예제 #1
void TalkerChooserConf::slotClearButton_clicked()
    m_widget->nameLineEdit->setText( QString::null );
    m_widget->reLineEdit->setText( QString::null );
    m_widget->appIdLineEdit->setText( QString::null );
    m_talkerCode = TalkerCode( QString::null, false );
    m_widget->talkerLineEdit->setText( m_talkerCode.getTranslatedDescription() );
예제 #2
void TalkerChooserConf::slotTalkerButton_clicked()
    QString talkerCode = m_talkerCode.getTalkerCode();
    SelectTalkerDlg dlg( m_widget, "selecttalkerdialog", i18n("Select Talker"), talkerCode, true );
    int dlgResult = dlg.exec();
    if ( dlgResult != KDialogBase::Accepted ) return;
    m_talkerCode = TalkerCode( dlg.getSelectedTalkerCode(), false );
    m_widget->talkerLineEdit->setText( m_talkerCode.getTranslatedDescription() );
예제 #3
* This function is called to set the settings in the module to sensible
* default values. It gets called when hitting the "Default" button. The 
* default values should probably be the same as the ones the application 
* uses when started without a config file.  Note that defaults should
* be applied to the on-screen widgets; not to the config file.
void TalkerChooserConf::defaults(){
    // kdDebug() << "TalkerChooserConf::defaults: Running" << endl;
    // Default name.
    m_widget->nameLineEdit->setText( i18n("Talker Chooser") );
    // Default regular expression is blank.
    m_widget->reLineEdit->setText( "" );
    // Default App ID is blank.
    m_widget->appIdLineEdit->setText( "" );
    // Default to using default Talker.
    m_talkerCode = TalkerCode( QString::null, false );
    m_widget->talkerLineEdit->setText( m_talkerCode.getTranslatedDescription() );
예제 #4
 * Initialize the filter.
 * @param config          Settings object.
 * @param configGroup     Settings Group.
 * @return                False if filter is not ready to filter.
 * Note: The parameters are for reading from kttsdrc file.  Plugins may wish to maintain
 * separate configuration files of their own.
bool TalkerChooserProc::init(KConfig* config, const QString& configGroup){
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::init: Running" << endl;
    config->setGroup( configGroup );
    m_re = config->readEntry( "MatchRegExp" );
    m_appIdList = config->readListEntry( "AppIDs" );
    m_chosenTalkerCode = TalkerCode(config->readEntry("TalkerCode"), false);
    // Legacy settings.
    QString s = config->readEntry( "LanguageCode" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_chosenTalkerCode.setFullLanguageCode(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "SynthInName" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_chosenTalkerCode.setPlugInName(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Gender" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_chosenTalkerCode.setGender(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Volume" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_chosenTalkerCode.setVolume(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Rate" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_chosenTalkerCode.setRate(s);
    return true;
예제 #5
* This method is invoked whenever the module should read its 
* configuration (most of the times from a config file) and update the 
* user interface. This happens when the user clicks the "Reset" button in 
* the control center, to undo all of his changes and restore the currently 
* valid settings.  Note that kttsmgr calls this when the plugin is
* loaded, so it not necessary to call it in your constructor.
* The plugin should read its configuration from the specified group
* in the specified config file.
* @param config      Pointer to a KConfig object.
* @param configGroup Call config->setGroup with this argument before
*                    loading your configuration.
void TalkerChooserConf::load(KConfig* config, const QString& configGroup){
    // kdDebug() << "TalkerChooserConf::load: Running" << endl;
    config->setGroup( configGroup );
    m_widget->nameLineEdit->setText( config->readEntry( "UserFilterName", m_widget->nameLineEdit->text() ) );
            config->readEntry("MatchRegExp", m_widget->reLineEdit->text()) );
            config->readEntry("AppIDs", m_widget->appIdLineEdit->text()) );

    m_talkerCode = TalkerCode(config->readEntry("TalkerCode"), false);
    // Legacy settings.
    QString s = config->readEntry( "LanguageCode" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_talkerCode.setFullLanguageCode(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "SynthInName" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_talkerCode.setPlugInName(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Gender" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_talkerCode.setGender(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Volume" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_talkerCode.setVolume(s);
    s = config->readEntry( "Rate" );
    if (!s.isEmpty()) m_talkerCode.setRate(s);

예제 #6
 * Loads notify events from a file.  Clearing data if clear is True.
void SpeechData::loadNotifyEventsFromFile( const QString& filename, bool clear)
    // Open existing event list.
    QFile file( filename );
    if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
        kdDebug() << "SpeechData::loadNotifyEventsFromFile: Unable to open file " << filename << endl;
    // QDomDocument doc( "http://www.kde.org/share/apps/kttsd/stringreplacer/wordlist.dtd []" );
    QDomDocument doc( "" );
    if ( !doc.setContent( &file ) ) {
        kdDebug() << "SpeechData::loadNotifyEventsFromFile: File not in proper XML format. " << filename << endl;
    // kdDebug() << "StringReplacerConf::load: document successfully parsed." << endl;

    if ( clear )
        notifyDefaultPresent = NotifyPresent::Passive;
        notifyDefaultOptions.action = NotifyAction::SpeakMsg;
        notifyDefaultOptions.talker = QString::null;
        notifyDefaultOptions.customMsg = QString::null;

    // Event list.
    QDomNodeList eventList = doc.elementsByTagName("notifyEvent");
    const int eventListCount = eventList.count();
    for (int eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < eventListCount; ++eventIndex)
        QDomNode eventNode = eventList.item(eventIndex);
        QDomNodeList propList = eventNode.childNodes();
        QString eventSrc;
        QString event;
        QString actionName;
        QString message;
        TalkerCode talkerCode;
        const int propListCount = propList.count();
        for (int propIndex = 0; propIndex < propListCount; ++propIndex)
            QDomNode propNode = propList.item(propIndex);
            QDomElement prop = propNode.toElement();
            if (prop.tagName() == "eventSrc") eventSrc = prop.text();
            if (prop.tagName() == "event") event = prop.text();
            if (prop.tagName() == "action") actionName = prop.text();
            if (prop.tagName() == "message") message = prop.text();
            if (prop.tagName() == "talker") talkerCode = TalkerCode(prop.text(), false);
        NotifyOptions notifyOptions;
        notifyOptions.action = NotifyAction::action( actionName );
        notifyOptions.talker = talkerCode.getTalkerCode();
        notifyOptions.customMsg = message;
        if ( eventSrc != "default" )
            notifyOptions.eventName = NotifyEvent::getEventName( eventSrc, event );
            NotifyEventMap notifyEventMap = notifyAppMap[ eventSrc ];
            notifyEventMap[ event ] = notifyOptions;
            notifyAppMap[ eventSrc ] = notifyEventMap;
        } else {
            notifyOptions.eventName = QString::null;
            notifyDefaultPresent = NotifyPresent::present( event );
            notifyDefaultOptions = notifyOptions;