예제 #1
static bool ExtractDoubleArray (TRI_shaper_t* shaper,
                                TRI_shaped_json_t const* document,
                                TRI_shape_pid_t pid,
                                double* result,
                                bool* missing) {
  TRI_shape_t const* shape;
  TRI_shaped_json_t json;
  bool ok;

  *missing = false;

  ok = TRI_ExtractShapedJsonVocShaper(shaper, document, 0, pid, &json, &shape);

  if (! ok) {
    return false;

  if (shape == NULL) {
    *missing = true;
    return false;
  else if (json._sid == TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NUMBER)) {
    *result = * (double*) json._data.data;
    return true;
  else if (json._sid == TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NULL)) {
    *missing = true;
    return false;
  else {
    return false;
예제 #2
static int HashIndexHelper (TRI_hash_index_t const* hashIndex,
                            T* hashElement,
                            TRI_doc_mptr_t const* document) {
  TRI_shaper_t* shaper;                 // underlying shaper
  TRI_shaped_json_t shapedObject;       // the sub-object
  TRI_shaped_json_t shapedJson;         // the object behind document
  TRI_shaped_sub_t shapedSub;           // the relative sub-object

  shaper = hashIndex->base._collection->getShaper();  // ONLY IN INDEX, PROTECTED by RUNTIME

  // .............................................................................
  // Assign the document to the TRI_hash_index_element_t structure - so that it
  // can later be retreived.
  // .............................................................................


  hashElement->_document = const_cast<TRI_doc_mptr_t*>(document);
  char const* ptr = document->getShapedJsonPtr();  // ONLY IN INDEX

  // .............................................................................
  // Extract the attribute values
  // .............................................................................

  int res = TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;

  size_t const n = NumPaths(hashIndex);
  for (size_t j = 0;  j < n;  ++j) {
    TRI_shape_pid_t path = *((TRI_shape_pid_t*)(TRI_AtVector(&hashIndex->_paths, j)));

    // determine if document has that particular shape
    TRI_shape_access_t const* acc = TRI_FindAccessorVocShaper(shaper, shapedJson._sid, path);

    // field not part of the object
    if (acc == nullptr || acc->_resultSid == TRI_SHAPE_ILLEGAL) {
      shapedSub._sid    = TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NULL);
      shapedSub._length = 0;
      shapedSub._offset = 0;


    // extract the field
    else {
      if (! TRI_ExecuteShapeAccessor(acc, &shapedJson, &shapedObject)) {
        // hashElement->fields: memory deallocated in the calling procedure
        return TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL;

      if (shapedObject._sid == TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NULL)) {

      shapedSub._sid    = shapedObject._sid;
      shapedSub._length = shapedObject._data.length;
      shapedSub._offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(((char const*) shapedObject._data.data) - ptr);

    // store the json shaped sub-object -- this is what will be hashed
    hashElement->_subObjects[j] = shapedSub;

  return res;
예제 #3
static bool ExtractDoubleList (TRI_shaper_t* shaper,
                               TRI_shaped_json_t const* document,
                               TRI_shape_pid_t pid,
                               double* latitude,
                               double* longitude,
                               bool* missing) {
  TRI_shape_t const* shape;
  TRI_shaped_json_t entry;
  TRI_shaped_json_t list;
  bool ok;
  size_t len;

  *missing = false;

  ok = TRI_ExtractShapedJsonVocShaper(shaper, document, 0, pid, &list, &shape);

  if (! ok) {
    return false;

  if (shape == NULL) {
    *missing = true;
    return false;

  // in-homogenous list
  if (shape->_type == TRI_SHAPE_LIST) {
    len = TRI_LengthListShapedJson((const TRI_list_shape_t*) shape, &list);

    if (len < 2) {
      return false;

    // latitude
    ok = TRI_AtListShapedJson((const TRI_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 0, &entry);

    if (! ok || entry._sid != TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NUMBER)) {
      return false;

    *latitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    // longitude
    ok = TRI_AtListShapedJson((const TRI_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 1, &entry);

    if (! ok || entry._sid != TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NUMBER)) {
      return false;

    *longitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    return true;

  // homogenous list
  else if (shape->_type == TRI_SHAPE_HOMOGENEOUS_LIST) {
    const TRI_homogeneous_list_shape_t* hom;

    hom = (const TRI_homogeneous_list_shape_t*) shape;

    if (hom->_sidEntry != TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NUMBER)) {
      return false;

    len = TRI_LengthHomogeneousListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_list_shape_t*) shape, &list);

    if (len < 2) {
      return false;

    // latitude
    ok = TRI_AtHomogeneousListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 0, &entry);

    if (! ok) {
      return false;

    *latitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    // longitude
    ok = TRI_AtHomogeneousListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 1, &entry);

    if (! ok) {
      return false;

    *longitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    return true;

  // homogeneous list
  else if (shape->_type == TRI_SHAPE_HOMOGENEOUS_SIZED_LIST) {
    const TRI_homogeneous_sized_list_shape_t* hom;

    hom = (const TRI_homogeneous_sized_list_shape_t*) shape;

    if (hom->_sidEntry != TRI_LookupBasicSidShaper(TRI_SHAPE_NUMBER)) {
      return false;

    len = TRI_LengthHomogeneousSizedListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_sized_list_shape_t*) shape, &list);

    if (len < 2) {
      return false;

    // latitude
    ok = TRI_AtHomogeneousSizedListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_sized_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 0, &entry);

    if (! ok) {
      return false;

    *latitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    // longitude
    ok = TRI_AtHomogeneousSizedListShapedJson((const TRI_homogeneous_sized_list_shape_t*) shape, &list, 1, &entry);

    if (! ok) {
      return false;

    *longitude = * (double*) entry._data.data;

    return true;

  // null
  else if (shape->_type == TRI_SHAPE_NULL) {
    *missing = true;

  // ups
  return false;