Transaction MixClient::replaceGas(Transaction const& _t, Secret const& _secret, u256 const& _gas) { if (_t.isCreation()) return Transaction(_t.value(), _t.gasPrice(), _gas,, _t.nonce(), _secret); else return Transaction(_t.value(), _t.gasPrice(), _gas, _t.receiveAddress(),, _t.nonce(), _secret); }
void CWspCOTransaction::AbortInvoke() { // Check the state - no need to send S-MethodAbort primitive if the method // is still in the null state. if( iMethodState == ENullMethod ) { // Inform the client that the tranaction has failed. TRAPD(err, Transaction().SendEventL(THTTPEvent::EFailed, THTTPEvent::EIncoming, THTTPFilterHandle::EProtocolHandler)); // Get the protocol handler to deal with the method abort. iObserver.HandleMethodAbort(*this); // If the event could not be sent, we must take more drastic action. Note that // this _must_ follow the observer's handling of method abort, since the use // of RHTTPTransaction::Fail() is drastic, and could result in the whole // transaction having been deleted by the time we get back here. if (err != KErrNone) Transaction().Fail(THTTPFilterHandle::EProtocolHandler); } else { __ASSERT_DEBUG( iMethodState == ERequesting, Panic(KWspPanicBadMethodState) ); // Send MethodAbort.req primitive - defer sending as could be in // callstack from either MethodInvokeCnf() or MethodInvokeDataCnf(). iPrimitiveSender->InitiateSend(ESMethodAbort); } }
void CDbTableDatabase::DoCreateTableL(const TDesC& aName,const CDbColSet& aColSet,const CDbKey* aPrimaryKey) { if (SchemaL().Find(aName)) __LEAVE(KErrAlreadyExists); // validate the colset set passed in Validate::NameL(aName); Validate::ColSetL(aColSet); Transaction().DDLBeginLC(); iSchema.Add(CreateTableL(aName,aColSet,aPrimaryKey)); Transaction().DDLCommitL(); CleanupStack::Pop(); // rollback not required }
void IDBCursor::Advance(uint32_t aCount, ErrorResult &aRv) { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if (!mTransaction->IsOpen()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_TRANSACTION_INACTIVE_ERR); return; } if (!mHaveValue || mContinueCalled) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (!aCount) { aRv.ThrowTypeError(MSG_INVALID_ADVANCE_COUNT); return; } mBackgroundActor->SendContinueInternal(AdvanceParams(aCount)); mContinueCalled = true; #ifdef IDB_PROFILER_USE_MARKS { if (mType == Type_ObjectStore || mType == Type_ObjectStoreKey) { IDB_PROFILER_MARK("IndexedDB Request %llu: " "database(%s).transaction(%s).objectStore(%s)." "cursor(%s).advance(%ld)", "IDBRequest[%llu] MT IDBCursor.advance()", Request()->GetSerialNumber(), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(Transaction()->Database()), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(Transaction()), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(mSourceObjectStore), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(mDirection), aCount); } else { IDB_PROFILER_MARK("IndexedDB Request %llu: " "database(%s).transaction(%s).objectStore(%s)." "index(%s).cursor(%s).advance(%ld)", "IDBRequest[%llu] MT IDBCursor.advance()", Request()->GetSerialNumber(), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(Transaction()->Database()), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(Transaction()), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(mSourceIndex->ObjectStore()), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(mSourceIndex), IDB_PROFILER_STRING(mDirection), aCount); } } #endif }
/** * Media control, for spindle motor and media tray or door. * This includes CDROM, TAPE and anything with a media loader. * * @param lun Logical Unit Number * @param ctl 0x00 Stop Motor, 0x01 Start Motor, 0x02 Eject Media, 0x03 Load Media * @return 0 on success */ uint8_t BulkOnly::MediaCTL(uint8_t lun, uint8_t ctl) { Notify(PSTR("\r\nMediaCTL\r\n"), 0x80); Notify(PSTR("-----------------\r\n"), 0x80); SetCurLUN(lun); uint8_t rcode = MASS_ERR_UNIT_NOT_READY; if (bAddress) { CommandBlockWrapper cbw; cbw.dCBWSignature = MASS_CBW_SIGNATURE; cbw.dCBWTag = ++dCBWTag; cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength = 0; cbw.bmCBWFlags = MASS_CMD_DIR_OUT; cbw.bmCBWLUN = lun; cbw.bmCBWCBLength = 6; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) cbw.CBWCB[i] = 0; cbw.CBWCB[0] = SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT; cbw.CBWCB[1] = lun << 5; cbw.CBWCB[4] = ctl & 0x03; rcode = HandleSCSIError(Transaction(&cbw, 0, NULL, 0)); } return rcode; }
void UK2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator::RemoveInputPin(UEdGraphPin* Pin) { if(CanRemovePin(Pin)) { FScopedTransaction Transaction( LOCTEXT("RemovePinTx", "RemovePin") ); Modify(); if (RemovePin(Pin)) { --NumAdditionalInputs; int32 NameIndex = 0; const UEdGraphPin* OutPin = FindOutPin(); const UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = FindSelfPin(); for (int32 PinIndex = 0; PinIndex < Pins.Num(); ++PinIndex) { UEdGraphPin* LocalPin = Pins[PinIndex]; if(LocalPin && (LocalPin != OutPin) && (LocalPin != SelfPin)) { const FString PinName = GetNameForPin(NameIndex); if(PinName != LocalPin->PinName) { LocalPin->Modify(); LocalPin->PinName = PinName; } NameIndex++; } } FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsStructurallyModified(GetBlueprint()); } } }
void UAnimGraphNode_BlendListByEnum::RemovePinFromBlendList(UEdGraphPin* Pin) { int32 RawArrayIndex = 0; bool bIsPosePin = false; bool bIsTimePin = false; GetPinInformation(Pin->PinName, /*out*/ RawArrayIndex, /*out*/ bIsPosePin, /*out*/ bIsTimePin); const int32 ExposedEnumIndex = (bIsPosePin || bIsTimePin) ? (RawArrayIndex - 1) : INDEX_NONE; if (ExposedEnumIndex != INDEX_NONE) { FScopedTransaction Transaction( LOCTEXT("RemovePin", "RemovePin") ); Modify(); // Record it as no longer exposed VisibleEnumEntries.RemoveAt(ExposedEnumIndex); // Remove the pose from the node UProperty* AssociatedProperty; int32 ArrayIndex; GetPinAssociatedProperty(GetFNodeType(), Pin, /*out*/ AssociatedProperty, /*out*/ ArrayIndex); ensure(ArrayIndex == (ExposedEnumIndex + 1)); // setting up removed pins info RemovedPinArrayIndex = ArrayIndex; Node.RemovePose(ArrayIndex); ReconstructNode(); //@TODO: Just want to invalidate the visual representation currently FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsStructurallyModified(GetBlueprint()); } }
void CWspCOTransaction::MethodInvokeData() { __ASSERT_DEBUG( iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetProtocolOptions() & ELargeDataTransfer, Panic(KWspPanicLDTNotSuppoted) ); __ASSERT_DEBUG( iMethodState == ERequesting, Panic(KWspPanicNotExpectingMoreRequestData) ); __LOG1(_L("Trans %d - Sending S-MethodInvokeData.req"), Transaction().Id()); // Down-cast to derived CTxData object CWspCOTxData* txData = STATIC_CAST(CWspCOTxData*, iTxData); // Get the request body data supplier MHTTPDataSupplier& dataSupplier = txData->RequestBodyData(); TPtrC8 bodyData; iMoreRequestData = !dataSupplier.GetNextDataPart(bodyData); // Send the S-MethodInvoke.req primitive iMethodInvoker.MethodInvokeDataReq( *this, bodyData, txData->RequestHeadersData(), iMoreRequestData ); __LOG(_L("---Method in Requesting state")); // WSP method transaction remains in requesting state - do nothing. // Release request body data dataSupplier.ReleaseData(); }
void CWspCOTransaction::MethodInvoke() { __ASSERT_DEBUG( iMethodState == ENullMethod, Panic(KWspPanicMethodAlreadyActive) ); __LOG1(_L("Trans %d - Sending S-MethodInvoke.req"), Transaction().Id()); // Down-cast to derived CTxData object CWspCOTxData* txData = STATIC_CAST(CWspCOTxData*, iTxData); // Get the request body data supplier MHTTPDataSupplier& dataSupplier = txData->RequestBodyData(); TPtrC8 bodyData; iMoreRequestData = !dataSupplier.GetNextDataPart(bodyData); // Send the S-MethodInvoke.req primitive RHTTPRequest request = iTrans.Request(); iMethodInvoker.MethodInvokeReq( *this, request.Method(), request.URI(), txData->RequestHeadersData(), bodyData, iMoreRequestData ); // WSP method transaction is requesting - update state iMethodState = ERequesting; __LOG(_L("---Method in Requesting state")); // Release request body data dataSupplier.ReleaseData(); }
already_AddRefed<IDBTransaction> IDBDatabase::Transaction(JSContext* aCx, const StringOrStringSequence& aStoreNames, IDBTransactionMode aMode, ErrorResult& aRv) { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if ((aMode == IDBTransactionMode::Readwriteflush || aMode == IDBTransactionMode::Cleanup) && !IndexedDatabaseManager::ExperimentalFeaturesEnabled()) { // Pretend that this mode doesn't exist. We don't have a way to annotate // certain enum values as depending on preferences so we just duplicate the // normal exception generation here. aRv.ThrowTypeError<MSG_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE>( NS_LITERAL_STRING("Argument 2 of IDBDatabase.transaction"), NS_LITERAL_STRING("readwriteflush"), NS_LITERAL_STRING("IDBTransactionMode")); return nullptr; } RefPtr<IDBTransaction> transaction; aRv = Transaction(aCx, aStoreNames, aMode, getter_AddRefs(transaction)); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } return transaction.forget(); }
// // Create an incremental table altering object // CDbTableDatabase::CIncremental* CDbTableDatabase::OpenAlterTableL(const TDesC& aTable,const CDbColSet& aNewDef,TInt& aStep) { CDbTableDef& tDef=SchemaL().FindL(aTable); Validate::ColSetL(aNewDef); Release(tDef); // release the tables using the old schema return CAlterTable::NewL(Transaction(),tDef,aNewDef,aStep); }
FReply FEditorUtilityInstanceDetails::OnExecuteAction(TWeakObjectPtr<UFunction> WeakFunctionPtr) { if (UFunction* Function = WeakFunctionPtr.Get()) { FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "BlutilityAction", "Blutility Action") ); FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard; UClass* MinRequiredClass = Function->GetOuterUClass(); // Execute this function on any objects that support it for (auto SelectedObjectIt = SelectedObjectsList.CreateConstIterator(); SelectedObjectIt; ++SelectedObjectIt) { UObject* Object = (*SelectedObjectIt).Get(); if ((Object != NULL) && (Object->IsA(MinRequiredClass))) { Object->ProcessEvent(Function, NULL); if (UGlobalEditorUtilityBase* BlutilityInstance = Cast<UGlobalEditorUtilityBase>(Object)) { BlutilityInstance->PostExecutionCleanup(); } } } } return FReply::Handled(); }
void CWspCOTransaction::MethodInvokeDataCnf() { __ASSERT_DEBUG( iMethodState == ERequesting, Panic(KWspPanicBadMethodState) ); __LOG1(_L("Trans %d - Received S-MethodInvokeData.cnf"), Transaction().Id()); __LOG1(_L("---More Data flag : %d."), iMoreRequestData); // Inform the Tx data object that cnf has been received. STATIC_CAST(CWspCOTxData*, iTxData)->ReceivedCnf(); // Is the requst complete? Stay in requesting if not. if( !iMoreRequestData ) { // The request is complete - all the request body data has been received // and, as iMoreRequestData is cleared, all the headers and body data // have been sent. Can delete the Tx data object. ResetTxData(); // WSP method transaction is waiting - update state iMethodState = EWaiting; __LOG(_L("---Method in Waiting state")); } #if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING) else __LOG(_L("---Method in Requesting state")); #endif }
/** * For driver use only. Used during Driver Init * * @param lun Logical Unit Number * @param bsize * @param buf * @return */ uint8_t BulkOnly::Inquiry(uint8_t lun, uint16_t bsize, uint8_t *buf) { Notify(PSTR("\r\nInquiry\r\n"), 0x80); Notify(PSTR("---------\r\n"), 0x80); CommandBlockWrapper cbw; SetCurLUN(lun); cbw.dCBWSignature = MASS_CBW_SIGNATURE; cbw.dCBWTag = ++dCBWTag; cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength = bsize; cbw.bmCBWFlags = MASS_CMD_DIR_IN; cbw.bmCBWLUN = lun; cbw.bmCBWCBLength = 6; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) cbw.CBWCB[i] = 0; cbw.CBWCB[0] = SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY; cbw.CBWCB[1] = lun << 5; cbw.CBWCB[4] = bsize; uint8_t rc = HandleSCSIError(Transaction(&cbw, bsize, buf, 0)); #if 0 if (!rc) { printf("LUN %i `", lun); for (int i = 8; i < 36; i++) printf("%c", buf[i]); printf("'\r\nQualifier %1.1X ", (buf[0]&0xE0) >> 5); printf("Device type %2.2X ", buf[0]&0x1f); printf("RMB %1.1X ", buf[1]&0x80 >> 7); printf("SSCS% 1.1X ", buf[5]&0x80 >> 7); uint8_t sv = buf[2]; printf("SCSI version %2.2X\r\nDevice conforms to ", sv); switch (sv) { case 0: printf("No specific"); break; /* case 1: printf(""); break; */ case 2: printf("ANSI 2"); break; case 3: printf("ANSI INCITS 301-1997 (SPC)"); break; case 4: printf("ANSI INCITS 351-2001 (SPC-2)"); break; case 5: printf("ANSI INCITS 408-2005 (SPC-4)"); break; case 6: printf("T10/1731-D (SPC-4)"); break; default: printf("unknown"); } printf(" standards.\r\n"); }
void FJavascriptEditorModule::StartupModule() { #if WITH_EDITOR auto Isolate = NewObject<UJavascriptIsolate>(); auto Context = Isolate->CreateContext(); JavascriptContext = Context; JavascriptContext->AddToRoot(); JavascriptContext->SetContextId(TEXT("Editor")); Tick = NewObject<UJavascriptEditorTick>(JavascriptContext); JavascriptContext->Expose(TEXT("Root"), Tick); Tick->AddToRoot(); if (!IsRunningCommandlet()) { FScopedTransaction Transaction(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "UnrealJS", "Javascript action")); FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard; Context->RunFile("editor.js"); } bRegistered = true; FCoreDelegates::OnPreExit.AddRaw(this, &FJavascriptEditorModule::Unregister); #endif }
void UK2Node_MakeArray::RemoveInputPin(UEdGraphPin* Pin) { FScopedTransaction Transaction( LOCTEXT("RemovePinTx", "RemovePin") ); Modify(); check(Pin->Direction == EGPD_Input); int32 PinRemovalIndex = INDEX_NONE; if (Pins.Find(Pin, /*out*/ PinRemovalIndex)) { for (int32 PinIndex = PinRemovalIndex + 1; PinIndex < Pins.Num(); ++PinIndex) { Pins[PinIndex]->Modify(); Pins[PinIndex]->PinName = FString::Printf(TEXT("[%d]"), PinIndex - 2); // -1 to shift back one, -1 to account for the output pin at the 0th position } Pins.RemoveAt(PinRemovalIndex); Pin->Modify(); Pin->BreakAllPinLinks(); --NumInputs; ClearPinTypeToWildcard(); FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsStructurallyModified(GetBlueprint()); } }
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override { FScopedTransaction Transaction(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "UnrealJS", "Javascript action")); FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard; Object->OnTick.ExecuteIfBound(DeltaTime); }
/* We won't be needing this... */ uint8_t BulkOnly::Read(uint8_t lun, uint32_t addr, uint16_t bsize, uint8_t blocks, USBReadParser * prs) { #if MS_WANT_PARSER if(!LUNOk[lun]) return MASS_ERR_NO_MEDIA; Notify(PSTR("\r\nRead (With parser)\r\n"), 0x80); Notify(PSTR("---------\r\n"), 0x80); CommandBlockWrapper cbw = CommandBlockWrapper(); cbw.dCBWSignature = MASS_CBW_SIGNATURE; cbw.dCBWTag = ++dCBWTag; cbw.dCBWDataTransferLength = ((uint32_t)bsize * blocks); cbw.bmCBWFlags = MASS_CMD_DIR_IN, cbw.bmCBWLUN = lun; cbw.bmCBWCBLength = 10; cbw.CBWCB[0] = SCSI_CMD_READ_10; cbw.CBWCB[8] = blocks; cbw.CBWCB[2] = ((addr >> 24) & 0xff); cbw.CBWCB[3] = ((addr >> 16) & 0xff); cbw.CBWCB[4] = ((addr >> 8) & 0xff); cbw.CBWCB[5] = (addr & 0xff); return HandleSCSIError(Transaction(&cbw, bsize, prs, 1)); #else return MASS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #endif }
void CWspCOTransaction::MethodResultInd( TInt aStatus, const TDesC8& aResponseHeaders, MHTTPDataSupplier& aResponseBody, TBool aMoreData ) { __ASSERT_DEBUG( iMethodState == EWaiting, Panic(KWspPanicBadMethodState) ); __LOG1(_L("Trans %d - Received S-MethodResult.ind"), Transaction().Id()); __LOG1(_L("---More Data flag : %d."), aMoreData); // Are there more S-MethodResultData primitives to follow? if( aMoreData ) { // WSP method transaction is in Waiting2 state - update state iMethodState = EWaiting2; __LOG(_L("---Method in Waiting2 state")); } else { // WSP method transaction is in Completing state - update state iMethodState = ECompleting; __LOG(_L("---Method in Completing state")); } // Decode response status code from WSP binary representation TInt httpStatus = 0; if ((aStatus >= 0x10) && (aStatus <= 0x65)) { // Calculate this status code in decimal httpStatus = 100*(aStatus/0x10); if (httpStatus == 500) httpStatus = 416; if (httpStatus == 600) httpStatus = 500; httpStatus += aStatus & 0xf; } // Set the response status iTrans.Response().SetStatusCode(httpStatus); // Process the response header and body data. TRAPD(error, ProcessResponseDataL(aResponseHeaders, aResponseBody, aMoreData)); // Check everything went ok if( error != KErrNone ) { // Ok the S-MethodResult primitive was not dealt with correctly - abort // the method iPrimitiveSender->InitiateSend(ESMethodAbort); __LOG1(_L("---Could not deal with S-MethodResult.ind primitive. Error : %d"), error); __LOG( _L("---Aborting the method.")); } }
/** * For driver use only. * * @param lun Logical Unit Number * @param size * @param buf * @return */ uint8_t BulkOnly::RequestSense(uint8_t lun, uint16_t size, uint8_t *buf) { Notify(PSTR("\r\nRequestSense\r\n"), 0x80); Notify(PSTR("----------------\r\n"), 0x80); CDB6_t cdb = CDB6_t(SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE, lun, 0LU, (uint8_t)size, 0); CommandBlockWrapper cbw = CommandBlockWrapper(++dCBWTag, (uint32_t)size, &cdb, (uint8_t)MASS_CMD_DIR_IN); //SetCurLUN(lun); return Transaction(&cbw, size, buf); }
// // Prepare the data pipeline // CDbCursor* CDbTableDatabase::PrepareTableL(const TDesC& aTable,RDbRowSet::TAccess aAccess) { Transaction().DMLCheckL(); // ensure we can open a cursor RDbAccessPlan plan; plan.BuildLC(*this,aTable,aAccess); CDbTableCursor* cursor=CDbTableCursor::NewL(plan,aAccess); CleanupStack::Pop(); // the plan return cursor; }
Transaction Transaction::create(Connection connection) { ib_tx_t* ib_tx; throw_if_error( ib_tx_create(&ib_tx, connection.ib(), NULL) ); return Transaction(ib_tx); }
CDbTableDatabase::CIncremental* CDbTableDatabase::OpenDropTableL(const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) { CDbTableDef& tDef=SchemaL().FindL(aTable); // Release(tDef); // release the tables using the old schema CDropTable* drop=CDropTable::NewL(Transaction(),&tDef,aStep); iSchema.Remove(&tDef); return drop; }
void UAnimGraphNode_LayeredBoneBlend::AddPinToBlendByFilter() { FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("A3Nodes", "AddPinToBlend", "AddPinToBlendByFilter") ); Modify(); Node.AddPose(); ReconstructNode(); FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsStructurallyModified(GetBlueprint()); }
uint16_t CanonPS::EventCheck(PTPReadParser *parser) { uint16_t ptp_error = PTP_RC_GeneralError; OperFlags flags = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PTP_OC_PS_CheckEvent, &flags, NULL, parser)) != PTP_RC_OK) Message(PSTR("EOSEventCheck: Error."), ptp_error); return ptp_error; }
uint16_t CanonEOS::GetDeviceInfoEx(PTPReadParser *parser) { uint16_t ptp_error = PTP_RC_GeneralError; OperFlags flags = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(EOS_OC_GetDeviceInfoEx, &flags, NULL, (void*)parser)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("GetDeviceInfo error:", ptp_error); return ptp_error; }
// // Remove index from schema first, then remove index data // CDbTableDatabase::CIncremental* CDbTableDatabase::OpenDropIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) { CDbTableDef& tDef=SchemaL().FindL(aTable); CDbTableIndexDef& xDef=tDef.Indexes().FindL(aName); // Release(tDef); // release any table using the old schema CDropIndex* drop=CDropIndex::NewL(Transaction(),tDef,&xDef,aStep); tDef.Indexes().Remove(&xDef); return drop; }
TransactionPool::TransactionPool(MovingAverageStats avg) { this->prev_avg = avg.prev_avg; this->avg_max = avg.avg_max; for (int i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) { pool.push_back(Transaction()); } this->logger = Logger::instance(); this->open_orders = new vector<int>(); this->update_open_orders(); }
void UAnimGraphNode_BlendListByInt::AddPinToBlendList() { FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("A3Nodes", "AddBlendListPin", "AddBlendListPin") ); Modify(); Node.AddPose(); ReconstructNode(); FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsStructurallyModified(GetBlueprint()); }
uint16_t CanonPS::EventCheck(PTPReadParser *parser) { uint16_t ptp_error = PTP_RC_GeneralError; OperFlags flags = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; if ( (ptp_error = Transaction(PS_OC_CheckEvent, &flags, NULL, parser)) != PTP_RC_OK) PTPTRACE2("EventCheck error: ", ptp_error); return ptp_error; }