void do_sys_log ( struct sys_config *sc, char *format, ... ) { char newbuf [512] ; va_list msg ; FILE *file ; time_t dat ; va_start (msg, format) ; vsprintf(newbuf, format, msg) ; va_end (msg) ; #ifdef PRINT_SYSLOG printf("[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf); #endif if ( sc->systemlog[0] != '\0' ) { if ( file = fopen (sc->systemlog, "a" ) ) { dat = time (NULL) ; fprintf (file, "[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf) ; fclose (file) ; } } }
cTDT::cTDT(const u_char *Data) :SI::TDT(Data, false) { CheckParse(); time_t sattim = getTime(); time_t loctim = time(NULL); int diff = abs(sattim - loctim); if (diff > 2) { mutex.Lock(); if (abs(diff - lastDiff) < 3) { isyslog("System Time = %s (%ld)", *TimeToString(loctim), loctim); isyslog("Local Time = %s (%ld)", *TimeToString(sattim), sattim); if (stime(&sattim) < 0){ char __errorstr[256]; strerror_r(errno,__errorstr,256); __errorstr[255]=0; esyslog("ERROR while setting system time: %s",__errorstr); } } lastDiff = diff; mutex.Unlock(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SERVER EVENTS TEXT //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static BaseString SenderText(TSrvEvent &Event) { if (Event.EvtSender!=0) return TimeToString(Event.EvtTime)+" ["+IpAddressToString(Event.EvtSender)+"] "; else return TimeToString(Event.EvtTime)+" Server "; }
void CGameServDlg::UpdateTimers() { DWORD timeCur; if(!IsRunning()) return; timeCur = timeGetTime(); // Update the server time... m_timeServerRunning = timeCur - m_timeServerStart; if ((m_timeServerLast / 1000) != (m_timeServerRunning / 1000)) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_SERVER_TIME, TimeToString(m_timeServerRunning)); m_timeServerLast = m_timeServerRunning; } // Update the game/level time... m_timeLevelRunning = timeCur - m_timeLevelStart; if ((m_timeLevelLast / 1000) != (m_timeLevelRunning / 1000)) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_GAME_TIME, TimeToString(m_timeLevelRunning)); m_timeLevelLast = m_timeLevelRunning; } // Remove any update messages in the queue... RemoveMessage(WM_TIMER, 500); }
void TProjectSettings::Init() { // Tell parent we have been constructed m_Parent->m_ProjectSettings = true; // Get dialog items m_RealTimeButton = (BRadioButton *)FindView("RealTime"); m_24FPSButton = (BRadioButton *)FindView("24FPS"); m_25FPSButton = (BRadioButton *)FindView("25FPS"); m_2997FPSButton = (BRadioButton *)FindView("2997FPS"); m_30FPSButton = (BRadioButton *)FindView("30FPS"); m_StartTime = (BTextControl *)FindView("StartTime"); m_Duration = (BTextControl *)FindView("Duration"); m_EndTime = (BTextControl *)FindView("EndTime"); // Set up time values char timeStr[256]; TimeToString(m_CueSheet->StartTime(), m_CueSheet->GetTimeFormat(), timeStr, false); m_StartTime->SetText(timeStr); TimeToString(m_CueSheet->Duration(), m_CueSheet->GetTimeFormat(), timeStr, false); m_Duration->SetText(timeStr); TimeToString( m_CueSheet->Duration() - m_CueSheet->StartTime(), m_CueSheet->GetTimeFormat(), timeStr, false); m_EndTime->SetText(timeStr); // Set to current project settings m_TimeFormat = GetCurrentTimeFormat(); switch(m_TimeFormat) { //case B_TIMECODE_30_DROP_2: // m_RealTimeButton->SetValue(1); // break; case B_TIMECODE_24: m_24FPSButton->SetValue(1); break; case B_TIMECODE_25: m_25FPSButton->SetValue(1); break; case B_TIMECODE_30_DROP_2: m_2997FPSButton->SetValue(1); break; case B_TIMECODE_30: m_30FPSButton->SetValue(1); break; default: m_RealTimeButton->SetValue(1); break; } m_StartTime->MakeFocus(true); }
void RandKeysUtil::SetStates() { if (doTime) { iPosTime->Enable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_POSTIMELABEL),TRUE); iNegTime->Enable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_NEGTIMELABEL),TRUE); } else { iPosTime->Disable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_POSTIMELABEL),FALSE); iNegTime->Disable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_NEGTIMELABEL),FALSE); } if (doVal) { iPosVal->Enable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_POSVALLABEL),TRUE); iNegVal->Enable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_NEGVALLABEL),TRUE); } else { iPosVal->Disable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_POSVALLABEL),FALSE); iNegVal->Disable(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_NEGVALLABEL),FALSE); } switch (iu->GetMajorMode()) { case TVMODE_EDITKEYS: case TVMODE_EDITFCURVE: SetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_TEXT, GetString(IDS_RANDKEYS_KEYTEXT)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_APPLY),TRUE); break; case TVMODE_EDITTIME: { Interval iv = iu->GetTimeSelection(); TSTR buf, start, end; TimeToString(iv.Start(),start); TimeToString(iv.End(),end); buf.printf(GetString(IDS_RANDKEYS_TIMETEXT),start,end); SetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_TEXT,buf); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_APPLY),TRUE); break; } case TVMODE_EDITRANGES: case TVMODE_POSRANGES: SetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_TEXT,_T("")); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_RANDKEYS_APPLY),FALSE); break; } }
/* ** Returns the time as string. ** */ const WCHAR* CMeasureTime::GetStringValue() { static WCHAR tmpSz[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; struct tm today; tmpSz[0] = 0; SYSTEMTIME sysToday; FILETIME ftToday; ftToday.dwHighDateTime = m_Time.HighPart; ftToday.dwLowDateTime = m_Time.LowPart; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftToday, &sysToday); today.tm_isdst = 0; today.tm_hour = sysToday.wHour; today.tm_mday = sysToday.wDay; today.tm_min = sysToday.wMinute; today.tm_mon = sysToday.wMonth - 1; today.tm_sec = sysToday.wSecond; today.tm_wday = sysToday.wDayOfWeek; today.tm_yday = GetYearDay(sysToday.wYear, sysToday.wMonth, sysToday.wDay); today.tm_year = sysToday.wYear - 1900; // Create the string if (!m_Format.empty()) { const WCHAR* format = m_Format.c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(L"locale-time", format) == 0) { GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysToday, NULL, tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); } else if (_wcsicmp(L"locale-date", format) == 0) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysToday, NULL, tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); } else { TimeToString(tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, format, &today); } } else { TimeToString(tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, L"%H:%M:%S", &today); } return CheckSubstitute(tmpSz); }
nglString TimeLabel::GetLength() { uint64 length = mLengthAttrib.Get(); double seconds = (double)length / mSampleRate; nglString res = TimeToString(seconds); return res; }
nglString TimeLabel::GetPosition() { uint64 position = mPosAttrib.Get(); double seconds = (double)position / mSampleRate; nglString res = TimeToString(seconds); return res; }
void Scheduler::AddItem(boost::shared_ptr<Schedule> item) { LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__); LOG_AM_DEBUG( "Adding [Activity %llu] to start at %llu (%s)", item->GetActivity()->GetId(), (unsigned long long)item->GetNextStartTime(), TimeToString(item->GetNextStartTime(), !item->IsLocal()).c_str()); bool updateWake = false; if (item->IsLocal()) { m_localQueue.insert(*item); if (m_localQueue.iterator_to(*item) == m_localQueue.begin()) { updateWake = true; } } else { m_queue.insert(*item); if (m_queue.iterator_to(*item) == m_queue.begin()) { updateWake = true; } } if (updateWake) { DequeueAndUpdateTimeout(); } }
/** * @brief Dumps contest results * * @param type The type of the contest to dump */ void CTestContest::Dump(const CContestMgr::TType type) const { CContestMgr::CResult result = _contestMgr.Result(type, true); const CPointGPSArray &array = result.PointArray(); unsigned distance = 0; if(array.size()) { bool triangle = (type == CContestMgr::TYPE_OLC_FAI || type == CContestMgr::TYPE_OLC_FAI_PREDICTED); for(unsigned i=0; i<array.size() - 1; i++) { if((i==0 || i==array.size() - 2) && triangle) continue; distance += array[i].Distance(array[i+1]); } if(triangle) distance += array[3].Distance(array[1]); } std::cout << std::endl; std::wstring typeStr = CContestMgr::TypeToString(type); std::cout << "Contest '" << std::string(typeStr.begin(), typeStr.end()) << "':" << std::endl; std::cout << " - Distance: " << result.Distance() << " (error: " << (int)distance - (int)result.Distance() << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " - Score: " << result.Score() << std::endl; std::cout << " - Predicted: " << result.Predicted() << std::endl; for(CPointGPSArray::const_iterator it=result.PointArray().begin(); it!=result.PointArray().end(); ++it) std::cout << " - " << TimeToString(it->Time()) << std::endl; _kml.Dump(result); }
inline int CurrentTimeString(std::string &time_str) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, 0); int ret = TimeToString(t, time_str); return ret; };
void TVideoEditorText::MessageReceived(BMessage* theMessage) { switch( theMessage->what) { // Time is inferred from point. This is used during a mouse over the cue sheet case UPDATE_TIMELINE_MSG: { int64 theTime; if ( theMessage->FindInt64("TheTime", &theTime) == B_OK) { // Don't allow negative times to slip through if (theTime >= 0) { TimeToString(theTime, GetCurrentTimeFormat(), fText, false); Draw(Bounds()); } } } break; default: break; } }
void do_bot_log ( struct Bot *b, char *format, ... ) { char newbuf [512] ; va_list msg ; FILE *file ; time_t dat ; va_start (msg, format) ; vsprintf(newbuf, format, msg) ; va_end (msg) ; /* printf("[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf); */ if ( b->botlog[0] != '\0' ) { if ( file = fopen (b->botlog, "a" ) ) { dat = time (NULL) ; fprintf (file, "[%s %s] %s\n", DateToString(&dat), TimeToString(&dat), newbuf) ; fclose (file) ; } } }
void isiTapResults::fillResultsTable() { CWfdisc *wfd; QString sTime, qSta, qChan, qSpS; int nRow = 0; IDC_CHAN->insertRows(0, wfdarr.count()); for (wfd=wfdarr.first();wfd;wfd=wfdarr.next(),++nRow) { qSta=wfd->wfd.sta; qChan=wfd->wfd.chan; if(wfd->wfd.smprate>0) { qSpS.sprintf("%.3f",wfd->wfd.smprate); } else { qSpS = "-"; } IDC_CHAN->setText(nRow, 0, qSta); IDC_CHAN->setText(nRow, 1, qChan); IDC_CHAN->setText(nRow, 2, qSpS); if(wfd->wfd.time>0) { sTime= TimeToString(wfd->wfd.time, nTimeFormat); } else { sTime=""; } IDC_CHAN->setText(nRow, 3, sTime); if(wfd->wfd.endtime>0) { sTime = TimeToString(wfd->wfd.endtime, nTimeFormat); } else { sTime=""; } IDC_CHAN->setText(nRow, 4, sTime); } adjustTableColumnWidth(); }
void Benchmark(Test::TestClass suites, double t, double hertz) { g_allocatedTime = t; g_hertz = hertz; AddHtmlHeader(); g_testBegin = ::time(NULLPTR); if (static_cast<int>(suites) == 0 || static_cast<int>(suites) > TestLast) suites = Test::All; // Unkeyed algorithms if (suites & Test::Unkeyed) { std::cout << "\n<BR>"; Benchmark1(t, hertz); } // Shared key algorithms if (suites & Test::SharedKey) { std::cout << "\n<BR>"; Benchmark2(t, hertz); } // Public key algorithms if (suites & Test::PublicKey) { std::cout << "\n<BR>"; Benchmark3(t, hertz); } g_testEnd = ::time(NULLPTR); { StreamState state(std::cout); std::cout << "\n<P>Throughput Geometric Average: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed); std::cout << std::exp(g_logTotal/(g_logCount > 0.0f ? g_logCount : 1.0f)) << std::endl; } std::cout << "\n<P>Test started at " << TimeToString(g_testBegin); std::cout << "\n<BR>Test ended at " << TimeToString(g_testEnd); std::cout << std::endl; AddHtmlFooter(); }
void TCueSheetTimeView::Draw(BRect updateRect) { // Set up environment PushState(); const BRect bounds = Bounds(); BPoint startPt, endPt; // Draw TimeRect frame SetHighColor(kLightGrey); FillRect(bounds); // Draw black outline SetHighColor(kBlack); startPt.Set(bounds.left, bounds.top); endPt.Set(bounds.left, bounds.bottom); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); startPt.Set(bounds.right, bounds.top); endPt.Set(bounds.right, bounds.bottom); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); // Draw shadow SetHighColor(kMediumGrey); startPt.Set(bounds.right-1, bounds.top); endPt.Set(bounds.right-1, bounds.bottom); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); startPt.Set(bounds.right-1, bounds.bottom); endPt.Set(bounds.left+1, bounds.bottom); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); // Draw highlight SetHighColor(kWhite); startPt.Set(bounds.left+1, bounds.bottom - 2); endPt.Set(bounds.left+1, bounds.top); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); startPt.Set(bounds.left+1, bounds.top); endPt.Set(bounds.right-2, bounds.top); StrokeLine(startPt, endPt); // Draw cue sheet start time BFont font; GetFont(&font); SetFont(be_bold_font); SetHighColor(kBlack); BPoint textPt; char timeStr[256]; int32 startTime = m_CueSheetWindow->GetCueSheetView()->StartTime(); textPt.Set(bounds.left + 9, bounds.top + 16); TimeToString(startTime, m_CueSheetWindow->GetCueSheetView()->GetTimeFormat(), timeStr, FALSE); DrawString(timeStr, textPt); // Restore environment PopState(); }
int CurrentTimeString(std::string &time_str) { ENTER_LOG; struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, 0); int ret = TimeToString(t, time_str); LEAVE_LOG; return ret; };
static int CurrentTimeString(std::string &time_str) { time_t curtime = time(0); if (curtime == -1) { return -1; } int ret = TimeToString(curtime, time_str); return ret; };
void OnlineSVR::Import(char* Filename, Matrix<double>** AngularPositions, Matrix<double>** MotorCurrents, Matrix<double>** AppliedVoltages) { // Open the file ifstream File (Filename, ios::in); if (!File) { cerr << "Error. File not found." << endl; return; } // Time time_t StartTime = time(NULL); cout << "Starting import new data..." << endl; int RowsNumber = 0; try { (*AngularPositions) = new Matrix<double>(); (*MotorCurrents) = new Matrix<double>(); (*AppliedVoltages) = new Matrix<double>(); Vector<double>* Line; char X[80]; double X1, X2, X3, X4; File >> X >> X; while (!File.eof()) { RowsNumber ++; // Import Angular Position File >> X1 >> X >> X2 >> X >> X3 >> X >> X4 >> X >> X >> X; Line = new Vector<double>(4); Line->Add(X1); Line->Add(X2); Line->Add(X3); Line->Add(X4); (*AngularPositions)->AddRowRef(Line); // Import Motor Currents File >> X1 >> X >> X2 >> X >> X3 >> X >> X4 >> X >> X >> X; Line = new Vector<double>(4); Line->Add(X1); Line->Add(X2); Line->Add(X3); Line->Add(X4); (*MotorCurrents)->AddRowRef(Line); // Import Applied Voltages File >> X1 >> X >> X2 >> X >> X3 >> X >> X4 >> X >> X >> X; Line = new Vector<double>(4); Line->Add(X1); Line->Add(X2); Line->Add(X3); Line->Add(X4); (*AppliedVoltages)->AddRowRef(Line); } } catch (...) { cerr << "Error. The file is probably corrupted." << endl; } // Close the file File.close(); // Final Message time_t EndTime = time(NULL); long ImportTime = static_cast<long>(EndTime-StartTime); char Line[80]; sprintf(Line, "\nImported %d samples correctly in %s.\n", RowsNumber, TimeToString(ImportTime)); cout << Line << endl; }
std::string ProgressTimer::GetProgressMessage(double progress, bool bIncludeElapsed, bool bIncludeRemaining) const { const double miliSecs = Elapsed(); std::string result; if (bIncludeElapsed) { if (!result.empty()) result += " "; result += "Elapsed: " + TimeToString(miliSecs); } if (bIncludeRemaining && progress > 0.0) { if (!result.empty()) result += " "; result += "Remaining: " + TimeToString(miliSecs * (1.0-progress)/progress); } return result; }
CString CDownloadWithSources::GetSourceURLs(CList< CString >* pState, int nMaximum, PROTOCOLID nProtocol, CDownloadSource* pExcept) const { CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection ); CString strSources; for ( POSITION posSource = GetIterator() ; posSource ; ) { CDownloadSource* pSource = GetNext( posSource ); if ( pSource != pExcept && pSource->m_bPushOnly == FALSE && ( ( pSource->m_nFailures == 0 && pSource->m_bReadContent ) || nProtocol == PROTOCOL_NULL ) && ( pSource->m_bSHA1 || pSource->m_bTiger || pSource->m_bED2K || pSource->m_bBTH || pSource->m_bMD5 ) && ( pState == NULL || pState->Find( pSource->m_sURL ) == NULL ) ) { // Only return appropriate sources if ( ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_HTTP ) && ( pSource->m_nProtocol != PROTOCOL_HTTP ) ) continue; if ( ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_G1 ) && ( pSource->m_nGnutella != 1 ) ) continue; //if ( bHTTP && pSource->m_nProtocol != PROTOCOL_HTTP ) continue; if ( pState != NULL ) pState->AddTail( pSource->m_sURL ); if ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_G1 ) { if ( ! strSources.IsEmpty() ) strSources += ','; strSources += CString( inet_ntoa( pSource->m_pAddress ) ); CString strURL; strURL.Format( _T("%hu"), pSource->m_nPort ); strSources += ':' + strURL; } else if ( pSource->m_sURL.Find( _T("Zhttp://") ) >= 0 || pSource->m_sURL.Find( _T("Z%2C http://") ) >= 0 ) { // Ignore buggy URLs TRACE( _T("CDownloadWithSources::GetSourceURLs() Bad URL: %s\n"), pSource->m_sURL ); } else { CString strURL = pSource->m_sURL; strURL.Replace( _T(","), _T("%2C") ); if ( ! strSources.IsEmpty() ) strSources += _T(", "); strSources += strURL; strSources += ' '; strSources += TimeToString( &pSource->m_tLastSeen ); } if ( nMaximum == 1 ) break; else if ( nMaximum > 1 ) nMaximum --; } } return strSources; }
void CBoxHttpResponse::put_ExpiresAbsolute(DATE dateExpires) { SYSTEMTIME st; CString strTime; VariantTimeToSystemTime(dateExpires, &st); TimeToString(st, strTime); m_pAccept->SetHeader(_T("Expires"), strTime); }
void OnlineSVR::Import(char* Filename, Matrix<double>** X, Vector<double>** Y) { // Open the file ifstream File (Filename, ios::in); if (!File) { cerr << "Error. File not found." << endl; return; } // Time time_t StartTime = time(NULL); cout << "Starting import new data..." << endl; int RowsNumber, ColsNumber; try { // Reading the parameters File >> RowsNumber >> ColsNumber; // Import the data (*X) = new Matrix<double>(); (*Y) = new Vector<double>(RowsNumber); double Value; for (int i=0; i<RowsNumber; i++) { // Add Y File >> Value; (*Y)->Add(Value); // Add X Vector<double>* Line = new Vector<double>(ColsNumber-1); for (int j=0; j<ColsNumber-1; j++) { File >> Value; Line->Add(Value); } (*X)->AddRowRef(Line); } } catch (...) { cerr << "Error. The file is probably corrupted." << endl; } // Close the file File.close(); // Final Message time_t EndTime = time(NULL); long ImportTime = static_cast<long>(EndTime-StartTime); char Line[80]; char* ElapsedTime = TimeToString(ImportTime); sprintf(Line, "\nImported %d samples correctly in %s.\n", RowsNumber, ElapsedTime); delete ElapsedTime; cout << Line << endl; }
static int CurrentTimeString(std::string &time_str) { ENTERING; time_t curtime = time(0); if (curtime == -1) { LEAVING2; return -1; } int ret = TimeToString(curtime, time_str); LEAVING; return ret; };
cTDT::cTDT(const u_char *Data) :SI::TDT(Data, false) { CheckParse(); time_t sattim = getTime(); time_t loctim = time(NULL); int diff = abs(sattim - loctim); if (diff > 2) { mutex.Lock(); if (abs(diff - lastDiff) < 3) { isyslog("System Time = %s (%ld)", *TimeToString(loctim), loctim); isyslog("Local Time = %s (%ld)", *TimeToString(sattim), sattim); if (stime(&sattim) < 0) esyslog("ERROR while setting system time: %m"); } lastDiff = diff; mutex.Unlock(); } }
/* ** Updates the current time ** */ void CMeasureTime::UpdateValue() { FillCurrentTime(); if (!m_Format.empty()) { // If there is some date format, parse the value from it instead WCHAR* tmpSz = new WCHAR[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; SYSTEMTIME sysToday; FILETIME ftToday; tmpSz[0] = 0; ftToday.dwHighDateTime = m_Time.HighPart; ftToday.dwLowDateTime = m_Time.LowPart; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftToday, &sysToday); const WCHAR* format = m_Format.c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(L"locale-time", format) == 0) { GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysToday, NULL, tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); } else if (_wcsicmp(L"locale-date", format) == 0) { GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysToday, NULL, tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); } else { struct tm today; today.tm_isdst = 0; today.tm_hour = sysToday.wHour; today.tm_mday = sysToday.wDay; today.tm_min = sysToday.wMinute; today.tm_mon = sysToday.wMonth - 1; today.tm_sec = sysToday.wSecond; today.tm_wday = sysToday.wDayOfWeek; today.tm_yday = GetYearDay(sysToday.wYear, sysToday.wMonth, sysToday.wDay); today.tm_year = sysToday.wYear - 1900; TimeToString(tmpSz, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, format, &today); } m_Value = wcstod(tmpSz, NULL); delete [] tmpSz; } else { m_Value = (double)(m_Time.QuadPart / 10000000); } }
/** * @brief Dumps contest results * * @param type The type of the contest to dump */ void CTestContest::Dump(const CContestMgr::TType type) const { const CContestMgr::CResult &result = _contestMgr.Result(type); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Contest '" << CContestMgr::TypeToString(type) << "':" << std::endl; std::cout << " - Distance: " << result.Distance() << std::endl; std::cout << " - Score: " << result.Score() << std::endl; for(CPointGPSArray::const_iterator it=result.PointArray().begin(); it!=result.PointArray().end(); ++it) std::cout << " - " << TimeToString(it->Time()) << std::endl; _kml.Dump(result); }
bool cShutdownHandler::DoShutdown(bool Force) { dsyslog("DEBUG: DoShutdown called"); time_t Now = time(NULL); cTimer *timer = Timers.GetNextActiveTimer(); cPlugin *Plugin = cPluginManager::GetNextWakeupPlugin(); time_t Next = timer ? timer->StartTime() : 0; time_t NextPlugin = Plugin ? Plugin->WakeupTime() : 0; if (NextPlugin && (!Next || Next > NextPlugin)) { Next = NextPlugin; timer = NULL; } time_t Delta = Next ? Next - Now : 0; if (Next && Delta < Setup.MinEventTimeout * 60) { if (!Force) return false; Delta = Setup.MinEventTimeout * 60; Next = Now + Delta; timer = NULL; dsyslog("reboot at %s", *TimeToString(Next)); } if (Next && timer) { dsyslog("next timer event at %s", *TimeToString(Next)); CallShutdownCommand(Next, timer->Channel()->Number(), timer->File(), Force); } else if (Next && Plugin) { CallShutdownCommand(Next, 0, Plugin->Name(), Force); dsyslog("next plugin wakeup at %s", *TimeToString(Next)); } else CallShutdownCommand(Next, 0, "", Force); // Next should always be 0 here. Just for safety, pass it. return true; }
void CBoxHttpResponse::put_Expires(long nTime) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; CString strTime; CBoxObject<CBoxTimeCache::CTime> pTime; m_pAccept->m_time.GetTime(pTime); *(__int64*)&ft = pTime->m_time + (__int64)600000000 * nTime; pTime.Release(); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); TimeToString(st, strTime); m_pAccept->SetHeader(_T("Expires"), strTime); }