예제 #1
StiffenedGasFluidProperties::T_from_v_e(Real v, Real e, Real & T, Real & dT_dv, Real & dT_de) const
  T = T_from_v_e(v, e);
  dT_dv = -_p_inf / _cv;
  dT_de = 1.0 / _cv;
예제 #2
SinglePhaseFluidProperties::T_from_p_h(Real p, Real h) const
  const Real s = s_from_h_p(h, p);
  const Real rho = rho_from_p_s(p, s);
  const Real v = 1. / rho;
  const Real e = e_from_v_h(v, h);
  return T_from_v_e(v, e);
예제 #3
StiffenedGasFluidProperties::s_from_v_e(Real v, Real e) const
  Real T = T_from_v_e(v, e);
  Real p = p_from_v_e(v, e);
  Real n = std::pow(T, _gamma) / std::pow(p + _p_inf, _gamma - 1.0);
  if (n <= 0.0)
    throw MooseException(name() + ": Negative argument in the ln() function.");
  return _cv * std::log(n) + _q_prime;
예제 #4
StiffenedGasFluidProperties::g_from_v_e(Real v, Real e) const
  // g(p,T) for SGEOS is given by Equation (37) in the following reference:
  // Ray A. Berry, Richard Saurel, Olivier LeMetayer
  // The discrete equation method (DEM) for fully compressible, two-phase flows in
  //   ducts of spatially varying cross-section
  // Nuclear Engineering and Design 240 (2010) p. 3797-3818
  const Real p = p_from_v_e(v, e);
  const Real T = T_from_v_e(v, e);

  return (_gamma * _cv - _q_prime) * T -
         _cv * T * std::log(std::pow(T, _gamma) / std::pow(p + _p_inf, _gamma - 1.0)) + _q;
예제 #5
StiffenedGasFluidProperties::s_from_v_e(Real v, Real e, Real & s, Real & ds_dv, Real & ds_de) const
  Real T, dT_dv, dT_de;
  T_from_v_e(v, e, T, dT_dv, dT_de);

  Real p, dp_dv, dp_de;
  p_from_v_e(v, e, p, dp_dv, dp_de);

  const Real n = std::pow(T, _gamma) / std::pow(p + _p_inf, _gamma - 1.0);
  if (n <= 0.0)
    throw MooseException(name() + ": Negative argument in the ln() function.");

  s = _cv * std::log(n) + _q_prime;

  const Real dn_dT = _gamma * std::pow(T, _gamma - 1.0) / std::pow(p + _p_inf, _gamma - 1.0);
  const Real dn_dp = std::pow(T, _gamma) * (1.0 - _gamma) * std::pow(p + _p_inf, -_gamma);

  const Real dn_dv = dn_dT * dT_dv + dn_dp * dp_dv;
  const Real dn_de = dn_dT * dT_de + dn_dp * dp_de;

  ds_dv = _cv / n * dn_dv;
  ds_de = _cv / n * dn_de;