void PanoServerTCP::NewConnection() { // Open Socket to client. QTcpSocket* conn = server_->nextPendingConnection(); if (!conn) { log("ERROR: can't establish connection to host."); return; } log (QString("Connected to peer :") + conn->peerAddress().toString()); connections_.push_back(TcpConnection(conn)); latest_conn_ = conn; QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(SendAllImages())); connect(conn, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(IncomingData())); connect(conn, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(ConnectionClosed())); }
TcpConnection TcpListener::accept() { assert(system != nullptr); if (stopped) { throw std::runtime_error("Stopped"); } void* context = system->getCurrentContext(); boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* socket = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket(*static_cast<boost::asio::io_service*>(system->getIoService())); boost::system::error_code errorCode; static_cast<boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor*>(listener)->async_accept(*socket, [&](const boost::system::error_code& callbackErrorCode) { errorCode = callbackErrorCode; system->pushContext(context); }); system->yield(); if (errorCode) { delete socket; throw boost::system::system_error(errorCode); } return TcpConnection(*system, socket); }
void PanoServerTCP::ConnectionClosed() { // Remove from peer list. QTcpSocket* conn = (QTcpSocket*) sender(); log (QString("WARNING: Connection to peer ") + conn->peerAddress().toString() + " closed."); vector<TcpConnection>::iterator i = std::find(connections_.begin(), connections_.end(), TcpConnection(conn)); vector<ImageInfo>& img_infos = view_->getImageInfos(); for (vector<ImageInfo>::iterator ii = img_infos.begin(); ii != img_infos.end(); ++ii) { if (ii->locked_by == conn) { ii->locked_by = 0; SendReleaseToClients(ii->img_id); } } if (i != connections_.end()) connections_.erase(i); conn->deleteLater(); }
TcpConnection TcpListener::accept() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == nullptr); if (dispatcher->interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } std::string message; SOCKET connection = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (connection == INVALID_SOCKET) { message = "socket failed, " + errorMessage(WSAGetLastError()); } else { uint8_t addresses[sizeof sockaddr_in * 2 + 32]; DWORD received; TcpListenerContext context2; context2.hEvent = NULL; if (acceptEx(listener, connection, addresses, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in) + 16, sizeof(sockaddr_in) + 16, &received, &context2) == TRUE) { message = "AcceptEx returned immediately, which is not supported."; } else { int lastError = WSAGetLastError(); if (lastError != WSA_IO_PENDING) { message = "AcceptEx failed, " + errorMessage(lastError); } else { context2.context = dispatcher->getCurrentContext(); context2.interrupted = false; context = &context2; dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = [&]() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); TcpListenerContext* context2 = static_cast<TcpListenerContext*>(context); if (!context2->interrupted) { if (CancelIoEx(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(listener), context2) != TRUE) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::stop, CancelIoEx failed, " + lastErrorMessage()); } context2->context->interrupted = true; } context2->interrupted = true; } }; dispatcher->dispatch(); dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = nullptr; assert(context2.context == dispatcher->getCurrentContext()); assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == &context2); context = nullptr; DWORD transferred; DWORD flags; if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(listener, &context2, &transferred, FALSE, &flags) != TRUE) { lastError = WSAGetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { message = "AcceptEx failed, " + errorMessage(lastError); } else { assert(context2.interrupted); if (closesocket(connection) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::accept, closesocket failed, " + errorMessage(WSAGetLastError())); } else { throw InterruptedException(); } } } else { assert(transferred == 0); assert(flags == 0); if (setsockopt(connection, SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&listener), sizeof listener) != 0) { message = "setsockopt failed, " + errorMessage(WSAGetLastError()); } else { if (CreateIoCompletionPort(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(connection), dispatcher->getCompletionPort(), 0, 0) != dispatcher->getCompletionPort()) { message = "CreateIoCompletionPort failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } } } } } int result = closesocket(connection); assert(result == 0); } throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::accept, " + message); }
TcpConnection TcpListener::accept() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == nullptr); if (dispatcher->interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } ContextPair contextPair; OperationContext listenerContext; listenerContext.interrupted = false; listenerContext.context = dispatcher->getCurrentContext(); contextPair.writeContext = nullptr; contextPair.readContext = &listenerContext; epoll_event listenEvent; listenEvent.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT; listenEvent.data.ptr = &contextPair; std::string message; if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher->getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, listener, &listenEvent) == -1) { message = "epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { context = &listenerContext; dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = [&]() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); OperationContext* listenerContext = static_cast<OperationContext*>(context); if (!listenerContext->interrupted) { epoll_event listenEvent; listenEvent.events = 0; listenEvent.data.ptr = nullptr; if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher->getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, listener, &listenEvent) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::stop, epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage() ); } listenerContext->interrupted = true; dispatcher->pushContext(listenerContext->context); } }; dispatcher->dispatch(); dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = nullptr; assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(listenerContext.context == dispatcher->getCurrentContext()); assert(contextPair.writeContext == nullptr); assert(context == &listenerContext); context = nullptr; listenerContext.context = nullptr; if (listenerContext.interrupted) { throw InterruptedException(); } if((listenerContext.events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::accept, accepting failed"); } sockaddr inAddr; socklen_t inLen = sizeof(inAddr); int connection = ::accept(listener, &inAddr, &inLen); if (connection == -1) { message = "accept failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { int flags = fcntl(connection, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(connection, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { message = "fcntl failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } int result = close(connection); assert(result != -1); } } throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::accept, " + message); }
TcpConnection TcpConnector::connect(const Ipv4Address& address, uint16_t port) { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == nullptr); if (dispatcher->interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } std::string message; int connection = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (connection == -1) { message = "socket failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { sockaddr_in bindAddress; bindAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; bindAddress.sin_port = 0; bindAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&bindAddress), sizeof bindAddress) != 0) { message = "bind failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { int flags = fcntl(connection, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(connection, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { message = "fcntl failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { sockaddr_in addressData; addressData.sin_family = AF_INET; addressData.sin_port = htons(port); addressData.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address.getValue()); int result = ::connect(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&addressData), sizeof addressData); if (result == -1) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { ConnectorContext connectorContext; connectorContext.context = dispatcher->getCurrentContext(); connectorContext.interrupted = false; connectorContext.connection = connection; struct kevent event; EV_SET(&event, connection, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE, 0, 0, &connectorContext); if (kevent(dispatcher->getKqueue(), &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { message = "kevent failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { context = &connectorContext; dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = [&] { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); ConnectorContext* connectorContext = static_cast<ConnectorContext*>(context); if (!connectorContext->interrupted) { if (close(connectorContext->connection) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::stop, close failed, " + lastErrorMessage()); } dispatcher->pushContext(connectorContext->context); connectorContext->interrupted = true; } }; dispatcher->dispatch(); dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = nullptr; assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(connectorContext.context == dispatcher->getCurrentContext()); assert(context == &connectorContext); context = nullptr; connectorContext.context = nullptr; if (connectorContext.interrupted) { throw InterruptedException(); } struct kevent event; EV_SET(&event, connection, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | EV_DISABLE, 0, 0, NULL); if (kevent(dispatcher->getKqueue(), &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { message = "kevent failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { int retval = -1; socklen_t retValLen = sizeof(retval); int s = getsockopt(connection, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &retval, &retValLen); if (s == -1) { message = "getsockopt failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { if (retval != 0) { message = "getsockopt failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } } } } } } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } } } int result = close(connection); if (result) {} assert(result != -1);; } throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnector::connect, " + message); }
TcpConnection TcpConnector::connect(const Ipv4Address& address, uint16_t port) { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == nullptr); if (dispatcher->interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } std::string message; SOCKET connection = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (connection == INVALID_SOCKET) { message = "socket failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()); } else { sockaddr_in bindAddress; bindAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; bindAddress.sin_port = 0; bindAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&bindAddress), sizeof bindAddress) != 0) { message = "bind failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()); } else { GUID guidConnectEx = WSAID_CONNECTEX; DWORD read = sizeof connectEx; if (connectEx == nullptr && WSAIoctl(connection, SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, &guidConnectEx, sizeof guidConnectEx, &connectEx, sizeof connectEx, &read, NULL, NULL) != 0) { message = "WSAIoctl failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()); } else { assert(read == sizeof connectEx); if (CreateIoCompletionPort(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(connection), dispatcher->getCompletionPort(), 0, 0) != dispatcher->getCompletionPort()) { message = "CreateIoCompletionPort failed, result=" + std::to_string(GetLastError()); } else { sockaddr_in addressData; addressData.sin_family = AF_INET; addressData.sin_port = htons(port); addressData.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(address.getValue()); TcpConnectorContext context2; context2.hEvent = NULL; if (connectEx(connection, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addressData), sizeof addressData, NULL, 0, NULL, &context2) == TRUE) { message = "ConnectEx returned immediately, which is not supported."; } else { int lastError = WSAGetLastError(); if (lastError != WSA_IO_PENDING) { message = "ConnectEx failed, result=" + std::to_string(lastError); } else { context2.context = dispatcher->getCurrentContext(); context2.connection = connection; context2.interrupted = false; context = &context2; dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = [&]() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); TcpConnectorContext* context2 = static_cast<TcpConnectorContext*>(context); if (!context2->interrupted) { if (CancelIoEx(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(context2->connection), context2) != TRUE) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnector::stop, CancelIoEx failed, result=" + std::to_string(GetLastError())); } context2->context->interrupted = true; } context2->interrupted = true; } }; dispatcher->dispatch(); dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = nullptr; assert(context2.context == dispatcher->getCurrentContext()); assert(context2.connection == connection); assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == &context2); context = nullptr; DWORD transferred; DWORD flags; if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(connection, &context2, &transferred, FALSE, &flags) != TRUE) { lastError = WSAGetLastError(); if (lastError != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED) { message = "ConnectEx failed, result=" + std::to_string(lastError); } else { assert(context2.interrupted); if (closesocket(connection) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnector::connect, closesocket failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError())); } else { throw InterruptedException(); } } } else { assert(transferred == 0); assert(flags == 0); DWORD value = 1; if (setsockopt(connection, SOL_SOCKET, SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), sizeof(value)) != 0) { message = "setsockopt failed, result=" + std::to_string(WSAGetLastError()); } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } } } } } } } int result = closesocket(connection); assert(result == 0); } throw std::runtime_error("TcpConnector::connect, " + message); }
TcpConnection TcpListener::accept() { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context == nullptr); if (dispatcher->interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } std::string message; OperationContext listenerContext; listenerContext.context = dispatcher->getCurrentContext(); listenerContext.interrupted = false; struct kevent event; EV_SET(&event, listener, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR , 0, SOMAXCONN, &listenerContext); if (kevent(dispatcher->getKqueue(), &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { message = "kevent() failed, errno=" + std::to_string(errno); } else { context = &listenerContext; dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = [&] { assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(context != nullptr); OperationContext* listenerContext = static_cast<OperationContext*>(context); if (!listenerContext->interrupted) { struct kevent event; EV_SET(&event, listener, EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE | EV_DISABLE, 0, 0, NULL); if (kevent(dispatcher->getKqueue(), &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::stop, kevent() failed, errno=" + std::to_string(errno)); } listenerContext->interrupted = true; dispatcher->pushContext(listenerContext->context); } }; dispatcher->dispatch(); dispatcher->getCurrentContext()->interruptProcedure = nullptr; assert(dispatcher != nullptr); assert(listenerContext.context == dispatcher->getCurrentContext()); assert(context == &listenerContext); context = nullptr; listenerContext.context = nullptr; if (listenerContext.interrupted) { throw InterruptedException(); } sockaddr inAddr; socklen_t inLen = sizeof(inAddr); int connection = ::accept(listener, &inAddr, &inLen); if (connection == -1) { message = "accept() failed, errno=" + std::to_string(errno); } else { int flags = fcntl(connection, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(connection, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { message = "fcntl() failed errno=" + std::to_string(errno); } else { return TcpConnection(*dispatcher, connection); } } } throw std::runtime_error("TcpListener::accept, " + message); }
void PanoServerTCP::IncomingData() { QTcpSocket* conn = (QTcpSocket*) sender(); vector<TcpConnection>::iterator host = std::find(connections_.begin(), connections_.end(), TcpConnection(conn)); if (host == connections_.end()) { log("Client to registered at TCP server."); return; } if (conn->bytesAvailable() <= 0) { log("Error on incoming data. Packet is empty!"); return; } QByteArray data = conn->readAll(); int data_pos = 0; // Multiple packages possible. while (data_pos < data.length()) { // Continue package? if (host->pkg.length()) { int remaining_data_bytes = data.length() - data_pos; int remaining_bytes = host->target_sz - host->pkg.length(); if (remaining_data_bytes <= remaining_bytes) { host->pkg.append(data.mid(data_pos, remaining_data_bytes)); data_pos += remaining_data_bytes; } else { // Another package is waiting. host->pkg.append(data.mid(data_pos, remaining_bytes)); data_pos += remaining_bytes; } } else { // New package. QDataStream data_stream(data.mid(data_pos)); data_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); int msg_id; int length; data_stream >> msg_id; data_stream >> length; data_pos += sizeof(int) * 2; int remaining_data_bytes = data.length() - data_pos; switch (msg_id) { case 0x13030002: { log("New image uploaded"); // Most likely more packages are incoming ... host->target_sz = length; host->msg_id = msg_id; if (length > remaining_data_bytes) { host->pkg.append(data.mid(data_pos, remaining_data_bytes)); data_pos += remaining_data_bytes; } else { host->pkg.append(data.mid(data_pos, length)); data_pos += length; } break; } case 0x13030005: { // Image lock request. QDataStream img_id_stream(data.mid(data_pos)); img_id_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); int img_id; img_id_stream >> img_id; data_pos += sizeof(int); if (view_->aquireLock(img_id, conn)) { // Notify all clients. SendLockToClients(img_id); } else { log("Failed lock request from client. Lock already aquired."); } break; } case 0x13030006: { // Image release request. QDataStream img_id_stream(data.mid(data_pos)); img_id_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); int img_id; img_id_stream >> img_id; data_pos += sizeof(int); if (view_->releaseLock(img_id, conn)) { // Notify all clients. SendReleaseToClients(img_id); } else { log("Failed release request. Inconsistency error occured.\n"); } break; } default: log("Unknown package incoming!"); break; } } // Read completely? if (host->pkg.length() == host->target_sz) { switch(host->msg_id) { case 0x13030002: { // Get initial transformation. QDataStream pkg_stream(host->pkg); pkg_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); float scale, rotation, trans_x, trans_y; pkg_stream >> scale >> rotation >> trans_x >> trans_y; QByteArray img_data = host->pkg.mid(sizeof(float) * 4); QImage img = QImage::fromData(img_data, "png"); int img_id = view_->AddImage(img); log(QString("Assigned id ") + QString::number(img_id) + " to image. Sending ACK."); view_->updateImgPosition(img_id, scale, rotation, trans_x, trans_y); // Send img_id back. QByteArray img_id_package; int img_id_sz = sizeof(int); QDataStream img_id_stream(&img_id_package, QIODevice::WriteOnly); img_id_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); img_id_stream << 0x13030003 << img_id_sz << img_id; Write(img_id_package, conn, 0); // Send to remaining cients. QByteArray to_send; QDataStream send_stream(&to_send, QIODevice::WriteOnly); send_stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); int preload_sz = sizeof(float) * 4 + sizeof(int); int total_sz = preload_sz + img_data.size(); send_stream << host->msg_id << total_sz << img_id << scale << rotation << trans_x << trans_y; to_send.append(img_data); Write(to_send, 0, conn); break; } default: break; } host->pkg.clear(); } } }