예제 #1
        void minimum_area_enclosing_rectangle(
            const Polygon2d& PP, 
            vec2& S, vec2& T
        ) {

            // Note: this implementation has O(n2) complexity :-(
            // (where n is the number of vertices in the convex hull)
            // If this appears to be a bottleneck, use a smarter
            // implementation with better complexity.

            Polygon2d P ;
            convex_hull(PP, P) ;

            int N = P.size() ;
            // Add the first vertex at the end of P
            P.push_back(P[0]) ;

            double min_area = Numeric::big_double ;

            for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) {
                vec2 Si = P[i] - P[i-1] ;

                if( ( Si.length2() ) < 1e-20) {
                    continue ;

                vec2 Ti(-Si.y, Si.x) ;
                normalize(Si) ;
                normalize(Ti) ;
                double s0 =  Numeric::big_double ;
                double s1 = -Numeric::big_double ;
                double t0 =  Numeric::big_double ;
                double t1 = -Numeric::big_double ; 
                for(int j=1; j<N; j++) {
                    vec2 D = P[j] - P[0] ;
                    double s = dot(Si, D) ;
                    s0 = gx_min(s0, s) ;
                    s1 = gx_max(s1, s) ;
                    double t = dot(Ti, D) ;
                    t0 = gx_min(t0, t) ;
                    t1 = gx_max(t1, t) ;
                double area = (s1 - s0) * (t1 - t0) ;
                if(area < min_area) {
                    min_area = area ;
                    if((s1 - s0) < (t1 - t0)) {
                        S = Si ;
                        T = Ti ;
                    } else {
                        S = Ti ;
                        T = Si ;
예제 #2
Ti load2ShrdMem(const Ti * in,
               int dim0, int dim1,
               int gx, int gy,
               int inStride1, int inStride0)
    if (gx<0 || gx>=dim0 || gy<0 || gy>=dim1)
        return Ti(0);
        return in[gx*inStride0+gy*inStride1];
void EdgeSE3Expmap::linearizeOplus() {
    VertexSE3Expmap * vi = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[0]);
    SE3Quat Ti(vi->estimate());

    VertexSE3Expmap * vj = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
    SE3Quat Tj(vj->estimate());

    const SE3Quat & Tij = _measurement;
    SE3Quat invTij = Tij.inverse();

    SE3Quat invTj_Tij = Tj.inverse()*Tij;
    SE3Quat infTi_invTij = Ti.inverse()*invTij;

    _jacobianOplusXi = invTj_Tij.adj();
    _jacobianOplusXj = -infTi_invTij.adj();
예제 #4
 static kernel::se3
 mcmc(const KernelCollection& objectEvidence,
      const KernelCollection& sceneEvidence,
      const coord_t objectSize,
      const int n)
   kernel::se3 current, best;
   weight_t currentWeight = 0;
   metropolisHastings(objectEvidence, sceneEvidence,
                      current, currentWeight, 1, true, n);
   const int nSteps = 10*n;
   for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; i++)
       // begin and end bandwidths for the local proposal
       coord_t bLocH = objectSize/10;
       coord_t eLocH = objectSize/40;
       coord_t bOriH = .1;
       coord_t eOriH = .02;
       unsigned e = nSteps-1;
       current.setLocH(double(e-i)/e * bLocH +
                       double(i)/e * eLocH);
       current.setOriH(double(e-i)/e * bOriH +
                       double(i)/e * eOriH);
       if (current.loc_h_ <= 0)
         NUKLEI_THROW("Unexpected value for curent.loc_h_");
     metropolisHastings(objectEvidence, sceneEvidence,
                        current, currentWeight,
                        Ti(i, nSteps/5), false, n);
     if (currentWeight > best.getWeight())
       best = current;
   return best;
void thermalBaffle1DFvPatchScalarField<solidType>::updateCoeffs()
    if (updated())

    // Since we're inside initEvaluate/evaluate there might be processor
    // comms underway. Change the tag we use.
    int oldTag = UPstream::msgType();
    UPstream::msgType() = oldTag+1;

    const mappedPatchBase& mpp =
        refCast<const mappedPatchBase>(patch().patch());

    const label patchi = patch().index();

    const label nbrPatchi = mpp.samplePolyPatch().index();

    if (baffleActivated_)
        const fvPatch& nbrPatch = patch().boundaryMesh()[nbrPatchi];

        const compressible::turbulenceModel& turbModel =
            db().template lookupObject<compressible::turbulenceModel>

        // local properties

        const scalarField kappaw(turbModel.kappaEff(patchi));

        const fvPatchScalarField& Tp =
            patch().template lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(TName_);

        const scalarField qDot(kappaw*Tp.snGrad());

        tmp<scalarField> Ti = patchInternalField();

        scalarField myh(patch().deltaCoeffs()*kappaw);

        // nbr properties

        const scalarField nbrKappaw(turbModel.kappaEff(nbrPatchi));

        const fvPatchScalarField& nbrTw =

        scalarField nbrQDot(nbrKappaw*nbrTw.snGrad());

        const thermalBaffle1DFvPatchScalarField& nbrField =
        refCast<const thermalBaffle1DFvPatchScalarField>
            nbrPatch.template lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(TName_)

        scalarField nbrTi(nbrField.patchInternalField());

        scalarField nbrTp =
           nbrPatch.template lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(TName_);

        scalarField nbrh(nbrPatch.deltaCoeffs()*nbrKappaw);

        // heat source
        const scalarField Q(Qs_/thickness_);

        tmp<scalarField> tKDeltaw(new scalarField(patch().size()));
        scalarField KDeltaw = tKDeltaw();

        // Create fields for solid properties (p paramater not used)
        forAll(KDeltaw, i)
            KDeltaw[i] =
                solidPtr_().kappa(0.0, (Tp[i] + nbrTw[i])/2.0)/thickness_[i];

        const scalarField q
            (Ti() - nbrTi)/(1.0/KDeltaw + 1.0/nbrh + 1.0/myh)

        forAll(qDot, i)
            if (Qs_[i] == 0)
                this->refValue()[i] = Ti()[i] - q[i]/myh[i];
                this->refGrad()[i] = 0.0;
                this->valueFraction()[i] = 1.0;
                if (q[i] > 0)
                    this->refValue()[i] =
                      - Q[i]*thickness_[i]/(2*KDeltaw[i]);

                    this->refGrad()[i] = 0.0;
                    this->valueFraction()[i] =
                          + patch().deltaCoeffs()[i]*kappaw[i]/KDeltaw[i]
                else if (q[i] < 0)
                    this->refValue()[i] = 0.0;
                    this->refGrad()[i] =
                          (-nbrQDot[i] + Q[i]*thickness_[i])/kappaw[i];
                    this->valueFraction()[i] = 0.0;
                    scalar Qt = Q[i]*thickness_[i];
                    this->refValue()[i] = 0.0;
                    this->refGrad()[i] = Qt/2/kappaw[i];
                    this->valueFraction()[i] = 0.0;

        if (debug)
            scalar Q = gSum(patch().magSf()*qDot);
            Info<< patch().boundaryMesh().mesh().name() << ':'
                << patch().name() << ':'
                << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " <- "
                << nbrPatch.name() << ':'
                << this->dimensionedInternalField().name() << " :"
                << " heat[W]:" << Q
                << " walltemperature "
                << " min:" << gMin(*this)
                << " max:" << gMax(*this)
                << " avg:" << gAverage(*this)
                << endl;
예제 #6
파일: c99-vla-2.c 프로젝트: 0day-ci/gcc
foo (int i, int j)
  typedef int I;
  int (*pf)[2];
  int (*pv)[i];
  int (*pi)[];
  I (*pfI)[2];
  I (*pvI)[i];
  I (*piI)[];
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, pf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, pv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pf, piI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pv, pf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pv, pv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pv, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pv, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pv, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pv, piI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pi, pf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pi, pv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(pi, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pi, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pi, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_INC(pi, piI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, pf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, pv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pfI, piI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pvI, pf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pvI, pv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pvI, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(pvI, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pvI, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(pvI, piI);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(piI, pf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(piI, pv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(piI, pi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(piI, pfI);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(piI, pvI);
  TEST_COMP_INC(piI, piI);
  typedef int (*Ti)[i];
  typedef int (*Tj)[j];
  Ti (*qf)[2];
  Ti (*qv)[i];
  Ti (*qi)[];
  Tj (*rf)[2];
  Tj (*rv)[j];
  Tj (*ri)[];
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, qf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, qv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, rf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, rv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qf, ri);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qv, qf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qv, qv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qv, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qv, rf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qv, rv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qv, ri);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qi, qf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qi, qv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(qi, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(qi, rf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(qi, rv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(qi, ri);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, qf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, qv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, rf);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, rv);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rf, ri);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rv, qf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(rv, qv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(rv, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(rv, rf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(rv, rv);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(rv, ri);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(ri, qf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(ri, qv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(ri, qi);
  TEST_COMP_FIX(ri, rf);
  TEST_COMP_VLA(ri, rv);
  TEST_COMP_INC(ri, ri);
예제 #7
Bool_t TZigZag::PointsNear(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t &yi,
  TArrayD &Tn, TArrayD &Yn) const {
// Two-dimensional case. Finds in I,T,X,Y the 4 points of the grid around point (x,y).
//Then finds the 2 closest points along the zigzag in In,Tn,Xn,Yn.
// If point (x,y) not inside [fXmin,fXmax] and [fYmin,fYmax], make a projection
//towards center and stops at point just after entry and gives the 4 points for it.
  const Double_t un   = 1.0;
  const Double_t aeps = 1.0e-6;
  TArrayI Ii(4);
  TArrayD Ti(4);
  TArrayD Xi(4);
  TArrayD Yi(4);
  Bool_t ok;
  Int_t i;
  Int_t kx=0;
  Int_t ky=0;
  Double_t mx,my,eps;
  Double_t xc,xl,xr,dx,dxs2;
  Double_t yc,yl,yr,dy,dys2;
  Double_t xi,xp,yp;
  Double_t xle,xre,yle,yre;
  dx   = (fXmax-fXmin)/fNx;
  dxs2 = dx/2;
  dy   = (fYmax-fYmin)/fNy;
  dys2 = dy/2;
  xl   = dxs2;
  xr   = dxs2 + (fNx-1)*dx;
  yl   = dys2;
  yr   = dys2 + (fNy-1)*dy;
  if ((yr-yl) > (xr-xl)) eps = aeps*(yr-yl);
  else                   eps = aeps*(xr-xl);
  xle = xl + eps;
  xre = xr - eps;
  yle = yl + eps;
  yre = yr - eps;
  if ((x>=xle) && (x<=xre) && (y>=yle) && (y<=yre)) {
    xi = x;
    yi = y;
    kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
    ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
    ok = kTRUE;
  }//end if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr))
  else {
    xc = (fXmax-fXmin)/2;
    yc = (fYmax-fYmin)/2;
    mx  = (y-yc)/(x-xc);
    my  = un/mx;
    xi = xle;
    yi = yc + mx*(xi-xc);
    ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
    if (!ok) {
      xi = xre;
      yi = yc + mx*(xi-xc);
      ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
      if (!ok) {
        yi = yle;
        xi = xc + my*(yi-yc);
        ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
        if (!ok) {
          yi = yre;
          xi = xc + my*(yi-yc);
          ok = IsInside(xi,yi,x,y,xc,yc,xl,xr,yl,yr);
        }//end if (!ok)
      }//end if (!ok)
    }//end if (!ok)
    if (ok) {
      kx = Int_t((xi-dxs2)/dx) + 1;
      ky = Int_t((yi-dys2)/dy) + 1;
    else {
      cout << "TZigZag::PointsNear : ERROR point inside not found" << endl;
  }//end else if ((x>xl) && (x<xr) && (y>yl) && (y<yr))
  if (ok) {
//Point kx,ky
    xp    = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx,ky);
    Ii[0] = i;
    Ti[0] = T(i);
    Xi[0] = xp;
    Yi[0] = yp;
//Point kx+1,ky
    xp    = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + (ky-1)*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx+1,ky);
    Ii[1] = i;
    Ti[1] = T(i);
    Xi[1] = xp;
    Yi[1] = yp;
//Point kx,ky+1
    xp    = dxs2 + (kx-1)*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + ky*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx,ky+1);
    Ii[2] = i;
    Ti[2] = T(i);
    Xi[2] = xp;
    Yi[2] = yp;
//Point kx+1,ky+1
    xp    = dxs2 + kx*dx;
    yp    = dys2 + ky*dy;
    i     = NToZZ(kx+1,ky+1);
    Ii[3] = i;
    Ti[3] = T(i);
    Xi[3] = xp;
    Yi[3] = yp;
//Finding the 2 points along the zigzag
    Yn[0] = Yi[0];
    Tn[0] = Ti[0] + ((Ti[1] - Ti[0])/(Xi[1] -Xi[0]))*(xi - Xi[0]);
    Yn[1] = Yi[2];
    Tn[1] = Ti[2] + ((Ti[3] - Ti[2])/(Xi[3] -Xi[2]))*(xi - Xi[2]);
  return ok;