static int uwsgi_rados_read_async(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, rados_ioctx_t ctx, const char *key, uint64_t off, uint64_t remains, size_t bufsize, int timeout) { int ret = -1; char *buf = uwsgi_malloc(UMIN(remains, bufsize)); struct uwsgi_rados_io *urio = &urados.urio[wsgi_req->async_id]; // increase request counter pthread_mutex_lock(&urio->mutex); urio->rid++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&urio->mutex); while(remains > 0) { struct uwsgi_rados_cb *urcb = uwsgi_malloc(sizeof(struct uwsgi_rados_cb)); // map the current request id to the callback urcb->rid = urio->rid; // map urio to the callback urcb->urio = urio; rados_completion_t comp; if (rados_aio_create_completion(urcb, uwsgi_rados_read_async_cb, NULL, &comp) < 0) { free(urcb); break; } // trigger an async read if (rados_aio_read(ctx, key, comp, buf, UMIN(remains, bufsize), off) < 0) { free(urcb); rados_aio_release(comp); break; } // wait for the callback to be executed if (uwsgi.wait_read_hook(urio->fds[0], timeout) <= 0) { rados_aio_release(comp); break; } char ack = 1; if (read(urio->fds[0], &ack, 1) != 1) { rados_aio_release(comp); uwsgi_error("uwsgi_rados_read_async()/read()"); break; } int rlen = -1; if (rados_aio_is_complete_and_cb(comp)) { rlen = rados_aio_get_return_value(comp); } rados_aio_release(comp); if (rlen <= 0) break; if (uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, buf, rlen)) break; remains -= rlen; off += rlen; } free(buf); if (remains == 0) ret = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&urio->mutex); // increase the counter again urio->rid++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&urio->mutex); return ret; }
ssize_t uwsgi_proto_sctp_sendfile(struct wsgi_request * wsgi_req) { ssize_t len; char buf[65536]; size_t remains = wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_size - wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_pos; wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk = 65536; if (uwsgi.async > 1) { len = read(wsgi_req->sendfile_fd, buf, UMIN(remains, wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk)); if (len != (int) UMIN(remains, wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk)) { uwsgi_error("read()"); return -1; } wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_pos += len; return uwsgi_proto_sctp_write(wsgi_req, buf, len); } while (remains) { len = read(wsgi_req->sendfile_fd, buf, UMIN(remains, wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk)); if (len != (int) UMIN(remains, wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk)) { uwsgi_error("read()"); return -1; } wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_pos += len; len = uwsgi_proto_sctp_write(wsgi_req, buf, len); remains = wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_size - wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_pos; } return wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_pos; }
socklen_t socket_to_un_addr(char *socket_name, struct sockaddr_un * sun_addr) { size_t len = strlen(socket_name); if (len > 102) { uwsgi_log("invalid UNIX socket address: %s\n", socket_name); uwsgi_nuclear_blast(); } memset(sun_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); sun_addr->sun_family = AF_UNIX; // abstract socket if (socket_name[0] == '@') { memcpy(sun_addr->sun_path + 1, socket_name + 1, UMIN(len - 1, 101)); len = strlen(socket_name) + 1; } else if (len > 1 && socket_name[0] == '\\' && socket_name[1] == '0') { memcpy(sun_addr->sun_path + 1, socket_name + 2, UMIN(len - 2, 101)); len = strlen(socket_name + 1) + 1; } else { memcpy(sun_addr->sun_path, socket_name, UMIN(len, 102)); } return sizeof(sun_addr->sun_family) + len; }
/* * Lets mob cause unconditional damage to someone. Nasty, use with caution. * Also, this is silent, you must show your own damage message... * * Syntax: mob damage [victim] [min] [max] {kill} */ void do_mpdamage(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument) { CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL, *victim_next; char target[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], min[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], max[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int low, high; bool fAll = FALSE, fKill = FALSE; argument = one_argument(argument, target); argument = one_argument(argument, min); argument = one_argument(argument, max); if (target[0] == '\0') { bug("MpDamage - Bad syntax from vnum %d.", IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0); return; } if (!str_cmp(target, "all")) fAll = TRUE; else if ((victim = get_char_room(ch, target)) == NULL) return; if (is_number(min)) low = atoi(min); else { bug("MpDamage - Bad damage min vnum %d.", IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0); return; } if (is_number(max)) high = atoi(max); else { bug("MpDamage - Bad damage max vnum %d.", IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->pIndexData->vnum : 0); return; } one_argument(argument, target); /* * If kill parameter is omitted, this command is "safe" and will not * kill the victim. */ if (target[0] != '\0') fKill = TRUE; if (fAll) { for (victim = ch->in_room->people; victim; victim = victim_next) { victim_next = victim->next_in_room; if (victim != ch) damage(victim, victim, fKill ? number_range(low, high) : UMIN(victim->hit, number_range(low, high)), TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE, FALSE); } } else damage(victim, victim, fKill ? number_range(low, high) : UMIN(victim->hit, number_range(low, high)), TYPE_UNDEFINED, DAM_NONE, FALSE); return; }
void fill_combat_roll(COMBAT_ROLL_BOX *crb, bool defense, int bonus_die_skill) { int roller, roll, temp; memset(crb->rolls, 0, MAX_COMBAT_DICE_POOL * sizeof(int)); temp = (int)(UMIN(MAX_LEVEL, crb->combatant_level) / 50) + 1; crb->significant_dice_count = UMIN(MAX_COMBAT_DICE_POOL, temp); temp = crb->significant_dice_count + (crb->significant_dice_count / 2) + (defense ? 2 : 0); crb->dice_pool = UMIN(MAX_COMBAT_DICE_POOL, temp); crb->die_type = defense ? 115 : 125; /* Roll the pool of dice. Any roll over the weapon skill counts as a "botch". */ crb->botch_count = 0; for (roller = 0; roller < crb->dice_pool; roller++) { roll = number_range(1, crb->die_type); crb->rolls[roller] = (roll <= crb->weapon_skill) ? roll : 0; if (roll >= 105 && roll > crb->weapon_skill) crb->botch_count++; } /* Don't count the botches in the insignificant group of dice. */ /* Accept the possibility of negative count. */ crb->botch_count -= (crb->dice_pool - crb->significant_dice_count); /* Bubble sort is ok here because we are talking about only a few rolls. */ i_bubble_sort(crb->rolls, crb->dice_pool); /* If bonus skill, roll the dice pool (limited to significant count) and allow the * first success greater than the least roll in the significant pool to replace * the least roll. */ if (bonus_die_skill > 0) { for (roller = 0; roller < crb->significant_dice_count; roller++) { roll = number_range(1, crb->die_type); if (roll <= bonus_die_skill && roll > crb->rolls[crb->significant_dice_count - 1]) { crb->rolls[crb->significant_dice_count - 1] = roll; crb->bonus_die_success = true; break; } } } /* Sum up all the significant rolls. */ crb->total_roll = 0; for (roller = 0; roller < crb->significant_dice_count; roller++) crb->total_roll += crb->rolls[roller]; if (crb->combat_rating > 10000) crb->total_roll *= 10; }
static int uwsgi_rados_read_sync(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, rados_ioctx_t ctx, const char *key, uint64_t off, uint64_t remains, size_t bufsize) { char* buf = uwsgi_malloc(UMIN(remains, bufsize)); while(remains > 0) { int rlen = rados_read(ctx, key, buf, UMIN(remains, bufsize), off); if (rlen <= 0) goto end; if (uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, buf, rlen)) goto end; remains -= rlen; off += rlen; } free(buf); return 0; end: free(buf); return -1; }
// Modified by SinaC 2001 void do_wizhelp( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *argument ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int cmd; int col; if ( IS_NPC(ch) ) { send_to_char("Mobiles can't see immortal command.\n\r",ch); return; } // Added by SinaC 2001 int lvl = get_trust(ch); if ( argument[0] != '\0' && is_number(argument)) { lvl = UMIN( atoi(argument), lvl ); } col = 0; //for ( cmd = 0; cmd_table[cmd].name[0] != '\0'; cmd++ ) { for ( cmd = 0; cmd < MAX_COMMANDS; cmd++ ) { if ( cmd_table[cmd].level >= LEVEL_HERO && cmd_table[cmd].level <= /*get_trust( ch )*/lvl // Modified by SinaC 2001 && cmd_table[cmd].show) { sprintf( buf, "%-12s", cmd_table[cmd].name ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); if ( ++col % 6 == 0 ) send_to_char( "\n\r", ch ); } } if ( col % 6 != 0 ) send_to_char( "\n\r", ch ); return; }
int spell_sonic_blast( int sn, int level, CHAR_DATA *ch, void *vo ) { CHAR_DATA *victim = (CHAR_DATA *) vo; static const int dam_each [ ] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260 }; int dam; level = UMIN( level, sizeof( dam_each ) / sizeof( dam_each[0] ) - 1 ); level = UMAX( 0, level ); dam = number_range( dam_each[level], dam_each[level] * 6 ); if ( saves_spell( level, victim ) ) dam /= 2; //damage( ch, victim, dam, sn ); return dam; }
void do_blackjack(CHAR_DATA *ch,char *argument) { char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH],arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 ); argument = one_argument( argument, arg2 ); if( arg1[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char("You must bet, hit, stand or hand.\n\r",ch); return; } switch( LOWER(arg1[0]) ) { case 'b': place_bet(ch,UMIN(30000,atoi(arg2))); break; case 'h': give_card(ch); show_bj_hand(ch,TRUE); check_bj_hand(ch); break; case 's': show_bj_hand(ch,TRUE); show_bj_hand(ch,FALSE); break; case 'h': default: show_bj_hand(ch,TRUE); } return; }
static int uwsgi_wevdav_manage_put(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) { char filename[PATH_MAX]; size_t filename_len = uwsgi_webdav_expand_path(wsgi_req, wsgi_req->path_info, wsgi_req->path_info_len, filename); // the collection does not exist, search for the last / if (!filename_len) { filename_len = uwsgi_webdav_expand_fake_path(wsgi_req, wsgi_req->path_info, wsgi_req->path_info_len, filename); if (!filename_len) { uwsgi_response_prepare_headers(wsgi_req, "409 Conflict", 12); return UWSGI_OK; } } int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fd < 0) { uwsgi_403(wsgi_req); return UWSGI_OK; } if (uwsgi_response_prepare_headers(wsgi_req, "201 Created", 11)) goto end; size_t remains = wsgi_req->post_cl; while(remains > 0) { ssize_t body_len = 0; char *body = uwsgi_request_body_read(wsgi_req, UMIN(remains, 32768) , &body_len); if (!body || body == uwsgi.empty) break; if (write(fd, body, body_len) != body_len) goto end; } end: close(fd); return UWSGI_OK; }
int save_npc(Character *ch) { int res = save_character(ch, npc_flags); field_map npc_values[] = { {"nonplayerId", &ch->id, SQL_INT}, {"shortDescr", &ch->npc->shortDescr, SQL_TEXT}, {"longDescr", &ch->npc->longDescr, SQL_TEXT}, {"startPosition", &ch->npc->startPosition, SQL_INT}, {"areaId", &ch->npc->area->id, SQL_INT}, {0, 0, 0} }; if (res == 1) { if (sql_insert_query(npc_values, "nonplayer") != SQL_OK) { log_data("could not insert player"); return 0; } } else if (res == 2) { if (sql_update_query(npc_values, "nonplayer", ch->id) != SQL_OK) { log_data("could not update character"); return 0; } } return UMIN(res, 1); }
/* * Mass refresh will refresh every visible character in the room for only * 3 more mana than a normal refresh. It also has an additional 1 to 10 * movement random bonus on top of the normal refresh. */ void spell_mass_refresh(int sn, int level, CHAR_DATA * ch, void *vo, int target) { CHAR_DATA *gch; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; for (gch = ch->in_room->people; gch != NULL; gch = gch->next_in_room) { // If the character can't be seen they can't be refreshed, we don't // want this used to sniff out hidden characters. if (!can_see(ch, gch)) { continue; } gch->move = UMIN(gch->move + level + number_range(1, 10), gch->max_move); if (gch->max_move == gch->move) { send_to_char("You feel fully refreshed!\r\n", gch); } else { send_to_char("You feel less tired.\r\n", gch); } if (gch != ch) { sprintf(buf, "%s has been refreshed.\r\n", gch->name); send_to_char(buf, ch); } } } // end spell_mass_refresh
bool check_vnums( CHAR_DATA * ch, AREA_DATA * tarea, RENUMBER_AREA * r_area ) { int high, low; AREA_DATA *area; bool proto; if( !r_area ) { bug( "%s: NULL r_area!", __func__ ); return TRUE; } /* * this function assumes all the lows are allways gonna be * lower or equal to all the highs .. */ high = UMAX( r_area->hi_room, UMAX( r_area->hi_obj, r_area->hi_mob ) ); low = UMIN( r_area->low_room, UMIN( r_area->low_obj, r_area->low_mob ) ); /* * in do_check_vnums they use first_bsort, first_asort but.. i dunno.. */ area = first_area; proto = FALSE; while( area ) { if( tarea == area ) ; else if( !( high < area->low_r_vnum || low > area->hi_r_vnum ) || !( high < area->low_o_vnum || low > area->hi_o_vnum ) || !( high < area->low_m_vnum || low > area->hi_m_vnum ) ) { ch_printf( ch, "This operation would overwrite area %s! Use checkvnums first.\r\n", area->filename ); return TRUE; } area = area->next; if( area == NULL && !proto ) { area = first_build; proto = TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
void make_blood( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { OBJ_DATA *obj; obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_BLOOD ), 0 ); obj->timer = number_range( 2, 4 ); obj->value[1] = number_range( 3, UMIN( 5, ch->level ) ); obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room ); }
int connect_to_unix(char *socket_name, int timeout, int async) { struct pollfd uwsgi_poll; struct sockaddr_un uws_addr; socklen_t un_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); memset(&uws_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); uws_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (socket_name[0] == '@') { un_size = sizeof(uws_addr.sun_family) + strlen(socket_name) + 1; memcpy(uws_addr.sun_path + 1, socket_name + 1, UMIN(strlen(socket_name + 1), 101)); } else if (strlen(socket_name) > 1 && socket_name[0] == '\\' && socket_name[1] == '0') { un_size = sizeof(uws_addr.sun_family) + strlen(socket_name + 1) + 1; memcpy(uws_addr.sun_path + 1, socket_name + 2, UMIN(strlen(socket_name + 2), 101)); } else { memcpy(uws_addr.sun_path, socket_name, UMIN(strlen(socket_name), 102)); } #if defined(__linux__) && defined(SOCK_NONBLOCK) && !defined(OBSOLETE_LINUX_KERNEL) uwsgi_poll.fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0); #else uwsgi_poll.fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #endif if (uwsgi_poll.fd < 0) { uwsgi_error("socket()"); return -1; } = POLLIN; if (timed_connect(&uwsgi_poll, (const struct sockaddr *) &uws_addr, un_size, timeout, async)) { // avoid error storm //uwsgi_error("connect()"); close(uwsgi_poll.fd); return -1; } return uwsgi_poll.fd; }
bool spec_thief( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; long gold,silver; if ( ch->position != POS_STANDING ) return FALSE; for ( victim = ch->in_room->people; victim != NULL; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if ( IS_NPC(victim) || victim->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL || number_bits( 5 ) != 0 || !can_see(ch,victim)) continue; if ( IS_AWAKE(victim) && number_range( 0, ch->level ) == 0 ) { act( "You discover $n's hands in your wallet!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT ); act( "$N discovers $n's hands in $S wallet!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT ); return TRUE; } else { gold = victim->gold * UMIN(number_range(1,20),ch->level / 2) / 100; gold = UMIN(gold, ch->level * ch->level * 10 ); ch->gold += gold; victim->gold -= gold; silver = victim->silver * UMIN(number_range(1,20),ch->level/2)/100; silver = UMIN(silver,ch->level*ch->level * 25); ch->silver += silver; victim->silver -= silver; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// "Included is a more accurate hash function for the temp_hash{find,add} // functions. It is based off a hash function that supposedly comes from // perl." // "The hash function calculates the hash based on the first 32 characters; I // found that setting that value to 8 characters causes a 50% increase in the // number of strcmps in temp_hash_find; setting it beyond 32 did not decrease // it." // "The hash function takes the string plus its length as a parameter: // fread_string can figure out the length of the string so there is no reason // to recalculate it." // -- Erwin static unsigned get_string_hash( register const char *key, int len ) { register int i = UMIN( len, 32 ); register unsigned hash = 0; while( i-- ) hash = hash * 33U + *key++; return hash % MAX_KEY_HASH; }
// like uwsgi_pipe but with fixed size ssize_t uwsgi_pipe_sized(int src, int dst, size_t required, int timeout) { char buf[8192]; size_t written = 0; ssize_t len; while (written < required) { int ret = uwsgi_waitfd(src, timeout); if (ret > 0) { len = read(src, buf, UMIN(8192, required - written)); if (len == 0) { return written; } else if (len < 0) { uwsgi_error("read()"); return -1; } size_t remains = len; while (remains > 0) { int ret = uwsgi_waitfd_write(dst, timeout); if (ret > 0) { len = write(dst, buf, remains); if (len > 0) { remains -= len; written += len; } else if (len == 0) { return written; } else { uwsgi_error("write()"); return -1; } } else if (ret == 0) { goto timeout; } else { return -1; } } } else if (ret == 0) { goto timeout; } else { return -1; } } return written; timeout: uwsgi_log("timeout while piping from %d to %d !!!\n", src, dst); return -1; }
/* checks for skill improvement */ void check_improve( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn, bool success, int multiplier ) { int chance; char buf[100]; if (IS_NPC(ch)) return; // Modified by SinaC 2001 if (ch->level < class_abilitylevel( /*ch->cstat(classes)*/ch, sn ) // Modified by SinaC 2003 || class_abilityrating( ch, sn, ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].casting_level ) == 0 || ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned == 0 || ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned == 100) return; /* skill is not known */ /* check to see if the character has a chance to learn */ chance = 10 * int_app[ch->cstat(INT)].learn; chance /= ( multiplier * class_abilityrating( ch, sn, ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].casting_level ) * 4 ); chance += ch->level; if (number_range(1,1000) > chance) return; /* now that the character has a CHANCE to learn, see if they really have */ bool done = FALSE; // Added by SinaC 2003 if (success) { chance = URANGE(5,100 - ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned, 95); if (number_percent() < chance) { sprintf(buf,"You have become better at %s!\n\r", ability_table[sn].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned++; gain_exp(ch,2 * class_abilityrating( ch, sn, ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].casting_level), TRUE); done = TRUE; } } else { chance = URANGE(5,ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned/2,30); if (number_percent() < chance) { sprintf(buf, "You learn from your mistakes, and your %s skill improves.\n\r", ability_table[sn].name); send_to_char(buf,ch); ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned += number_range(1,3); ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned = UMIN(ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned,100); gain_exp(ch,2 * class_abilityrating( ch, sn, ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].casting_level), TRUE); done = TRUE; } } if ( done && ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].learned == 100 ) // Added by SinaC 2003 send_to_charf(ch,"You are now master in '%s'.\n\r", ability_table[sn].name ); }
int class_thac0_00(long c) { int res = 500; int i = 0; for (i=0;i<MAX_CLASS;i++) { if ((1LL<<i) & c) { res = UMIN(res,class_table[i].thac0_00); } } return res; }
void objfun_regen(OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *keeper) { if (keeper == NULL || keeper->in_room == NULL) return; if (obj->wear_loc < 0) return; keeper->hit = UMIN(keeper->max_hit, keeper->hit + (number_range(obj->level / 20, obj->level / 5))); return; }
int class_abilitylevel(CHAR_DATA *ch,int sn) { int res = 0; int i = 0; long c = ch->cstat(classes); for (i=0;i<MAX_CLASS;i++) { if ( ( (1<<i) & c) && (ability_table[sn].ability_level[i] > 0)) { res = res ? UMIN(res,ability_table[sn].ability_level[i]): ability_table[sn].ability_level[i] ; } } // Added by SinaC 2001, if the spell has been learned at a level > 0 // means not a creation if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].level > 0 ) { res = UMIN( ch->pcdata->ability_info[sn].level, res ); } return res; }
static int uwsgi_rados_read_sync(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, rados_ioctx_t *ctx, const char *key, size_t remains) { uint64_t off = 0; while(remains > 0) { char buf[8192]; int rlen = rados_read(ctx, key, buf, UMIN(remains, 8192), off); if (rlen <= 0) return -1; if (uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, buf, rlen)) return -1; remains -= rlen; off += rlen; } return 0; }
int class_grouprating( const long c, const int sn) { int res = 0; int i = 0; //long c = ch->cstat(classes); for (i=0;i<MAX_CLASS;i++) { if ( ((1LL<<i) & c) && (group_table[sn].rating[i] > 0)) { res = res ? UMIN(res,group_table[sn].rating[i]) : group_table[sn].rating[i]; } } return res; }
int generate_itemlevel( AREA_DATA * pArea, OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObjIndex ) { int olevel; int min = UMAX( pArea->low_soft_range, 1 ); int max = UMIN( pArea->hi_soft_range, min + 15 ); if ( pObjIndex->level > 0 ) olevel = UMIN( pObjIndex->level, MAX_LEVEL ); else switch ( pObjIndex->item_type ) { default: olevel = 0; break; case ITEM_PILL: olevel = number_range( min, max ); break; case ITEM_POTION: olevel = number_range( min, max ); break; case ITEM_SCROLL: olevel = pObjIndex->value[0]; break; case ITEM_WAND: olevel = number_range( min + 4, max + 1 ); break; case ITEM_STAFF: olevel = number_range( min + 9, max + 5 ); break; case ITEM_ARMOR: olevel = number_range( min + 4, max + 1 ); break; case ITEM_WEAPON: olevel = number_range( min + 4, max + 1 ); break; } return olevel; }
bool spell_causticblast(int sn, int level, CHAR_DATA * ch, void * vo, int target) { CHAR_DATA *victim = (CHAR_DATA *) vo; int dam(dice(level, 4)); // Blast them act("$n unleashes a blast of hissing acid upon $N!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT); act("You unleash a blast of hissing acid upon $N!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR); act("$n unleashes a blast of hissing acid upon you!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT); if (saves_spell(level, ch, victim, DAM_ACID)) { damage_old(ch, victim, dam / 2, sn, DAM_ACID, true); return true; } damage_old(ch, victim, dam, sn, DAM_ACID, true); if (!IS_VALID(victim) || victim->in_room != ch->in_room) return true; act("The acid eats away at you, leaving painful, ugly scars!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR); act("The acid eats away at $m, leaving painful, ugly scars!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); // Apply -charisma AFFECT_DATA af = {0}; af.where = TO_AFFECTS; af.type = sn; af.level = level; af.duration = level / 2; af.location = APPLY_CHR; af.modifier = -1; affect_to_char(victim, &af); // Apply burning for (AFFECT_DATA * paf(get_affect(victim, sn)); paf != NULL; paf = get_affect(victim, sn, paf)) { if (paf->location == APPLY_NONE) { paf->duration = UMAX(2, paf->duration); paf->modifier = UMIN(100, paf->modifier + 1); return true; } } af.duration = 2; af.location = APPLY_NONE; af.modifier = 1; affect_to_char(victim, &af); return true; }
void gain_level( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { int cost; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; cost = 5 * exp_for_mobile( ch->level, ch ); if ( ch->exp < cost ) return; ch->exp -= cost; ch->level = UMIN( 140, ch->level++ ); snprintf( buf, MSL, "%s gains a level!", ch->get_name() ); info( buf, 1 ); return; }
void reset_colors( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { int x; if( !IS_NPC( ch ) ) { char filename[256]; FILE *fp; int max_colors = 0; snprintf( filename, 256, "%s%s", COLOR_DIR, "default" ); if( !( fp = fopen( filename, "r" ) ) ) { memcpy( &ch->colors, &default_set, sizeof( default_set ) ); return; } while( !feof( fp ) ) { char *word = fread_word( fp ); if( !str_cmp( word, "MaxColors" ) ) { int temp = fread_number( fp ); max_colors = UMIN( temp, MAX_COLORS ); continue; } if( !str_cmp( word, "Colors" ) ) { for( x = 0; x < max_colors; ++x ) ch->colors[x] = fread_number( fp ); fread_to_eol( fp ); continue; } if( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) ) { fclose( fp ); fp = NULL; return; } } fclose( fp ); fp = NULL; return; } else log_printf( "%s: Attempting to reset NPC colors: %s", __func__, ch->short_descr ); }
/* checks for skill improvement */ void check_improve( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn, bool success, int multiplier ) { int chance = 0; if (IS_NPC(ch)) return; if (ch->level < skill_table[sn].skill_level[ch->iclass] || skill_table[sn].rating[ch->iclass] == 0 || ch->pcdata->learned[sn] == 0 || ch->pcdata->learned[sn] == 100) return; /* skill is not known */ /* check to see if the character has a chance to learn */ chance = 10 * int_app[get_curr_stat(ch,STAT_INT)].learn; chance /= ( multiplier * skill_table[sn].rating[ch->iclass] * 4); chance += ch->level; if (number_range(1,1000) > chance) return; /* now that the character has a CHANCE to learn, see if they really have */ if (success) { chance = URANGE(5,100 - ch->pcdata->learned[sn], 95); if (number_percent() < chance) { send_to_char(Format("You have become better at %s!\n\r", skill_table[sn].name),ch); ch->pcdata->learned[sn]++; gain_exp(ch,2 * skill_table[sn].rating[ch->iclass]); } } else { chance = URANGE(5,ch->pcdata->learned[sn]/2,30); if (number_percent() < chance) { send_to_char(Format("You learn from your mistakes, and your %s skill improves.\n\r", skill_table[sn].name),ch); ch->pcdata->learned[sn] += number_range(1,3); ch->pcdata->learned[sn] = UMIN(ch->pcdata->learned[sn],100); gain_exp(ch,2 * skill_table[sn].rating[ch->iclass]); } } }
static inline void * mem_stack_pop(struct stack * x) { if (unlikely( x->pos == 0 )){ x->pos_min = 0; void * p = malloc(x->malloc_size); if ( p ){ ++x->created; } return p; } else { --x->pos; x->pos_min = UMIN(x->pos,x->pos_min); return (x->s[x->pos]); } }