예제 #1
        Evaluate arguments before building into the given data type.
        Use in returning calculations using local variables from a FUN.
        Some arguments may be "unevaluated" by using an AS_IS(arg).
        This can be used to pass back expressions evaluated in an outer FUN.
        So BUILD_xxx(x,y,...) is the same as MAKE_xxx(AS_IS(x),AS_IS(y),...).
int Tdi1Make(int opcode, int narg, struct descriptor *list[],
             struct descriptor_xd *out_ptr)
    int status = 1;
    struct descriptor *ptr;
    int j, k, modif;
    struct TdiFunctionStruct *fun_ptr =
        (struct TdiFunctionStruct *)&TdiRefFunction[opcode];
    DESCRIPTOR_FUNCTION(build, 0, 255);
    struct descriptor_xd xd[255];
    unsigned char modif_c;
    unsigned short modif_s;

    build.length = 0;
    build.dtype = fun_ptr->o1;
    build.ndesc = (unsigned char)narg;
    if (fun_ptr->o2 != fun_ptr->o1) {
        status = TdiGetLong(list[0], &modif);
        switch (fun_ptr->o2) {
        case DTYPE_BU:
            build.length = 1;
            modif_c = (unsigned char)modif;
            build.pointer = &modif_c;
        case DTYPE_WU:
            build.length = 2;
            modif_s = (unsigned short)modif;
            build.pointer = (unsigned char *)&modif_s;
            status = TdiINVDTYDSC;
        j = 1;
    } else
        j = 0;
    for (k = 0; j < narg && status & 1; ++j, ++k) {
        xd[k] = EMPTY_XD;
        if (list[j])
            status = TdiEvaluate(list[j], &xd[k] MDS_END_ARG);
        ptr = (struct descriptor *)&xd[k];
        while (ptr && ptr->dtype == DTYPE_DSC)
            ptr = (struct descriptor *)ptr->pointer;
        if (ptr && ptr->dtype == DTYPE_MISSING)
            ptr = 0;
        build.arguments[k] = ptr;
    if (status & 1)
        status = MdsCopyDxXd((struct descriptor *)&build, out_ptr);
    for (; --k >= 0;)
        MdsFree1Dx(&xd[k], NULL);
    return status;
예제 #2
	Internal routine to input a unit
STATIC_ROUTINE int TdiGetInUnit(struct descriptor *in_ptr, FILE **unit)
   int status;
   struct descriptor unit_d = {0,DTYPE_T,CLASS_D,0};
   status = TdiEvaluate(in_ptr, &unit_d MDS_END_ARG);
   if (unit_d.length != sizeof(*unit))
     *unit = stdin;
     *unit = *(FILE **)unit_d.pointer;
   return status;
예제 #3
Widget XmdsCreateDisplay(Widget parent, String name, ArgList args, Cardinal argcount)
  XmdsDisplayPart info = {-1,0};
  Widget w;
  Arg lab_args[] = {{XmNlabelString, 0}, {XmNuserData, DisplayUserData}};
  Arg *merged_args;
  int nid;

  XmdsSetSubvalues(&info, resources, XtNumber(resources), args, argcount);
  if (info.nid == -1)
    info.nid = XmdsGetDeviceNid();
  if (info.nid != -1)
    nid = info.nid + info.nid_offset;
    nid = -1;
  if (nid != -1) {
    static struct descriptor_d display_dsc = {0, DTYPE_T, CLASS_D, 0};
    static struct descriptor_xd xd = {0, DTYPE_DSC, CLASS_XD, 0, 0};
    struct descriptor nid_dsc = {sizeof(int), DTYPE_NID, CLASS_S, (char *)0};
    int status;
    nid_dsc.pointer = (char *)&nid;
    status = TdiEvaluate(&nid_dsc, &xd MDS_END_ARG);
    if (status&1) {
      status = TdiDecompile(&xd, &display_dsc MDS_END_ARG);
      if (status&1) {
        static DESCRIPTOR(zero_dsc, "\0");
        StrConcat((struct descriptor *)&display_dsc, (struct descriptor *)&display_dsc, &zero_dsc MDS_END_ARG);
        lab_args[0].value = (long)XmStringCreateSimple(display_dsc.pointer);
        lab_args[0].value = (long)XmStringCreateSimple("Error - Decomp");
      lab_args[0].value = (long)XmStringCreateSimple("Error - Eval");
  merged_args = XtMergeArgLists(args, argcount, lab_args, XtNumber(lab_args));
  w = XmCreateLabel(parent, name, merged_args, XtNumber(lab_args) + argcount);
  XtFree((char *)lab_args[0].value);
  XtFree((char *)merged_args);
  return w;
예제 #4
int				TdiGetSlope(
struct descriptor_window	*window_ptr,
struct descriptor_slope	*slope_ptr,
struct descriptor_xd	*out_ptr)
struct descriptor_xd	xat0 = EMPTY_XD;
int		ndesc = slope_ptr->ndesc;
int		nseg = (ndesc + 2)/3;
int		status=0, jseg, kseg;
int		k0, k1, left, right;
struct descriptor		k0_dsc = {sizeof(int),DTYPE_L,CLASS_S,0};
struct descriptor		k1_dsc = {sizeof(int),DTYPE_L,CLASS_S,0};
        k0_dsc.pointer = (char *)&k0;
        k1_dsc.pointer = (char *)&k1;
	Get window limits.
	if (ndesc <= 0) status = TdiMISS_ARG;
	else if (window_ptr && window_ptr->startidx) status = TdiGetLong(window_ptr->startidx, &k0);
	else k0 = -HUGE;
	if (status & 1 && window_ptr && window_ptr->endingidx) status = TdiGetLong(window_ptr->endingidx, &k1);
	else k1 = HUGE;
	if (status & 1 && window_ptr) status = TdiData(window_ptr->value_at_idx0, &xat0);
	else if (status & 1) status = TdiData(window_ptr, &xat0);

	Single slope with no begin or end.
	X[i] = (dX/di)*RANGE(startidx,endidx) + X[0].
	if ((ndesc<2 || !slope_ptr->segment[0].begin) && (ndesc<3 || 
                !slope_ptr->segment[0].ending)) {
		if (status & 1) status = TdiRange(&k0_dsc, &k1_dsc, out_ptr);
		if (status & 1) status = TdiMultiply(slope_ptr->segment[0].slope, out_ptr, out_ptr);
		if (status & 1 && xat0.pointer) status = TdiAdd(&xat0, out_ptr, out_ptr);

	Multiple segments.
	Get each slope, begin, and end.
	May omit first begin and last end.
	else if (status & 1) {
	struct descriptor	left_dsc = {sizeof(left),DTYPE_L,CLASS_S,0};
	struct descriptor	right_dsc = {sizeof(right),DTYPE_L,CLASS_S,0};
	DESCRIPTOR_RANGE(ramp, 0, 0, 0);
	struct descriptor_xd (*pbegin)[], (*pend)[]=0, (*pslope)[]=0, *(*pvlist)[]=0, tmp1;
	int	(*pcnt)[]=0;
	int	virt = (sizeof(struct descriptor_xd)*3 + sizeof(struct descriptor_xd *))*nseg + sizeof(int)*(nseg + 1);
        left_dsc.pointer = (char *)&left;
        right_dsc.pointer = (char *)&right;
        ramp.begin = &left_dsc;
        ramp.ending = &right_dsc;
		Dynamic allocation of descriptors.
		Memory for begin[nseg], end[nseg],
		slope[nseg], *vlist[nseg], cnt[nseg+1].
		status = (pbegin = malloc(virt)) != NULL;
		if (status & 1) {
			pend = (struct descriptor_xd (*)[])&(*pbegin)[nseg];
			pslope = (struct descriptor_xd (*)[])&(*pend)[nseg];
			pvlist = (struct descriptor_xd *(*)[])&(*pslope)[nseg];
			pcnt = (int (*)[])&(*pvlist)[nseg];

		Find the number of points in interior segments, if any.
		For 1ms sampling, begin=0s, 1000 points, end=.999s, no sample is taken at 1s.
		Ideal expression: FLOOR((end - begin)/slope + 1) but not less than zero.
		WARNING: round-off may change by +-1, could change next by -+1 if end(j)==begin(j+1).
		WARNING: to prevent swings, ASSUME that divisor is close and round. Must be exact int.
		Expression: NINT((end - begin)/slope + 1)
		tmp1 = EMPTY_XD;
		for (jseg = 0; jseg < nseg; ++jseg) {
			(*pslope)[jseg] = (*pbegin)[jseg] = (*pend)[jseg] = EMPTY_XD;
			if (status & 1) status = TdiEvaluate(slope_ptr->segment[jseg].slope, &(*pslope)[jseg]);
			if (status & 1 && jseg*3+1 < ndesc)
				status = TdiEvaluate(slope_ptr->segment[jseg].begin, &(*pbegin)[jseg]);
			if (status & 1 && jseg*3+2 < ndesc)
				status = TdiEvaluate(slope_ptr->segment[jseg].ending, &(*pend)[jseg]);

			if (jseg == 0 &&	!slope_ptr->segment[0].begin) {(*pcnt)[1] = HUGE; continue;}
			if (jseg == nseg-1 &&	!slope_ptr->segment[jseg].ending) {(*pcnt)[nseg] = HUGE; continue;}

			if (status & 1) status = TdiSubtract((*pend)[jseg].pointer, (*pbegin)[jseg].pointer, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiDivide(&tmp1, (*pslope)[jseg].pointer, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiNint(&tmp1, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiGetLong(&tmp1, &left);
			(*pcnt)[jseg+1] = MAX(left + 1, 0);

		Find the segment with value at index 0.
		Use first segment where expression is true:
		(0 LE slope[0]) EQV (x[0] LT begin[kseg+1]]).
		WARNING use .pointer to not free it.
		if (status & 1) status = TdiLe(0, (*pslope)[0].pointer, &tmp1);
		if (status & 1) status = TdiGetLong(&tmp1, &left);
		for (kseg = 0; status & 1 && kseg < nseg-1; ++kseg) {
			status = TdiLt(xat0.pointer, (*pbegin)[kseg+1].pointer, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiGetLong(&tmp1, &right);
			if (left == right) break;

		With index 0 in kseg, what is index at begin?
		left = (begin[kseg] - xat0)/slope[kseg]
		right = (end[0] - xat0)/slope[0]+1 for kseg=0.
		Trigger time xat0 implies next clock is at
		index 0, thus round down, more negative.
		Then adjust and accumulate counts.
		if (kseg == 0 && !slope_ptr->segment[0].begin) {
			if (status & 1) status = TdiSubtract((*pend)[0].pointer, &xat0, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiDivide(&tmp1, (*pslope)[0].pointer, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiGetLong(&tmp1, &right);
			(*pcnt)[0] = MAX(right + 1, 0) - (*pcnt)[1];
		else {
			To make FLOOR work, must be floating divide.
			Generally, result is a negative number.
			if (status & 1) status = TdiSubtract((*pbegin)[kseg].pointer, &xat0, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiFloat(&tmp1, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiDivide(&tmp1, (*pslope)[kseg].pointer, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiFloor(&tmp1, &tmp1);
			if (status & 1) status = TdiGetLong(&tmp1, &left);

			Definition of kseg gives cnt[kseg] <= 0.
			Check that cnt[kseg+1] >= 0. For xat0
			near start[kseg+1], get cnt[kseg+1] = 0.
			(*pcnt)[0] = MAX(left, -(*pcnt)[kseg+1]);
			for (jseg = kseg; --jseg >= 0;) (*pcnt)[0] -= (*pcnt)[jseg+1];
		for (jseg = 0; jseg < nseg; ++jseg) (*pcnt)[jseg+1] += (*pcnt)[jseg];
		if (k0 < (*pcnt)[0]) k0 = (*pcnt)[0];
		if (k1 >= (*pcnt)[nseg]) k1 = (*pcnt)[nseg] - 1;

		For each segment generate result.
		ASSUMES ramp < 0 is 0 elements.
		[*:0] * slope[0] + end[0] or
		[0:*] * slope[jseg] + begin[jseg]
		Reuse slope as segment dsc.
		for (jseg = nseg; --jseg >= 0;) {
			left = MAX(k0 - (*pcnt)[jseg], 0);
			right = MIN((*pcnt)[jseg+1] - 1, k1) - (*pcnt)[jseg];
			if (left > right) (*pvlist)[jseg] = 0;
			else if (jseg == 0 && !slope_ptr->segment[0].begin) {
				left -= (*pcnt)[1] - (*pcnt)[0] - 1;
				right -= (*pcnt)[1] - (*pcnt)[0] - 1;
				if (status & 1) status = TdiMultiply(&ramp, &(*pslope)[0], &tmp1);
				if (status & 1) status = TdiAdd(&tmp1, &(*pend)[0], &(*pslope)[0]);
				(*pvlist)[0] = &(*pslope)[0];
			else {
				if (status & 1) status = TdiMultiply(&ramp, &(*pslope)[jseg], &tmp1);
				if (status & 1) status = TdiAdd(&tmp1, &(*pbegin)[jseg], &(*pslope)[jseg]);
				(*pvlist)[jseg] = &(*pslope)[jseg];

		Make segments into whole.
		if (status & 1) status = Tdi1Vector(0, nseg, (*pvlist), out_ptr);

		MdsFree1Dx(&tmp1, NULL);
		for (jseg = nseg; --jseg >= 0;) {
			MdsFree1Dx(&(*pslope)[jseg], NULL);
			MdsFree1Dx(&(*pbegin)[jseg], NULL);
			MdsFree1Dx(&(*pend)[jseg], NULL);
		if (pbegin != NULL) 
	MdsFree1Dx(&xat0, NULL);

	When first index is not 0, we must set bounds.
	if (window_ptr && status & 1 && k0 != 0) {
	DESCRIPTOR_RANGE(range, 0, 0, 0);
                range.begin = &k0_dsc;
                range.ending = &k1_dsc;
		status = TdiSetRange(&range, out_ptr, out_ptr);

	return status;
예제 #5
int Tdi1Using(int opcode, int narg, struct descriptor *list[],
              struct descriptor_xd *out_ptr)
    int status = 1;
    void *ctx;
    int reset_ctx = 0;
    int nid, shot, stat1;
    struct descriptor def = { 0, DTYPE_T, CLASS_D, 0 }, expt = def;
    unsigned char omits[] = { DTYPE_PATH, 0 };

        Evaluate with current.
        Use current if omitted.
        Must get expt if shot.
    if (narg > 1 && status & 1) {
        if (list[1]) {
            struct descriptor_xd xd = EMPTY_XD;
            status = TdiGetData(omits, list[1], &xd);
            if (status & 1 && xd.pointer)
                switch (xd.pointer->dtype) {
                case DTYPE_T:
                case DTYPE_PATH:
                    status = StrCopyDx(&def, xd.pointer);
                    status = TdiINVDTYDSC;
            MdsFree1Dx(&xd, NULL);
        if (!list[1] || def.length == 0) {
            DBI_ITM def_itm[] = { {0, DbiDEFAULT, 0, 0}
            , EOL };
            status = TreeGetDbi(def_itm);
            if (def_itm[0].pointer == NULL) {
                STATIC_CONSTANT DESCRIPTOR(top, "\\TOP");
                StrCopyDx(&def, &top);
                status = 1;
            } else {
                unsigned short len =
                    (unsigned short)strlen((char *)def_itm[0].pointer);
                StrCopyR(&def, &len, def_itm[0].pointer);
            if (status & 1) {
                stat1 = StrPosition(&def, &coloncolon, 0) + 1;
                status = StrRight(&def, &def, &stat1);
            if (status & 1)
                *def.pointer = '\\';
    if ((narg > 2) && ((list[2] != 0) || ((narg > 3) && (list[3] != 0)))
        && ((status & 1) != 0)) {
        if (list[2])
            status = TdiGetLong(list[2], &shot);
        else {
            DBI_ITM shot_itm[] = { {sizeof(shot), DbiSHOTID, 0, 0}
            , EOL };
            shot_itm[0].pointer = (unsigned char *)&shot;
            status = TreeGetDbi(shot_itm);

        if (status & 1) {
            if (narg > 3 && list[3])
                status = TdiData(list[3], &expt MDS_END_ARG);
            else {
                DBI_ITM expt_itm[] = { {0, DbiNAME, 0, 0}
                , EOL };
                status = TreeGetDbi(expt_itm);
                if (expt_itm[0].pointer) {
                    unsigned short len =
                        (unsigned short)strlen((char *)expt_itm[0].pointer);
                    StrCopyR(&expt, &len, expt_itm[0].pointer);
                Set new tree and path.
                Allow some rel paths.
        if (status & 1) {
            char *tree = MdsDescrToCstring(&expt);
            ctx = TreeSwitchDbid(0);
            reset_ctx = 1;
            status = TreeOpen(tree, shot, 1);
    if (narg > 1) {
        char *path = MdsDescrToCstring(&def);
        if (status & 1)
            status = TreeSetDefault(path, &nid);
        if (narg > 2)
        Evaluate with temporary.
    if (status & 1) {
        struct descriptor_xd tmp = EMPTY_XD;
        status = TdiEvaluate(list[0], &tmp MDS_END_ARG);
        if (status & 1)
            status = MdsCopyDxXdZ((struct descriptor *)&tmp, out_ptr, NULL,
                                  fixup_nid, NULL, fixup_path, NULL);
        MdsFree1Dx(&tmp, NULL);
    if (reset_ctx) {
        while (TreeClose(0, 0) & 1) ;

    return status;