예제 #1
static XDAS_Int32
codec_prepare_outbuf (GstDucatiVidDec * self, GstBuffer * buf)
  XDAS_Int16 y_type, uv_type;
  guint8 *y_vaddr, *uv_vaddr;
  SSPtr y_paddr, uv_paddr;

  y_vaddr = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf);
  uv_vaddr = y_vaddr + self->stride * self->padded_height;

  y_paddr = TilerMem_VirtToPhys (y_vaddr);
  uv_paddr = TilerMem_VirtToPhys (uv_vaddr);

  y_type = gst_ducati_get_mem_type (y_paddr);
  uv_type = gst_ducati_get_mem_type (uv_paddr);

  if ((y_type < 0) || (uv_type < 0)) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "non TILER buffer, fallback to bufferpool");
    return codec_prepare_outbuf (self, codec_bufferpool_get (self, buf));

  if (!self->outBufs->numBufs) {
    /* initialize output buffer type */
    self->outBufs->numBufs = 2;
    self->outBufs->descs[0].memType = y_type;
    self->outBufs->descs[0].bufSize.tileMem.width = self->padded_width;
    self->outBufs->descs[0].bufSize.tileMem.height = self->padded_height;
    self->outBufs->descs[1].memType = uv_type;
    /* note that UV interleaved width is same a Y: */
    self->outBufs->descs[1].bufSize.tileMem.width = self->padded_width;
    self->outBufs->descs[1].bufSize.tileMem.height = self->padded_height / 2;
  } else {
    /* verify output buffer type matches what we've already given
     * to the codec
    if ((self->outBufs->descs[0].memType != y_type) ||
        (self->outBufs->descs[1].memType != uv_type)) {
      GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "buffer mismatch, fallback to bufferpool");
      return codec_prepare_outbuf (self, codec_bufferpool_get (self, buf));

  self->outBufs->descs[0].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *) y_paddr;
  self->outBufs->descs[1].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *) uv_paddr;

  return (XDAS_Int32) buf;      // XXX use lookup table
 *  @brief      Function to Map Host processor to Remote processors
 *              module
 *              This function can be called by the application to map their
 *              address space to remote slave's address space.
 *  @param      MpuAddr
 *  @sa         SysLinkMemUtils_unmap
SysLinkMemUtils_map (SyslinkMemUtils_MpuAddrToMap   mpuAddrList [],
                     UInt32                         numOfBuffers,
                     UInt32 *                       mappedAddr,
                     ProcMgr_MapType                memType,
                     ProcMgr_ProcId                 procId)
    ProcMgr_Handle  procMgrHandle;
    UInt32          mappedSize;
    Int32           status = PROCMGR_SUCCESS;

    if (numOfBuffers > 1) {
        status = PROCMGR_E_INVALIDARG;
        Osal_printf ("SysLinkMemUtils_map numBufError [0x%x]\n", status);
        return status;

    if (procId == PROC_APPM3) {
        procId = PROC_SYSM3;

    if (memType == ProcMgr_MapType_Tiler) {
        /* TILER addresses are pre-mapped, so just return the TILER ssPtr */
        *mappedAddr = TilerMem_VirtToPhys ((Void *)mpuAddrList [0].mpuAddr);
        return status;

    /* Open a handle to the ProcMgr instance. */
    status = ProcMgr_open (&procMgrHandle, procId);
    if (status < 0) {
        Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_open [0x%x]\n", status);
    else {
        /* FIX ME: Add Proc reserve call */
        status = ProcMgr_map (procMgrHandle, (UInt32)mpuAddrList [0].mpuAddr,
                        (UInt32)mpuAddrList [0].size, mappedAddr, &mappedSize,
                        memType, procId);
         /* FIX ME: Add the table that keeps the C-D translations */
        if (status < 0) {
            Osal_printf ("Error in ProcMgr_map [0x%x]\n", status);
        else {
            status = ProcMgr_close (&procMgrHandle);

    return status;
예제 #3
static void
gst_ducati_viddec_get_property (GObject * obj,
    guint prop_id, GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
  GstDucatiVidDec *self = GST_DUCATIVIDDEC (obj);

  switch (prop_id) {
    case PROP_VERSION: {
      int err;
      char *version = gst_ducati_alloc_1d (VERSION_LENGTH);

      /* in case something fails: */
      snprintf (version, VERSION_LENGTH, "unsupported");

      if (! self->engine)
        engine_open (self);

      if (! self->codec)
        codec_create (self);

      if (self->codec) {
        self->status->data.buf = (XDAS_Int8 *) TilerMem_VirtToPhys (version);
        self->status->data.bufSize = VERSION_LENGTH;

        err = VIDDEC3_control (self->codec, XDM_GETVERSION,
            self->dynParams, self->status);
        if (err) {
          GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "failed XDM_GETVERSION");

        self->status->data.buf = NULL;
        self->status->data.bufSize = 0;

      g_value_set_string (value, version);

      MemMgr_Free (version);

    default: {
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (obj, prop_id, pspec);
예제 #4
static gboolean
codec_create (GstDucatiVidDec * self)
  gint err;
  const gchar *codec_name;

  codec_delete (self);

  if (G_UNLIKELY (!self->engine)) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "no engine");
    return FALSE;

  /* these need to be set before VIDDEC3_create */
  self->params->maxWidth = self->width;
  self->params->maxHeight = self->height;

  codec_name = GST_DUCATIVIDDEC_GET_CLASS (self)->codec_name;

  /* create codec: */
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "creating codec: %s", codec_name);
  self->codec = VIDDEC3_create (self->engine, (String)codec_name, self->params);

  if (!self->codec) {
    return FALSE;

  err = VIDDEC3_control (self->codec, XDM_SETPARAMS, self->dynParams, self->status);
  if (err) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "failed XDM_SETPARAMS");
    return FALSE;

  self->first_in_buffer = TRUE;
  self->first_out_buffer = TRUE;

  /* allocate input buffer and initialize inBufs: */
  self->inBufs->numBufs = 1;
  self->input = gst_ducati_alloc_1d (self->width * self->height);
  self->inBufs->descs[0].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *) TilerMem_VirtToPhys (self->input);
  self->inBufs->descs[0].memType = XDM_MEMTYPE_RAW;

  return TRUE;
예제 #5
파일: dce.c 프로젝트: chenguangshen/libdce
    /* TODO: for now, allocate in tiler paged mode (1d) container.. until DMM
     * is enabled on ducati, this would make the physical address the same as
     * the virtual address on ducati, which simplifies some things.  Maybe
     * later use ducati heap instead..
    MemAllocBlock block = {
            .pixelFormat = PIXEL_FMT_PAGE,
            .dim = {
                    .len = sz + sizeof(MemHeader),
    MemHeader *h = MemMgr_Alloc(&block, 1);

    h->size = sz;
    h->ducati_addr = TilerMem_VirtToPhys(H2P(h));

    memset(H2P(h), 0, sz);

    return H2P(h);

 * Free a block allocated by dce_alloc()
void dce_free(void *ptr)
