예제 #1
파일: cOrbit.cpp 프로젝트: ralfberge/git
// Returns the mean anomaly in radians at given GMT.
// At epoch, the mean anomaly is given by the elements data.
double cOrbit::MeanAnomaly(cJulian gmt) const
   double span = TPlusEpoch(gmt);
   double P    = Period();

   assert(P != 0.0);

   return fmod(MeanAnomaly() + (TWOPI * (span / P)), TWOPI);
예제 #2
// Returns the mean anomaly in radians at given GMT.
// At epoch, the mean anomaly is given by the elements data.
double QTle::MeanAnomaly(QSgp4Date gmt)
   double span = TPlusEpoch(gmt);
   double P    = Period();

   assert(P != 0.0);

   return fmod(MeanAnomaly() + (TWOPI * (span / P)), TWOPI);