예제 #1
void WriterPlugin::render( const OFX::RenderArguments& args )
	_oneRender = false;

	TUTTLE_COUT( "        --> " << getAbsoluteFilenameAt( args.time ) );

	boost::scoped_ptr<OFX::Image> src( _clipSrc->fetchImage( args.time ) );
	boost::scoped_ptr<OFX::Image> dst( _clipDst->fetchImage( args.time ) );
	// Copy buffer
	const OfxRectI bounds = dst->getBounds();
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( bounds );
	if( src->isLinearBuffer() && dst->isLinearBuffer() )
		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "isLinearBuffer" );
		const std::size_t imageDataBytes = dst->getBoundsImageDataBytes();
		TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( imageDataBytes );
		if( imageDataBytes )
			void* dataSrcPtr = src->getPixelAddress( bounds.x1, bounds.y1 );
			void* dataDstPtr = dst->getPixelAddress( bounds.x1, bounds.y1 );
			memcpy( dataDstPtr, dataSrcPtr, imageDataBytes );
		const std::size_t rowBytesToCopy = dst->getBoundsRowDataBytes();
		for( int y = bounds.y1; y < bounds.y2; ++y )
			void* dataSrcPtr = src->getPixelAddress( bounds.x1, y );
			void* dataDstPtr = dst->getPixelAddress( bounds.x1, y );
			memcpy( dataDstPtr, dataSrcPtr, rowBytesToCopy );
예제 #2
boost::intrusive_ptr<IPoolData> MemoryPool::allocate( const std::size_t size )
	TUTTLE_TCOUT( "MemoryPool::allocate: " << size );
	PoolData* pData = NULL;

		boost::mutex::scoped_lock locker( _mutex );
		// checking within unused data
		pData = std::for_each( _dataUnused.begin(), _dataUnused.end(), DataFitSize( size ) ).bestMatch();

	if( pData != NULL )
		pData->_size = size;
		return pData;

	const std::size_t availableSize = getAvailableMemorySize();
	if( size > availableSize )
		std::stringstream s;
		s << "MemoryPool can't allocate size:" << size << " because memorySizeAvailable=" << availableSize;
		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::length_error( s.str() ) );
	return new PoolData( *this, size );
예제 #3
void ProcessGraph::endSequenceRender( ProcessVertexData& procOptions )
	TUTTLE_TCOUT( "process end sequence" );
	//--- END sequence render
	BOOST_FOREACH( NodeMap::value_type& p, _nodes )
		p.second->endSequence( procOptions ); // node option... or no option here ?
예제 #4
	void discover_vertex( VertexDescriptor v, Graph& g )
		Vertex& vertex = _graph.instance( v );

		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[Setup 2] discover_vertex " << vertex );
		if( vertex.isFake() )

예제 #5
	void finish_vertex( VertexDescriptor v, Graph& g )
		Vertex& vertex = _graph.instance( v );

		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[Setup] finish_vertex " << vertex );
		if( vertex.isFake() )

예제 #6
inline void connectClips( TGraph& graph )
	BOOST_FOREACH( typename TGraph::edge_descriptor ed, graph.getEdges() )
		typename TGraph::Edge& edge           = graph.instance( ed );
		typename TGraph::Vertex& vertexSource = graph.sourceInstance( ed );
		typename TGraph::Vertex& vertexDest   = graph.targetInstance( ed );

		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[connectClips] " << edge );
		TUTTLE_TCOUT( vertexSource << "->" << vertexDest );
		if( ! vertexDest.isFake() && ! vertexSource.isFake() )
			INode& sourceNode = vertexSource.getProcessNode();
			INode& targetNode = vertexDest.getProcessNode();
			sourceNode.connect( targetNode, sourceNode.getAttribute( edge.getInAttrName() ) );
예제 #7
	if( !_dataUsed.empty() )
		TUTTLE_COUT_ERROR( "Error inside memory pool. Some data always mark used at the destruction (nb elements:" << _dataUsed.size() << ")" );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_X( 20, "-" );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT( "~MemoryPool()" );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( _dataUsed.size() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( _dataUnused.size() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( _allDatas.size() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( _memoryAuthorized );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( getUsedMemorySize() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( getAllocatedMemorySize() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( getMaxMemorySize() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( getAvailableMemorySize() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( getWastedMemorySize() );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT_X( 20, "-" );
예제 #8
	void finish_vertex( VertexDescriptor v, Graph& g )
		Vertex& vertex = _graph.instance( v );

		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[TimeDomain] finish_vertex " << vertex );
		if( vertex.isFake() )

		vertex.getProcessNode().getTimeDomain( vertex.getProcessData()._timeDomain );
		TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR2( vertex.getProcessData()._timeDomain.min, vertex.getProcessData()._timeDomain.max );
예제 #9
inline void connectClips( TGraph& graph )
	BOOST_FOREACH( typename TGraph::edge_descriptor ed, graph.getEdges() )
		typename TGraph::Edge& edge           = graph.instance( ed );
		typename TGraph::Vertex& vertexOutput = graph.targetInstance( ed );
		typename TGraph::Vertex& vertexInput  = graph.sourceInstance( ed );

		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[connectClips] " << edge );
		TUTTLE_TCOUT( vertexOutput << " -> " << vertexInput );
		//TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( edge.getInAttrName() );
		if( ! vertexOutput.isFake() && ! vertexInput.isFake() )
			INode& outputNode = vertexOutput.getProcessNode();
			INode& inputNode = vertexInput.getProcessNode();
			inputNode.connect( outputNode, inputNode.getAttribute( edge.getInAttrName() ) );
MotionType ParamRectangleFromCenterSize<TFrame, coord>::intersect( const OFX::PenArgs& args )
	// intersect center point
	MotionType m = _center.intersect( args );
	if( m._mode != eMotionNone )
		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "intersect center." );
		_selectType = eSelectTypeC;
		return m;
	// intersect borders
	_selectType = selectType( args );
	TUTTLE_TCOUT( "_selectType : " << mapESelectTypeToString( _selectType ) );
	if( _selectType != eSelectTypeNone )
		m._mode = eMotionTranslate;
		m._axis = eAxisXY;
		return m;
	m._mode = eMotionNone;
	m._axis = eAxisNone;
	return m;
예제 #11
	void finish_vertex( VertexDescriptor v, Graph& g )
		Vertex& vertex = _graph.instance( v );
		TUTTLE_TCOUT( "[DEPLOY TIME] " << vertex );
		if( vertex.isFake() )
			BOOST_FOREACH( const edge_descriptor& ed, _graph.getOutEdges( v ) )
				Edge& e = _graph.instance( ed );
				e._timesNeeded[_time].insert( _time );
//				TUTTLE_TCOUT( "--- insert edge: " << _time );
			vertex._data._times.insert( _time );
예제 #12
void OfxhPluginCache::scanDirectory( std::set<std::string>& foundBinFiles, const std::string& dir, bool recurse )
	TUTTLE_TCOUT( "looking in " << dir << " for plugins" );

	#if defined ( WINDOWS )
	WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
	HANDLE findHandle;
	DIR* d = opendir( dir.c_str() );
	if( !d )

	_pluginDirs.push_back( dir.c_str() );

	#if defined ( UNIX )
	while( dirent * de = readdir( d ) )
	#elif defined ( WINDOWS )
	findHandle = FindFirstFile( ( dir + "\\*" ).c_str(), &findData );

	if( findHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )

	while( 1 )
		#if defined ( UNIX )
		std::string name = de->d_name;
		bool isdir       = true;
		std::string name = findData.cFileName;
		bool isdir       = ( findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) != 0;
		if( name.find( ".ofx.bundle" ) != std::string::npos )
			std::string barename   = name.substr( 0, name.length() - strlen( ".bundle" ) );
			std::string bundlepath = dir + DIRSEP + name;
			std::string binpath    = bundlepath + DIRSEP "Contents" DIRSEP + ARCHSTR + DIRSEP + barename;

			foundBinFiles.insert( binpath );

			if( _knownBinFiles.find( binpath ) == _knownBinFiles.end() )
				#ifdef CACHE_DEBUG
				TUTTLE_TCOUT( "found non-cached binary " << binpath );
					// the binary was not in the cache
					OfxhPluginBinary* pb = new OfxhPluginBinary( binpath, bundlepath, this );
					_binaries.push_back( pb );
					_knownBinFiles.insert( binpath );

					for( int j = 0; j < pb->getNPlugins(); ++j )
						OfxhPlugin& plug                   = pb->getPlugin( j );
						APICache::OfxhPluginAPICacheI& api = plug.getApiHandler();
						api.loadFromPlugin( plug );
				catch(... )
					TUTTLE_COUT( tuttle::common::kColorError << "warning: can't load " << binpath << tuttle::common::kColorStd );
				#ifdef CACHE_DEBUG
				TUTTLE_TCOUT( "found cached binary " << binpath );
			if( isdir && ( recurse && name[0] != '@' && name != "." && name != ".." ) )
				scanDirectory( foundBinFiles, dir + DIRSEP + name, recurse );
		#if defined( WINDOWS )
		int rval = FindNextFile( findHandle, &findData );

		if( rval == 0 )

	#if defined( UNIX )
	closedir( d );
	FindClose( findHandle );