예제 #1
WorkspaceGrid::WorkspaceGrid( float fMinX, float fMaxX, float fMinY, float fMaxY, float fDiscretizeSize )

	minX = fMinX;
	maxX = fMaxX;
	minY = fMinY;
	maxY = fMaxY;
	discretizeSize = fDiscretizeSize;
	data = NULL;

	if (fMinX>=fMaxX || fMinY>=fMaxY)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION ("ERROR min >= max");

	gridExtendX = maxX - minX;
	gridExtendY = maxY - minY;
	gridSizeX = (int)((maxX - minX) / discretizeSize) + 1;
	gridSizeY = (int)((maxY - minY) / discretizeSize) + 1;

	if (gridSizeY<=0 || gridSizeX<=0 || gridExtendX<=0 || gridExtendY<=0)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION ("ERROR negative grid size");

	VR_INFO << ": creating grid with " << gridSizeX << "x" << gridSizeY << " = " << gridSizeX*gridSizeY << " entries" << endl;
	data = new int[gridSizeX*gridSizeY];
	graspLink = new std::vector<GraspPtr>[gridSizeX*gridSizeY];
예제 #2
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, 
												 const std::string &name, 
												 const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, 
												 const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot,
												 const RobotNodePtr tcp,
												 bool registerToRobot)
	VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL);

	if (robotNodes.empty() || !robotNodes[0])
		VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl;
	} else
		CollisionCheckerPtr cc = robotNodes[0]->getCollisionChecker();

		for (unsigned int i=1;i<robotNodes.size();i++)
			if (robotNodes[0]->getRobot() != robotNodes[i]->getRobot())
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different robots");
			if (cc !=  robotNodes[i]->getCollisionChecker())
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different collision checkers");

	RobotNodePtr kinematicRootNode = kinematicRoot;
	if (!kinematicRootNode)
		kinematicRootNode = robot->getRootNode();
	RobotNodePtr tcpNode = tcp;
	if (!tcpNode)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robotNodes.empty(), "can not determine the tcp node need for creating a RobotNodeSet");
		tcpNode = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1];
	RobotNodeSetPtr rns(new RobotNodeSet(name, robot, robotNodes, kinematicRootNode, tcpNode));

	if (registerToRobot)
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robot->hasRobotNodeSet(rns), "RobotNodeSet with name " << rns->getName() << " already present in the robot");

	return rns;
예제 #3
    VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::createObstacleFromString(const std::string& xmlString, const std::string& basePath /*= ""*/)
        // copy string content to char array
        char* y = new char[xmlString.size() + 1];
        strncpy(y, xmlString.c_str(), xmlString.size() + 1);

        VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr obj;

            rapidxml::xml_document<char> doc;    // character type defaults to char
            doc.parse<0>(y);    // 0 means default parse flags
            rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode = doc.first_node("Obstacle");

            obj = processObstacle(objectXMLNode, basePath);

        catch (rapidxml::parse_error& e)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Could not parse data in xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error message:" << e.what() << endl
                               << "Position: " << endl << e.where<char>() << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();
        catch (VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException&)
            // rethrow the current exception
            delete[] y;
        catch (std::exception& e)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error code:" << e.what() << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();
        catch (...)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();

        delete[] y;
        return obj;
예제 #4
    GraspPtr ObjectIO::processGrasp(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* graspXMLNode, const std::string& robotType, const std::string& eef, const std::string& objName)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!graspXMLNode, "No <Grasp> tag ?!");
        // get name
        std::string name = processNameAttribute(graspXMLNode, true);
        std::string method = processStringAttribute("creation", graspXMLNode, true);
        float quality = processFloatAttribute(std::string("quality"), graspXMLNode, true);
        std::string preshapeName = processStringAttribute("preshape", graspXMLNode, true);
        Eigen::Matrix4f pose;
        std::vector< RobotConfig::Configuration > configDefinitions;
        std::string configName;

        rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = graspXMLNode->first_node();

        while (node)
            std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());

            if (nodeName == "transform")
                processTransformNode(graspXMLNode, name, pose);

            else if (nodeName == "configuration")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(configDefinitions.size() > 0, "Only one configuration per grasp allowed");
                bool c*K = processConfigurationNode(node, configDefinitions, configName);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!c*K, "Invalid configuration defined in grasp tag '" << name << "'." << endl);

                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in Grasp <" << name << ">." << endl);

            node = node->next_sibling();

        GraspPtr grasp(new Grasp(name, robotType, eef, pose, method, quality, preshapeName));

        if (configDefinitions.size() > 0)
            // create & register configs
            std::map< std::string, float > rc;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < configDefinitions.size(); i++)
                rc[ configDefinitions[i].name ] = configDefinitions[i].value;


        return grasp;
예제 #5
SensorPtr RobotNode::getSensor(const std::string & name) const
	for (size_t i=0;i<sensors.size();i++)
		if (sensors[i]->getName() == name)
			return sensors[i];
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("No sensor with name" << name << " registerd at robot node " << getName());
	return SensorPtr();
예제 #6
	VoxelTree6D(float minExtend[6], float maxExtend[6], float discretizationTransl, float discretizationRot, bool verbose = false):
		memcpy (&(this->minExtend[0]),&(minExtend[0]),sizeof(float)*6);
		memcpy (&(this->maxExtend[0]),&(maxExtend[0]),sizeof(float)*6);
		if (discretizationTransl<=0.0f || discretizationRot<=0.0f)
		float size[6];
		for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
			size[i] = maxExtend[i] - minExtend[i];
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(size[i]<=0.0f,"Invalid extend parameters?!");

		float maxSize = 0;
		for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
			if (size[i] > maxSize)
				maxSize = size[i];
		int steps = (int)(maxSize / discretizationTransl + 0.5f);
		float maxSize2 = 0;
		for (int i=3;i<6;i++)
			if (size[i] > maxSize2)
				maxSize2 = size[i];
		int steps2 = (int)(maxSize2 / discretizationRot + 0.5f);
		if (steps2 > steps)
			steps = steps2;
		maxLevels = int(ceil(sqrt(double(steps))));
		if (verbose)
			VR_INFO << "Creating Voxelized tree data structure. " << endl;
			VR_INFO << "Extends (min/max/size):" << endl;
			std::streamsize pr = std::cout.precision(2);
			for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
				cout << std::fixed << minExtend[i] << "," << maxExtend[i] << " -> " << size[i] << endl;
			std::cout << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
			VR_INFO << "discretizationTransl:" << discretizationTransl << ". Max translation levels:" << steps << endl;
			VR_INFO << "discretizationRot:" << discretizationRot << ". Max rotation levels:" << steps2 << endl;
			VR_INFO << "--> Max Levels:" << maxLevels << endl;
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF (steps<=0,"Invalid parameters...");
		root = new VoxelTree6DElement<T>(minExtend,size,0,maxLevels);

예제 #7
파일: SceneIO.cpp 프로젝트: TheMarex/simox
bool SceneIO::processSceneObjectSet(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* sceneXMLNode, ScenePtr scene )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!sceneXMLNode, "NULL data in processSceneObjectSet");

	// get name
	std::string sosName = processNameAttribute(sceneXMLNode,true);
	if (sosName.empty())
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Please specify the name of the scene object set...");
		return false;
	SceneObjectSetPtr sos(new SceneObjectSet(sosName));

	rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = sceneXMLNode->first_node();

	while (node)
		std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());
		if (nodeName == "sceneobject")
			std::string oname = processNameAttribute(node);
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!(scene->hasObstacle(oname) || scene->hasManipulationObject(oname)), " Object with name '" << oname << "' not known in scene '" << scene->getName() << "'." << endl);
			if (scene->hasObstacle(oname))
			} else
		} else
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in scene's SceneObjectSet definition <" << sosName << ">." << endl);

		node = node->next_sibling();

	return true;
예제 #8
    GraspSetPtr ObjectIO::processGraspSet(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* graspSetXMLNode, const std::string& objName)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!graspSetXMLNode, "No <GraspSet> tag ?!");

        // get name
        std::string gsName = processNameAttribute(graspSetXMLNode, true);
        std::string gsRobotType = processStringAttribute(std::string("robottype"), graspSetXMLNode, true);
        std::string gsEEF = processStringAttribute(std::string("endeffector"), graspSetXMLNode, true);

        if (gsName.empty() || gsRobotType.empty() || gsEEF.empty())
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("GraspSet tags must have valid attributes 'Name', 'RobotType' and 'EndEffector'");

        GraspSetPtr result(new GraspSet(gsName, gsRobotType, gsEEF));

        rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = graspSetXMLNode->first_node();

        while (node)
            std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());

            if (nodeName == "grasp")
                GraspPtr grasp = processGrasp(node, gsRobotType, gsEEF, objName);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!grasp, "Invalid 'Grasp' tag in '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in GraspSet <" << gsName << ">." << endl);

            node = node->next_sibling();

        return result;
예제 #9
Eigen::MatrixXf JacobiProvider::computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixXf &m) const
	clock_t startT = clock();
	MatrixXf pseudo;
	switch (inverseMethod)
	case eTranspose:
			if (jointWeights.rows() == m.cols())
				Eigen::MatrixXf W = jointWeights.asDiagonal();
				Eigen::MatrixXf W_1 = W.inverse();
				pseudo = W_1 * m.transpose() * (m*W_1*m.transpose()).inverse();
				pseudo = m.transpose() * (m*m.transpose()).inverse();
	case eSVD:
				 float pinvtoler = 0.00001f;
				 pseudo = MathTools::getPseudoInverse(m, pinvtoler);
	case eSVDDamped:
				 float pinvtoler = 0.00001f;
				 pseudo = MathTools::getPseudoInverseDamped(m,pinvtoler);
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Inverse Jacobi Method nyi...");
	clock_t endT = clock();
	float diffClock = (float)(((float)(endT - startT) / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000.0f);
	//if (diffClock>10.0f)
	cout << "Inverse Jacobi time:" << diffClock << endl;
	return pseudo;
예제 #10
void RobotNode::setGlobalPose( const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Use setJointValues to control the position of a RobotNode");
예제 #11
bool RobotNodeSet::removeSceneObject( SceneObjectPtr sceneObject )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Not allowed for RobotNodeSets.");
	return false;
예제 #12
bool RobotNodeSet::addSceneObjects( std::vector<RobotNodePtr> robotNodes )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Not allowed for RobotNodeSets.");
	return false;
예제 #13
bool RobotNodeSet::addSceneObjects( RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSet )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Not allowed for RobotNodeSets.");
	return false;
예제 #14
    ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::processObstacle(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode, const std::string& basePath)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!objectXMLNode, "No <Obstacle> tag in XML definition");

        bool visuProcessed = false;
        bool colProcessed = false;
        VisualizationNodePtr visualizationNode;
        CollisionModelPtr collisionModel;
        bool useAsColModel = false;
        SceneObject::Physics physics;
        bool physicsDefined = false;
        Eigen::Matrix4f globalPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

        // get name
        std::string objName = processNameAttribute(objectXMLNode);

        // first check if there is an xml file to load
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* xmlFileNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("file", 0, false);

        if (xmlFileNode)
            std::string xmlFile = processFileNode(xmlFileNode, basePath);
            ObstaclePtr result = loadObstacle(xmlFile);

            if (!result)
                return result;

            if (!objName.empty())

            // update global pose
            rapidxml::xml_node<>* poseNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("globalpose", 0, false);

            if (poseNode)
                processTransformNode(poseNode, objName, globalPose);

            return result;

        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(objName.empty(), "Obstacle definition expects attribute 'name'");

        rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = objectXMLNode->first_node();

        while (node)
            std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());

            if (nodeName == "visualization")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(visuProcessed, "Two visualization tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                visualizationNode = processVisualizationTag(node, objName, basePath, useAsColModel);
                visuProcessed = true;

                if (useAsColModel)
                    THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                    std::string colModelName = objName;
                    colModelName += "_VISU_ColModel";
                    // todo: ID?
                    collisionModel.reset(new CollisionModel(visualizationNode, colModelName, CollisionCheckerPtr()));
                    colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "collisionmodel")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                collisionModel = processCollisionTag(node, objName, basePath);
                colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "physics")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(physicsDefined, "Two physics tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                processPhysicsTag(node, objName, physics);
                physicsDefined = true;
            else if (nodeName == "globalpose")
                processTransformNode(node, objName, globalPose);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in Obstacle <" << objName << ">." << endl);

            node = node->next_sibling();

        // build object
        ObstaclePtr object(new Obstacle(objName, visualizationNode, collisionModel, physics));
        return object;
예제 #15
파일: SceneIO.cpp 프로젝트: TheMarex/simox
bool SceneIO::processSceneRobot(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* sceneXMLNode, ScenePtr scene, const std::string& basePath )
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!sceneXMLNode, "NULL data in processSceneRobot");

	// get name
	std::string robotName = processNameAttribute(sceneXMLNode,true);
	if (robotName.empty())
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Please specify the name of the robot...");
		return false;
	std::string initStr("initconfig");
	std::string initConfigName = processStringAttribute(initStr,sceneXMLNode,true);

	std::vector< RobotConfigPtr > configs;
	std::vector< std::vector< RobotConfig::Configuration > > configDefinitions;
	std::vector< std::string > configNames;
	Eigen::Matrix4f globalPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
	std::string fileName;
	rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = sceneXMLNode->first_node();

	std::vector< rapidxml::xml_node<>* > rnsNodes;
	while (node)
		std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());
		if (nodeName == "file")
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!fileName.empty(), "Multiple files defined in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
			fileName = processFileNode(node,basePath);
		} else if (nodeName == "configuration")
			bool c*K = processConfigurationNodeList(node, configDefinitions, configNames);
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!c*K, "Invalid configuration defined in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
		} else if (nodeName == "globalpose")
			processTransformNode(node, robotName, globalPose);
		} else if (nodeName == "robotnodeset")
		} else
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in scene's Robot definition <" << robotName << ">." << endl);

		node = node->next_sibling();

	// create & register robot
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(fileName.empty(), "Missing file definition in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);
	RobotPtr robot = RobotIO::loadRobot(fileName);
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!robot, "Invalid robot file in scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "'." << endl);

	// create & register node sets
	int rnsNr = 0;
	for (size_t i=0;i<rnsNodes.size();i++)
		// registers rns to robot
		RobotNodeSetPtr r = processRobotNodeSet(rnsNodes[i], robot, robot->getRootNode()->getName(), rnsNr);
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, "Invalid RobotNodeSet definition " << endl);

	// create & register configs
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(configDefinitions.size()!=configNames.size(), "Invalid RobotConfig definitions " << endl);
	for (size_t i=0;i<configDefinitions.size();i++)
		RobotConfigPtr rc(new RobotConfig(robot,configNames[i],configDefinitions[i]));

	// process init config
	if (!initConfigName.empty())
		THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!scene->hasRobotConfig(robot,initConfigName), "Scene's robot tag '" << robotName << "' does not have the initConfig '" << initConfigName << "'." << endl);
	return true;
예제 #16
파일: SceneIO.cpp 프로젝트: TheMarex/simox
ScenePtr SceneIO::processScene(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* sceneXMLNode, const std::string& basePath)
	THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!sceneXMLNode, "No <Scene> tag in XML definition");

	// process Attributes
	ScenePtr scene;
	scene = processSceneAttributes(sceneXMLNode);

	// process xml nodes
	std::vector<rapidxml::xml_node<char>* > sceneSetNodes;
	std::vector<rapidxml::xml_node<char>* > trajectoryNodes;

	rapidxml::xml_node<> *XMLNode = sceneXMLNode->first_node(NULL,0,false);
	while (XMLNode)
		std::string nodeName_ = XMLNode->name();
		std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(XMLNode->name());
		if (nodeName == "robot")
			bool r = processSceneRobot(XMLNode, scene, basePath);
			if (!r)
				std::string failedNodeName = processNameAttribute(XMLNode);
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Failed to create robot " << failedNodeName << " in scene " << scene->getName() << endl);
		} else if (nodeName=="obstacle")
			bool r = processSceneObstacle(XMLNode, scene, basePath);
			if (!r)
				std::string failedNodeName = processNameAttribute(XMLNode);
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Failed to create obstacle " << failedNodeName << " in scene " << scene->getName() << endl);
		} else if (nodeName=="manipulationobject")
			bool r = processSceneManipulationObject(XMLNode, scene, basePath);
			if (!r)
				std::string failedNodeName = processNameAttribute(XMLNode);
				THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Failed to create ManipulationObject " << failedNodeName << " in scene " << scene->getName() << endl);
		} else if (nodeName=="trajectory")
		} else if (nodeName=="sceneobjectset")
		} else
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML node of type <" << nodeName_ << "> is not supported. Ignoring contents..." << endl);
		XMLNode = XMLNode->next_sibling(NULL,0,false);

	// process all sceneSetNodes
	for (size_t i=0;i<sceneSetNodes.size();i++)
		bool r = processSceneObjectSet(sceneSetNodes[i], scene);
		if (!r)
			std::string failedNodeName = processNameAttribute(XMLNode);
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Failed to create SceneObjectSet " << failedNodeName << " in scene " << scene->getName() << endl);

	// process all trajectories
	for (size_t i=0;i<trajectoryNodes.size();i++)
		bool r = processSceneTrajectory(trajectoryNodes[i], scene);
		if (!r)
			std::string failedNodeName = processNameAttribute(XMLNode);
			THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Failed to create trajectory " << failedNodeName << " in scene " << scene->getName() << endl);
	return scene;