/** * Fill in buffer with a set_num/msg_num key string, given the numeric * values. Numeric values must be >= 0. Buffer must be of length * MAX_KEY_LEN or more. */ static char* _catkey(char* buffer, int32_t set_num, int32_t msg_num) { int32_t i = 0; i = T_CString_integerToString(buffer, set_num, 10); buffer[i++] = SEPARATOR; T_CString_integerToString(buffer+i, msg_num, 10); return buffer; }
static void TestAPI(void) { int32_t intValue=0; char src[30]="HELLO THERE", dest[30]; static const char *const abc="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", *const ABC="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const char *temp; int32_t i; log_verbose("Testing uprv_tolower() and uprv_toupper()\n"); for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) { dest[i]=uprv_tolower(abc[i]); } if(0!=strcmp(abc, dest)) { log_err("uprv_tolower(abc) failed\n"); } for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) { dest[i]=uprv_tolower(ABC[i]); } if(0!=strcmp(abc, dest)) { log_err("uprv_tolower(ABC) failed\n"); } for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) { dest[i]=uprv_toupper(abc[i]); } if(0!=strcmp(ABC, dest)) { log_err("uprv_toupper(abc) failed\n"); } for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) { dest[i]=uprv_toupper(ABC[i]); } if(0!=strcmp(ABC, dest)) { log_err("uprv_toupper(ABC) failed\n"); } log_verbose("Testing the API in cstring\n"); T_CString_toLowerCase(src); if(uprv_strcmp(src, "hello there") != 0){ log_err("FAIL: *** T_CString_toLowerCase() failed. Expected: \"hello there\", Got: \"%s\"\n", src); } T_CString_toUpperCase(src); if(uprv_strcmp(src, "HELLO THERE") != 0){ log_err("FAIL: *** T_CString_toUpperCase() failed. Expected: \"HELLO THERE\", Got: \"%s\"\n", src); } intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("34556", 10); if(intValue != 34556){ log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"34556\", 10) failed. Expected: 34556, Got: %d\n", intValue); } intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("100", 16); if(intValue != 256){ log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"100\", 16) failed. Expected: 256, Got: %d\n", intValue); } i = T_CString_integerToString(src, 34556, 10); if(uprv_strcmp(src, "34556") != 0 || i != 5){ log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 34566, 10); failed. Expected: \"34556\", Got: %s\n", src); } i = T_CString_integerToString(src, 431, 16); if(uprv_stricmp(src, "1AF") != 0 || i != 3){ log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 431, 16); failed. Expected: \"1AF\", Got: %s\n", src); } i = T_CString_int64ToString(src, U_INT64_MAX, 10); if(uprv_strcmp(src, "9223372036854775807") != 0 || i != 19){ log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 9223372036854775807, 10); failed. Got: %s\n", src); } i = T_CString_int64ToString(src, U_INT64_MAX, 16); if(uprv_stricmp(src, "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") != 0 || i != 16){ log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 16); failed. Got: %s\n", src); } uprv_strcpy(src, "this is lower case"); if(T_CString_stricmp(src, "THIS is lower CASE") != 0){ log_err("FAIL: *****T_CString_stricmp() failed."); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp(NULL, "first string is null") )!= -1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp() where the first string is null failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("second string is null", NULL)) != 1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp() where the second string is null failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp(NULL, NULL)) != 0){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(NULL, NULL) failed. Expected: 0, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("", "")) != 0){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"\") failed. Expected: 0, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("", "abc")) != -1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"abc\") failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("abc", "")) != 1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"abc\", \"\") failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue); } temp=uprv_strdup("strdup"); if(uprv_strcmp(temp, "strdup") !=0 ){ log_err("FAIL: uprv_strdup() failed. Expected: \"strdup\", Got: %s\n", temp); } uprv_free((char *)temp); uprv_strcpy(src, "this is lower case"); if(T_CString_strnicmp(src, "THIS", 4 ) != 0){ log_err("FAIL: *****T_CString_strnicmp() failed."); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, "first string is null", 10) )!= -1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp() where the first string is null failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("second string is null", NULL, 10)) != 1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp() where the second string is null failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, NULL, 10)) != 0){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, NULL, 10) failed. Expected: 0, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("", "", 10)) != 0){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(\"\", \"\") failed. Expected: 0, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("", "abc", 10)) != -1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"abc\", 10) failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue); } if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("abc", "", 10)) != 1){ log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(\"abc\", \"\", 10) failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue); } }
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ucol_getShortDefinitionString(const UCollator *coll, const char *locale, char *dst, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status) { if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return 0; if(coll->delegate != NULL) { return ((icu::Collator*)coll->delegate)->internalGetShortDefinitionString(locale,dst,capacity,*status); } char buffer[internalBufferSize]; uprv_memset(buffer, 0, internalBufferSize*sizeof(char)); int32_t resultSize = 0; char tempbuff[internalBufferSize]; char locBuff[internalBufferSize]; uprv_memset(buffer, 0, internalBufferSize*sizeof(char)); int32_t elementSize = 0; UBool isAvailable = 0; CollatorSpec s; ucol_sit_initCollatorSpecs(&s); if(!locale) { locale = ucol_getLocaleByType(coll, ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, status); } elementSize = ucol_getFunctionalEquivalent(locBuff, internalBufferSize, "collation", locale, &isAvailable, status); if(elementSize) { // we should probably canonicalize here... elementSize = uloc_getLanguage(locBuff, tempbuff, internalBufferSize, status); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, languageArg); elementSize = uloc_getCountry(locBuff, tempbuff, internalBufferSize, status); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, regionArg); elementSize = uloc_getScript(locBuff, tempbuff, internalBufferSize, status); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, scriptArg); elementSize = uloc_getVariant(locBuff, tempbuff, internalBufferSize, status); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, variantArg); elementSize = uloc_getKeywordValue(locBuff, "collation", tempbuff, internalBufferSize, status); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, keywordArg); } int32_t i = 0; UColAttributeValue attribute = UCOL_DEFAULT; for(i = 0; i < UCOL_SIT_ITEMS_COUNT; i++) { if(options[i].action == _processCollatorOption) { attribute = ucol_getAttributeOrDefault(coll, (UColAttribute)options[i].attr, status); if(attribute != UCOL_DEFAULT) { char letter = ucol_sit_attributeValueToLetter(attribute, status); appendShortStringElement(&letter, 1, buffer, &resultSize, /*capacity*/internalBufferSize, options[i].optionStart); } } } if(coll->variableTopValueisDefault == FALSE) { //s.variableTopValue = ucol_getVariableTop(coll, status); elementSize = T_CString_integerToString(tempbuff, coll->variableTopValue, 16); appendShortStringElement(tempbuff, elementSize, buffer, &resultSize, capacity, variableTopValArg); } UParseError parseError; return ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString(buffer, dst, capacity, &parseError, status); }