void __fastcall TPrintRecord::BitBtn1MouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { // get selected name AnsiString Dname; for(int i=0;i<ListBox1->Items->Count;i++) { if (ListBox1->Selected[i]) { Dname=ListBox1->Items->Strings[i]; break; } } //Label1->Caption=Dname; if(Dname.Length()>1) { for(int t=0;t<Panel2->ControlCount;t++) { if (Panel2->Controls[t]->ClassNameIs("TStaticText")) { label=dynamic_cast<TStaticText*>(Panel2->Controls[t]); if(label->Name == Dname) { if(label->Left > 0) { label->Left=label->Left-1; Timer(50); // break; } } } } } }
void Arc::delay( double millis ) { Timer delayTimer = Timer(); delayTimer.start(); delayTimer.sleepUntilElapsed(millis); }
void LoomWidget::LoomUp() { _loom_mode = true; _running = true; _loom_time = Timer(); Widget::SetDirty(); }
// this function has 3 arguments // the first is the key and the rest are coordinates of the mouse void KeyPressed (int Key, int x, int y) { if ((ScreenType != GAME_ARCADE) && (ScreenType != GAME_CLASSIC)) return; switch (Key) { case GLUT_KEY_LEFT : if (!Pause) Tetris.KeyEvent (Game::LEFT); break; case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT : if (!Pause) Tetris.KeyEvent (Game::RIGHT); break; case GLUT_KEY_UP : if (!Pause) Tetris.KeyEvent (Game::UP); break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN : if (!Pause) Tetris.KeyEvent (Game::DOWN); break; case GLUT_KEY_F1 : Pause = !Pause; if (!Pause) Timer (0); break; } DisplayGame (); }
// 初期化 void do_init_party(void) { Timer(gettick() + PARTY_SEND_XYHP_INVERVAL, party_send_xyhp_timer, PARTY_SEND_XYHP_INVERVAL ).detach(); }
/* * Function: ISendRecvSediBedData3D * Usage: ISendRecvSediBedData3D(SediCbed or Thickness,grid,myproc,comm); * ---------------------------------------------------- * This function will transfer the 3D cell data for sediment bed back and forth between * processors using nonblocking sends/recvs. * */ void ISendRecvSediBedData3D(REAL **celldata, gridT *grid, int nlayer,int myproc,MPI_Comm comm) { int k, n, nstart, neigh, neighproc; REAL t0=Timer(); for(neigh=0;neigh<grid->Nneighs;neigh++) { neighproc = grid->myneighs[neigh]; nstart=0; for(n=0;n<grid->num_cells_send[neigh];n++) { for(k=0;k<nlayer;k++) grid->send[neigh][nstart+k]=celldata[grid->cell_send[neigh][n]][k]; nstart+=nlayer; } MPI_Isend((void *)(grid->send[neigh]),grid->total_cells_send[neigh],MPI_DOUBLE,neighproc,1, comm,&(grid->request[neigh])); } for(neigh=0;neigh<grid->Nneighs;neigh++) { neighproc = grid->myneighs[neigh]; MPI_Irecv((void *)(grid->recv[neigh]),grid->total_cells_recv[neigh],MPI_DOUBLE,neighproc,1, comm,&(grid->request[grid->Nneighs+neigh])); } MPI_Waitall(2*grid->Nneighs,grid->request,grid->status); for(neigh=0;neigh<grid->Nneighs;neigh++) { nstart=0; for(n=0;n<grid->num_cells_recv[neigh];n++) { for(k=0;k<nlayer;k++) celldata[grid->cell_recv[neigh][n]][k]=grid->recv[neigh][nstart+k]; nstart+=nlayer; } } // t_comm+=Timer()-t0; }
/// Callback for npc OnTimer*: labels. /// This will be called later if you call npc_timerevent_start. /// This function may only expire, but not deactivate, the counter. static void npc_timerevent(TimerData *, tick_t tick, BlockId id, interval_t data) { dumb_ptr<npc_data_script> nd = map_id2bl(id)->is_npc()->is_script(); assert (nd != nullptr); assert (nd->npc_subtype == NpcSubtype::SCRIPT); assert (nd->scr.next_event != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()); nd->scr.timertick = tick; const auto te = nd->scr.next_event; // nd->scr.timerid = nullptr; // er, isn't this the same as nd->scr.timer = te->timer? interval_t t = nd->scr.timer += data; assert (t == te->timer); ++nd->scr.next_event; if (nd->scr.next_event != nd->scr.timer_eventv.end()) { interval_t next = nd->scr.next_event->timer - t; nd->scr.timerid = Timer(tick + next, std::bind(npc_timerevent, ph::_1, ph::_2, id, next)); } run_script(ScriptPointer(borrow(*nd->scr.script), te->pos), BlockId(), nd->bl_id); }
int MEPdfPartialB::TryParameters(RooDataSet *ds){ FixAll(); pdf_part->fitTo(*ds,Verbose(),Timer(true)); Draw(ds); PrintParameters(); return 0; }
TestResults TestingSuite::runAppendTestsForHeap(int repeats) { Timer timer; Heap * heap; double avgTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) { timer = Timer(); heap = new Heap(); if (randomizeEachRepeat) prepareTestData(); timer.startTimer(); for (int q = 0; q < dataSize; q++) { heap->insert(randomData[q]); } timer.endTimer(); avgTime += timer.getTimeInNanoseconds(); delete heap; } avgTime = avgTime / (double)repeats; return TestResults("Heap Insert Test", dataSize, avgTime); }
void LoomWidget::Vanish() { _loom_mode = false; _running = true; _loom_time = Timer(); Widget::SetDirty(); }
TestResults TestingSuite::runAppendTestsForArray(int repeats) { Timer timer; Array * arr; double avgTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) { timer = Timer(); arr = new Array(); if(randomizeEachRepeat) prepareTestData(); timer.startTimer(); for (int q = 0; q < dataSize; q++) { arr->append(randomData[q]); } timer.endTimer(); avgTime += timer.getTimeInNanoseconds(); delete arr; } avgTime = avgTime / (double)repeats; return TestResults("Array Append Test", dataSize, avgTime); }
void CameraNode::render() { if (m_bIsPlaying) { ScopeTimer Timer(CameraProfilingZone); blt32(getTransform(), getSize(), getEffectiveOpacity(), getBlendMode()); } }
// ###################################################################### HawkScanner::HawkScanner(std::string myName, int argc, char* argv[]) : HawkAgent(myName, argc, argv) { // Help section helpTitle = "HawkScanner"; helpDescription = "Interface between the URG-04LX-UG01 laser scanner and ICE."; helpOptions.push_back("\t--refreshPeriod\t(100000) Microseconds between each scanner message."); // Parameters refreshPeriod = loadIntParameter("refreshPeriod", 100000); if(!helpParameter()) { // Setup to laser scanner if(!urg.connect(SCANNER_ADDRESS)) { printf("UrgCtrl::connect: %s\n", urg.what()); exit(1); } // Print useful parameters std::cout << "frontIndex: " << urg.rad2index(0.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "halfRangeRadians: " << urg.index2rad(0) << std::endl; std::cout << "maxScanLines: " << urg.maxScanLines() << std::endl; // Setup timer timer = Timer(1000000); } }
void ImageNode::render(GLContext* pContext, const glm::mat4& transform) { ScopeTimer Timer(RenderProfilingZone); if (m_pGPUImage->getSource() != GPUImage::NONE) { blt32(pContext, transform); } }
void TeamHistoryManager::addPlayer(const string &name, S32 teamCount, S32 teamIndex) { TNLAssert(teamCount > 0, "Surely there's at least one team here!"); // No need to track which team players are on in a 1-team game... so we won't! if(teamCount <= 1) return; // See if we already know this player if(mNames.getIndex(name) == -1) { mNames.push_back(name); mTimers.push_back(Timer(LockedTeamsForgetClientTime)); mTimers.last().clear(); // Don't start timer until player quits } // Make sure we have enough slots available for this teamCount // Use teamCount - 2 because Vectors are 0-based, and there are no 0-team configurations; // furthermore, with 1-team configuration, we know everyone is on team 1, so don't bother with it. // +1 because slots are a count of how many spots we need, which is inherently 1-indexed. S32 slotsRequired = teamCount - 2 + 1; if(mTeamAssignmentNames.size() < slotsRequired) { mTeamAssignmentNames.resize(slotsRequired); mTeamAssignmentTeams.resize(slotsRequired); } // Is player already known to this configuration? if(mTeamAssignmentNames[teamCount - 2].getIndex(name) != -1) return; mTeamAssignmentNames[teamCount - 2].push_back(name); mTeamAssignmentTeams[teamCount - 2].push_back(teamIndex); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset operations, that must be done before new modelling // will start void NaLinearUnit::Reset () { int d; // Reset delay vector yd.clean(); switch(kind){ case lckGain: case lckDifferential: // No delay is needed break; case lckInertial: case lckIntegral: case lckDiffStatic: // 1st order units yd.addh(new NaReal(0.0)); break; case lckOscillation: case lckConservative: // 2nd order units yd.addh(new NaReal(0.0)); yd.addh(new NaReal(0.0)); break; case lckDelay: // High order unit d = 1 + (int)(Tau / Timer().GetSamplingRate()); while(d-- != 0) yd.addh(new NaReal(0.0)); break; } }
void QtInterface::paintGL() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Engine()->Render(); if ( Input()->KeyPressed( KEY_F5 ) ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // TODO: Update DevIl installation on linux to match newest version ilutGLScreenie(); #endif } m_iFrameCount += 1; float curtime = Timer()->CurrentTime(); float dt = curtime - m_flLastTime; if ( dt >= 1.0f ) { m_flFPS = (m_iFrameCount / dt); m_flLastTime = curtime; m_iFrameCount = 0; } if ( m_flFPS != 0.0f ) { QString str; str.sprintf("%.2f fps (%.5f ms), time: %.2f", m_flFPS, (1.0f/m_flFPS), curtime); renderText(1, 10, str); } }
TestResults TestingSuite::runAppendTestsForList(int repeats) { Timer timer; List * list; double avgTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) { timer = Timer(); list = new List(); if (randomizeEachRepeat) prepareTestData(); timer.startTimer(); for (int q = 0; q < dataSize; q++) { list->append(randomData[q]); } timer.endTimer(); avgTime += timer.getTimeInNanoseconds(); delete list; } avgTime = avgTime / (double)repeats; return TestResults("List Append Test", dataSize, avgTime); }
int UnitTest:: test(bool rethrow_exceptions) { try { Timer(); // Init performance counting TaskTimer tt("Running tests"); RUNTEST(Tfr::FreqAxis); RUNTEST(Tfr::StftDesc); RUNTEST(Tfr::DummyTransform); RUNTEST(Tfr::DummyTransformDesc); RUNTEST(Tfr::TransformOperationDesc); } catch (const ExceptionAssert& x) { if (rethrow_exceptions) throw; char const * const * f = boost::get_error_info<boost::throw_file>(x); int const * l = boost::get_error_info<boost::throw_line>(x); char const * const * c = boost::get_error_info<ExceptionAssert::ExceptionAssert_condition>(x); std::string const * m = boost::get_error_info<ExceptionAssert::ExceptionAssert_message>(x); fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s", str(boost::format("%s:%d: %s. %s\n" "%s\n" " FAILED in %s::test()\n\n") % (f?*f:0) % (l?*l:-1) % (c?*c:0) % (m?*m:0) % boost::diagnostic_information(x) % lastname ).c_str()); fflush(stderr); return 1; } catch (const exception& x) { if (rethrow_exceptions) throw; fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s", str(boost::format("%s\n" "%s\n" " FAILED in %s::test()\n\n") % vartype(x) % boost::diagnostic_information(x) % lastname ).c_str()); fflush(stderr); return 1; } catch (...) { if (rethrow_exceptions) throw; fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "%s", str(boost::format("Not an std::exception\n" "%s\n" " FAILED in %s::test()\n\n") % boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information () % lastname ).c_str()); fflush(stderr); return 1; } printf("\n OK\n\n"); return 0; }
int MEPdfPartialB::FitParameters(RooDataSet *ds,const bool etaggflag){ FreeAll(); if(etaggflag) k_s_mbc_part->setConstant(kTRUE); pdf_part->fitTo(*ds,Verbose(),Timer(true)); Draw(ds); PrintParameters(); return 0; }
void Time_measurement::tick(const std::string &timer_name) { if (enabled) { if (timers.find(timer_name) != timers.end()) throw std::runtime_error("Timer with name \"" + timer_name + "\" already exists."); timers[timer_name] = Timer(base_point); } }
void NPC::Handle(Layer_Class* Mask_Temp, float temp_x, float temp_y) { Mask = Mask_Temp; px = temp_x;py = temp_y; Timer(); Move(); Animate(); }
PWM::PWM(uint32_t freq, float duty, uint8_t TIM_No, uint8_t CH_No,PinTypedef pin) { tim_ = Timer(TIM_No); freq_ = freq; duty_ = duty; CH_No_ = CH_No; pin_ = pin; tim_.mode_pwm_output(freq, duty, CH_No, pin); }
CSweepingWind::CSweepingWind(void) { CEntity::m_eType = ENT_SWEEPING_WIND; GetAnimInfo()->SetAnimationName("Wind_Special"); SetSpeed(400.0f); Timer(1.7f); }
void FilledVectorNode::render(GLContext* pContext, const glm::mat4& transform) { ScopeTimer Timer(RenderProfilingZone); if (m_EffectiveOpacity > 0.01) { m_pFillShape->draw(pContext, transform, m_EffectiveOpacity); } VectorNode::render(pContext, transform); }
void Canvas::render(IntPoint windowSize, bool bUpsideDown, FBOPtr pFBO, ProfilingZoneID& renderProfilingZone) { { ScopeTimer Timer(PreRenderProfilingZone); m_pRootNode->preRender(); } if (pFBO) { pFBO->activate(); } else { glproc::BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError("Canvas::render: BindFramebuffer()"); } if (m_MultiSampleSamples > 1) { glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError( "Canvas::render: glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE)"); } else { glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError( "Canvas::render: glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE)"); } clearGLBuffers(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glViewport(0, 0, windowSize.x, windowSize.y); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError("Canvas::render: glViewport()"); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError("Canvas::render: glMatrixMode()"); glLoadIdentity(); GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError("Canvas::render: glLoadIdentity()"); glm::vec2 size = m_pRootNode->getSize(); if (bUpsideDown) { gluOrtho2D(0, size.x, 0, size.y); } else { gluOrtho2D(0, size.x, size.y, 0); } GLContext::getCurrent()->checkError("Canvas::render: gluOrtho2D()"); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); { ScopeTimer Timer(renderProfilingZone); m_pRootNode->maybeRender(); renderOutlines(); } }
Enemy::Enemy( World * parentWorld, string name, int maxHealth, int damage, PhysicalProperties physicalProperties, PhysicsComponent * physics, InputComponent * input ) : Actor( parentWorld, name, maxHealth, damage, 50, physicalProperties, physics, input ) { timers["shooting"] = Timer( 2000 ); }
/*========================================== * 初期化 *------------------------------------------ */ void do_init_script(void) { script_load_mapreg(); Timer(gettick() + MAPREG_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL, script_autosave_mapreg, MAPREG_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL ).detach(); }
void FilledVectorNode::render() { ScopeTimer Timer(RenderProfilingZone); float curOpacity = getParent()->getEffectiveOpacity()*m_FillOpacity; if (curOpacity > 0.01) { m_pFillShape->draw(getParentTransform(), curOpacity); } VectorNode::render(); }
void TasksRunner::SetBurstCounterTaskPeriod(int period) { if (Timer) { burstsCounterTimer = Timer(period); burstsCounterTimer->Elapsed = boost::bind(&hostapp::TasksRunner::RunBurstCounterTask, this, _1); return; } LOG_ERROR_APP("[TaskRunner]: no timer function for burst_counters task"); }