idxPath, filename);
    if (ret<0) {
        TERR("idx_dict_save to %s/%s failed.", _idxPath, filename);
        return -1;
    if(!flag) { // 不需要导出文本索引
        return 0;

    idx_dict_t* pdict = idx_dict_load(_idxPath, filename);
    if(NULL == pdict) {
        TERR("idx_dict_load to %s/%s failed.", _idxPath, filename);
        return -1;
    ret = idx2Txt(pdict);
    if(ret < 0) {
        TERR("idx2Txt to %s/%s failed.", _idxPath, filename);
        return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #8
 * 重置映射文件大小
 * @param  size     重置文件大小
 * @return          false, 重置失败;true, 重置成功
bool ProfileMMapFile::resize(size_t size)
    if (!_mmap) {
        return false;

    _mmap = false;
    uint32_t nOldLength = _nLength;
    if (ftruncate(_fd, size) == -1) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: resize ftruncate failed:%s", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    char* pNew = (char*)mremap((void*)_pBase, nOldLength, size, MREMAP_MAYMOVE);
    if (pNew == MAP_FAILED) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: resize mremap failed:%s", strerror(errno));
        _fd      = -1;
        _nLength = 0;
        return false;
    _mmap    = true;
    _pBase   = pNew;
    _nLength = size;
    return true;
예제 #9
 * 为重新进行索引内部数据的整理,  解析配置文件, 初始化 index_lib 内部的builder
 * @param   config  xml的配置节点。  内部的子节点包括了 索引的各个配置项
 *         样例:
 *         <indexLib>
 *            <index    path="/dir" />
 *         </indexLib>
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int init_rebuild( mxml_node_t * config )
    mxml_node_t  * modulesNode  = NULL;
    mxml_node_t  * indexLibNode = NULL;               // index_lib的根节点
    mxml_node_t  * profileNode  = NULL;               // profile配置节点
    mxml_node_t  * indexNode    = NULL;               // index配置节点
    mxml_node_t  * idDictNode   = NULL;               // nid->docId 字典及deletemap节点

    modulesNode  = mxmlFindElement(config, config, "modules", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
    if ( modulesNode == NULL || modulesNode->parent != config )
        TERR("can't find modules's node");
        return -1;

    indexLibNode = mxmlFindElement(modulesNode, modulesNode, "indexLib", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
    // 检查节点有效性
    if ( indexLibNode == NULL || indexLibNode->parent != modulesNode )
        TERR("can't find indexLib's node");
        return -1;

    // 获取配置节点
    profileNode  = mxmlFindElement(indexLibNode, indexLibNode, "profile",  NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
    indexNode    = mxmlFindElement(indexLibNode, indexLibNode, "index",    NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);
    idDictNode   = mxmlFindElement(indexLibNode, indexLibNode, "idDict",   NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND);

    // 检查节点有效性
    if ( profileNode == NULL || profileNode->parent != indexLibNode )
        TERR("can't find indexLib's child node profile");
        return -1;

    if ( indexNode == NULL || indexNode->parent != indexLibNode )
        TERR("can't find indexLib's child node index");
        return -1;

    if ( idDictNode == NULL || idDictNode->parent != indexLibNode )
        TERR("can't find indexLib's child node idDict");
        return -1;

    // 开始 初始化 各个模块
    if ( initProfile(    mxmlElementGetAttr(profileNode,  "path" ), false, true ) )  return -1;
    if ( initIdDict (    mxmlElementGetAttr(idDictNode,   "path" ), false) )  return -1;
    if ( initFullIndex(  mxmlElementGetAttr(indexNode,    "path" ) ) )  return -1;
    if ( initIdxBuilder( mxmlElementGetAttr(indexNode,    "path" ) ) )  return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #10
bool CMMapFile::openEx(const char *szFileName, int flag, size_t length)
	if (!(flag & FILE_OPEN_READ)) return false;
	m_szFileName = strdup(szFileName);

	if (m_pHander.m_fd > 0)
		if(::close(m_pHander.m_fd) != 0){
			TERR("CMMapFile: close file fail: %s", strerror(errno));
			m_pHander.m_fd = -1;
	m_pHander.m_fd = ::open(szFileName, O_RDONLY, 0644);
	if (m_pHander.m_fd == -1) {
		TERR("打开文件出错 %s 文件可能不存在, errno: %d, %s", szFileName, errno, strerror(errno));
		return false;
	struct stat statInfo;
	if (fstat(m_pHander.m_fd, &statInfo ) < 0) {
		TERR("文件 %s fstat失败!", szFileName);
		return false;
	m_nLength = statInfo.st_size;		//文件长度
	if(m_nLength == 0) return true;

    int mmap_flags = MAP_SHARED;
    if (index_lib::IndexConfigParams::getInstance()->isMemLock()) {
        TLOG("open %s with MAP_LOCKED flag!", szFileName);
        m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, m_nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags | MAP_LOCKED, m_pHander.m_fd, 0);
        if (m_pBase == MAP_FAILED && errno == EAGAIN) {
            TERR("open %s with MAP_LOCKED flag failed: %s!", szFileName, strerror(errno));
            m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, m_nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags, m_pHander.m_fd, 0);
    else {
        m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, m_nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags, m_pHander.m_fd, 0);

	//允许m_pBase 为NULL(文件size 为0的情况),后面程序逻辑上保证不去读取文件内容
	if(m_pBase == MAP_FAILED) {
		TERR("文件 %s 映射内存文件出错! error code:%d", szFileName,errno);
		m_pBase = NULL;
		return false;
	madvise(m_pBase, m_nLength, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);	//Expect  page  references in sequential order.

	return true;
예제 #11
bool CMMapFile::reopen(off_t nOffset, size_t nLength)
	if(m_pHander.m_fd == -1)
		m_pHander.m_fd = ::open(m_szFileName, O_RDONLY, 0644);
	if (m_pHander.m_fd == -1) {
		TERR("打开文件出错 %s 文件可能不存在, errno: %d, %s", m_szFileName, errno, strerror(errno));
		return false;
	if (m_pBase!=NULL)
		if(munmap(m_pBase, m_nLength) != 0)
			TERR("CMMapFile::reopen munmap fail: %s", strerror(errno));
			return false;
		m_pBase = NULL;
		m_nLength = 0;

    int mmap_flags = MAP_SHARED;
    if (index_lib::IndexConfigParams::getInstance()->isMemLock()) {
        TLOG("open %s with MAP_LOCKED flag!", m_szFileName);
        m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags | MAP_LOCKED, m_pHander.m_fd, nOffset);
        if ( m_pBase == MAP_FAILED && errno == EAGAIN) {
            TERR("open %s with MAP_LOCKED flag failed: %s!", m_szFileName, strerror(errno));
            m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags, m_pHander.m_fd, nOffset);
    else {
        m_pBase = (char*)mmap(0, nLength, PROT_READ, mmap_flags, m_pHander.m_fd, nOffset);

	if (m_pBase == MAP_FAILED)
		TERR("CMMapFile::reopen 文件 %s 映射内存文件出错! error code:%d  error info:%s", m_szFileName, errno, strerror(errno));
		m_pBase = NULL;
		return false;
	m_nLength = nLength;
	m_nPos = 0;
	madvise(m_pBase, m_nLength, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);   //Expect  page  references in sequential order.
	if(::close(m_pHander.m_fd) != 0){
		TERR("CMMapFile: close file fail: %s", strerror(errno));
		m_pHander.m_fd = -1;

	return true;
예제 #12
int CfgManager::addPackageElement(char *package_name, 
                                  char *sub_field, 
                                  char *p_occ, 
                                  char *p_weight)
    int32_t occ_min = 0;
    int32_t occ_max = 0;
    int32_t weight  = 0;
    char *p = strchr(p_occ, '-');
    if(p) {
        *p = '\0';
        p  += 1;
        occ_min = atoi(p_occ);
        occ_max = atoi(p);
    } else {
        occ_min = atoi(p_occ);
        occ_max = occ_min;
    weight = atoi(p_weight);

    PackageElement *element = (PackageElement *) malloc (sizeof(PackageElement));
    if(!element) {
        TERR("malloc mem for element failed");
        return -1; 
    strncpy(element->field_name, sub_field, MAX_FIELD_VALUE_LEN);
    element->occ_min    = occ_min;
    element->occ_max    = occ_max;
    element->weight     = weight;

    Package *p_package = NULL;
    HashMap<const char*, Package*>::iterator it = _packages.find(package_name);
    if(it != _packages.end()) {
        p_package = it->value;
        p_package->elements[p_package->size++] = element; 
    } else {
        p_package = (Package *) malloc (sizeof(Package));
        if(!p_package) {
            TERR("malloc mem for package failed");
            return -1;
        p_package->name = package_name;
        p_package->elements[0] = element;
        p_package->size = 1;
        _packages.insert(package_name, p_package);
    return 0;
예제 #13
anet::Connection* BMSCommCenter::makeConnection (clustermap::CMISNode* node_) {
    char key[64];

    if(node_->m_protocol == clustermap::http) {
        snprintf(key, 64, "tcp:%s:%u", node_->m_ip, node_->m_port);
        return _conn_pool->makeHttpConnection(key);
    } else if(node_->m_protocol == clustermap::tcp) {
        snprintf(key, 64, "tcp:%s:%u", node_->m_ip, node_->m_port);
        return _conn_pool->makeTcpConnection(key);
    } else if(node_->m_protocol == clustermap::udp) {
        TERR("upd protocol is not supnode_->m_portted now.");
        return NULL;
    TERR("unknown protocol.");
    return NULL;
예제 #14
 * func : dump index1 hash tables and close all index2 fds
 * args : pbuilder, pointer of index_builder_t struct
 * ret  : <0, error
 *      : 0, success
int IndexFieldBuilder::dump()
    index_builder_t* pbuilder = (index_builder_t*)_pIndexBuilder;
    if (!pbuilder) {
        TERR("parameter error: pbuilder is NULL");
        return -1;

    int  ret = 0;
    char filename[PATH_MAX];

    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.%s",
            pbuilder->field_name, INVERTED_IDX1_INFIX);
    ret = idx_dict_save(pbuilder->inverted_dict, pbuilder->path, filename);
    if (ret<0) {
        TERR("idx_dict_save to %s/%s failed.", pbuilder->path, filename);
        return -1;

    snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s.%s",
            pbuilder->field_name, BITMAP_IDX1_INFIX);
    ret = idx_dict_save(pbuilder->bitmap_dict, pbuilder->path, filename);
    if (ret<0) {
        TERR("idx_dict_save to %s/%s failed.", pbuilder->path, filename);
        return -1;

    for(unsigned int i=0; i < pbuilder->inverted_fd_num; i++) {
        if (pbuilder->inverted_fd[i] >= 0) {
            pbuilder->inverted_fd[i] = -1;
    pbuilder->inverted_fd_num = 0;

    if (pbuilder->bitmap_fd >= 0) {
        off_t off = lseek(pbuilder->bitmap_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
        if(off > 0) {// 防止bitmap访问越界,在最后增加8个byte
            char buf[8] = {0};
            write(pbuilder->bitmap_fd, buf, 8);
        pbuilder->bitmap_fd = -1;

    return 0;
예제 #15
bool ProfileMMapFile::release()
    if (_unload && _fd > 0) {
        if (posix_fadvise(_fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) != 0) {
            TERR("ProfileMMapFile: posix_fadvise fail:%s", strerror(errno));
    return true;
예제 #16
int IndexBuilder::reopen( const char * path )
    if ( NULL == path || strlen(path) >= PATH_MAX)  return -1;

    IndexInfoManager info;
    if ( info.load( path ) < 0 )
        TERR( "open index info file failed:%s", path );
        return -1;

    if ( (_maxDocNum = info.getDocNum()) < 0 ) return -1;
    strcpy(_idxPath, path);

    uint32_t   pos       = 0;
    uint32_t   maxOccNum = 0;
    char     * fieldName = NULL;

    while ( info.getNextField( pos, fieldName, maxOccNum ) >= 0 )
        if ( addField( fieldName, maxOccNum ) < 0)
            TERR( "open index failed, path:%s, field:%s", path, fieldName );
            return KS_ENOENT;

    void* value = NULL;
    uint64_t key = 0;
    IndexFieldBuilder* pBuilder = NULL;

    _openFlag = true;
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _fieldMap.size(); i++) {
        if(false == _fieldMap.itNext(key, value)) {
            return -1;
        pBuilder = (IndexFieldBuilder*)value;
        if(pBuilder->reopen(path) < 0) {
            return -1;
    return 0;
예제 #17
파일: node.cpp 프로젝트: lastfallen/mlplus
bool Node::UpdateVariableImportance(std::vector<float>& vecVarImp)
            TERR("failed to update variable importance: cut.");
            return false;

        if(!mpLeftChild->UpdateVariableImportance(vecVarImp) ||
            TERR("failed to update variable importance: child.");
            return false;
    return true;
예제 #18
파일: node.cpp 프로젝트: lastfallen/mlplus
        TERR("there is still a sample set in node %d!", mnNodeId);
        delete mpCut;
예제 #19
 * 向磁盘中写入实际数据
 * @param  addr    映射地址
 * @param  len     数据长度
int   ProfileMMapFile::syncToDisk(char * addr, size_t len)
    if (!_mmap || len == 0 || addr == NULL) {
        return -1;

    size_t pos = (addr - _pBase);
    //printf("fd pos:%lu, %s,addr: %lu, base: %lu\n", pos, _szFileName, addr, _pBase);
    if (lseek(_fd, pos, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: syncToDisk error. seek len=%lu. %s", pos, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (::write(_fd, addr, len) != (ssize_t)len) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: syncToDisk fail. write error:%s", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #20
int IndexReader::open(const char * path, bool bPreLoad)
    if ( NULL == path || strlen(path) >= PATH_MAX)  return KS_EINVAL;

    IndexInfoManager info;
    if ( info.load( path ) < 0 )
        TERR( "open index info file failed:%s", path );
        return KS_ENOENT;

    if ( (_maxDocNum = info.getDocNum()) < 0)  return KS_EFAILED;
    strcpy( _path, path );

    uint32_t           pos       = 0;
    uint32_t           maxOccNum = 0;
    char             * fieldName = NULL;
    IndexFieldReader * pReader   = NULL;
    uint64_t           fieldSign = 0;

    while ( info.getNextField( pos, fieldName, maxOccNum ) >= 0 )
        fieldSign = idx_sign64( fieldName, strlen(fieldName) );
        pReader   = new IndexFieldReader( maxOccNum, _maxDocNum );

        if ( NULL == pReader ) return KS_ENOMEM;
        if ( 0 != pReader->open( path, fieldName, bPreLoad ) )
            TERR( "open index failed, path:%s, field:%s", path, fieldName );
            return KS_EFAILED;

        if ( false == _fieldMap.insert( fieldSign, (void *)pReader) )
            return KS_EFAILED;

    _nidSign = idx_sign64( NID_FIELD_NAME, strlen(NID_FIELD_NAME) );

    DocIdManager::getInstance();                 // 需要保证docidManager必须保证先起来
    return 0;
예제 #21
int32_t SearcherWorker::get_nid_str(int64_t* pNid, int32_t num, MemPool* memPool, char** output, uint32_t* outlen)
    if(!pNid || 0 == num){
        return KS_EFAILED;
    if(*output != NULL || *outlen != 0){
        TERR("memory leak error possiblely ");
        *outlen = 0;
    int len = nidStrMaxLen*num;
    int print_len = 0;
    *output = NEW_VEC(memPool, char, len);
        return KS_ENOMEM;
    print_len = snprintf(*output+*outlen, len, "%lld", pNid[0]);
    if(print_len < 0){
        return KS_EFAILED;
    *outlen += print_len;
    len -= print_len;
    for(int32_t i = 1; i < num; i++)
        print_len = snprintf(*output+*outlen, len, ",%lld", pNid[i]);
        if(print_len < 0){
            return KS_EFAILED;
        *outlen += print_len;
        len -= print_len;

        if(len <= 0){
            TERR("nid num more huge, get mem not enough!!");
            return KS_EFAILED;
    return KS_SUCCESS;
예제 #22
bool Predictor::Store(std::ostream& os)
    ModelManagerFactory mmf(ModelManager::PARAMFILE);
    ModelManager* pModelManager = mmf.Make();
        TERR("unable to make ModelManager.");
        return false;
    bool bRet = pModelManager->Store(mpTreeBoost, os);
        delete pModelManager;
    return bRet;
예제 #23
 * 初始化 profile 部分
 * @param path     数据存放路径
 * @return  0: success ;   -1: 程序处理失败
int initProfile(const char * path, bool sync = true, bool buildHF = false)
    ProfileManager * mgr = ProfileManager::getInstance();

    if ( NULL == mgr )
        TERR("ProfileManager instance is null");
        return -1;

    if ( (NULL == path) || strlen( path ) <= 0 )
        TERR("profile node's path attribute is null");
        return -1;

    if ( mgr->getProfileDocNum() > 0 )
        TLOG("profile has been loaded!");
        return 0;

    mgr->setProfilePath( path );
    mgr->setDataSync( sync );

    TLOG("begin to load profile! path:%s", path);

    if ( 0 != mgr->load(!buildHF) )
        TERR("load profile failed! path:%s", path);
        return -1;

    TLOG("load profile success!");

    return 0;
예제 #24
bool ProfileMMapFile::close()
    bool bRes = true;
    if (!_mmap) {
        return false;
    _mmap = false;
    if (munmap(_pBase, _nLength)!=0) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: munmap fail:%s", strerror(errno));
        bRes = false;

    if (_fd != -1 && ::close(_fd) != 0) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: close file fail:%s", strerror(errno));
        bRes = false;

    _pBase   = NULL;
    _nLength = 0   ;
    _fd      = -1  ;

    return bRes;
예제 #25
int DetailWorker::init(Config* cfg, ClusterMessage* info)
    int ret = Worker::init(cfg, info);
    if(ret < 0) {
        return ret;

    if(_que.open(cfg->_enter_data_path)) {
        TERR("open queue %s error", cfg->_enter_data_path);
        return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #26
bool CMMapFile::flush()
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (m_pBase!=NULL) {
		int nRet = msync(m_pBase, m_nLength, MS_ASYNC);		//MS_ASYNC表示同步可以不立即执行
		if (nRet == -1){
		  	TERR("CMMapFile: msync fail: %s", strerror(errno));
			return false;
	return true;
예제 #27
int32_t SearcherWorker::getDetailInfo(const char *q_reslut, uint32_t q_size, const char *pureString, char** res, int* res_size)
    //for detail
    char** args = NULL;
    int fieldCount = 0;
    char* pLightKey = 0;
    char* pDL = 0;
    if(!q_reslut || 0 == q_size){
        return KS_EFAILED;

    pLightKey = FRAMEWORK::Query::getParam(pureString, q_size, LIGHTKEY);
    if(pLightKey && pLightKey[0]!=0){
        int len = strlen(pLightKey);
        int ret = decode_url(pLightKey, len, pLightKey, len+1);
            TWARN("decode_url pLightKey error, return!");
            return KS_EFAILED;
        pLightKey[ret] = 0;
    pDL = FRAMEWORK::Query::getParam(pureString, q_size, DL);

    fieldCount = get_di_field_count();
        TERR("di_detail_arg_alloc error, return!");
        return KS_EFAILED;
    di_detail_arg_set(args, fieldCount+1, "title", 5, pLightKey, pDL);
    //Deal with detail
    if(di_detail_get_v3(q_reslut, pDL, args, fieldCount, res, res_size)){
        *res = (char*)malloc(2);
        (*res)[0] = '0';
        (*res)[1] = 0;
        *res_size = 1;


    return KS_SUCCESS;
예제 #28
DWORD WINAPI MainWorkingThread(LPVOID lParam) {
MSG msg; int bret;
HANDLE EventHandle = *(HANDLE*) lParam;
TINFO("Thread gestartet!");
TINFO("Erstelle Message-Queue...");
TINFO("Messasge Queue erstellt!");
while(bret = GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0)> 0) {
if(handleMessage(msg.message,msg.wParam,msg.lParam) == 0) {
TERR("Nachricht konnte nicht bearbeitet werden!");
TINFO("Worker Thread wird beendet...");
예제 #29
bool ProfileMMapFile::flush(bool sync)
    if (_bReadOnly == true || !_mmap) {
        return false;

    int nRet;
    if (!sync) {
        nRet = msync(_pBase, _nLength, MS_ASYNC);
    else {
        nRet = msync(_pBase, _nLength, MS_SYNC);

    if (nRet == -1) {
        TERR("ProfileMMapFile: msync fail:%s", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #30
// Parse for parameters & validate them.
bool Configuration::ParseConfiguration()
        return false;

    // get all parameters.
    // Tree count.
    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("tree_count"), mnTreeCount)
            || mnTreeCount <= 0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: tree_count. it should be greater than 0.");
        return false;

    // Maximum leaf count
    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("max_leaf_count"), mnMaxLeafCount)
            || mnMaxLeafCount <= 0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: max_leaf_count. it should be greater than 0.");
        return false;

    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("max_tree_depth"), mnMaxTreeDepth)
            || mnMaxTreeDepth <= 0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: max_tree_depth. it should be greater than 0.");
        return false;

    std::string strParam;

    // get distribution.
    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("loss_type"), strParam))
        // get distribution.
        TERR("failed to get treelink parameter: loss_type.");
        return false;
    if(strParam == "gaussian")
        mLossType = Loss::GAUSSIAN;
    else if(strParam == "laplacian")
        mLossType = Loss::LAPLACIAN;
    else if(strParam == "huber")
        mLossType = Loss::HUBER;
    else if(strParam == "adaboost")
        mLossType = Loss::ADABOOST;
    else if(strParam == "logistic")
        mLossType = Loss::LOGISTIC;
    else if(strParam == "pairwise_ls")
        mLossType = Loss::PAIRWISE_LS;
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: distribution. it should be gaussian, "
             "laplacian, huber, adaboost or logistic.");
        return false;

    // get Shrinkage.
    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("shrinkage"), mfShrinkage)
            || mfShrinkage <= 0.0 || mfShrinkage > 1.0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: shrinkage."
             " it should be greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1.");
        return false;

    // get sample rate.
    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("sample_rate"), mfSampleRate)
            || mfSampleRate <= 0.0 || mfSampleRate > 1.0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: sample_rate."
             " it should be greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1.");
        return false;

    // get variable sample rate.
                                std::string("variable_sample_rate"), mfVariableSampleRate)
            || mfVariableSampleRate <= 0.0 || mfVariableSampleRate > 1.0)
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: variable_sample_rate."
             " it should be greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1.");
        return false;

    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("split_balance"),
                                mfSplitBalance) || mfSplitBalance < 0.0 || mfSplitBalance > 0.5)
        TERR("invalid treelink configuration parameter: split_balance."
             " it should be greater than 0 but less or equal to 0.5.");
        return false;

    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("min_leaf_sample_count"),
                                mnMinLeafSampleCount) || mnMinLeafSampleCount <= 0)
        TERR("invalid treelink configuration parameter: min_leaf_sample_count."
             " it should be greater than 0");
        return false;

    if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("fast_train"), mbFastTrain))
        TERR("invalid TreeLink configuration parameter: fast_train.");
        return false;

    // get discrete cut type
                                std::string("discrete_separator_type"), strParam))
        // get distribution.
        TERR("failed to get treelink parameter: discrete_separator_type."
             " it should be leave_one_out or arbitrary.");
        return false;
    if(strParam == "leave_one_out")
        msepType = Cut::LEAVE_ONE_OUT;
    else if(strParam == "arbitrary")
        msepType = Cut::ARBITRARY;
        TERR("invalid treelink configuration parameter: discrete_separator_type."
             " it should be leave_one_out or arbitrary.");
        return false;

    // get special parameter.
    if(mLossType == Loss::HUBER)
        if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("quantile_rate"), mfQuantileRate)
                || mfQuantileRate <= 0.0 || mfQuantileRate > 1.0)
            TERR("invalid TreeLink configration parameter: quantile_rate (for huber loss)."
                 " it should be greater than or 0 but less than or equal to 1.");
            return false;

    if(mLossType == Loss::PAIRWISE_LS)
        if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("margin"), mfMargin)
                || mfMargin <= 0 || mfMargin > 1)
            TERR("invalid treelink configuration parameter: margin (for pairwise_ls loss)."
                 "it should be in range (0, 1]");
            return false;
        if(!mpConfigParser->getItem(std::string("treelink"), std::string("single_list"), mbSingleList))
            TERR("invalid treelink configuration parameter: single_list (for pairwise_ls loss).");
            return false;

    TLOG("succeeded to load TreeLink configuration parameters.");

    // log parameters
    TLOG("====treelink training parameters:");
    TLOG("loss type:                    %s", getTypeName().c_str());
    TLOG("tree count:                   %d", mnTreeCount);
    TLOG("max leaf count:               %d", mnMaxLeafCount);
    TLOG("shrinkage:                    %f", mfShrinkage);
    TLOG("subsample rate:               %f", mfSampleRate);
    TLOG("variable subsample rate:      %f", mfVariableSampleRate);
    TLOG("split balance:                %f", mfSplitBalance);
    TLOG("max tree depth:               %d", mnMaxTreeDepth);
    TLOG("min leaf sample count:        %d", mnMinLeafSampleCount);
    TLOG("fast_train:                   %s", mbFastTrain ? "true" : "false");
    if(mLossType == Loss::HUBER)
        TLOG("huber quantile:               %f", mfQuantileRate);
    else if(mLossType == Loss::PAIRWISE_LS)
        TLOG("margin:                       %f", mfMargin);
        TLOG("single_list:                  %s", (mbSingleList ? "true" : "false"));
    return true;