예제 #1
void ShaderDiscardCase::init (void)
	if (m_usesTexture)
		m_brickTexture = glu::Texture2D::create(m_renderCtx, m_ctxInfo, m_testCtx.getArchive(), "data/brick.png");
		m_textures.push_back(TextureBinding(m_brickTexture, tcu::Sampler(tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
																		 tcu::Sampler::LINEAR, tcu::Sampler::LINEAR)));
예제 #2
파일: S3O.cpp 프로젝트: SpliFF/upspring
bool Model::LoadS3O(const char *filename, IProgressCtl& /*progctl*/) {
	S3OHeader header;
	size_t read_result;
	FILE *file = fopen (filename, "rb");
	if (!file)
		return false;

	read_result = fread (&header, sizeof(S3OHeader), 1, file);
	if (read_result != (size_t)1) throw std::runtime_error ("Couldn't read S3O header.");

	logger.Trace (NL_Error,"Wrong version. Only version 1 is supported");

	if (memcmp (header.magic, S3O_ID, 12)) {
		logger.Trace (NL_Error, "S3O model %s has wrong identification", filename);
		fclose (file);
		return false;

	if (header.version != 0) {
		logger.Trace (NL_Error, "S3O model %s has wrong version (%d, wanted: %d)", filename, header.version, 0);
		fclose (file);
		return false;

	radius = header.radius;
	mid.set (-header.midx, header.midy, header.midz);
	height = header.height;

	root = S3O_LoadObject (file, header.rootPiece);

	string mdlPath = GetFilePath (filename);

	// load textures
	for (int tex=0;tex<2;tex++) {
		if ( !(tex ? header.texture2 : header.texture1))

		TextureBinding &tb = texBindings.back ();

		tb.name = ReadString (tex ? header.texture2 : header.texture1, file);
		tb.texture = new Texture (tb.name, mdlPath);
		if (!tb.texture->IsLoaded ())
			tb.texture = 0;

	mapping = MAPPING_S3O;

	fclose (file);
	return true;
예제 #3
void ShaderProgram::link()

    //      attach all shaderObjects
    for (std::vector<ShaderObject*>::iterator itr = mShaderObjects.begin(), stop = mShaderObjects.end();
            itr != stop;
            ++itr) {
        glAssert(glAttachShader(mId, (*itr)->id()));

    // always bind this attribts
    glAssert(glBindAttribLocation(mId, 0, "inPosition"));
    glAssert(glBindAttribLocation(mId, 1, "inNormal"));
    glAssert(glBindAttribLocation(mId, 2, "inTangent"));
    glAssert(glBindAttribLocation(mId, 3, "inTexCoord"));

    // check link

    //automatic texture unit and location management
    int texUnit = 0;
    int total = -1;
    glGetProgramiv( mId, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &total );

    modelViewMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mId, "modelViewMatrix");
    projectionMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mId, "projectionMatrix");
    MVPLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mId, "MVP");
    normalMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation( mId, "normalMatrix");


    for(int i=0; i<total; ++i)  {
        int name_len=-1, num=-1;
        GLenum type = GL_ZERO;
        char name[100];
        glGetActiveUniform( mId, GLuint(i), sizeof(name)-1,
            &name_len, &num, &type, name );
        name[name_len] = 0;
/// TODO : add other sampler type
        if(type == GL_SAMPLER_2D || type ==GL_SAMPLER_CUBE|| type == GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT){
            GLuint location = glGetUniformLocation( mId, name );
            textureUnits[std::string(name)] = TextureBinding(texUnit++, location);
예제 #4
bool WrappedOpenGL::Serialise_wglDXLockObjectsNV(SerialiserType &ser, GLResource Resource)
  SERIALISE_ELEMENT_LOCAL(textype, Resource.Namespace == eResBuffer
                                       ? eGL_NONE
                                       : m_Textures[GetResourceManager()->GetID(Resource)].curType)

  const GLHookSet &gl = m_Real;

  // buffer contents are easier to save
  if(textype == eGL_NONE)
    byte *Contents = NULL;
    uint32_t length = 1;

    // while writing, fetch the buffer's size and contents
      gl.glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(Resource.name, eGL_BUFFER_SIZE, (GLint *)&length);

      Contents = new byte[length];

      GLuint oldbuf = 0;
      gl.glGetIntegerv(eGL_COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint *)&oldbuf);
      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, Resource.name);

      gl.glGetBufferSubData(eGL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, 0, (GLsizeiptr)length, Contents);

      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, oldbuf);

    SERIALISE_ELEMENT_ARRAY(Contents, length);


    // restore on replay
      uint32_t liveLength = 1;
      gl.glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(Resource.name, eGL_BUFFER_SIZE, (GLint *)&liveLength);

      gl.glNamedBufferSubData(Resource.name, 0, (GLsizeiptr)RDCMIN(length, liveLength), Contents);
    GLuint ppb = 0, pub = 0;
    PixelPackState pack;
    PixelUnpackState unpack;

    // save and restore pixel pack/unpack state. We only need one or the other but for clarity we
    // push and pop both always.
    if(ser.IsWriting() || !IsStructuredExporting(m_State))
      gl.glGetIntegerv(eGL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint *)&ppb);
      gl.glGetIntegerv(eGL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint *)&pub);
      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0);
      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);

      pack.Fetch(&gl, false);
      unpack.Fetch(&gl, false);

      ResetPixelPackState(gl, false, 1);
      ResetPixelUnpackState(gl, false, 1);

    TextureData &details = m_Textures[GetResourceManager()->GetID(Resource)];
    GLuint tex = Resource.name;

    // serialise the metadata for convenience
    SERIALISE_ELEMENT_LOCAL(internalFormat, details.internalFormat).Hidden();
    SERIALISE_ELEMENT_LOCAL(width, details.width).Hidden();
    SERIALISE_ELEMENT_LOCAL(height, details.height).Hidden();
    SERIALISE_ELEMENT_LOCAL(depth, details.depth).Hidden();

    RDCASSERT(internalFormat == details.internalFormat, internalFormat, details.internalFormat);
    RDCASSERT(width == details.width, width, details.width);
    RDCASSERT(height == details.height, height, details.height);
    RDCASSERT(depth == details.depth, depth, details.depth);

    GLenum fmt = GetBaseFormat(internalFormat);
    GLenum type = GetDataType(internalFormat);

    GLint dim = details.dimension;

    uint32_t size = (uint32_t)GetByteSize(width, height, depth, fmt, type);

    int mips = 0;
      mips = GetNumMips(gl, textype, tex, width, height, depth);

    byte *scratchBuf = NULL;

    // on read and write, we allocate a single buffer big enough for all mips and re-use it
    // to avoid repeated new/free.
    scratchBuf = AllocAlignedBuffer(size);

    GLuint prevtex = 0;
      gl.glGetIntegerv(TextureBinding(details.curType), (GLint *)&prevtex);
      gl.glBindTexture(textype, tex);

    for(int i = 0; i < mips; i++)
      int w = RDCMAX(details.width >> i, 1);
      int h = RDCMAX(details.height >> i, 1);
      int d = RDCMAX(details.depth >> i, 1);

      if(textype == eGL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY || textype == eGL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY ||
         textype == eGL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY)
        d = details.depth;

      size = (uint32_t)GetByteSize(w, h, d, fmt, type);

      GLenum targets[] = {

      int count = ARRAY_COUNT(targets);

      if(textype != eGL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
        targets[0] = textype;
        count = 1;

      for(int trg = 0; trg < count; trg++)
          // we avoid glGetTextureImageEXT as it seems buggy for cubemap faces
          gl.glGetTexImage(targets[trg], i, fmt, type, scratchBuf);

        // serialise without allocating memory as we already have our scratch buf sized.
        ser.Serialise("SubresourceContents", scratchBuf, size, SerialiserFlags::NoFlags);

        if(IsReplayingAndReading() && !ser.IsErrored())
          if(dim == 1)
            gl.glTextureSubImage1DEXT(tex, targets[trg], i, 0, w, fmt, type, scratchBuf);
          else if(dim == 2)
            gl.glTextureSubImage2DEXT(tex, targets[trg], i, 0, 0, w, h, fmt, type, scratchBuf);
          else if(dim == 3)
            gl.glTextureSubImage3DEXT(tex, targets[trg], i, 0, 0, 0, w, h, d, fmt, type, scratchBuf);


    // restore pixel (un)packing state
    if(ser.IsWriting() || !IsStructuredExporting(m_State))
      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, ppb);
      gl.glBindBuffer(eGL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, pub);
      pack.Apply(&gl, false);
      unpack.Apply(&gl, false);

      gl.glBindTexture(textype, prevtex);


  return true;