예제 #1
int32 des8651bSwThroughput(uint32 round, uint32 startMode, uint32 endMode, uint32 pktLen) {
	uint32 testRound, modeIdx, i, bps;
	uint32 sTime, eTime;
	cryptOrg = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptEncrypt = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptKey = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(24);
	cryptIv = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(8);

	for(i=0; i<24; i++)
		cryptKey[i] = 0x01;
	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
		cryptIv[i] = 0x01;
	for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)//8-byte for IV and 4-byte for DMA_addr (0-3) byte offset test
		cryptOrg[i] = 0xff;//(int8)taurand(256);
	rtlglue_printf("Evaluate software simulation throughput\n");
	for(modeIdx=startMode;modeIdx<=endMode;modeIdx++) {
		for(testRound=0; testRound<=round; testRound++) 
			if ( desSim_des(modeIdx,  cryptOrg, cryptEncrypt, pktLen, cryptKey, cryptIv) != SUCCESS )
				rtlglue_printf("testRound=%d, desSim_des(modeIdx=%d) failed...\n", testRound, modeIdx );
				return FAILED;

		if ( eTime - sTime == 0 )
			rtlglue_printf("round is too small to measure throughput, try larger round number!\n");
			return FAILED;
			bps = pktLen*8*1000/((uint32)(eTime - sTime))*round;
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u.%02u mbps\n", desModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps/1000000, (bps%1000000)/10000);
			else if(bps>1000)
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u.%02u kbps\n", desModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps/1000, (bps%1000)/10);
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u bps\n", desModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps);			
	return SUCCESS;
예제 #2
int32 runDes8651bGeneralApiRandTest(uint32 seed, uint32 round) {
	uint32 roundIdx, modeIdx, pktLen,  i, offset, errCount;
	uint32 doneCounter, allDoneCounter;
	int32 ret = SUCCESS;

	cryptGenAsic = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	tauset(58, (int32)seed);
	errCount = 0;

	for(roundIdx = 0; roundIdx<round; roundIdx++) {
		for(i=0; i<24; i++)
			cryptGenKey[i] = taurand(256)&0xFF;
		for(i=0; i<8; i++)
			cryptGenIv[i] = taurand(256)&0xFF;
		modeIdx = taurand(4)&0x3;
		pktLen = (taurand(4080)&0xFF8) + 8;
		offset = taurand(4)&0x3;
		for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)//8-byte for IV and 4-byte for DMA_addr (0-3) byte offset test
			cryptGenAsic[i+offset] = taurand(256)&0xFF;
		rtl8651b_cryptoEngineGetIntCounter(&doneCounter, &allDoneCounter);
		rtlglue_printf("\r[%05u, %03u]Mode: %s Packet length %04u Offset %u (%u, %u)", roundIdx, errCount, desOpModeString[modeIdx&0x3], pktLen, offset, doneCounter, allDoneCounter);
		if(des8651bGeneralApiTestItem(modeIdx&0x3, &cryptGenAsic[offset], pktLen, cryptGenKey, cryptGenIv) == FAILED) 
	rtlglue_printf("\nGeneral API Test Finished\n");
	return ret;	
예제 #3
int32 runAuth8651bGeneralApiTest(uint32 round, uint32 funStart, uint32 funEnd, uint32 lenStart, uint32 lenEnd, uint32 keyLenStart, uint32 keyLenEnd, uint32 offsetStart, uint32 offsetEnd) {
	uint32 i, j, pktLen, keyLen, roundIdx, errCount, offset;
	uint32 doneCounter, allDoneCounter;

	asicTestData = (uint8 *)UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352*sizeof(uint32));
	keyLen = 8;
	for(i=0; i<keyLen; i++)
		asicTestKey[i] = 0x01;//(uint8)taurand(256);
	for(roundIdx=0; roundIdx<round; roundIdx++)	
		for(i=funStart; i<=funEnd; i++)
			for(pktLen=lenStart; pktLen<=lenEnd; pktLen+=8) 
				for(offset=offsetStart; offset<=offsetEnd; offset++) {
					for(j=0; j<pktLen; j++)
						asicTestData[j+offset] = (j&0xFF);//(uint8)taurand(256);
					rtl8651b_authEngineGetIntCounter(&doneCounter, &allDoneCounter);
					rtlglue_printf("\r[%05u, %03u]Mode: %s Packet length %04u Offset %u (%u, %u)", roundIdx, errCount, authModeString[i], pktLen, offset, doneCounter, allDoneCounter);
					if(auth8651bGeneralApiTestItem(i, &asicTestData[offset], pktLen, asicTestKey, keyLen) == FAILED) {
	return SUCCESS;
예제 #4
int32 auth8651bAsicThroughput(uint32 round, uint32 startMode, uint32 endMode, uint32 pktLen) {
	uint32 testRound, modeIdx, i, keyLen, bps;
	uint32 sTime, eTime;

	if(endMode> 3)
		endMode = 3;
		startMode = 3;
	asicTestData = (uint8 *)UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352*sizeof(uint32));
	keyLen = 8;
	for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)
		asicTestData[i] = 0xFF;//(uint8)taurand(256);
	for(i=0; i<keyLen; i++)
		asicTestKey[i] = 0x01;//(uint8)taurand(256);
	rtlglue_printf("Evaluate 8651b throughput\n");
	for(modeIdx=startMode;modeIdx<=endMode;modeIdx++) {
		for(testRound=0; testRound<=round; testRound++) 
			if ( rtl8651b_authEngine(modeIdx,  asicTestData, pktLen, asicTestKey, keyLen, asicDigest) != SUCCESS )
				rtlglue_printf("testRound=%d, rtl8651b_authEngine(modeIdx=%d) failed...\n", testRound, modeIdx );
				return FAILED;

		if ( eTime - sTime == 0 )
			rtlglue_printf("round is too small to measure throughput, try larger round number!\n");
			return FAILED;
			bps = pktLen*8*1000/((uint32)(eTime - sTime))*round;
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u.%02u mbps\n", authModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps/1000000, (bps%1000000)/10000);
			else if(bps>1000)
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u.%02u kbps\n", authModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps/1000, (bps%1000)/10);
				rtlglue_printf("%s round %u len %u time %u throughput %u bps\n", authModeString[modeIdx], round, pktLen, (uint32)(eTime - sTime), bps);			

	return SUCCESS;
예제 #5
int32 des8651bTest(uint32 round, uint32 funStart, uint32 funEnd, uint32 lenStart, uint32 lenEnd, uint32 offsetStart, uint32 offsetEnd) {
	uint32 i, pktLen, offset, funIdx, dupRound;
	tauset(58, 19);

	cryptOrg = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptAsic = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptEncrypt = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptDecrypt = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	cryptKey = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(24);
	cryptIv = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(8);
	for(i=0; i<24; i++)
		cryptKey[i] = 0x01;//(int8)taurand(256);
	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
		cryptIv[i] = 0x01;//(int8)taurand(256);
	for(i=0; i<2064; i++)//8-byte for IV and 4-byte for DMA_addr (0-3) byte offset test
		cryptOrg[i] = 0xff;//(int8)taurand(256);

	REG32(0xbd01200c) &= 0x0fffffff;
	REG32(0xbd012010) |= 0xf0000000;
	REG32(0xbd012014) &= 0x0fffffff;

	for(dupRound=0; dupRound<=round; dupRound++) {
		for(funIdx=funStart; funIdx<=funEnd; funIdx++) {
			for(pktLen = (lenStart&0xFFFFFFF8); pktLen <= (lenEnd&0xFFFFFFF8); pktLen+=8) {
				for(offset = offsetStart; offset<=offsetEnd; offset++) {
					rtlglue_printf("\rRound %4d %s Offset %2d PktLen %4d", dupRound, testDesItem[funIdx].funcTitle, offset, pktLen);
					if(testDesItem[funIdx].func(offset, pktLen)==FAILED) {
						rtlglue_printf("\nOffset %2d PktLen %4d %s Failed\n", offset, pktLen, testDesItem[funIdx].funcTitle);
						REG32(0xbd012014) |= 0xf0000000;
						goto FINISHED;


	return SUCCESS;
예제 #6
int32 runDes8651bGeneralApiTest(uint32 round, uint32 funStart, uint32 funEnd, uint32 lenStart, uint32 lenEnd, uint32 offsetStart, uint32 offsetEnd) {
	uint32 roundIdx, modeIdx, pktLen,  i, offset, errCount;
	uint32 doneCounter, allDoneCounter;
	int32 ret = SUCCESS;

	cryptGenAsic = (int8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352);
	for(i=0; i<24; i++)
		cryptGenKey[i] = 0x01;
	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
		cryptGenIv[i] = 0x01;
	errCount = 0;
#if 0 	
	for(roundIdx = 0; roundIdx<round; roundIdx++)
		for(modeIdx=funStart; modeIdx<=funEnd; modeIdx++)
			for(pktLen=lenStart; pktLen<=lenEnd; pktLen+=8) 
				for(offset=offsetStart; offset<=offsetEnd; offset++) {
					for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)//8-byte for IV and 4-byte for DMA_addr (0-3) byte offset test
						cryptGenAsic[i+offset] = 0xff;//(int8)taurand(256);
					rtlglue_printf("\r[%05u, %03u]Mode: %s Packet length %04u Offset %u[%08X]", roundIdx, errCount, desModeString[modeIdx], pktLen, offset, &cryptGenAsic[offset]);
					if(des8651bGeneralApiTestItem(modeIdx, &cryptGenAsic[offset], pktLen, cryptGenKey, cryptGenIv) == FAILED) 
	for(roundIdx = 0; roundIdx<round; roundIdx++)
		for(modeIdx=funStart; modeIdx<=funEnd; modeIdx++)
			for(pktLen=lenStart; pktLen<=lenEnd; pktLen+=8) 
				for(offset=offsetStart; offset<=offsetEnd; offset++) {
					for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)//8-byte for IV and 4-byte for DMA_addr (0-3) byte offset test
						cryptGenAsic[i+offset] = (i&0xFF);//(int8)taurand(256);
					rtl8651b_cryptoEngineGetIntCounter(&doneCounter, &allDoneCounter);
					rtlglue_printf("\r[%05u, %03u]Mode: %s Packet length %04u Offset %u (%u, %u)", roundIdx, errCount, desOpModeString[modeIdx&0x3], pktLen, offset, doneCounter, allDoneCounter);
					if(des8651bGeneralApiTestItem(modeIdx&0x3, &cryptGenAsic[offset], pktLen, cryptGenKey, cryptGenIv) == FAILED) 
	rtlglue_printf("\nGeneral API Test Finished\n");
	return ret;	
예제 #7
int32 runAuth8651bGeneralApiRandTest(uint32 seed, uint32 round) {
	uint32 i, pktLen, keyLen, roundIdx, modeIdx, errCount, offset;
	uint32 doneCounter, allDoneCounter;

	tauset(58, (int32)seed);
	asicTestData = (uint8 *)UNCACHED_MALLOC(4352*sizeof(uint32));
	errCount = 0;
	for(roundIdx=0; roundIdx<round; roundIdx++)	{
		keyLen = taurand(1024)&0x3FF;
		for(i=0; i<keyLen; i++)
			asicTestKey[i] = taurand(256)&0xFF;
		modeIdx = taurand(4)&0x3;
		pktLen = taurand(4024);	
		offset = taurand(4);
		for(i=0; i<pktLen; i++)
			asicTestData[i+offset] = taurand(256)&0xFF;
		rtl8651b_authEngineGetIntCounter(&doneCounter, &allDoneCounter);
		rtlglue_printf("\r[%05u, %03u]Mode: %s Packet length %04u Offset %u (%u, %u)", roundIdx, errCount, authModeString[modeIdx], pktLen, offset, doneCounter, allDoneCounter);
		if(auth8651bGeneralApiTestItem(modeIdx, &asicTestData[offset], pktLen, asicTestKey, keyLen) == FAILED)
	return SUCCESS;
예제 #8
int32 swNic_init(uint32 userNeedRxPkthdrRingCnt[RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_HW_PKTDESC],
                 uint32 userNeedRxMbufRingCnt,
                 uint32 userNeedTxPkthdrRingCnt[RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_HW_PKTDESC],
                 uint32 clusterSize)
	uint32 i, j, k;
	static uint32 totalRxPkthdrRingCnt = 0, totalTxPkthdrRingCnt = 0;
	static struct rtl_pktHdr *pPkthdrList_start;
	static struct rtl_mBuf *pMbufList_start;
	struct rtl_pktHdr *pPkthdrList;
	struct rtl_mBuf *pMbufList;
	struct rtl_pktHdr * pPkthdr;
	struct rtl_mBuf * pMbuf;
	unsigned long flags=0;
	int	ret;

#if defined(CONFIG_RTL_8198C) && defined(_PKTHDR_CACHEABLE)
	int cpu_dcache_line = cpu_dcache_line_size(); // in \arch\mips\include\asm\cpu-features.h

	/* init const array for rx pre-process	*/
	extPortMaskToPortNum[0] = 5;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[1] = 6;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[2] = 7;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[3] = 5;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[4] = 8;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[5] = 5;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[6] = 5;
	extPortMaskToPortNum[7] = 5;

	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[0] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD;
	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[1] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD1;
	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[2] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD2;
	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[3] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD3;
	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[4] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD4;
	rxPkthdrRefillThreshold[5] = ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD5;

	#if defined(CONFIG_RTL8196C_REVISION_B)
	rtl_chip_version = REG32(REVR);

	ret = SUCCESS;
	if (rxMbufRing == NULL)
		size_of_cluster = clusterSize;

		/* Allocate Rx descriptors of rings */
		for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_HW_PKTDESC; i++) {
			rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] = userNeedRxPkthdrRingCnt[i];
			if (rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] == 0)
				rxPkthdrRing[i] = NULL;

			rxPkthdrRing[i] = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32*));
			ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[i] & 0x0fffffff );

			totalRxPkthdrRingCnt += rxPkthdrRingCnt[i];

		if (totalRxPkthdrRingCnt == 0) {
			ret = EINVAL;
			goto out;

		/* Allocate Tx descriptors of rings */
		for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_HW_PKTDESC; i++) {
			txPkthdrRingCnt[i] = userNeedTxPkthdrRingCnt[i];

			if (txPkthdrRingCnt[i] == 0)
				txPkthdrRing[i] = NULL;

			txPkthdrRing[i] = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32*));
			if (rtl_chip_version == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)
				txPkthdrRing_backup[i]=(uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32));

			ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) txPkthdrRing[i] & 0x0fffffff );

			totalTxPkthdrRingCnt += txPkthdrRingCnt[i];

		if (totalTxPkthdrRingCnt == 0) {
			ret = EINVAL;
			goto out;

		/* Allocate MBuf descriptors of rings */
		rxMbufRingCnt = userNeedRxMbufRingCnt;

		if (userNeedRxMbufRingCnt == 0) {
			ret = EINVAL;
			goto out;

		rxMbufRing = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC((rxMbufRingCnt+RESERVERD_MBUF_RING_NUM) * sizeof(uint32*));
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) rxMbufRing & 0x0fffffff );

		/* Allocate pkthdr */

#if 0 //defined(CONFIG_RTL_8198C)
		pPkthdrList_start = (struct rtl_pktHdr *) kmalloc(
		(totalRxPkthdrRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr), GFP_ATOMIC);
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pPkthdrList_start & 0x0fffffff );

		/* Allocate mbufs */
		pMbufList_start = (struct rtl_mBuf *) kmalloc(
		(rxMbufRingCnt+RESERVERD_MBUF_RING_NUM+ totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pMbufList_start & 0x0fffffff );

		pPkthdrList_start = (struct rtl_pktHdr *) kmalloc(
		(totalRxPkthdrRingCnt+totalTxPkthdrRingCnt+1) * sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr), GFP_ATOMIC);
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pPkthdrList_start & 0x0fffffff );

		pPkthdrList_start = (struct rtl_pktHdr *)(((uint32) pPkthdrList_start + (cpu_dcache_line - 1))& ~(cpu_dcache_line - 1));
		/* Allocate mbufs */
		pMbufList_start = (struct rtl_mBuf *) kmalloc(
		(rxMbufRingCnt+RESERVERD_MBUF_RING_NUM+totalTxPkthdrRingCnt+1) * sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf), GFP_ATOMIC);
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pMbufList_start & 0x0fffffff );
		pMbufList_start = (struct rtl_mBuf *)(((uint32) pMbufList_start + (cpu_dcache_line - 1))& ~(cpu_dcache_line - 1));

		pPkthdrList_start = (struct rtl_pktHdr *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(
		(totalRxPkthdrRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr));
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pPkthdrList_start & 0x0fffffff );

		/* Allocate mbufs */
		pMbufList_start = (struct rtl_mBuf *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(
		(rxMbufRingCnt+RESERVERD_MBUF_RING_NUM+ totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf));
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pMbufList_start & 0x0fffffff );

	/* Initialize interrupt statistics counter */
	//rxPktCounter = txPktCounter = 0;

	/* Initialize index of Tx pkthdr descriptor */
	for (i=0;i<RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_HW_PKTDESC;i++)
		currTxPkthdrDescIndex[i] = 0;

	pPkthdrList = pPkthdrList_start;
	pMbufList = pMbufList_start;

	/* Initialize Tx packet header descriptors */
	for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_HW_PKTDESC; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < txPkthdrRingCnt[i]; j++)
			/* Dequeue pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr = pPkthdrList++;
			pMbuf = pMbufList++;

			bzero((void *) pPkthdr, sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr));
			bzero((void *) pMbuf, sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf));

			pPkthdr->ph_mbuf = pMbuf;
			pPkthdr->ph_len = 0;
			pPkthdr->ph_flags = PKTHDR_USED | PKT_OUTGOING;
			pPkthdr->ph_type = PKTHDR_ETHERNET;
			pPkthdr->ph_portlist = 0;

			pMbuf->m_next = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_pkthdr = pPkthdr;
			pMbuf->m_flags = MBUF_USED | MBUF_EXT | MBUF_PKTHDR | MBUF_EOR;
			pMbuf->m_data = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_extbuf = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_extsize = 0;

			txPkthdrRing[i][j] = (int32) pPkthdr | DESC_RISC_OWNED;
			if (rtl_chip_version == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)
				txPkthdrRing_backup[i][j]=(int32) pPkthdr | DESC_RISC_OWNED;

		txPkthdrRing_base[i] = txPkthdrRing[i][0];

		if(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] > 0)
			/* Set wrap bit of the last descriptor */
			txPkthdrRing[i][txPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;
			if (rtl_chip_version == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)
				txPkthdrRing_backup[i][txPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;


	/* Fill Tx packet header FDP */
	REG32(CPUTPDCR0) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[0];
	REG32(CPUTPDCR1) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[1];

#if defined(CONFIG_RTL_819XD) || defined(CONFIG_RTL_8196E) || defined(CONFIG_RTL_8198C)
	REG32(CPUTPDCR2) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[2];
	REG32(CPUTPDCR3) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[3];

	/* Initialize Rx packet header descriptors */
	k = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_HW_PKTDESC; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < rxPkthdrRingCnt[i]; j++)
			/* Dequeue pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr = pPkthdrList++;
			pMbuf = pMbufList++;

			bzero((void *) pPkthdr, sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr));
			bzero((void *) pMbuf, sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf));

			/* Setup pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr->ph_mbuf = pMbuf;
			pPkthdr->ph_len = 0;
			pPkthdr->ph_flags = PKTHDR_USED | PKT_INCOMING;
			pPkthdr->ph_type = PKTHDR_ETHERNET;
			pPkthdr->ph_portlist = 0;
			pMbuf->m_next = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_pkthdr = pPkthdr;
			pMbuf->m_len = 0;
			pMbuf->m_flags = MBUF_USED | MBUF_EXT | MBUF_PKTHDR | MBUF_EOR;
			pMbuf->m_extsize = size_of_cluster;
			pMbuf->m_data = pMbuf->m_extbuf = alloc_rx_buf(&pPkthdr->ph_mbuf->skb, size_of_cluster);

			/* Setup descriptors */
			rxPkthdrRing[i][j] = (int32) pPkthdr | DESC_SWCORE_OWNED;
			rxMbufRing[k++] = (int32) pMbuf | DESC_SWCORE_OWNED;

		rxPkthdrRing_base[i] = rxPkthdrRing[i][0] & ~DESC_OWNED_BIT;

		/* Initialize index of current Rx pkthdr descriptor */
		currRxPkthdrDescIndex[i] = 0;

		/* Initialize index of current Rx Mbuf descriptor */
		currRxMbufDescIndex = 0;

		/* Set wrap bit of the last descriptor */
		if(rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] > 0)
			rxPkthdrRing[i][rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;

		#if	defined(DELAY_REFILL_ETH_RX_BUF)
		rxDescReadyForHwIndex[i] = 0;
		rxDescCrossBoundFlag[i] = 0;

	rxMbufRing_base = rxMbufRing[0] & ~DESC_OWNED_BIT;

	rxMbufRing[rxMbufRingCnt - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;

	/* Fill Rx packet header FDP */
	REG32(CPURPDCR0) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[0];
	REG32(CPURPDCR1) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[1];
	REG32(CPURPDCR2) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[2];
	REG32(CPURPDCR3) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[3];
	REG32(CPURPDCR4) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[4];
	REG32(CPURPDCR5) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[5];

	REG32(CPURMDCR0) = (uint32) rxMbufRing;


	_dma_cache_wback_inv((unsigned long)pPkthdrList_start, (totalRxPkthdrRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_pktHdr));
	_dma_cache_wback_inv((unsigned long)pMbufList_start, (rxMbufRingCnt+RESERVERD_MBUF_RING_NUM+ totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct rtl_mBuf));

	return ret;
예제 #9
int32 swNic_init(uint32 userNeedRxPkthdrRingCnt[RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_MAX_PKTDESC],
                 uint32 userNeedRxMbufRingCnt,
                 uint32 userNeedTxPkthdrRingCnt[RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_MAX_PKTDESC],
                 uint32 clusterSize)
    uint32 i, j, k;
	uint32 totalRxPkthdrRingCnt = 0, totalTxPkthdrRingCnt = 0;
    struct pktHdr *pPkthdrList;
    struct mBuf *pMbufList;
    uint8 * pClusterList;
    struct pktHdr * pPkthdr;
    struct mBuf * pMbuf;

    /* Cluster size is always 2048 */
    size_of_cluster = 2048;

    /* Allocate Rx descriptors of rings */
    for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_MAX_PKTDESC; i++) {
		rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] = userNeedRxPkthdrRingCnt[i];
		if (rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] == 0)

		rxPkthdrRing[i] = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32));
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[i] & 0x0fffffff );
		memset(rxPkthdrRing[i],0,rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32));
		totalRxPkthdrRingCnt += rxPkthdrRingCnt[i];
	if (totalRxPkthdrRingCnt == 0)
		return EINVAL;

    /* Allocate Tx descriptors of rings */
    for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_MAX_PKTDESC; i++) {
		txPkthdrRingCnt[i] = userNeedTxPkthdrRingCnt[i];

		if (txPkthdrRingCnt[i] == 0)

		txPkthdrRing[i] = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32));
		if (REG32(REVR) == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)
        		txPkthdrRing_BAK[i] = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32));
		ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) txPkthdrRing[i] & 0x0fffffff );
		memset(txPkthdrRing[i],0,(txPkthdrRingCnt[i] * sizeof(uint32)));
		totalTxPkthdrRingCnt += txPkthdrRingCnt[i];

	if (totalTxPkthdrRingCnt == 0)
		return EINVAL;

    /* Allocate MBuf descriptors of rings */
	rxMbufRingCnt = userNeedRxMbufRingCnt;

	if (userNeedRxMbufRingCnt == 0)
		return EINVAL;

	rxMbufRing = (uint32 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(userNeedRxMbufRingCnt * sizeof(uint32));
    ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) rxMbufRing & 0x0fffffff );
	memset(rxMbufRing,0,userNeedRxMbufRingCnt * sizeof(uint32));
    /* Allocate pkthdr */
    pPkthdrList = (struct pktHdr *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(
                    (totalRxPkthdrRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct pktHdr));
    ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pPkthdrList & 0x0fffffff );
   memset(pPkthdrList,0, (totalRxPkthdrRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct pktHdr));                 
    /* Allocate mbufs */
    pMbufList = (struct mBuf *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(
                    (rxMbufRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct mBuf));
    ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pMbufList & 0x0fffffff );
    memset(pMbufList,0,((rxMbufRingCnt + totalTxPkthdrRingCnt) * sizeof(struct mBuf)));                
    /* Allocate clusters */
    pClusterList = (uint8 *) UNCACHED_MALLOC(rxMbufRingCnt * size_of_cluster + 8 - 1+2*rxMbufRingCnt);
    ASSERT_CSP( (uint32) pClusterList & 0x0fffffff );
    memset(pClusterList,0,(rxMbufRingCnt * size_of_cluster + 8 - 1+2*rxMbufRingCnt));
    pClusterList = (uint8*)(((uint32) pClusterList + 8 - 1) & ~(8 - 1));

    /* Initialize interrupt statistics counter */
    rxPktCounter = txPktCounter = 0;

    /* Initialize index of Tx pkthdr descriptor */
    currTxPkthdrDescIndex = 0;

    /* Initialize Tx packet header descriptors */
    for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_MAX_PKTDESC; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < txPkthdrRingCnt[i]; j++)
			/* Dequeue pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr = pPkthdrList++;
			pMbuf = pMbufList++;

         bzero((void *) pPkthdr, sizeof(struct pktHdr));
         bzero((void *) pMbuf, sizeof(struct mBuf));

			pPkthdr->ph_mbuf = pMbuf;
			pPkthdr->ph_len = 0;
			pPkthdr->ph_flags = PKTHDR_USED | PKT_OUTGOING;
			pPkthdr->ph_type = PKTHDR_ETHERNET;
			pPkthdr->ph_portlist = 0;

			pMbuf->m_next = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_pkthdr = pPkthdr;
			pMbuf->m_flags = MBUF_USED | MBUF_EXT | MBUF_PKTHDR | MBUF_EOR;
			pMbuf->m_data = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_extbuf = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_extsize = 0;

			txPkthdrRing[i][j] = (int32) pPkthdr | DESC_RISC_OWNED;
			if (REG32(REVR) == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)
           			 txPkthdrRing_BAK[i][j]=(int32) pPkthdr | DESC_RISC_OWNED;

		/* Set wrap bit of the last descriptor */
        if (txPkthdrRingCnt[i] != 0)
            txPkthdrRing[i][txPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;
		if (REG32(REVR) == RTL8196C_REVISION_A)		
            		txPkthdrRing_BAK[i][txPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;


    /* Fill Tx packet header FDP */
    REG32(CPUTPDCR0) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[0];
    REG32(CPUTPDCR1) = (uint32) txPkthdrRing[1];

    /* Initialize index of current Rx pkthdr descriptor */
    currRxPkthdrDescIndex = 0;

    /* Initialize index of current Rx Mbuf descriptor */
    currRxMbufDescIndex = 0;

    /* Initialize Rx packet header descriptors */
	k = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_MAX_PKTDESC; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < rxPkthdrRingCnt[i]; j++)
			/* Dequeue pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr = pPkthdrList++;
			pMbuf = pMbufList++;

         bzero((void *) pPkthdr, sizeof(struct pktHdr));
         bzero((void *) pMbuf, sizeof(struct mBuf));

			/* Setup pkthdr and mbuf */
			pPkthdr->ph_mbuf = pMbuf;
			pPkthdr->ph_len = 0;
			pPkthdr->ph_flags = PKTHDR_USED | PKT_INCOMING;
			pPkthdr->ph_type = PKTHDR_ETHERNET;
			pPkthdr->ph_portlist = 0;
			pMbuf->m_next = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_pkthdr = pPkthdr;
			pMbuf->m_len = 0;
			pMbuf->m_flags = MBUF_USED | MBUF_EXT | MBUF_PKTHDR | MBUF_EOR;
			pMbuf->m_data = NULL;
			pMbuf->m_extsize = size_of_cluster;
			/*offset 2 bytes for 4 bytes align of ip packet*/
			pMbuf->m_data = pMbuf->m_extbuf = (pClusterList+2);
			pClusterList += size_of_cluster;
			/* Setup descriptors */
			rxPkthdrRing[i][j] = (int32) pPkthdr | DESC_SWCORE_OWNED;
			rxMbufRing[k++] = (int32) pMbuf | DESC_SWCORE_OWNED;

		/* Set wrap bit of the last descriptor */
        if (rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] != 0)
		    rxPkthdrRing[i][rxPkthdrRingCnt[i] - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;

	rxMbufRing[rxMbufRingCnt - 1] |= DESC_WRAP;

    /* Fill Rx packet header FDP */
    REG32(CPURPDCR0) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[0];
    REG32(CPURPDCR1) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[1];
    REG32(CPURPDCR2) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[2];
    REG32(CPURPDCR3) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[3];
    REG32(CPURPDCR4) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[4];
    REG32(CPURPDCR5) = (uint32) rxPkthdrRing[5];

    REG32(CPURMDCR0) = (uint32) rxMbufRing;

// for debug
#if 0
    /* Initialize ARP table */
    bzero((void *) arptab, ARPTAB_SIZ * sizeof(struct arptab_s));
    arptab_next_available = 0;

	//dprintf("addr=%x, val=%x\r\n",(CPUIIMR),REG32(CPUIIMR));
    /* Enable runout interrupts */
	//REG32(CPUIIMR) = 0xffffffff; //RX_DONE_IE_ALL;  //   0xffffffff;  //wei test irq
	//*(volatile unsigned int*)(0xb8010028)=0xffffffff;	
	//dprintf("eth0 CPUIIMR status=%x\r\n", *(volatile unsigned int*)(0xb8010028));   //ISR	
    /* Enable Rx & Tx. Config bus burst size and mbuf size. */
    //REG32(CPUICR) = TXCMD | RXCMD | BUSBURST_256WORDS | icr_mbufsize;
	REG32(CPUICR) = TXCMD | RXCMD | BUSBURST_32WORDS | MBUF_2048BYTES; //wei test irq

	REG32(MDCIOCR)=0x96181441;      // enable Giga port 8211B LED
	//dprintf("eth0 CPUIIMR status=%x\r\n", *(volatile unsigned int*)(0xb8010028));   //ISR
    return SUCCESS;