 * Function not_implemented
 * throws an IO_ERROR and complains of an API function not being implemented.
 * @param aPlugin is a PLUGIN instance
 * @param aCaller is the name of the unimplemented API function.
static void not_implemented( PLUGIN* aPlugin, const char* aCaller )
            wxString::FromUTF8( aCaller ).GetData() )
예제 #2
char* FILE_LINE_READER::ReadLine() throw( IO_ERROR )
    length = 0;

        if( length >= maxLineLength )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "Maximum line length exceeded" ) );

        if( length >= capacity )
            expandCapacity( capacity * 2 );

        // faster, POSIX compatible fgetc(), no locking.
        int cc = getc_unlocked( fp );
        if( cc == EOF )

        line[ length++ ] = (char) cc;

        if( cc == '\n' )

    line[ length ] = 0;

    // lineNum is incremented even if there was no line read, because this
    // leads to better error reporting when we hit an end of file.

    return length ? line : NULL;
예제 #3
char* STRING_LINE_READER::ReadLine() throw( IO_ERROR )
    size_t  nlOffset = lines.find( '\n', ndx );

    if( nlOffset == std::string::npos )
        length = lines.length() - ndx;
        length = nlOffset - ndx + 1;     // include the newline, so +1

    if( length )
        if( length >= maxLineLength )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Line length exceeded") );

        if( length+1 > capacity )   // +1 for terminating nul
            expandCapacity( length+1 );

        wxASSERT( ndx + length <= lines.length() );

        memcpy( line, &lines[ndx], length );

        ndx += length;

    ++lineNum;      // this gets incremented even if no bytes were read

    line[length] = 0;

    return length ? line : NULL;
예제 #4
    length  = 0;

        if( length >= maxLineLength )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "Maximum line length exceeded" ) );

        if( length + 1 > capacity )
            expandCapacity( capacity * 2 );

        // this read may fail, docs say to test LastRead() before trusting cc.
        char cc = m_stream->GetC();

        if( !m_stream->LastRead() )

        line[ length++ ] = cc;

        if( cc == '\n' )

    line[ length ] = 0;

    // lineNum is incremented even if there was no line read, because this
    // leads to better error reporting when we hit an end of file.

    return length ? line : NULL;
예제 #5
PLUGIN* IO_MGR::PluginFind( PCB_FILE_T aFileType )
    // This implementation is subject to change, any magic is allowed here.
    // The public IO_MGR API is the only pertinent public information.

    switch( aFileType )
    case LEGACY:
        return new LEGACY_PLUGIN();

    case KICAD:
        return new PCB_IO();

    case EAGLE:
        return new EAGLE_PLUGIN();

    case PCAD:
        return new PCAD_PLUGIN();

    case GEDA_PCB:
        return new GPCB_PLUGIN();

    case GITHUB:
        return new GITHUB_PLUGIN();
        THROW_IO_ERROR( "BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN not enabled in cmake build environment" );

    return NULL;
bool FOOTPRINT_LIST_IMPL::CatchErrors( const std::function<void()>& aFunc )
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        m_errors.move_push( std::make_unique<IO_ERROR>( ioe ) );
        return false;
    catch( const std::exception& se )
        // This is a round about way to do this, but who knows what THROW_IO_ERROR()
        // may be tricked out to do someday, keep it in the game.
            THROW_IO_ERROR( se.what() );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
            m_errors.move_push( std::make_unique<IO_ERROR>( ioe ) );
        return false;

    return true;
void FOOTPRINT_LIST::loader_job( const wxString* aNicknameList, int aJobZ )
    //DBG(printf( "%s: first:'%s' count:%d\n", __func__, (char*) TO_UTF8( *aNicknameList ), aJobZ );)

    for( int i=0; i<aJobZ; ++i )
        if( m_error_count >= NTOLERABLE_ERRORS )

        const wxString& nickname = aNicknameList[i];

            wxArrayString fpnames = m_lib_table->FootprintEnumerate( nickname );

            for( unsigned ni=0;  ni<fpnames.GetCount();  ++ni )
                FOOTPRINT_INFO* fpinfo = new FOOTPRINT_INFO( this, nickname, fpnames[ni] );

                addItem( fpinfo );
        catch( const PARSE_ERROR& pe )
            // m_errors.push_back is not thread safe, lock its MUTEX.
            MUTLOCK lock( m_errors_lock );

            ++m_error_count;        // modify only under lock
            m_errors.push_back( new IO_ERROR( pe ) );
        catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
            MUTLOCK lock( m_errors_lock );

            m_errors.push_back( new IO_ERROR( ioe ) );

        // Catch anything unexpected and map it into the expected.
        // Likely even more important since this function runs on GUI-less
        // worker threads.
        catch( const std::exception& se )
            // This is a round about way to do this, but who knows what THROW_IO_ERROR()
            // may be tricked out to do someday, keep it in the game.
                THROW_IO_ERROR( se.what() );
            catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
                MUTLOCK lock( m_errors_lock );

                m_errors.push_back( new IO_ERROR( ioe ) );
예제 #8
void FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER::write( const char* aOutBuf, int aCount ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    if( 1 != fwrite( aOutBuf, aCount, 1, m_fp ) )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
                            _( "error writing to file '%s'" ),
                            m_filename.GetData() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );
예제 #9
void IO_MGR::Save( PCB_FILE_T aFileType, const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    // release the PLUGIN even if an exception is thrown.
    PLUGIN::RELEASER pi( PluginFind( aFileType ) );

    if( (PLUGIN*) pi )  // test pi->plugin
        pi->Save( aFileName, aBoard, aProperties );  // virtual

    THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( FMT_NOTFOUND, ShowType( aFileType ).GetData() ) );
        m_fStream( aFileName.GetFullName().ToUTF8() )
    if( !m_fStream.is_open() )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
            _( "Unable to open filename '%s' for reading" ), aFileName.GetFullPath().GetData() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    setStream( m_fStream );

    source = aFileName.GetFullName();
예제 #11
        const wxChar* aMode,  char aQuoteChar ) throw( IO_ERROR ) :
    m_filename( aFileName )
    m_fp = wxFopen( aFileName, aMode );

    if( !m_fp )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
                            _( "cannot open or save file '%s'" ),
                            m_filename.GetData() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );
예제 #12
void STREAM_OUTPUTFORMATTER::write( const char* aOutBuf, int aCount ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    int lastWrite;

    // This might delay awhile if you were writing to say a socket, but for
    // a file it should only go through the loop once.
    for( int total = 0;  total<aCount;  total += lastWrite )
        lastWrite = os.Write( aOutBuf, aCount ).LastWrite();

        if( !os.IsOk() )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "OUTPUTSTREAM_OUTPUTFORMATTER write error" ) );
예제 #13
void PCB_PAD::AddToBoard()
    PCB_PAD_SHAPE*  padShape;
    int             i;
    int             width = 0;
    int             height = 0;

    // choose one of the shapes
    for( i = 0; i < (int) m_shapes.GetCount(); i++ )
        padShape = m_shapes[i];

        if( padShape->m_width > 0 && padShape->m_height > 0 )
            if( padShape->m_KiCadLayer == LAYER_N_FRONT
                || padShape->m_KiCadLayer == LAYER_N_BACK )
                width = padShape->m_width;
                height = padShape->m_height;


    if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxT( "pad or via with zero size" ) );

    if( IsValidCopperLayerIndex( m_KiCadLayer ) )
        SEGVIA* via = new SEGVIA( m_board );
        m_board->m_Track.Append( via );

        via->SetTimeStamp( 0 );

        via->SetPosition( wxPoint( m_positionX, m_positionY ) );
        via->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_positionX, m_positionY ) );

        via->SetWidth( height );
        via->SetShape( VIA_THROUGH );
        ( (SEGVIA*) via )->SetLayerPair( LAYER_N_FRONT, LAYER_N_BACK );
        via->SetDrill( m_hole );

        via->SetLayer( m_KiCadLayer );
        via->SetNet( m_netCode );
예제 #14
static inline long parseInt( const wxString& aValue, double aScalar )
    double value = LONG_MAX;

     * In 2011 gEDA/pcb introduced values with units, like "10mm" or "200mil".
     * Unit-less values are still centimils (100000 units per inch), like with
     * the previous format.
     * Distinction between the even older format (mils, 1000 units per inch)
     * and the pre-2011 format is done in ::parseMODULE already; the
     * distinction is by wether an object definition opens with '(' or '['.
     * All values with explicite unit open with a '[' so there's no need to
     * consider this distinction when parsing them.
     * The solution here is to watch for a unit and, if present, convert the
     * value to centimils. All unit-less values are read unaltered. This way
     * the code below can contine to consider all read values to be in mils or
     * centimils. It also matches the strategy gEDA/pcb uses for backwards
     * compatibility with its own layouts.
     * Fortunately gEDA/pcb allows only units 'mil' and 'mm' in files, see
     * definition of ALLOW_READABLE in gEDA/pcb's pcb_printf.h. So we don't
     * have to test for all 11 units gEDA/pcb allows in user dialogs.
    if( aValue.EndsWith( wxT( "mm" ) ) )
        aScalar *= 100000.0 / 25.4;
    else if( aValue.EndsWith( wxT( "mil" ) ) )
        aScalar *= 100.;

    // This conversion reports failure on strings as simple as "1000", still
    // it returns the right result in &value. Thus, ignore the return value.
    if( value == LONG_MAX ) // conversion really failed
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Cannot convert \"%s\" to an integer" ),
                                          aValue.GetData() ) );
        return 0;

    return KiROUND( value * aScalar );
예제 #15
void GPCB_PLUGIN::FootprintDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName,
                                   const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.

    init( aProperties );

    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    if( !m_cache->IsWritable() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Library '%s' is read only" ),
                                          aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );

    m_cache->Remove( aFootprintName );
예제 #16
FILE_LINE_READER::FILE_LINE_READER( const wxString& aFileName,
            unsigned aStartingLineNumber,
            unsigned aMaxLineLength ) throw( IO_ERROR ) :
    LINE_READER( aMaxLineLength ),
    iOwn( true )
    fp = wxFopen( aFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
    if( !fp )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format(
            _( "Unable to open filename '%s' for reading" ), aFileName.GetData() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    source  = aFileName;
    lineNum = aStartingLineNumber;
예제 #17
void GPCB_FPL_CACHE::Remove( const wxString& aFootprintName )
    std::string footprintName = TO_UTF8( aFootprintName );

    MODULE_CITER it = m_modules.find( footprintName );

    if( it == m_modules.end() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "library <%s> has no footprint '%s' to delete" ),
                                          aFootprintName.GetData() ) );

    // Remove the module from the cache and delete the module file from the library.
    wxString fullPath = it->second->GetFileName().GetFullPath();
    m_modules.erase( footprintName );
    wxRemoveFile( fullPath );
예제 #18
wxArrayString GPCB_PLUGIN::FootprintEnumerate( const wxString&   aLibraryPath,
                                               const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
    LOCALE_IO     toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
    wxArrayString ret;
    wxDir         dir( aLibraryPath );

    if( !dir.IsOpened() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "footprint library path '%s' does not exist" ),
                                          GetChars( aLibraryPath ) ) );

    init( aProperties );

#if 1                         // Set to 0 to only read directory contents, not load cache.
    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );

    const MODULE_MAP& mods = m_cache->GetModules();

    for( MODULE_CITER it = mods.begin();  it != mods.end();  ++it )
        ret.Add( FROM_UTF8( it->first.c_str() ) );
    wxString fpFileName;
    wxString wildcard = wxT( "*." ) + GedaPcbFootprintLibFileExtension;

    if( dir.GetFirst( &fpFileName, wildcard, wxDIR_FILES ) )
            wxFileName fn( aLibraryPath, fpFileName );
            ret.Add( fn.GetName() );
        } while( dir.GetNext( &fpFileName ) );

    return ret;
TRACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeTRACK( PATH* aPath, int aPointIndex, int aNetcode ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    int layerNdx = findLayerName( aPath->layer_id );

    if( layerNdx == -1 )
        wxString layerName = FROM_UTF8( aPath->layer_id.c_str() );
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Session file uses invalid layer id \"%s\""),
                                          GetChars( layerName ) ) );

    TRACK* track = new TRACK( sessionBoard );

    track->SetStart( mapPt( aPath->points[aPointIndex+0], routeResolution ) );
    track->SetEnd( mapPt( aPath->points[aPointIndex+1], routeResolution ) );
    track->SetLayer( pcbLayer2kicad[layerNdx] );
    track->SetWidth( scale( aPath->aperture_width, routeResolution ) );
    track->SetNetCode( aNetcode );

    return track;
예제 #20
void KICAD_CURL::Init()
    // We test s_initialized twice in an effort to avoid
    // unnecessarily locking s_lock.  This understands that the common case
    // will not need to lock.
    if( !s_initialized )
        MUTLOCK lock( s_lock );

        if( !s_initialized )
            if( curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL ) != CURLE_OK )
                THROW_IO_ERROR( "curl_global_init() failed." );


            wxLogDebug( "Using %s", GetVersion() );

            s_initialized = true;
예제 #21
void GPCB_FPL_CACHE::Load()
    wxDir dir( m_lib_path.GetPath() );

    if( !dir.IsOpened() )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "footprint library path '%s' does not exist" ),
                                          m_lib_path.GetPath().GetData() ) );

    wxString fpFileName;
    wxString wildcard = wxT( "*." ) + GedaPcbFootprintLibFileExtension;

    if( !dir.GetFirst( &fpFileName, wildcard, wxDIR_FILES ) )

        wxFileName fn( m_lib_path.GetPath(), fpFileName );

        // reader now owns fp, will close on exception or return
        FILE_LINE_READER reader( fn.GetFullPath() );
        std::string      name = TO_UTF8( fn.GetName() );
        MODULE*          footprint = parseMODULE( &reader );

        // The footprint name is the file name without the extension.
        footprint->SetFPID( FPID( fn.GetName() ) );
        m_modules.insert( name, new GPCB_FPL_CACHE_ITEM( footprint, fn.GetName() ) );

    } while( dir.GetNext( &fpFileName ) );

    // Remember the file modification time of library file when the
    // cache snapshot was made, so that in a networked environment we will
    // reload the cache as needed.
    m_mod_time = GetLibModificationTime();
예제 #22
void PCB_PAD::AddToModule( MODULE* aModule, int aRotation, bool aEncapsulatedPad )
    PCB_PAD_SHAPE*  padShape;
    wxString        padShapeName = wxT( "Ellipse" );
    PAD_ATTR_T      padType;
    int             i;
    int             width = 0;
    int             height = 0;

    D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( aModule );

    aModule->Pads().PushBack( pad );

    if( !m_isHolePlated && m_hole )
        // mechanical hole
        pad->SetShape( PAD_CIRCLE );
        pad->SetAttribute( PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED );

        pad->SetDrillShape( PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE );
        pad->SetDrillSize( wxSize( m_hole, m_hole ) );
        pad->SetSize( wxSize( m_hole, m_hole ) );

        pad->SetLayerSet( LSET::AllCuMask() | LSET( 2, B_Mask, F_Mask ) );
        ( m_hole ) ? padType = PAD_STANDARD : padType = PAD_SMD;

        // form layer mask
        for( i = 0; i < (int) m_shapes.GetCount(); i++ )
            padShape = m_shapes[i];

            if( padShape->m_width > 0 && padShape->m_height > 0 )
                if( padShape->m_KiCadLayer == F_Cu ||
                    padShape->m_KiCadLayer == B_Cu )
                    padShapeName = padShape->m_shape;
                    width = padShape->m_width;
                    height = padShape->m_height;

                    // assume this is SMD pad
                    if( padShape->m_KiCadLayer == F_Cu )
                        pad->SetLayerSet( LSET( 3, F_Cu, F_Paste, F_Mask ) );
                        pad->SetLayerSet( LSET( 3, B_Cu, B_Paste, B_Mask ) );

        if( padType == PAD_STANDARD )
            // actually this is a thru-hole pad
            pad->SetLayerSet( LSET::AllCuMask() | LSET( 2, B_Mask, F_Mask ) );

        if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxT( "pad with zero size" ) );

        pad->SetPadName( m_name.text );

        if( padShapeName == wxT( "Oval" )
            || padShapeName == wxT( "Ellipse" )
            || padShapeName == wxT( "MtHole" ) )
            if( width != height )
                pad->SetShape( PAD_OVAL );
                pad->SetShape( PAD_CIRCLE );
        else if( padShapeName == wxT( "Rect" )
                 || padShapeName == wxT( "RndRect" ) )
            pad->SetShape( PAD_RECT );
        else if( padShapeName == wxT( "Polygon" ) )
            pad->SetShape( PAD_RECT ); // approximation

        pad->SetSize( wxSize( width, height ) );
        pad->SetDelta( wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
        pad->SetOrientation( m_rotation + aRotation );

        pad->SetDrillShape( PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE );
        pad->SetOffset( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        pad->SetDrillSize( wxSize( m_hole, m_hole ) );

        pad->SetAttribute( padType );

        // Set the proper net code
        NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = m_board->FindNet( m_net );
        if( netinfo == NULL )   // I believe this should not happen, but just in case
            // It is a new net
            netinfo = new NETINFO_ITEM( m_board, m_net );
            m_board->AppendNet( netinfo );

        pad->SetNetCode( netinfo->GetNet() );

    if( !aEncapsulatedPad )
        // pad's "Position" is not relative to the module's,
        // whereas Pos0 is relative to the module's but is the unrotated coordinate.
        wxPoint padpos( m_positionX, m_positionY );
        pad->SetPos0( padpos );
        RotatePoint( &padpos, aModule->GetOrientation() );
        pad->SetPosition( padpos + aModule->GetPosition() );
bool FOOTPRINT_LIST_IMPL::JoinWorkers()
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock1( m_join );

        for( auto& i : m_threads )

        m_count_finished.store( 0 );

    size_t total_count = m_queue_out.size();

    LOCALE_IO toggle_locale;

    // Parse the footprints in parallel. WARNING! This requires changing the locale, which is
    // GLOBAL. It is only threadsafe to construct the LOCALE_IO before the threads are created,
    // destroy it after they finish, and block the main (GUI) thread while they work. Any deviation
    // from this will cause nasal demons.
    // TODO: blast LOCALE_IO into the sun

    SYNC_QUEUE<std::unique_ptr<FOOTPRINT_INFO>> queue_parsed;
    std::vector<std::thread>                    threads;

    for( size_t ii = 0; ii < std::thread::hardware_concurrency() + 1; ++ii )
        threads.push_back( std::thread( [this, &queue_parsed]() {
            wxString nickname;

            while( this->m_queue_out.pop( nickname ) && !m_cancelled )
                wxArrayString fpnames;

                    m_lib_table->FootprintEnumerate( fpnames, nickname );
                catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
                    m_errors.move_push( std::make_unique<IO_ERROR>( ioe ) );
                catch( const std::exception& se )
                    // This is a round about way to do this, but who knows what THROW_IO_ERROR()
                    // may be tricked out to do someday, keep it in the game.
                        THROW_IO_ERROR( se.what() );
                    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
                        m_errors.move_push( std::make_unique<IO_ERROR>( ioe ) );

                for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < fpnames.size() && !m_cancelled; ++jj )
                    wxString fpname = fpnames[jj];
                    FOOTPRINT_INFO* fpinfo = new FOOTPRINT_INFO_IMPL( this, nickname, fpname );
                    queue_parsed.move_push( std::unique_ptr<FOOTPRINT_INFO>( fpinfo ) );

                if( m_progress_reporter )

                m_count_finished.fetch_add( 1 );
        } ) );

    while( !m_cancelled && (size_t)m_count_finished.load() < total_count )
        if( m_progress_reporter && !m_progress_reporter->KeepRefreshing() )
            m_cancelled = true;

        wxMilliSleep( 30 );

    for( auto& thr : threads )

    std::unique_ptr<FOOTPRINT_INFO> fpi;

    while( queue_parsed.pop( fpi ) )
        m_list.push_back( std::move( fpi ) );

    std::sort( m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), []( std::unique_ptr<FOOTPRINT_INFO> const& lhs,
                                                 std::unique_ptr<FOOTPRINT_INFO> const& rhs ) -> bool
                                                 return *lhs < *rhs;
                                             } );

    return m_errors.empty();
::VIA* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVIA( PADSTACK* aPadstack, const POINT& aPoint,
            int aNetCode, int aViaDrillDefault )
    throw( IO_ERROR )
    ::VIA*  via = 0;
    SHAPE*  shape;

    int     shapeCount = aPadstack->Length();
    int     drill_diam_iu = -1;
    int     copperLayerCount = sessionBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();

    // The drill diameter is encoded in the padstack name if Pcbnew did the DSN export.
    // It is after the colon and before the last '_'
    int     drillStartNdx = aPadstack->padstack_id.find( ':' );

    if( drillStartNdx != -1 )
        ++drillStartNdx;    // skip over the ':'

        int drillEndNdx = aPadstack->padstack_id.rfind( '_' );
        if( drillEndNdx != -1 )
            std::string diam_txt( aPadstack->padstack_id,
                            drillStartNdx, drillEndNdx-drillStartNdx );

            double drill_um = strtod( diam_txt.c_str(), 0 );

            drill_diam_iu = int( drill_um * (IU_PER_MM / 1000.0) );

            if( drill_diam_iu == aViaDrillDefault )
                drill_diam_iu = UNDEFINED_DRILL_DIAMETER;

    if( shapeCount == 0 )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _( "Session via padstack has no shapes" ) );
    else if( shapeCount == 1 )
        shape = (SHAPE*) (*aPadstack)[0];
        DSN_T type = shape->shape->Type();
        if( type != T_circle )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Unsupported via shape: %s"),
                                              GetChars( GetTokenString( type ) ) ) );

        CIRCLE* circle = (CIRCLE*) shape->shape;
        int viaDiam = scale( circle->diameter, routeResolution );

        via = new ::VIA( sessionBoard );
        via->SetPosition( mapPt( aPoint, routeResolution ) );
        via->SetDrill( drill_diam_iu );
        via->SetViaType( VIA_THROUGH );
        via->SetWidth( viaDiam );
        via->SetLayerPair( F_Cu, B_Cu );
    else if( shapeCount == copperLayerCount )
        shape = (SHAPE*) (*aPadstack)[0];
        DSN_T type = shape->shape->Type();
        if( type != T_circle )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Unsupported via shape: %s"),
                                              GetChars( GetTokenString( type ) ) ) );

        CIRCLE* circle = (CIRCLE*) shape->shape;
        int viaDiam = scale( circle->diameter, routeResolution );

        via = new ::VIA( sessionBoard );
        via->SetPosition( mapPt( aPoint, routeResolution ) );
        via->SetDrill( drill_diam_iu );
        via->SetViaType( VIA_THROUGH );
        via->SetWidth( viaDiam );
        via->SetLayerPair( F_Cu, B_Cu );
        int topLayerNdx = -1;           // session layer detectors
        int botLayerNdx = INT_MAX;

        int viaDiam = -1;

        for( int i=0; i<shapeCount;  ++i )
            shape = (SHAPE*) (*aPadstack)[i];
            DSN_T type = shape->shape->Type();
            if( type != T_circle )
                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Unsupported via shape: %s"),
                                                  GetChars( GetTokenString( type ) ) ) );

            CIRCLE* circle = (CIRCLE*) shape->shape;

            int layerNdx = findLayerName( circle->layer_id );
            if( layerNdx == -1 )
                wxString layerName = FROM_UTF8( circle->layer_id.c_str() );
                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Session file uses invalid layer id \"%s\""),
                                                  GetChars( layerName ) ) );

            if( layerNdx > topLayerNdx )
                topLayerNdx = layerNdx;

            if( layerNdx < botLayerNdx )
                botLayerNdx = layerNdx;

            if( viaDiam == -1 )
                viaDiam = scale( circle->diameter, routeResolution );

        via = new ::VIA( sessionBoard );
        via->SetPosition( mapPt( aPoint, routeResolution ) );
        via->SetDrill( drill_diam_iu );

        if( (topLayerNdx==0 && botLayerNdx==1)
         || (topLayerNdx==copperLayerCount-2 && botLayerNdx==copperLayerCount-1))
            via->SetViaType( VIA_MICROVIA );
            via->SetViaType( VIA_BLIND_BURIED );

        via->SetWidth( viaDiam );

        LAYER_ID topLayer = pcbLayer2kicad[topLayerNdx];
        LAYER_ID botLayer = pcbLayer2kicad[botLayerNdx];

        via->SetLayerPair( topLayer, botLayer );

    if( via )
        via->SetNetCode( aNetCode );

    return via;
예제 #25
void PCB_PAD::AddToBoard()
    PCB_PAD_SHAPE*  padShape;
    int             i;
    int             width = 0;
    int             height = 0;

    if( m_objType == wxT( 'V' ) ) // via
        // choose one of the shapes
        for( i = 0; i < (int) m_shapes.GetCount(); i++ )
            padShape = m_shapes[i];

            if( padShape->m_width > 0 && padShape->m_height > 0 )
                if( padShape->m_KiCadLayer == F_Cu
                    || padShape->m_KiCadLayer == B_Cu )
                    width = padShape->m_width;
                    height = padShape->m_height;


        if( width == 0 || height == 0 )
            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxT( "pad or via with zero size" ) );

        if( IsCopperLayer( m_KiCadLayer ) )
            VIA* via = new VIA( m_board );
            m_board->m_Track.Append( via );

            via->SetTimeStamp( 0 );

            via->SetPosition( wxPoint( m_positionX, m_positionY ) );
            via->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_positionX, m_positionY ) );

            via->SetWidth( height );
            via->SetViaType( VIA_THROUGH );
            via->SetLayerPair( F_Cu, B_Cu );
            via->SetDrill( m_hole );

            via->SetLayer( m_KiCadLayer );
            via->SetNetCode( m_netCode );
    else // pad
        MODULE* module = new MODULE( m_board );
        m_board->Add( module, ADD_APPEND );

        m_name.text = m_defaultPinDes;

        module->SetPosition( wxPoint( m_positionX, m_positionY ) );
        AddToModule( module, 0, true );

예제 #26
KIFACE*  KIWAY::KiFACE( FACE_T aFaceId, bool doLoad )
    // Since this will be called from python, cannot assume that code will
    // not pass a bad aFaceId.
    if( unsigned( aFaceId ) >= DIM( m_kiface ) )
        // @todo : throw an exception here for python's benefit, at least that
        // way it gets some explanatory text.

        wxASSERT_MSG( 0, wxT( "caller has a bug, passed a bad aFaceId" ) );
        return NULL;

    // return the previously loaded KIFACE, if it was.
    if( m_kiface[aFaceId] )
        return m_kiface[aFaceId];

    // DSO with KIFACE has not been loaded yet, does caller want to load it?
    if( doLoad  )
        wxString dname = dso_full_path( aFaceId );

        wxDynamicLibrary dso;

        void*   addr = NULL;

        if( !dso.Load( dname, wxDL_VERBATIM | wxDL_NOW | wxDL_GLOBAL ) )
            // Failure: error reporting UI was done via wxLogSysError().
            // No further reporting required here.

        else if( ( addr = dso.GetSymbol( wxT( KIFACE_INSTANCE_NAME_AND_VERSION ) ) ) == NULL )
            // Failure: error reporting UI was done via wxLogSysError().
            // No further reporting required here.

            KIFACE_GETTER_FUNC* getter = (KIFACE_GETTER_FUNC*) addr;

            KIFACE* kiface = getter( &m_kiface_version[aFaceId], KIFACE_VERSION, m_program );

            // KIFACE_GETTER_FUNC function comment (API) says the non-NULL is unconditional.
            wxASSERT_MSG( kiface,
                wxT( "attempted DSO has a bug, failed to return a KIFACE*" ) );

            // Give the DSO a single chance to do its "process level" initialization.
            // "Process level" specifically means stay away from any projects in there.
            if( kiface->OnKifaceStart( m_program, m_ctl ) )
                // Tell dso's wxDynamicLibrary destructor not to Unload() the program image.
                (void) dso.Detach();

                return m_kiface[aFaceId] = kiface;

        // In any of the failure cases above, dso.Unload() should be called here
        // by dso destructor.
        // However:

        // There is a file installation bug. We only look for KIFACE_I's which we know
        // to exist, and we did not find one.  If we do not find one, this is an
        // installation bug.

        wxString msg = wxString::Format( wxT(
            "Fatal Installation Bug. File:\n"
            "'%s'\ncould not be loaded\n" ), GetChars( dname ) );

        if( ! wxFileExists( dname ) )
            msg << wxT( "It is missing.\n" );
            msg << wxT( "Perhaps a shared library (.dll or .so) file is missing.\n" );

        msg << wxT( "From command line: argv[0]:\n'" );
        msg << wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() << wxT( "'\n" );

        // This is a fatal error, one from which we cannot recover, nor do we want
        // to protect against in client code which would require numerous noisy
        // tests in numerous places.  So we inform the user that the installation
        // is bad.  This exception will likely not get caught until way up in the
        // wxApp derivative, at which point the process will exit gracefully.
        THROW_IO_ERROR( msg );

    return NULL;
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::backAnnotateFootprints( const std::string& aChangedSetOfReferences )
    throw( IO_ERROR, boost::bad_pointer )
    // Build a flat list of components in schematic:
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheets( g_RootSheet );
    bool                isChanged = false;

    sheets.GetComponents( Prj().SchLibs(), refs, false );

    DSNLEXER    lexer( aChangedSetOfReferences, FROM_UTF8( __func__ ) );
    PTREE       doc;

        Scan( &doc, &lexer );

#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
        Format( &sf, 0, 0, doc );
        printf( "%s: '%s'\n", __func__, sf.GetString().c_str() );

        CPTREE& back_anno = doc.get_child( "back_annotation" );
        wxString footprint;

        for( PTREE::const_iterator ref = back_anno.begin();  ref != back_anno.end();  ++ref )
            wxASSERT( ref->first == "ref" );

            wxString reference = (UTF8&) ref->second.front().first;

            // Ensure the "fpid" node contains a footprint name,
            // and get it if exists
            if( ref->second.get_child( "fpid" ).size() )
                wxString tmp = (UTF8&) ref->second.get_child( "fpid" ).front().first;
                footprint = tmp;

            // DBG( printf( "%s: ref:%s  fpid:%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( reference ), TO_UTF8( footprint ) ); )

            // Search the component in the flat list
            for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii < refs.GetCount();  ++ii )
                if( reference == refs[ii].GetRef() )
                    // We have found a candidate.
                    // Note: it can be not unique (multiple parts per package)
                    // So we *do not* stop the search here
                    SCH_COMPONENT*  component = refs[ii].GetComp();
                    SCH_FIELD*      fpfield   = component->GetField( FOOTPRINT );
                    const wxString& oldfp = fpfield->GetText();

                    if( !oldfp && fpfield->IsVisible() )
                        fpfield->SetVisible( false );

                    // DBG( printf("%s: ref:%s  fpid:%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( refs[ii].GetRef() ), TO_UTF8( footprint ) );)
                    if( oldfp != footprint )
                        isChanged = true;

                    fpfield->SetText( footprint );
    catch( const PTREE_ERROR& ex )
        // remap the exception to something the caller is likely to understand.
        THROW_IO_ERROR( ex.what() );

    if( isChanged )
void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    sessionBoard = aBoard;      // not owned here

    if( !session )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"session\" section") );

    /* Dick 16-Jan-2012: session need not have a placement section.
    if( !session->placement )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"placement\" section") );

    if( !session->route )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"routes\" section") );

    if( !session->route->library )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( _("Session file is missing the \"library_out\" section") );

    // delete all the old tracks and vias


    buildLayerMaps( aBoard );

    if( session->placement )
        // Walk the PLACEMENT object's COMPONENTs list, and for each PLACE within
        // each COMPONENT, reposition and re-orient each component and put on
        // correct side of the board.
        COMPONENTS& components = session->placement->components;
        for( COMPONENTS::iterator comp=components.begin();  comp!=components.end();  ++comp )
            PLACES& places = comp->places;
            for( unsigned i=0; i<places.size();  ++i )
                PLACE* place = &places[i];  // '&' even though places[] holds a pointer!

                wxString reference = FROM_UTF8( place->component_id.c_str() );
                MODULE* module = aBoard->FindModuleByReference( reference );
                if( !module )
                    THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Session file has 'reference' to non-existent component \"%s\""),
                                                      GetChars( reference ) ) );

                if( !place->hasVertex )

                UNIT_RES* resolution = place->GetUnits();
                wxASSERT( resolution );

                wxPoint newPos = mapPt( place->vertex, resolution );
                module->SetPosition( newPos );

                if( place->side == T_front )
                    // convert from degrees to tenths of degrees used in KiCad.
                    int orientation = KiROUND( place->rotation * 10.0 );

                    if( module->GetLayer() != F_Cu )
                        // module is on copper layer (back)
                        module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );

                    module->SetOrientation( orientation );
                else if( place->side == T_back )
                    int orientation = KiROUND( (place->rotation + 180.0) * 10.0 );

                    if( module->GetLayer() != B_Cu )
                        // module is on component layer (front)
                        module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );

                    module->SetOrientation( orientation );
                    // as I write this, the PARSER *is* catching this, so we should never see below:
                    wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("DSN::PARSER did not catch an illegal side := 'back|front'") );

    routeResolution = session->route->GetUnits();

    // Walk the NET_OUTs and create tracks and vias anew.
    NET_OUTS& net_outs = session->route->net_outs;
    for( NET_OUTS::iterator net = net_outs.begin(); net!=net_outs.end(); ++net )
        int         netCode = 0;

        // page 143 of spec says wire's net_id is optional
        if( net->net_id.size() )
            wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( net->net_id.c_str() );
            NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = aBoard->FindNet( netName );

            if( netinfo )
                netCode = netinfo->GetNet();
            else  // else netCode remains 0
                // int breakhere = 1;

        WIRES& wires = net->wires;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i<wires.size(); ++i )
            WIRE*   wire  = &wires[i];
            DSN_T   shape = wire->shape->Type();

            if( shape != T_path )
                /*  shape == T_polygon is expected from freerouter if you have
                    a zone on a non "power" type layer, i.e. a T_signal layer
                    and the design does a round trip back in as session here.
                    We kept our own zones in the BOARD, so ignore this so called

                wxString netId = FROM_UTF8( wire->net_id.c_str() );
                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("Unsupported wire shape: \"%s\" for net: \"%s\""),
                    ) );
                PATH*   path = (PATH*) wire->shape;
                for( unsigned pt=0;  pt<path->points.size()-1;  ++pt )
                    /* a debugging aid, may come in handy
                    if( path->points[pt].x == 547800
                    &&  path->points[pt].y == -380250 )
                        int breakhere = 1;

                    TRACK* track = makeTRACK( path, pt, netCode );
                    aBoard->Add( track );

        WIRE_VIAS& wire_vias = net->wire_vias;
        LIBRARY& library = *session->route->library;
        for( unsigned i=0;  i<wire_vias.size();  ++i )
            int         netCode = 0;

            // page 144 of spec says wire_via's net_id is optional
            if( net->net_id.size() )
                wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( net->net_id.c_str() );

                NETINFO_ITEM* net = aBoard->FindNet( netName );
                if( net )
                    netCode = net->GetNet();

                // else netCode remains 0

            WIRE_VIA* wire_via = &wire_vias[i];

            // example: (via Via_15:8_mil 149000 -71000 )

            PADSTACK* padstack = library.FindPADSTACK( wire_via->GetPadstackId() );
            if( !padstack )
                // Dick  Feb 29, 2008:
                // Freerouter has a bug where it will not round trip all vias.
                // Vias which have a (use_via) element will be round tripped.
                // Vias which do not, don't come back in in the session library,
                // even though they may be actually used in the pre-routed,
                // protected wire_vias. So until that is fixed, create the
                // padstack from its name as a work around.

                // Could use a STRING_FORMATTER here and convert the entire
                // wire_via to text and put that text into the exception.
                wxString psid( FROM_UTF8( wire_via->GetPadstackId().c_str() ) );

                THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _("A wire_via references a missing padstack \"%s\""),
                                                  GetChars( psid ) ) );

            NETCLASSPTR netclass = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.GetDefault();

            int via_drill_default = netclass->GetViaDrill();

            for( unsigned v=0;  v<wire_via->vertexes.size();  ++v )
                ::VIA* via = makeVIA( padstack, wire_via->vertexes[v], netCode, via_drill_default );
                aBoard->Add( via );
예제 #29
bool CMP_READER::Load( NETLIST* aNetlist ) throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR )
    wxCHECK_MSG( aNetlist != NULL,true, wxT( "No netlist passed to CMP_READER::Load()" ) );

    wxString reference;    // Stores value read from line like Reference = BUS1;
    wxString timestamp;    // Stores value read from line like TimeStamp = /32307DE2/AA450F67;
    wxString footprint;    // Stores value read from line like IdModule  = CP6;
    wxString buffer;
    wxString value;

    bool ok = true;

    while( m_lineReader->ReadLine() )
        buffer = FROM_UTF8( m_lineReader->Line() );

        if( !buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "BeginCmp" ) ) )

        // Begin component description.

        while( m_lineReader->ReadLine() )
            buffer = FROM_UTF8( m_lineReader->Line() );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "EndCmp" ) ) )

            // store string value, stored between '=' and ';' delimiters.
            value = buffer.AfterFirst( '=' );
            value = value.BeforeLast( ';' );
            value.Trim( true );
            value.Trim( false );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "Reference" ) ) )
                reference = value;

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "IdModule  =" ) ) )
                footprint = value;

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "TimeStamp =" ) ) )
                timestamp = value;

        // Find the corresponding item in component list:
        COMPONENT* component = aNetlist->GetComponentByReference( reference );

        // The corresponding component could no longer existing in the netlist.  This
        // can happen when it is removed from schematic and still exists in footprint
        // assignment list.  This is an usual case during the life of a design.
        if( component )
            FPID fpid;

            if( !footprint.IsEmpty() && fpid.Parse( footprint ) >= 0 )
                wxString error;
                error.Printf( _( "invalid footprint ID in\nfile: <%s>\nline: %d" ),
                              GetChars( m_lineReader->GetSource() ),
                              m_lineReader->LineNumber() );

                THROW_IO_ERROR( error );

            // For checking purpose, store the existing FPID (if any) in the alternate fpid copy
            // if this existing FPID differs from the FPID read from the .cmp file.
            // CvPcb can ask for user to chose the right FPID.
            // It happens if the FPID was modified outside CvPcb.
            if( fpid != component->GetFPID() && !component->GetFPID().empty() )
                component->SetAltFPID( component->GetFPID() );

            component->SetFPID( fpid );
            ok = false;     // can be used to display a warning in Pcbnew.

    return ok;
예제 #30
void PCB_PAD::Parse( XNODE*   aNode, wxString aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                     wxString aActualConversion )
    XNODE*          lNode, *cNode;
    long            num;
    wxString        propValue, str, emsg;
    PCB_PAD_SHAPE*  padShape;

    m_rotation = 0;
    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "padNum" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetNodeContent().ToLong( &num );
        m_number = (int) num;

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "padStyleRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        m_name.text = propValue;

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pt" ) );

    if( lNode )
        SetPosition( lNode->GetNodeContent(), aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                     &m_positionX, &m_positionY, aActualConversion );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "rotation" ) );

    if( lNode )
        str = lNode->GetNodeContent();
        str.Trim( false );
        m_rotation = StrToInt1Units( str );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "netNameRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        propValue.Trim( true );
        m_net = propValue;
        m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "defaultPinDes" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        //propValue.Trim( false );
        m_defaultPinDes = propValue;

    lNode = aNode;

    while( lNode && lNode->GetName() != wxT( "www.lura.sk" ) )
        lNode = lNode->GetParent();

    lNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "library" ) );
    if ( !lNode )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxT( "Unable to find library section" ) );

    lNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "padStyleDef" ) );

    while( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );

        if( propValue.IsSameAs( m_name.text, false) )

        lNode = lNode->GetNext();

    if ( !lNode )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( wxT( "Unable to find padStyleDef " ) + m_name.text ) );

    cNode = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "holeDiam" ) );

    if( cNode )
        SetWidth( cNode->GetNodeContent(), aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &m_hole, aActualConversion );

    if( FindNodeGetContent( lNode, wxT( "isHolePlated" ) ) == wxT( "False" ) )
        m_isHolePlated = false;

    cNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "padShape" ) );

    while( cNode )
        if( cNode->GetName() == wxT( "padShape" ) )
            // we support only Pads on specific layers......
            // we do not support pads on "Plane", "NonSignal" , "Signal" ... layerr
            if( FindNode( cNode, wxT( "layerNumRef" ) ) )
                padShape = new PCB_PAD_SHAPE( m_callbacks, m_board );
                padShape->Parse( cNode, aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );
                m_shapes.Add( padShape );

        cNode = cNode->GetNext();