/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* AS1_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ AS1_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* Allocate interrupt vectors */ /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Set interrupt vector: IVT is static, ISR parameter is passed by the global variable */ INT_UART1__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM = DeviceDataPrv; /* SIM_SCGC4: UART1=1 */ SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART1_MASK; /* PORTE_PCR1: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTE_PCR1 = (uint32_t)((PORTE_PCR1 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* PORTE_PCR0: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTE_PCR0 = (uint32_t)((PORTE_PCR0 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* NVIC_IPR3: PRI_13=0x80 */ NVIC_IPR3 = (uint32_t)((NVIC_IPR3 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_13(0x7F) )) | (uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_13(0x80) )); /* NVIC_ISER: SETENA|=0x2000 */ NVIC_ISER |= NVIC_ISER_SETENA(0x2000); UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ /* UART1_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART1_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART1_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART1_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART1_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART1_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART1_BASE_PTR, 137U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ UART_PDD_EnableInterrupt(UART1_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER )); /* Enable interrupts */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_AS1_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* ASerialLdd2_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ ASerialLdd2_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* SIM_SCGC4: UART0=1 */ SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART0_MASK; /* PORTB_PCR16: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTB_PCR16 = (uint32_t)((PORTB_PCR16 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* PORTB_PCR17: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTB_PCR17 = (uint32_t)((PORTB_PCR17 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ DeviceDataPrv->ErrFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset error flags */ /* UART0_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART0_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART0_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART0_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART0_C4: MAEN1=0,MAEN2=0,M10=0,BRFA=0 */ UART0_C4 = UART_C4_BRFA(0x00); /* Set the C4 register */ /* UART0_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,MSBF=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART0_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ /* UART0_MODEM: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,RXRTSE=0,TXRTSPOL=0,TXRTSE=0,TXCTSE=0 */ UART0_MODEM = 0x00U; /* Set the MODEM register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRateFineAdjust(UART0_BASE_PTR, 18u); /* Set baud rate fine adjust */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART0_BASE_PTR, 13U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableFifo(UART0_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_ENABLE | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_ENABLE)); /* Enable RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_FlushFifo(UART0_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_FLUSH | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_FLUSH)); /* Flush RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_ASerialLdd2_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* MB_UART_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ MB_UART_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* Allocate interrupt vectors */ /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Save old and set new interrupt vector (function handler and ISR parameter) */ /* Note: Exception handler for interrupt is not saved, because it is not modified */ DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrData = _int_get_isr_data(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART2); DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrFunction = _int_install_isr(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART2, MB_UART_Interrupt, DeviceDataPrv); /* SIM_SCGC: UART2=1 */ SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_UART2_MASK; /* SIM_PINSEL1: UART2PS=0 */ SIM_PINSEL1 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)(SIM_PINSEL1_UART2PS_MASK); /* NVIC_IPR3: PRI_14=1 */ NVIC_IPR3 = (uint32_t)((NVIC_IPR3 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_14(0x02) )) | (uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_14(0x01) )); /* NVIC_ISER: SETENA31=0,SETENA30=0,SETENA29=0,SETENA28=0,SETENA27=0,SETENA26=0,SETENA25=0,SETENA24=0,SETENA23=0,SETENA22=0,SETENA21=0,SETENA20=0,SETENA19=0,SETENA18=0,SETENA17=0,SETENA16=0,SETENA15=0,SETENA14=1,SETENA13=0,SETENA12=0,SETENA11=0,SETENA10=0,SETENA9=0,SETENA8=0,SETENA7=0,SETENA6=0,SETENA5=0,SETENA4=0,SETENA3=0,SETENA2=0,SETENA1=0,SETENA0=0 */ NVIC_ISER = NVIC_ISER_SETENA14_MASK; /* NVIC_ICER: CLRENA31=0,CLRENA30=0,CLRENA29=0,CLRENA28=0,CLRENA27=0,CLRENA26=0,CLRENA25=0,CLRENA24=0,CLRENA23=0,CLRENA22=0,CLRENA21=0,CLRENA20=0,CLRENA19=0,CLRENA18=0,CLRENA17=0,CLRENA16=0,CLRENA15=0,CLRENA14=0,CLRENA13=0,CLRENA12=0,CLRENA11=0,CLRENA10=0,CLRENA9=0,CLRENA8=0,CLRENA7=0,CLRENA6=0,CLRENA5=0,CLRENA4=0,CLRENA3=0,CLRENA2=0,CLRENA1=0,CLRENA0=0 */ NVIC_ICER = 0x00U; UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ /* UART2_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART2_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART2_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART2_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART2_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART2_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART2_BASE_PTR, 52U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ UART_PDD_EnableInterrupt(UART2_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER )); /* Enable interrupts */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_MB_UART_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* ASerialLdd1_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ ASerialLdd1_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* Allocate interrupt vectors */ /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Set interrupt vector: IVT is static, ISR parameter is passed by the global variable */ INT_UART2__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM = DeviceDataPrv; /* SIM_SCGC: UART2=1 */ SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_UART2_MASK; /* SIM_PINSEL1: UART2PS=1 */ SIM_PINSEL1 |= SIM_PINSEL1_UART2PS_MASK; /* NVIC_IPR3: PRI_14=1 */ NVIC_IPR3 = (uint32_t)((NVIC_IPR3 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_14(0x02) )) | (uint32_t)( NVIC_IP_PRI_14(0x01) )); /* NVIC_ISER: SETENA31=0,SETENA30=0,SETENA29=0,SETENA28=0,SETENA27=0,SETENA26=0,SETENA25=0,SETENA24=0,SETENA23=0,SETENA22=0,SETENA21=0,SETENA20=0,SETENA19=0,SETENA18=0,SETENA17=0,SETENA16=0,SETENA15=0,SETENA14=1,SETENA13=0,SETENA12=0,SETENA11=0,SETENA10=0,SETENA9=0,SETENA8=0,SETENA7=0,SETENA6=0,SETENA5=0,SETENA4=0,SETENA3=0,SETENA2=0,SETENA1=0,SETENA0=0 */ NVIC_ISER = NVIC_ISER_SETENA14_MASK; /* NVIC_ICER: CLRENA31=0,CLRENA30=0,CLRENA29=0,CLRENA28=0,CLRENA27=0,CLRENA26=0,CLRENA25=0,CLRENA24=0,CLRENA23=0,CLRENA22=0,CLRENA21=0,CLRENA20=0,CLRENA19=0,CLRENA18=0,CLRENA17=0,CLRENA16=0,CLRENA15=0,CLRENA14=0,CLRENA13=0,CLRENA12=0,CLRENA11=0,CLRENA10=0,CLRENA9=0,CLRENA8=0,CLRENA7=0,CLRENA6=0,CLRENA5=0,CLRENA4=0,CLRENA3=0,CLRENA2=0,CLRENA1=0,CLRENA0=0 */ NVIC_ICER = 0x00U; UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ DeviceDataPrv->ErrFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset error flags */ /* UART2_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART2_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART2_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART2_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART2_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART2_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART2_BASE_PTR, 13U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ UART_PDD_EnableInterrupt(UART2_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER | UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_PARITY_ERROR | UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_FRAMING_ERROR | UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_NOISE_ERROR | UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_OVERRUN_ERROR )); /* Enable interrupts */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_ASerialLdd1_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ** =================================================================== ** Method : HWEnDi (component Serial_LDD) ** ** Description : ** Enables or disables the peripheral(s) associated with the ** component. The method is called automatically as a part of the ** Enable and Disable methods and several internal methods. ** This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only. ** =================================================================== */ static void HWEnDi(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr) { UART_SDA_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv = (UART_SDA_TDeviceDataPtr)DeviceDataPtr; if (DeviceDataPrv->EnMode) { /* Enable device? */ UART_PDD_EnableFifo(UART0_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_ENABLE | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_ENABLE)); /* Enable RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_FlushFifo(UART0_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_FLUSH | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_FLUSH)); /* Flush RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ UART_PDD_EnableInterrupt(UART0_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER )); /* Enable interrupts */ } else { UART_PDD_DisableInterrupt(UART0_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER | UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_TRANSMITTER )); /* Disable interrupts */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ } }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* IO1_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ IO1_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* SIM_SCGC: UART1=1 */ SIM_SCGC |= SIM_SCGC_UART1_MASK; /* SIM_PINSEL1: UART1PS=0 */ SIM_PINSEL1 &= (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)(SIM_PINSEL1_UART1PS_MASK); UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ /* UART1_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART1_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART1_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART1_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART1_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,??=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART1_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART1_BASE_PTR, 52U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART1_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_IO1_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ===================================================================*/ void ASerialLdd1_TurnRxOff(LDD_TDeviceData *DeviceDataPtr) { (void)DeviceDataPtr; /* DeviceData structure is not needed, suppress not used argument warning */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART2_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* UART_A_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ UART_A_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* Allocate interrupt vectors */ /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Save old and set new interrupt vector (function handler and ISR parameter) */ /* Note: Exception handler for interrupt is not saved, because it is not modified */ DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrData = _int_get_isr_data(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART3_RX_TX); DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrFunction = _int_install_isr(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART3_RX_TX, UART_A_Interrupt, DeviceDataPrv); /* {MQXLite RTOS Adapter} Save old and set new interrupt vector (function handler and ISR parameter) */ /* Note: Exception handler for interrupt is not saved, because it is not modified */ DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrData = _int_get_isr_data(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART3_ERR); DeviceDataPrv->SavedISRSettings.isrFunction = _int_install_isr(LDD_ivIndex_INT_UART3_ERR, UART_A_Interrupt, DeviceDataPrv); /* SIM_SCGC4: UART3=1 */ SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART3_MASK; /* SIM_SCGC5: PORTC=1 */ SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_MASK; /* PORTC_PCR16: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTC_PCR16 = (uint32_t)((PORTC_PCR16 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* PORTC_PCR17: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTC_PCR17 = (uint32_t)((PORTC_PCR17 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* NVICIP37: PRI37=0x70 */ NVICIP37 = NVIC_IP_PRI37(0x70); /* NVICISER1: SETENA|=0x20 */ NVICISER1 |= NVIC_ISER_SETENA(0x20); /* NVICIP38: PRI38=0x70 */ NVICIP38 = NVIC_IP_PRI38(0x70); /* NVICISER1: SETENA|=0x40 */ NVICISER1 |= NVIC_ISER_SETENA(0x40); UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART3_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART3_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ /* UART3_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART3_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART3_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART3_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART3_C4: MAEN1=0,MAEN2=0,M10=0,BRFA=0 */ UART3_C4 = UART_C4_BRFA(0x00); /* Set the C4 register */ /* UART3_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,MSBF=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART3_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ /* UART3_MODEM: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,RXRTSE=0,TXRTSPOL=0,TXRTSE=0,TXCTSE=0 */ UART3_MODEM = 0x00U; /* Set the MODEM register */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRateFineAdjust(UART3_BASE_PTR, 18u); /* Set baud rate fine adjust */ UART_PDD_SetBaudRate(UART3_BASE_PTR, 32U); /* Set the baud rate register. */ UART_PDD_EnableFifo(UART3_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_ENABLE | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_ENABLE)); /* Enable RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_FlushFifo(UART3_BASE_PTR, (UART_PDD_TX_FIFO_FLUSH | UART_PDD_RX_FIFO_FLUSH)); /* Flush RX and TX FIFO */ UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART3_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable transmitter */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART3_BASE_PTR, PDD_ENABLE); /* Enable receiver */ UART_PDD_EnableInterrupt(UART3_BASE_PTR, ( UART_PDD_INTERRUPT_RECEIVER )); /* Enable interrupts */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_UART_A_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }
/* ===================================================================*/ LDD_TDeviceData* UART_SDA_Init(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr) { /* Allocate device structure */ UART_SDA_TDeviceDataPtr DeviceDataPrv; /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Driver memory allocation: Dynamic allocation is simulated by a pointer to the static object */ DeviceDataPrv = &DeviceDataPrv__DEFAULT_RTOS_ALLOC; /* Clear the receive counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->InpRecvDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of received characters */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to receive by ReceiveBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->InpDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for received characters */ /* Clear the transmit counters and pointer */ DeviceDataPrv->OutSentDataNum = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of sent characters */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataNumReq = 0x00U; /* Clear the counter of characters to be send by SendBlock() */ DeviceDataPrv->OutDataPtr = NULL; /* Clear the buffer pointer for data to be transmitted */ DeviceDataPrv->UserDataPtr = UserDataPtr; /* Store the RTOS device structure */ /* Allocate interrupt vectors */ /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Set interrupt vector: IVT is static, ISR parameter is passed by the global variable */ INT_UART0_RX_TX__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM = DeviceDataPrv; /* {Default RTOS Adapter} Set interrupt vector: IVT is static, ISR parameter is passed by the global variable */ INT_UART0_ERR__DEFAULT_RTOS_ISRPARAM = DeviceDataPrv; /* SIM_SCGC4: UART0=1 */ SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_UART0_MASK; /* SIM_SCGC5: PORTB=1 */ SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_MASK; /* PORTB_PCR16: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTB_PCR16 = (uint32_t)((PORTB_PCR16 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* PORTB_PCR17: ISF=0,MUX=3 */ PORTB_PCR17 = (uint32_t)((PORTB_PCR17 & (uint32_t)~(uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK | PORT_PCR_MUX(0x04) )) | (uint32_t)( PORT_PCR_MUX(0x03) )); /* NVICIP31: PRI31=0x70 */ NVICIP31 = NVIC_IP_PRI31(0x70); /* NVICISER0: SETENA|=0x80000000 */ NVICISER0 |= NVIC_ISER_SETENA(0x80000000); /* NVICIP32: PRI32=0x70 */ NVICIP32 = NVIC_IP_PRI32(0x70); /* NVICISER1: SETENA|=1 */ NVICISER1 |= NVIC_ISER_SETENA(0x01); UART_PDD_EnableTransmitter(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable transmitter. */ UART_PDD_EnableReceiver(UART0_BASE_PTR, PDD_DISABLE); /* Disable receiver. */ DeviceDataPrv->SerFlag = 0x00U; /* Reset flags */ /* UART0_C1: LOOPS=0,UARTSWAI=0,RSRC=0,M=0,WAKE=0,ILT=0,PE=0,PT=0 */ UART0_C1 = 0x00U; /* Set the C1 register */ /* UART0_C3: R8=0,T8=0,TXDIR=0,TXINV=0,ORIE=0,NEIE=0,FEIE=0,PEIE=0 */ UART0_C3 = 0x00U; /* Set the C3 register */ /* UART0_C4: MAEN1=0,MAEN2=0,M10=0,BRFA=0 */ UART0_C4 = UART_C4_BRFA(0x00); /* Set the C4 register */ /* UART0_S2: LBKDIF=0,RXEDGIF=0,MSBF=0,RXINV=0,RWUID=0,BRK13=0,LBKDE=0,RAF=0 */ UART0_S2 = 0x00U; /* Set the S2 register */ /* UART0_MODEM: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,RXRTSE=0,TXRTSPOL=0,TXRTSE=0,TXCTSE=0 */ UART0_MODEM = 0x00U; /* Set the MODEM register */ UART_SDA_SetClockConfiguration(DeviceDataPrv, Cpu_GetClockConfiguration()); /* Initial speed CPU mode is high */ /* Registration of the device structure */ PE_LDD_RegisterDeviceStructure(PE_LDD_COMPONENT_UART_SDA_ID,DeviceDataPrv); return ((LDD_TDeviceData *)DeviceDataPrv); }