예제 #1
int UNIX_ONLY(main)VMS_ONLY(dbcertify)(int argc, char **argv)

	/* Initialization of scaffolding we run on */
	gtm_utf8_mode = FALSE; 		/* Only ever runs in V4 database so NO utf8 mode -- ever */
	psa_gbl = malloc(SIZEOF(*psa_gbl));
	memset(psa_gbl, 0, SIZEOF(*psa_gbl));
	UNIX_ONLY(sig_init(dbcertify_signal_handler, dbcertify_signal_handler, NULL));
	VMS_ONLY(SET_EXIT_HANDLER(exi_blk, dbcertify_exit_handler, exi_condition));	/* Establish exit handler */
	process_id = getpid();

	/* Structure checks .. */
	assert((24 * 1024) == SIZEOF(v15_sgmnt_data));	/* Verify V4 file header hasn't suddenly increased for some odd reason */

	/* Platform dependent method to get the option scan going and invoke necessary driver routine */
	dbcertify_parse_and_dispatch(argc, argv);
	return SS_NORMAL;
예제 #2
void jnl_send_oper(jnl_private_control *jpc, uint4 status)
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jb;
	uint4			now_writer, fsync_pid;
	int4			io_in_prog, fsync_in_prog;
	boolean_t		ok_to_log;	/* TRUE except when we avoid flooding operator log due to ENOSPC error */


	case dba_mm:
	case dba_bg:
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	jb = jpc->jnl_buff;
	UNIX_ONLY(assert((ENOSPC != jpc->status) || jb->enospc_errcnt || WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_RECOVER_ENOSPC)));
	UNIX_ONLY(assert((SS_NORMAL == jpc->status) || (ENOSPC == jpc->status) || !jb->enospc_errcnt));
	VMS_ONLY(assert(!jb->enospc_errcnt));	/* currently not updated in VMS, so should be 0 */
	ok_to_log = (jb->enospc_errcnt ?  (1 == (jb->enospc_errcnt % ENOSPC_LOGGING_PERIOD)) : TRUE);

	caller_id_flag = FALSE;
	if (ok_to_log)
		if (0 != status)
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status2)
						ERR_JNLSENDOPER, 5, process_id, status, jpc->status, jpc->status2, jb->iosb.cond,
						status, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status, 0, jpc->status2);
				} else
						ERR_JNLSENDOPER, 5, process_id, status, jpc->status, jpc->status2, jb->iosb.cond,
						status, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status);
			} else
				send_msg(VARLSTCNT(11) ERR_JNLSENDOPER, 5, process_id, status, jpc->status, jpc->status2,
					jb->iosb.cond, status, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd));
	jpc->status = SS_NORMAL;
	jpc->status2 = SS_NORMAL;
		io_in_prog = (jb->io_in_prog_latch.u.parts.latch_pid ? TRUE : FALSE);
		now_writer = jb->io_in_prog_latch.u.parts.latch_pid;
예제 #3
void	mupip_freeze(void)
	int4			status;
	bool			record;
	tp_region		*rptr, *rptr1;
	boolean_t		freeze, override;
	uint4			online;
	freeze_status		freeze_ret;
	int			dummy_errno;
	const char 		*msg1[] = { "unfreeze", "freeze" } ;
	const char 		*msg2[] = { "UNFROZEN", "FROZEN" } ;
	const char 		*msg3[] = { "unfrozen", "frozen" } ;

	status = SS_NORMAL;
	in_mupip_freeze = TRUE;
	UNIX_ONLY(jnlpool_init_needed = TRUE);
	freeze = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("ON"));
	online = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("ONLINE"));
	if (online)
		online |= ((!cli_negated("AUTORELEASE")) ? CHILLED_AUTORELEASE_MASK : 0);
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("OFF"))
		if (TRUE == freeze)
			util_out_print("The /ON qualifier is invalid with the /OFF qualifier", TRUE);
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("RECORD"))
		record = TRUE;
		if (FALSE == freeze)
			util_out_print("The /RECORD qualifier is invalid with the /OFF qualifier", TRUE);
	} else
		record = FALSE;
	if (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("OVERRIDE"))
		override = TRUE;
		if (freeze)
			util_out_print("The /OVERRIDE qualifier is invalid with the /ON qualifier", TRUE);
	} else
예제 #4
void gtm_threadgbl_init(void)
	void	*lcl_gtm_threadgbl;

	if (SIZEOF(gtm_threadgbl_true_t) != size_gtm_threadgbl_struct)
	{	/* Size mismatch with gtm_threadgbl_deftypes.h - no error handling yet available so do
		 * the best we can.
		FPRINTF(stderr, "GTM-F-GTMASSERT gtm_threadgbl_true_t and gtm_threadgbl_t are different sizes\n");
	if (NULL != gtm_threadgbl)
	{	/* has already been initialized - don't re-init */
		FPRINTF(stderr, "GTM-F-GTMASSERT gtm_threadgbl is already initialized\n");
	gtm_threadgbl = lcl_gtm_threadgbl = malloc(size_gtm_threadgbl_struct);
	if (NULL == gtm_threadgbl)
	{	/* Storage was not allocated for some reason - no error handling yet still */
		perror("GTM-F-MEMORY Unable to allocate startup thread structure");
	memset(gtm_threadgbl, 0, size_gtm_threadgbl_struct);
	gtm_threadgbl_true = (gtm_threadgbl_true_t *)gtm_threadgbl;

	/* Add specific initializations if other than 0s here using the TREF() family of macros: */
	(TREF(director_ident)).addr = TADR(director_string);
	TREF(for_stack_ptr) = TADR(for_stack);
	(TREF(gtmprompt)).addr = TADR(prombuf);
	(TREF(gtmprompt)).len = SIZEOF(DEFAULT_PROMPT) - 1;
	TREF(lv_null_subs) = LVNULLSUBS_OK;	/* UNIX: set in gtm_env_init_sp(), VMS: set in gtm$startup() - init'd here
							 * in case alternative invocation methods bypass gtm_startup()
	(TREF(replgbl)).jnl_release_timeout = DEFAULT_JNL_RELEASE_TIMEOUT;
	(TREF(window_ident)).addr = TADR(window_string);
	TREF(util_outbuff_ptr) = TADR(util_outbuff);	/* Point util_outbuff_ptr to the beginning of util_outbuff at first. */
	TREF(util_outptr) = TREF(util_outbuff_ptr);
	(TREF(source_buffer)).addr = (char *)&aligned_source_buffer;
	(TREF(source_buffer)).len = MAX_SRCLINE;
예제 #5
trans_num gvcst_bmp_mark_free(kill_set *ks)
	block_id		bit_map, next_bm, *updptr;
	blk_ident		*blk, *blk_top, *nextblk;
	trans_num		ctn, start_db_fmt_tn;
	unsigned int		len;
#	if defined(UNIX) && defined(DEBUG)
	unsigned int		lcl_t_tries;
#	endif
	int4			blk_prev_version;
	srch_hist		alt_hist;
	trans_num		ret_tn = 0;
	boolean_t		visit_blks;
	srch_blk_status		bmphist;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		cr;
	enum db_ver		ondsk_blkver;
	enum cdb_sc		status;

	TREF(in_gvcst_bmp_mark_free) = TRUE;
	assert(inctn_bmp_mark_free_gtm == inctn_opcode || inctn_bmp_mark_free_mu_reorg == inctn_opcode);
	/* Note down the desired_db_format_tn before you start relying on cs_data->fully_upgraded.
	 * If the db is fully_upgraded, take the optimal path that does not need to read each block being freed.
	 * But in order to detect concurrent desired_db_format changes, note down the tn (when the last format change occurred)
	 * 	before the fully_upgraded check	and after having noted down the database current_tn.
	 * If they are the same, then we are guaranteed no concurrent desired_db_format change occurred.
	 * If they are not, then fall through to the non-optimal path where each to-be-killed block has to be visited.
	 * The reason we need to visit every block in case desired_db_format changes is to take care of the case where
	 *	MUPIP REORG DOWNGRADE concurrently changes a block that we are about to free.
	start_db_fmt_tn = cs_data->desired_db_format_tn;
	visit_blks = (!cs_data->fully_upgraded);	/* Local evaluation */
	assert(!visit_blks || (visit_blks && dba_bg == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth)); /* must have blks_to_upgrd == 0 for non-BG */
	assert(!dollar_tlevel); 			/* Should NOT be in TP now */
	blk = &ks->blk[0];
	blk_top = &ks->blk[ks->used];
	if (!visit_blks)
	{	/* Database has been completely upgraded. Free all blocks in one bitmap as part of one transaction. */
		assert(cs_data->db_got_to_v5_once); /* assert all V4 fmt blocks (including RECYCLED) have space for V5 upgrade */
		inctn_detail.blknum_struct.blknum = 0; /* to indicate no adjustment to "blks_to_upgrd" necessary */
		/* If any of the mini transaction below restarts because of an online rollback, we don't want the application
		 * refresh to happen (like $ZONLNRLBK++ or rts_error(DBROLLEDBACK). This is because, although we are currently in
		 * non-tp (dollar_tleve = 0), we could actually be in a TP transaction and have actually faked dollar_tlevel. In
		 * such a case, we should NOT * be issuing a DBROLLEDBACK error as TP transactions are supposed to just restart in
		 * case of an online rollback. So, set the global variable that gtm_onln_rlbk_clnup can check and skip doing the
		 * application refresh, but will reset the clues. The next update will see the cycle mismatch and will accordingly
		 * take the right action.
		for ( ; blk < blk_top;  blk = nextblk)
			if (0 != blk->flag)
				nextblk = blk + 1;
			assert(0 < blk->block);
			assert((int4)blk->block < cs_addrs->ti->total_blks);
			bit_map = ROUND_DOWN2((int)blk->block, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
			next_bm = bit_map + BLKS_PER_LMAP;
			CHECK_AND_RESET_UPDATE_ARRAY;	/* reset update_array_ptr to update_array */
			/* Scan for the next local bitmap */
			updptr = (block_id *)update_array_ptr;
			for (nextblk = blk;
				(0 == nextblk->flag) && (nextblk < blk_top) && ((block_id)nextblk->block < next_bm);
				assert((block_id)nextblk->block - bit_map);
				*updptr++ = (block_id)nextblk->block - bit_map;
			len = (unsigned int)((char *)nextblk - (char *)blk);
			update_array_ptr = (char *)updptr;
			alt_hist.h[0].blk_num = 0;			/* need for calls to T_END for bitmaps */
			alt_hist.h[0].blk_target = NULL;		/* need to initialize for calls to T_END */
			/* the following assumes SIZEOF(blk_ident) == SIZEOF(int) */
			assert(SIZEOF(blk_ident) == SIZEOF(int));
			*(int *)update_array_ptr = 0;
			for (;;)
				ctn = cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn;
				/* Need a read fence before reading fields from cs_data as we are reading outside
				 * of crit and relying on this value to detect desired db format state change.
				if (start_db_fmt_tn != cs_data->desired_db_format_tn)
				{	/* Concurrent db format change has occurred. Need to visit every block to be killed
					 * to determine its block format. Fall through to the non-optimal path below
					ret_tn = 0;
				bmphist.blk_num = bit_map;
				if (NULL == (bmphist.buffaddr = t_qread(bmphist.blk_num, (sm_int_ptr_t)&bmphist.cycle,
					t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
				t_write_map(&bmphist, (uchar_ptr_t)update_array, ctn, -(int4)(nextblk - blk));
				UNIX_ONLY(DEBUG_ONLY(lcl_t_tries = t_tries));
				if ((trans_num)0 == (ret_tn = t_end(&alt_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED)))
#					ifdef UNIX
					assert((CDB_STAGNATE == t_tries) || (lcl_t_tries == t_tries - 1));
					status = LAST_RESTART_CODE;
					if ((cdb_sc_onln_rlbk1 == status) || (cdb_sc_onln_rlbk2 == status)
						|| TREF(rlbk_during_redo_root))
					{	/* t_end restarted due to online rollback. Discard bitmap free-up and return control
						 * to the application. But, before that reset only_reset_clues_if_onln_rlbk to FALSE
						TREF(in_gvcst_bmp_mark_free) = FALSE;
						send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_IGNBMPMRKFREE, 4, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
						return ret_tn; /* actually 0 */
#					endif
			if (0 == ret_tn) /* db format change occurred. Fall through to below for loop to visit each block */
				/* Abort any active transaction to get rid of lingering Non-TP artifacts */
				t_abort(gv_cur_region, cs_addrs);
	}	/* for all blocks in the kill_set */
예제 #6
uint4 jnl_file_lost(jnl_private_control *jpc, uint4 jnl_stat)
{	/* Notify operator and terminate journaling */
	unsigned int	status;
	sgmnt_addrs	*csa;
	seq_num		reg_seqno, jnlseqno;
	boolean_t	was_lockid = FALSE, instfreeze_environ;


	case dba_mm:
	case dba_bg:
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs;
		assertpro(FALSE && jpc->region->dyn.addr->acc_meth);
#	ifdef VMS
	/* The following assert has been removed as it could be FALSE if the caller is "jnl_file_extend"
	 *	assert(0 != memcmp(csa->nl->jnl_file.jnl_file_id.fid, zero_fid, SIZEOF(zero_fid)));
#	endif
	/* We issue an rts_error (instead of shutting off journaling) in the following cases :					{BYPASSOK}
	 * 1) $gtm_error_on_jnl_file_lost is set to issue runtime error (if not already issued) in case of journaling issues.
	 * 2) The process has the given message set in $gtm_custom_errors (indicative of instance freeze on error setup)
	 *    in which case the goal is to never shut-off journaling
	UNIX_ONLY(assert(jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl == jnlpool_ctl));
	UNIX_ONLY(instfreeze_environ = INST_FREEZE_ON_MSG_ENABLED(csa, jnl_stat));
	VMS_ONLY(instfreeze_environ = FALSE);
	if ((JNL_FILE_LOST_ERRORS == TREF(error_on_jnl_file_lost)) || instfreeze_environ)
		VMS_ONLY(assert(FALSE)); /* Not fully implemented / supported on VMS. */
		if (!process_exiting || instfreeze_environ || !csa->jnl->error_reported)
			csa->jnl->error_reported = TRUE;
			in_wcs_recover = FALSE;	/* in case we're called in wcs_recover() */
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(7) jnl_stat, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csa->hdr),
						DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), jpc->status);
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_stat, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csa->hdr),
		return jnl_stat;
	if (0 != jnl_stat)
		jnl_send_oper(jpc, jnl_stat);
	csa->hdr->jnl_state = jnl_closed;
	jpc->jnl_buff->cycle++; /* increment shared cycle so all future callers of jnl_ensure_open recognize journal switch */
	assert(jpc->cycle < jpc->jnl_buff->cycle);
	if (REPL_ENABLED(csa->hdr))
		csa->hdr->repl_state = repl_was_open;
		reg_seqno = csa->hdr->reg_seqno;
		jnlseqno = (NULL != jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl) ? jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl->jnl_seqno : MAX_SEQNO;
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_REPLJNLCLOSED, 6, DB_LEN_STR(jpc->region), &reg_seqno, &reg_seqno,
				&jnlseqno, &jnlseqno);
	} else
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLCLOSED, 3, DB_LEN_STR(jpc->region), &csa->ti->curr_tn);
#ifdef VMS
	/* We can get a jnl_file_lost before the file is even created, so locking is done only if the lock exist */
	if (0 != csa->jnl->jnllsb->lockid)
		was_lockid = TRUE;
		status = gtm_enqw(EFN$C_ENF, LCK$K_EXMODE, csa->jnl->jnllsb, LCK$M_CONVERT | LCK$M_NODLCKBLK,
				NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, PSL$C_USER, 0);
		if (SS$_NORMAL == status)
			status = csa->jnl->jnllsb->cond;
	jnl_file_close(jpc->region, FALSE, FALSE);
	if (was_lockid)
		if (SS$_NORMAL == status)
			status = gtm_deq(csa->jnl->jnllsb->lockid, NULL, PSL$C_USER, 0);
		assertpro(SS$_NORMAL == status);
# else
	jnl_file_close(jpc->region, FALSE, FALSE);
	return EXIT_NRM;
예제 #7
void gv_rundown(void)
	gd_region	*r_top, *r_save, *r_local;
	gd_addr		*addr_ptr;
	sgm_info	*si;
#ifdef VMS
	vms_gds_info	*gds_info;


	r_save = gv_cur_region;		/* Save for possible core dump */

	if (pool_init)
	for (addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(NULL); addr_ptr; addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(addr_ptr))
		for (r_local = addr_ptr->regions, r_top = r_local + addr_ptr->n_regions; r_local < r_top; r_local++)
			if (r_local->open && !r_local->was_open && dba_cm != r_local->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
			{	/* Rundown has already occurred for GT.CM client regions through gvcmy_rundown() above.
			 	 * Hence the (dba_cm != ...) check in the if above. Note that for GT.CM client regions,
				 * region->open is TRUE although cs_addrs is NULL.
				gv_cur_region = r_local;
				/* Now that gds_rundown is done, free up the memory associated with the region.
				 * Ideally the following memory freeing code should go to gds_rundown, but
				 * GT.CM calls gds_rundown() and we want to reuse memory for GT.CM.
				if (NULL != cs_addrs)
					if (NULL != cs_addrs->dir_tree)
					if (cs_addrs->sgm_info_ptr)
						si = cs_addrs->sgm_info_ptr;
						/* It is possible we got interrupted before initializing all fields of "si"
						 * completely so account for NULL values while freeing/releasing those fields.
						assert((si->tp_csa == cs_addrs) || (NULL == si->tp_csa));
						if (si->jnl_tail)
						if (NULL != si->blks_in_use)
							si->blks_in_use = NULL;
						if (si->cr_array_size)
							assert(NULL != si->cr_array);
							if (NULL != si->cr_array)
						if (NULL != si->first_tp_hist)
					if (cs_addrs->jnl)
						assert(&FILE_INFO(cs_addrs->jnl->region)->s_addrs == cs_addrs);
						if (cs_addrs->jnl->jnllsb)
						if (cs_addrs->encrypted_blk_contents)
					gds_info = (vms_gds_info *)gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl->file_info;
					if (gds_info->xabpro)
					if (gds_info->xabfhc)
					if (gds_info->nam)
					if (gds_info->fab)
			r_local->open = r_local->was_open = FALSE;
예제 #8
파일: dse_crit.c 프로젝트: mihawk/fis-gtm
void dse_crit(void)
	int			util_len, dse_crit_count;
	char			util_buff[MAX_UTIL_LEN];
	boolean_t		crash = FALSE, cycle = FALSE, owner = FALSE;
	gd_region		*save_region, *r_local, *r_top;

	crash = ((cli_present("CRASH") == CLI_PRESENT) || (cli_present("RESET") == CLI_PRESENT));
	cycle = (CLI_PRESENT == cli_present("CYCLE"));
	if (cli_present("SEIZE") == CLI_PRESENT || cycle)
		if (gv_cur_region->read_only && !cycle)
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		if (cs_addrs->now_crit)
			util_out_print("!/Write critical section already seized.!/", TRUE);
		crash_count = cs_addrs->critical->crashcnt;
		cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit = TRUE;	/* need to do this AFTER grab_crit */
		cs_addrs->dse_crit_seize_done = TRUE;
		util_out_print("!/Seized write critical section.!/", TRUE);
		if (!cycle)
	if (cli_present("RELEASE") == CLI_PRESENT || cycle)
		if (gv_cur_region->read_only && !cycle)
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		if (!cs_addrs->now_crit)
			util_out_print("!/Critical section already released.!/", TRUE);
		crash_count = cs_addrs->critical->crashcnt;
		if (cs_addrs->now_crit)
		{	/* user wants crit to be released unconditionally so "was_crit" not checked like everywhere else */
			assert(cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit && cs_addrs->dse_crit_seize_done);
			cs_addrs->dse_crit_seize_done = FALSE;
			cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;	/* need to do this before the rel_crit */
			util_out_print("!/Released write critical section.!/", TRUE);
#		ifdef DEBUG
			assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit && !cs_addrs->dse_crit_seize_done);
#		endif
	if (cli_present("INIT") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		cs_addrs->hdr->image_count = 0;
		UNIX_ONLY(gtm_mutex_init(gv_cur_region, NUM_CRIT_ENTRY(cs_addrs->hdr), crash));
		VMS_ONLY(mutex_init(cs_addrs->critical, NUM_CRIT_ENTRY(cs_addrs->hdr), crash));
		cs_addrs->nl->in_crit = 0;
		cs_addrs->now_crit = FALSE;
		util_out_print("!/Reinitialized critical section.!/", TRUE);
	if (cli_present("REMOVE") == CLI_PRESENT)
		if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBRDONLY, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		if (cs_addrs->nl->in_crit == 0)
			util_out_print("!/The write critical section is unowned!/", TRUE);
		UNIX_ONLY(assert(LOCK_AVAILABLE != cs_addrs->critical->semaphore.u.parts.latch_pid);)
		VMS_ONLY(assert(cs_addrs->critical->semaphore >= 0);)
예제 #9
파일: m_set.c 프로젝트: h4ck3rm1k3/fis-gtm
int m_set(void)
	/* Some comment on "parse_warn". It is set to TRUE whenever the parse encounters an
	   invalid setleft target.

	   * Note that even if "parse_warn" is TRUE, we should not return FALSE right away but need to continue the parse
	   * until the end of the current SET command. This way any remaining commands in the current parse line will be
	   * parsed and triples generated for them. This is necessary just in case the currently parsed invalid SET command
	   * does not get executed at runtime (due to postconditionals etc.)
	   * Some comment on the need for "first_setleft_invalid". This variable is needed only in the
	   * case we encounter an invalid-SVN/invalid-FCN/unsettable-SVN as a target of the SET. We need to evaluate the
	   * right-hand-side of the SET command only if at least one valid setleft target is parsed before an invalid setleft
	   * target is encountered. This is because we still need to execute the valid setlefts at runtime before triggering
	   * a runtime error for the invalid setleft. If the first setleft target is an invalid one, then there is no need
	   * to evaluate the right-hand-side. In fact, in this case, adding triples (corresponding to the right hand side)
	   * to the execution chain could cause problems with emit_code later in the compilation as the destination
	   * for the right hand side triples could now be undefined (for example a valid SVN on the left side of the
	   * SET would have generated an OC_SVPUT triple with one of its operands holding the result of the right
	   * hand side evaluation, but an invalid SVN on the left side which would have instead caused an OC_RTERROR triple
	   * to have been generated leaving no triple to receive the result of the right hand side evaluation thus causing
	   * emit_code to be confused and GTMASSERT). Therefore discard all triples generated by the right hand side in this case.
	   * By the same reasoning, discard all triples generated by setleft targets AFTER this invalid one as well.
	   * "first_setleft_invalid" is set to TRUE if the first setleft target is invalid and set to FALSE if the first setleft
	   * target is valid. It is initialized to -1 before the start of the parse.

	int		index, setop, delimlen;
	int		first_val_lit, last_val_lit, nakedzalias;
	boolean_t	first_is_lit, last_is_lit, got_lparen, delim1char, is_extract, valid_char;
	boolean_t 	alias_processing, have_lh_alias;
	opctype		put_oc;
	oprtype		v, delimval, firstval, lastval, *result, resptr;
	triple		*curtargchain, *delimiter, discardcurtchain, *first, *get, *jmptrp1, *jmptrp2, *last, *obp, *put;
	triple		*s, *s0, *s1, save_targchain, *save_curtchain, *save_curtchain1, *sub, targchain, *tmp;
	mint		delimlit;
	mval		*delim_mval;
	mvar		*mvarptr;
	boolean_t	parse_warn;	/* set to TRUE in case of an invalid SVN etc. */
	boolean_t	curtchain_switched;	/* set to TRUE if a setcurtchain was done */
	int		first_setleft_invalid;	/* set to TRUE if the first setleft target is invalid */
	boolean_t	temp_subs_was_FALSE;
		uint4		unichar_val;
		unsigned char	unibytes_val[4];
	} unichar;

	TREF(temp_subs) = FALSE;
	dqinit(&targchain, exorder);
	result = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype));
	resptr = put_indr(result);
	delimiter = sub = last = NULL;
	/* A SET clause must be entirely alias related or a normal set. Parenthized multiple sets of aliases are not allowed
	 * and will trigger an error. This is because the source and targets of aliases require different values and references
	 * than normal sets do and thus cannot be mixed.
	if (alias_processing = (TK_ASTERISK == window_token))
	if (got_lparen = (TK_LPAREN == window_token))
		if (alias_processing)
		TREF(temp_subs) = TRUE;
	/* Some explanation: The triples from the left hand side of the SET expression that are
	 * expressly associated with fetching (in case of set $piece/$extract) and/or storing of
	 * the target value are removed from curtchain and placed on the targchain. Later, these
	 * triples will be added to the end of curtchain to do the finishing store of the target
	 * after the righthand side has been evaluated. This is per the M standard.
	 * Note that SET $PIECE/$EXTRACT have special conditions in which the first argument is not referenced at all.
	 * (e.g. set $piece(^a," ",3,2) in this case 3 > 2 so this should not evaluate ^a and therefore should not
	 * modify the naked indicator). That is, the triples that do these conditional checks need to be inserted
	 * ahead of the OC_GVNAME of ^a, all of which need to be inserted on the targchain. But the conditionalization
	 * can be done only after parsing the first argument of the SET $PIECE and examining the remaining arguments.
	 * Therefore we maintain the "curtargchain" variable which stores the value of the "targchain" at the beginning
	 * of the iteration (at the start of the $PIECE parsing) and all the conditionalization will be inserted right
	 * here which is guaranteed to be ahead of where the OC_GVNAME gets inserted.
	 * For example, SET $PIECE(^A(x,y),delim,first,last)=RHS will generate a final triple chain as follows
	 *	A - Triples to evaluate subscripts (x,y) of the global ^A
	 *	A - Triples to evaluate delim
	 *	A - Triples to evaluate first
	 *	A - Triples to evaluate last
	 *	B - Triples to evaluate RHS
	 *	C - Triples to do conditional check (e.g. first > last etc.)
	 *	C - Triples to branch around if the checks indicate this is a null operation SET $PIECE
	 *	D - Triple that does OC_GVNAME of ^A
	 *	D - Triple that does OC_SETPIECE to determine the new value
	 *	D - Triple that does OC_GVPUT of the new value into ^A(x,y)
	 *	This is the point where the conditional check triples will branch around to if they chose to.
	 *	A - triples that evaluates the arguments/subscripts in the left-hand-side of the SET command
	 *		These triples are built in "curtchain"
	 *	B - triples that evaluates the arguments/subscripts in the right-hand-side of the SET command
	 *		These triples are built in "curtchain"
	 *	C - triples that do conditional check for any $PIECE/$EXTRACT in the left side of the SET command.
	 *		These triples are built in "curtargchain"
	 *	D - triples that generate the reference to the target of the SET and the store into the target.
	 *		These triples are built in "targchain"
	 * Note alias processing does not support the SET *(...)=.. type syntax because the type of argument
	 * created for RHS processing is dependent on the LHS receiver type and we do not support more than one
	 * type of source argument in a single SET.
	first_setleft_invalid = FIRST_SETLEFT_NOTSEEN;
	curtchain_switched = FALSE;
	nakedzalias = have_lh_alias = FALSE;
	save_curtchain = NULL;
	for (parse_warn = FALSE; ; parse_warn = FALSE)
		curtargchain = targchain.exorder.bl;
		jmptrp1 = jmptrp2 = NULL;
		delim1char = is_extract = FALSE;
		allow_dzwrtac_as_mident();	/* Allows $ZWRTACxxx as target to be treated as an mident */
		switch (window_token)
			case TK_IDENT:
				/* A slight diversion first. If this is a $ZWRTAC set (indication of $ in first char
				 * is currently enough to signify that), then we need to check a few conditions first.
				 * If this is a "naked $ZWRTAC", meaning no numeric suffix, then this is a flag that
				 * all the $ZWRTAC vars in the local variable tree need to be kill *'d which will not
				 * be generating a SET instruction. First we need to verify that fact and make sure
				 * we are not in PARENs and not doing alias processing. Note *any* value can be
				 * specified as the source but while it will be evaluated, it is NOT stored anywhere.
				if ('$' == *window_ident.addr)
				{	/* We have a $ZWRTAC<xx> target */
					if (got_lparen)
						/* We don't allow $ZWRTACxxx to be specified in a parenthesized list.
						 * Verify that first
					if (STR_LIT_LEN(DOLLAR_ZWRTAC) == window_ident.len)
					{	/* Ok, this is a naked $ZWRTAC targeted set */
						if (alias_processing)
						nakedzalias = TRUE;
						/* This opcode doesn't really need args but it is easier to fit in with the rest
						 * of m_set processing to pass it the result arg, which there may actually be
						 * a use for someday..
						put = maketriple(OC_CLRALSVARS);
						put->operand[0] = resptr;
						dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, put);
				/* If we are doing alias processing, there are two possibilities:
				 *  1) LHS is unsubscripted - it is an alias variable being created or replaced. Need to parse
				 *  the varname as if this were a regular set.
				 *  2) LHS is subscripted - it is an alias container variable being created or replaced. The
				 *  processing here is to pass the base variable index to the store routine so bypass the
				 *  lvn() call.
				if (!alias_processing || TK_LPAREN == director_token)
				{	/* Normal variable processing or we have a lh alias container */
					if (!lvn(&v, OC_PUTINDX, 0))
					if (OC_PUTINDX == v.oprval.tref->opcode)
						dqdel(v.oprval.tref, exorder);
						dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, v.oprval.tref);
						sub = v.oprval.tref;
						put_oc = OC_PUTINDX;
						if (TREF(temp_subs))
							m_set_create_temporaries(sub, put_oc);
				} else
				{	/* Have alias variable. Argument is index into var table rather than pointer to var */
					have_lh_alias = TRUE;
					/* We only want the variable index in this case. Since the entire hash structure to which
					 * this variable is going to be pointing to is changing, doing anything that calls fetch()
					 * is somewhat pointless so we avoid it by just accessing the variable information
					 * directly.
					mvarptr = get_mvaddr(&window_ident);
					v = put_ilit(mvarptr->mvidx);
				/* Determine correct storing triple */
				put = maketriple((!alias_processing ? OC_STO :
						  (have_lh_alias ? OC_SETALS2ALS : OC_SETALSIN2ALSCT)));
				put->operand[0] = v;
				put->operand[1] = resptr;
				dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, put);
				if (alias_processing)
				s1 = curtchain->exorder.bl;
				if (!gvn())
				for (sub = curtchain->exorder.bl; sub != s1; sub = sub->exorder.bl)
					put_oc = sub->opcode;
					if (OC_GVNAME == put_oc || OC_GVNAKED == put_oc || OC_GVEXTNAM == put_oc)
				assert(OC_GVNAME == put_oc || OC_GVNAKED == put_oc || OC_GVEXTNAM == put_oc);
				dqdel(sub, exorder);
				dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, sub);
				if (TREF(temp_subs))
					m_set_create_temporaries(sub, put_oc);
				put = maketriple(OC_GVPUT);
				put->operand[0] = resptr;
				dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, put);
			case TK_ATSIGN:
				if (alias_processing)
				if (!indirection(&v))
				if (!got_lparen && TK_EQUAL != window_token)
					put = newtriple(OC_COMMARG);
					put->operand[0] = v;
					put->operand[1] = put_ilit(indir_set);
					return TRUE;
				put = maketriple(OC_INDSET);
				put->operand[0] = v;
				put->operand[1] = resptr;
				dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, put);
			case TK_DOLLAR:
				if (alias_processing)
				if (TK_IDENT != window_token)
				if (TK_LPAREN != director_token)
				{	/* Look for intrinsic special variables */
					s1 = curtchain->exorder.bl;
					if (0 > (index = namelook(svn_index, svn_names, window_ident.addr, window_ident.len)))
						STX_ERROR_WARN(ERR_INVSVN);	/* sets "parse_warn" to TRUE */
					} else if (!svn_data[index].can_set)
						STX_ERROR_WARN(ERR_SVNOSET);	/* sets "parse_warn" to TRUE */
					if (!parse_warn)
						if (SV_ETRAP != svn_data[index].opcode && SV_ZTRAP != svn_data[index].opcode)
						{	/* Setting of $ZTRAP or $ETRAP must go through opp_svput because they
							 * may affect the stack pointer. All others directly to op_svput().
							put = maketriple(OC_SVPUT);
						} else
							put = maketriple(OC_PSVPUT);
						put->operand[0] = put_ilit(svn_data[index].opcode);
						put->operand[1] = resptr;
						dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, put);
					} else
					{	/* OC_RTERROR triple would have been inserted in curtchain by ins_errtriple
						 * (invoked by stx_error). To maintain consistency with the "if" portion of
						 * this code, we need to move this triple to the "targchain".
						tmp = curtchain->exorder.bl; /* corresponds to put_ilit(FALSE) in ins_errtriple */
						tmp = tmp->exorder.bl;	/* corresponds to put_ilit(in_error) in ins_errtriple */
						tmp = tmp->exorder.bl;	/* corresponds to newtriple(OC_RTERROR) in ins_errtriple */
						assert(OC_RTERROR == tmp->opcode);
						dqdel(tmp, exorder);
						dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, tmp);
				/* Only 4 function names allowed on left side: $[Z]Piece and $[Z]Extract */
				index = namelook(fun_index, fun_names, window_ident.addr, window_ident.len);
				if (0 > index)
					STX_ERROR_WARN(ERR_INVFCN);	/* sets "parse_warn" to TRUE */
					/* OC_RTERROR triple would have been inserted in "curtchain" by ins_errtriple
					 * (invoked by stx_error). We need to switch it to "targchain" to be consistent
					 * with every other codepath in this module.
					tmp = curtchain->exorder.bl; /* corresponds to put_ilit(FALSE) in ins_errtriple */
					tmp = tmp->exorder.bl;	/* corresponds to put_ilit(in_error) in ins_errtriple */
					tmp = tmp->exorder.bl;	/* corresponds to newtriple(OC_RTERROR) in ins_errtriple */
					assert(OC_RTERROR == tmp->opcode);
					dqdel(tmp, exorder);
					dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, tmp);
					advancewindow();	/* skip past the function name */
					advancewindow();	/* skip past the left paren */
					/* Parse the remaining arguments until corresponding RIGHT-PAREN/SPACE/EOL is reached */
					if (!parse_until_rparen_or_space())
				} else
						case OC_FNPIECE:
							setop = OC_SETPIECE;
						case OC_FNEXTRACT:
							is_extract = TRUE;
							setop = OC_SETEXTRACT;
						case OC_FNZPIECE:
							setop = OC_SETZPIECE;
						case OC_FNZEXTRACT:
							is_extract = TRUE;
							setop = OC_SETZEXTRACT;
					/* Although we see the get (target) variable first, we need to save it's processing
					 * on another chain -- the targchain -- because the retrieval of the target is bypassed
					 * and the naked indicator is not reset if the first/last parameters are not set in a
					 * logical manner (must be > 0 and first <= last). So the evaluation order is
					 * delimiter (if $piece), first, last, RHS of the set and then the target if applicable.
					 * Set up primary action triple now since it is ref'd by the put triples generated below.
					s = maketriple(setop);
					/* Even for SET[Z]PIECE and SET[Z]EXTRACT, the SETxxxxx opcodes
					 * do not do the final store, they only create the final value TO be
					 * stored so generate the triples that will actually do the store now.
					 * Note we are still building triples on the original curtchain.
					switch (window_token)
						case TK_IDENT:
							if (!lvn(&v, OC_PUTINDX, 0))
							if (OC_PUTINDX == v.oprval.tref->opcode)
								dqdel(v.oprval.tref, exorder);
								dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, v.oprval.tref);
								sub = v.oprval.tref;
								put_oc = OC_PUTINDX;
								if (TREF(temp_subs))
									m_set_create_temporaries(sub, put_oc);
							get = maketriple(OC_FNGET);
							get->operand[0] = v;
							put = maketriple(OC_STO);
							put->operand[0] = v;
							put->operand[1] = put_tref(s);
						case TK_ATSIGN:
							if (!indirection(&v))
							get = maketriple(OC_INDGET);
							get->operand[0] = v;
							get->operand[1] = put_str(0, 0);
							put = maketriple(OC_INDSET);
							put->operand[0] = v;
							put->operand[1] = put_tref(s);
						case TK_CIRCUMFLEX:
							s1 = curtchain->exorder.bl;
							if (!gvn())
							for (sub = curtchain->exorder.bl; sub != s1 ; sub = sub->exorder.bl)
								put_oc = sub->opcode;
								if ((OC_GVNAME == put_oc) || (OC_GVNAKED == put_oc)
								    || (OC_GVEXTNAM == put_oc))
							assert((OC_GVNAME == put_oc) || (OC_GVNAKED == put_oc)
							       || (OC_GVEXTNAM == put_oc));
							dqdel(sub, exorder);
							dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, sub);
							if (TREF(temp_subs))
								m_set_create_temporaries(sub, put_oc);
							get = maketriple(OC_FNGVGET);
							get->operand[0] = put_str(0, 0);
							put = maketriple(OC_GVPUT);
							put->operand[0] = put_tref(s);
					s->operand[0] = put_tref(get);
					/* Code to fetch args for target triple are on targchain. Put get there now too. */
					dqins(targchain.exorder.bl, exorder, get);
					if (!is_extract)
					{	/* Set $[z]piece */
						delimiter = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
						s->operand[1] = put_tref(delimiter);
						first = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
						delimiter->operand[1] = put_tref(first);
						/* Process delimiter string ($[z]piece only) */
						if (TK_COMMA != window_token)
						if (!strexpr(&delimval))
						assert(TRIP_REF == delimval.oprclass);
					} else
					{	/* Set $[Z]Extract */
						first = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER);
						s->operand[1] = put_tref(first);
					/* Process first integer value */
					if (window_token != TK_COMMA)
						firstval = put_ilit(1);
						if (!intexpr(&firstval))
						assert(firstval.oprclass == TRIP_REF);
					first->operand[0] = firstval;
					if (first_is_lit = (OC_ILIT == firstval.oprval.tref->opcode))
						assert(ILIT_REF ==firstval.oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass);
						first_val_lit = firstval.oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit;
					if (TK_COMMA != window_token)
					{	/* There is no "last" value. Only if 1 char literal delimiter and
						 * no "last" value can we generate shortcut code to op_set[z]p1 entry
						 * instead of op_set[z]piece. Note if UTF8 mode is in effect, then this
						 * optimization applies if the literal is one unicode char which may in
						 * fact be up to 4 bytes but will still be passed as a single unsigned
						 * integer.
						if (!is_extract)
							delim_mval = &delimval.oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.mlit->v;
							valid_char = TRUE;	/* Basic assumption unles proven otherwise */
							if (delimval.oprval.tref->opcode == OC_LIT &&
							    (1 == (gtm_utf8_mode ?
								   MV_FORCE_LEN(delim_mval) : delim_mval->str.len)))
							{	/* Single char delimiter for set $piece */
									if (gtm_utf8_mode)
									{	/*  We have a supposed single char delimiter but it
										 *  must be a valid utf8 char to be used by
										 *  op_setp1() and MV_FORCE_LEN won't tell us that.
										valid_char = UTF8_VALID(delim_mval->str.addr,
													 + delim_mval->str.len),
										if (!valid_char && !badchar_inhibit)
											UTF8_BADCHAR(0, delim_mval->str.addr,
												      + delim_mval->str.len),
												     0, NULL);
								if (valid_char || 1 == delim_mval->str.len)
								{	/* This reference to a one character literal or a single
									 * byte invalid utf8 character that needs to be turned into
									 * an explict formated integer literal instead
									unichar.unichar_val = 0;
									if (!gtm_utf8_mode)
									{	/* Single byte delimiter */
										assert(1 == delim_mval->str.len);
										UNIX_ONLY(s->opcode = OC_SETZP1);
										VMS_ONLY(s->opcode = OC_SETP1);
										unichar.unibytes_val[0] = *delim_mval->str.addr;
									{	/* Potentially multiple bytes in one int */
										assert(SIZEOF(int) >= delim_mval->str.len);
										s->opcode = OC_SETP1;
									delimlit = (mint)unichar.unichar_val;
									delimiter->operand[0] = put_ilit(delimlit);
									delim1char = TRUE;
예제 #10
void preemptive_db_clnup(int preemptive_severe)
	sgmnt_addrs	*csa;
	sgm_info	*si;
	gd_region	*r_top, *reg;
	gd_addr		*addr_ptr;

	/* Clear "inctn_opcode" global variable now that any in-progress transaction is aborted at this point.
	 * Not doing so would cause future calls to "t_end" to get confused and skip writing logical jnl recs
	 * and instead incorrectly write an INCTN record (GTM-8425).
	if (bml_save_dollar_tlevel)
		dollar_tlevel = bml_save_dollar_tlevel;
		bml_save_dollar_tlevel = 0;
	assert(!dollar_tlevel || (inctn_invalid_op == inctn_opcode) || (inctn_bmp_mark_free_gtm == inctn_opcode));
	assert(dollar_tlevel || update_trans || (inctn_invalid_op == inctn_opcode));
	inctn_opcode = inctn_invalid_op;
	if (!dollar_tlevel && update_trans)
	{	/* It's possible we hit an error in the middle of an update, at which point we have
		 * a valid clue and non-NULL cse. However, this causes problems for subsequent
		 * transactions (see comment in t_begin). In particular we could end up pinning buffers
		 * unnecessarily. So clear the cse of any histories that may have been active during the update.
		if ((NULL != gv_target) && (NULL != gv_target->gd_csa))
		/* Resetting this is necessary to avoid blowing an assert in t_begin that it is 0 at the start of a transaction. */
		update_trans = 0;
	if (INVALID_GV_TARGET != reset_gv_target)
		if (SUCCESS != preemptive_severe && INFO != preemptive_severe)
			/* We know of a few cases in Unix where gv_target and gv_currkey could be out of sync at this point.
			 *   a) If we are inside trigger code which in turn does an update that does
			 *	reads of ^#t global and ends up in a restart. This restart would
			 *	in turn do a rts_error_csa(TPRETRY) which would invoke mdb_condition_handler
			 *	that would in turn invoke preemptive_db_clnup which invokes this macro.
			 *	In this tp restart case though, it is ok for gv_target and gv_currkey
			 *	to be out of sync because they are going to be reset by tp_clean_up anyways.
			 *	So skip the dbg-only in-sync check.
			 *   b) If we are in gvtr_init reading the ^#t global and detect an error (e.g. TRIGINVCHSET)
			 *	gv_target after the reset would be pointing to a regular global whereas gv_currkey
			 *	would be pointing to ^#t. It is ok to be out-of-sync since in this case, we expect
			 *	mdb_condition_handler to be calling us. That has code to reset gv_currkey (and
			 *	cs_addrs/cs_data etc.) to reflect gv_target (i.e. get them back in sync).
			 * Therefore in Unix we pass SKIP_GVT_GVKEY_CHECK to skip the gvtarget/gvcurrkey out-of-sync check
			 * in RESET_GV_TARGET. In VMS we pass DO_GVT_GVKEY_CHECK as we dont yet know of an out-of-sync situation.
	need_kip_incr = FALSE;	/* in case we got an error in t_end (e.g. GBLOFLOW), dont want this global variable to get
				 * carried over to the next non-TP transaction that this process does (e.g. inside an error trap).
	TREF(expand_prev_key) = FALSE;	/* reset global (in case it is TRUE) so it does not get carried over to future operations */
	if (dollar_tlevel)
		for (si = first_sgm_info;  si != NULL; si = si->next_sgm_info)
			if (NULL != si->kip_csa)
				csa = si->tp_csa;
				assert(si->tp_csa == si->kip_csa);
				PROBE_DECR_KIP(csa->hdr, csa, si->kip_csa);
	} else if (NULL != kip_csa && (NULL != kip_csa->hdr) && (NULL != kip_csa->nl))
		PROBE_DECR_KIP(kip_csa->hdr, kip_csa, kip_csa);
	{	/* Release crit on any region that was obtained for the current erroring DSE operation.
		 * Take care NOT to release crits obtained by a previous CRIT -SEIZE command.
		for (addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(NULL); addr_ptr; addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(addr_ptr))
			for (reg = addr_ptr->regions, r_top = reg + addr_ptr->n_regions; reg < r_top; reg++)
				if (reg->open && !reg->was_open)
					csa = &FILE_INFO(reg)->s_addrs;
					assert(csa->hold_onto_crit || !csa->dse_crit_seize_done);
					assert(!csa->hold_onto_crit || csa->now_crit);
					if (csa->now_crit && (!csa->hold_onto_crit || !csa->dse_crit_seize_done))
						csa->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;
						t_abort(reg, csa);	/* cancel mini-transaction if any in progress */
예제 #11
파일: mu_int_reg.c 프로젝트: mihawk/fis-gtm
void mu_int_reg(gd_region *reg, boolean_t *return_value)
	boolean_t		read_only, was_crit;
	freeze_status		status;
	node_local_ptr_t	cnl;
	sgmnt_addrs     	*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
#	ifdef DEBUG
	boolean_t		need_to_wait = FALSE;
	int			trynum;
	uint4			curr_wbox_seq_num;
#	endif
	sgmnt_data		*csd_copy_ptr;
	gd_segment		*seg;
	int			gtmcrypt_errno;
	*return_value = FALSE;
	UNIX_ONLY(jnlpool_init_needed = TRUE);
	if (dba_usr == reg->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
		util_out_print("!/Can't integ region !AD; not GDS format", TRUE,  REG_LEN_STR(reg));
	gv_cur_region = reg;
	if (reg_cmcheck(reg))
		util_out_print("!/Can't integ region across network", TRUE);
	if (gv_cur_region->was_open)
	{	/* already open under another name */
		gv_cur_region->open = FALSE;
	csa = &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs;
	cnl = csa->nl;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	read_only = gv_cur_region->read_only;
	assert(NULL != mu_int_master);
	/* Ensure that we don't see an increase in the file header and master map size compared to it's maximum values */
	assert(SGMNT_HDR_LEN >= SIZEOF(sgmnt_data) && (MASTER_MAP_SIZE_MAX >= MASTER_MAP_SIZE(csd)));
	/* ONLINE INTEG if asked for explicitly by specifying -ONLINE is an error if the db has partial V4 blocks.
	 * However, if -ONLINE is not explicitly specified but rather assumed implicitly (as default for -REG)
	 * then turn off ONLINE INTEG for this region and continue as if -NOONLINE was specified
	if (!csd->fully_upgraded)
		ointeg_this_reg = FALSE; /* Turn off ONLINE INTEG for this region */
		if (online_specified)
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_SSV4NOALLOW, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			util_out_print(NO_ONLINE_ERR_MSG, TRUE);
#	endif
	if (!ointeg_this_reg || read_only)
		status = region_freeze(gv_cur_region, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
		switch (status)
				UNIX_ONLY(if (csa->read_only_fs) break);
				util_out_print("!/Database for region !AD is already frozen, not integing",
					TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			case REG_HAS_KIP:
				/* We have already waited for KIP to reset. This time do not wait for KIP */
				status = region_freeze(gv_cur_region, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
				if (REG_ALREADY_FROZEN == status)
					UNIX_ONLY(if (csa->read_only_fs) break);
					util_out_print("!/Database for region !AD is already frozen, not integing",
						TRUE, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
예제 #12
void gv_rundown(void)
	gd_region	*r_top, *r_save, *r_local;
	gd_addr		*addr_ptr;
	sgm_info	*si;
	int4		rundown_status = EXIT_NRM;			/* if gds_rundown went smoothly */
#	ifdef VMS
	vms_gds_info	*gds_info;
#	elif UNIX
	unix_db_info	*udi;
#	endif
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(UNIX)
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
#	endif


	r_save = gv_cur_region;		/* Save for possible core dump */

	if (pool_init)
	for (addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(NULL); addr_ptr; addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(addr_ptr))
		for (r_local = addr_ptr->regions, r_top = r_local + addr_ptr->n_regions; r_local < r_top; r_local++)
			if (r_local->open && !r_local->was_open && dba_cm != r_local->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
			{	/* Rundown has already occurred for GT.CM client regions through gvcmy_rundown() above.
			 	 * Hence the (dba_cm != ...) check in the if above. Note that for GT.CM client regions,
				 * region->open is TRUE although cs_addrs is NULL.
#				if defined(DEBUG) && defined(UNIX)
				if (is_jnlpool_creator && ANTICIPATORY_FREEZE_AVAILABLE && TREF(gtm_test_fake_enospc))
				{	/* Clear ENOSPC faking now that we are running down */
					csa = REG2CSA(r_local);
					if (csa->nl->fake_db_enospc || csa->nl->fake_jnl_enospc)
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_TEXT, 2, DB_LEN_STR(r_local), ERR_TEXT,
							     2, LEN_AND_LIT("Resetting fake_db_enospc and fake_jnl_enospc"));
						csa->nl->fake_db_enospc = FALSE;
						csa->nl->fake_jnl_enospc = FALSE;
#				endif
				gv_cur_region = r_local;
				UNIX_ONLY(rundown_status |=) gds_rundown();

				/* Now that gds_rundown is done, free up the memory associated with the region.
				 * Ideally the following memory freeing code should go to gds_rundown, but
				 * GT.CM calls gds_rundown() and we want to reuse memory for GT.CM.
				if (NULL != cs_addrs)
					if (NULL != cs_addrs->dir_tree)
					if (cs_addrs->sgm_info_ptr)
						si = cs_addrs->sgm_info_ptr;
						/* It is possible we got interrupted before initializing all fields of "si"
						 * completely so account for NULL values while freeing/releasing those fields.
						assert((si->tp_csa == cs_addrs) || (NULL == si->tp_csa));
						if (si->jnl_tail)
						if (NULL != si->blks_in_use)
							si->blks_in_use = NULL;
						if (si->cr_array_size)
							assert(NULL != si->cr_array);
							if (NULL != si->cr_array)
						if (NULL != si->first_tp_hist)
					if (cs_addrs->jnl)
						assert(&FILE_INFO(cs_addrs->jnl->region)->s_addrs == cs_addrs);
						if (cs_addrs->jnl->jnllsb)
						if (cs_addrs->encrypted_blk_contents)
					gds_info = (vms_gds_info *)gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl->file_info;
					if (gds_info->xabpro)
					if (gds_info->xabfhc)
					if (gds_info->nam)
					if (gds_info->fab)
			r_local->open = r_local->was_open = FALSE;
예제 #13
sm_uc_ptr_t t_qread(block_id blk, sm_int_ptr_t cycle, cache_rec_ptr_ptr_t cr_out)
/* cycle is used in t_end to detect if the buffer has been refreshed since the t_qread */
    uint4			status, duint4, blocking_pid;
    cache_rec_ptr_t		cr;
    bt_rec_ptr_t		bt;
    bool			clustered, was_crit;
    int			dummy, lcnt, ocnt;
    cw_set_element		*cse;
    off_chain		chain1;
    register sgmnt_addrs	*csa;
    register sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
    int4			dummy_errno;
    boolean_t		already_built, is_mm, reset_first_tp_srch_status, set_wc_blocked;


    first_tp_srch_status = NULL;
    reset_first_tp_srch_status = FALSE;
    csa = cs_addrs;
    csd = csa->hdr;
    INCR_DB_CSH_COUNTER(csa, n_t_qreads, 1);
    is_mm = (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth);
    assert((t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE) || csa->now_crit);
    if (0 < dollar_tlevel)
        if (0 != sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth)
            chain1 = *(off_chain *)&blk;
            if (1 == chain1.flag)
                if ((int)chain1.cw_index < sgm_info_ptr->cw_set_depth)
                    tp_get_cw(sgm_info_ptr->first_cw_set, (int)chain1.cw_index, &cse);
                    assert(FALSE == csa->now_crit);
                    rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_blknumerr;
                    return (sm_uc_ptr_t)NULL;
            } else
                first_tp_srch_status = (srch_blk_status *)lookup_hashtab_ent(sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use,
                                       (void *)blk, &duint4);
                ASSERT_IS_WITHIN_TP_HIST_ARRAY_BOUNDS(first_tp_srch_status, sgm_info_ptr);
                cse = first_tp_srch_status ? first_tp_srch_status->ptr : NULL;
            assert(!cse || !cse->high_tlevel);
            if (cse)
            {   /* transaction has modified the sought after block  */
                assert(gds_t_writemap != cse->mode);
                if (FALSE == cse->done)
                {   /* out of date, so make it current */
                    already_built = (NULL != cse->new_buff);
                    gvcst_blk_build(cse, (uchar_ptr_t)cse->new_buff, 0);
                    if (!already_built && !chain1.flag)
                        assert(first_tp_srch_status && (is_mm || first_tp_srch_status->cr)
                               && first_tp_srch_status->buffaddr);
                        if (first_tp_srch_status->tn <=
                            assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
                            rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_blkmod;	/* should this be something else */
                            TP_TRACE_HIST_MOD(blk, gv_target, tp_blkmod_t_qread, cs_data,
                            return (sm_uc_ptr_t)NULL;
                        if ((!is_mm) && (first_tp_srch_status->cycle != first_tp_srch_status->cr->cycle
                                         || first_tp_srch_status->blk_num != first_tp_srch_status->cr->blk))
                            assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
                            rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_lostcr;	/* should this be something else */
                            return (sm_uc_ptr_t)NULL;
                        if (certify_all_blocks &&
                                FALSE == cert_blk(gv_cur_region, blk, (blk_hdr_ptr_t)cse->new_buff,
                    cse->done = TRUE;
                *cycle = CYCLE_PVT_COPY;
                *cr_out = 0;
                return (sm_uc_ptr_t)cse->new_buff;
        } else
            first_tp_srch_status =
                (srch_blk_status *)lookup_hashtab_ent(sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use, (void *)blk, &duint4);
        ASSERT_IS_WITHIN_TP_HIST_ARRAY_BOUNDS(first_tp_srch_status, sgm_info_ptr);
        if (!is_mm && first_tp_srch_status)
            assert(first_tp_srch_status->cr && !first_tp_srch_status->ptr);
            if (first_tp_srch_status->cycle == first_tp_srch_status->cr->cycle)
                *cycle = first_tp_srch_status->cycle;
                *cr_out = first_tp_srch_status->cr;
                first_tp_srch_status->cr->refer = TRUE;
                if (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)	/* mu_reorg doesn't use TP else should have an || for that */
                return (sm_uc_ptr_t)first_tp_srch_status->buffaddr;
            } else
            {   /* Block was already part of the read-set of this transaction, but got recycled. Allow for
                 * recycling. But update the first_tp_srch_status (for this blk) in the si->first_tp_hist
                 * array to reflect the new buffer, cycle and cache-record. Since we know those only at the end of
                 * t_qread, set a variable here that will enable the updation before returning from t_qread().
                reset_first_tp_srch_status = TRUE;
    if ((blk >= csa->ti->total_blks) || (blk < 0))
    {   /* requested block out of range; could occur because of a concurrency conflict */
        if ((&FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs != csa) || (csd != cs_data))
        assert(FALSE == csa->now_crit);
        rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_blknumerr;
        return (sm_uc_ptr_t)NULL;
    if (is_mm)
        *cycle = CYCLE_SHRD_COPY;
        *cr_out = 0;
        return (sm_uc_ptr_t)(mm_read(blk));
    assert(dba_bg == csd->acc_meth);
    assert(!first_tp_srch_status || !first_tp_srch_status->cr
           || first_tp_srch_status->cycle != first_tp_srch_status->cr->cycle);
    if (FALSE == (clustered = csd->clustered))
        bt = NULL;
    was_crit = csa->now_crit;
    ocnt = 0;
    set_wc_blocked = FALSE;	/* to indicate whether csd->wc_blocked was set to TRUE by us */
        if (NULL == (cr = db_csh_get(blk)))
        {   /* not in memory */
            if (clustered && (NULL != (bt = bt_get(blk))) && (FALSE == bt->flushing))
                bt = NULL;
            if (FALSE == csa->now_crit)
                if (NULL != bt)
                {   /* at this point, bt is not NULL only if clustered and flushing - wait no crit */
                    wait_for_block_flush(bt, blk);	/* try for no other node currently writing the block */
                if (csd->flush_trigger <= csa->nl->wcs_active_lvl  &&  FALSE == gv_cur_region->read_only)
                    JNL_ENSURE_OPEN_WCS_WTSTART(csa, gv_cur_region, 0, dummy_errno);
                /* a macro that dclast's wcs_wtstart() and checks for errors etc. */
                cr = db_csh_get(blk);			/* in case blk arrived before crit */
            if (clustered && (NULL != (bt = bt_get(blk))) && (TRUE == bt->flushing))
            {   /* Once crit, need to assure that if clustered, that flushing is [still] complete
                 * If it isn't, we missed an entire WM cycle and have to wait for another node to finish */
                wait_for_block_flush(bt, blk);	/* ensure no other node currently writing the block */
            if (NULL == cr)
            {   /* really not in memory - must get a new buffer */
                cr = db_csh_getn(blk);
                if (CR_NOTVALID == (sm_long_t)cr)
                    SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(cs_data->wc_blocked, TRUE);
                    BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wc_blocked_t_qread_db_csh_getn_invalid_blk);
                    set_wc_blocked = TRUE;
                assert(0 <= cr->read_in_progress);
                *cycle = cr->cycle;
                cr->tn = csa->ti->curr_tn;
                if (FALSE == was_crit)
                /* read outside of crit may be of a stale block but should be detected by t_end or tp_tend */
                assert(0 == cr->dirty);
                assert(cr->read_in_progress >= 0);
                INCR_DB_CSH_COUNTER(csa, n_dsk_reads, 1);
                if (SS_NORMAL != (status = dsk_read(blk, GDS_REL2ABS(cr->buffaddr))))
                    assert(was_crit == csa->now_crit);
                    if (FUTURE_READ == status)
                    {   /* in cluster, block can be in the "future" with respect to the local history */
                        assert(TRUE == clustered);
                        assert(FALSE == csa->now_crit);
                        rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_future_read;	/* t_retry forces the history up to date */
                        return (sm_uc_ptr_t)NULL;
                    rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), status);
                assert(0 <= cr->read_in_progress);
                assert(0 == cr->dirty);
                cr->r_epid = 0;
                assert(-1 <= cr->read_in_progress);
                *cr_out = cr;
                assert(was_crit == csa->now_crit);
                if (reset_first_tp_srch_status)
                {   /* keep the parantheses for the if (although single line) since the following is a macro */
                    RESET_FIRST_TP_SRCH_STATUS(first_tp_srch_status, cr, *cycle);
                return (sm_uc_ptr_t)GDS_REL2ABS(cr->buffaddr);
            } else  if ((FALSE == was_crit) && (BAD_LUCK_ABOUNDS > ocnt))
                assert(TRUE == csa->now_crit);
                assert(csa->nl->in_crit == process_id);
        if (CR_NOTVALID == (sm_long_t)cr)
            SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(cs_data->wc_blocked, TRUE);
            BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wc_blocked_t_qread_db_csh_get_invalid_blk);
            set_wc_blocked = TRUE;
        for (lcnt = 1;  ; lcnt++)
            if (0 > cr->read_in_progress)
            {   /* it's not being read */
                if (clustered && (0 == cr->bt_index) &&
                        (cr->tn < ((th_rec *)((uchar_ptr_t)csa->th_base + csa->th_base->tnque.fl))->tn))
                {   /* can't rely on the buffer */
                    cr->cycle++;	/* increment cycle whenever blk number changes (tp_hist depends on this) */
                    cr->blk = CR_BLKEMPTY;
                *cycle = cr->cycle;
                *cr_out = cr;
                    /* If we were doing the db_csh_get() above (in t_qread itself) and located the cache-record
                     * which, before coming here and taking a copy of cr->cycle a few lines above, was made an
                     * older twin by another process in bg_update (note this can happen in VMS only) which has
                     * already incremented the cycle, we will end up having a copy of the old cache-record with
                     * its incremented cycle number and hence will succeed in tp_hist validation if we return
                     * this <cr,cycle> combination although we don't want to since this "cr" is not current for
                     * the given block as of now. Note that the "indexmod" optimization in tp_tend() relies on
                     * an accurate intermediate validation by tp_hist() which in turn relies on the <cr,cycle>
                     * value returned by t_qread() to be accurate for a given blk at the current point in time.
                     * We detect the older-twin case by the following check. Note that here we depend on the
                     * the fact that bg_update() sets cr->bt_index to 0 before incrementing cr->cycle.
                     * Given that order, cr->bt_index can be guaranteed to be 0 if we read the incremented cycle
                    if (cr->twin && (0 == cr->bt_index))
                    if (cr->blk != blk)
                if (was_crit != csa->now_crit)
                assert(was_crit == csa->now_crit);
                if (reset_first_tp_srch_status)
                {   /* keep the parantheses for the if (although single line) since the following is a macro */
                    RESET_FIRST_TP_SRCH_STATUS(first_tp_srch_status, cr, *cycle);
                /* Note that at this point we expect t_qread() to return a <cr,cycle> combination that
                 * corresponds to "blk" passed in. It is crucial to get an accurate value for both the fields
                 * since tp_hist() relies on this for its intermediate validation.
                return (sm_uc_ptr_t)GDS_ANY_REL2ABS(csa, cr->buffaddr);
            if (blk != cr->blk)
            if (lcnt >= BUF_OWNER_STUCK && (0 == (lcnt % BUF_OWNER_STUCK)))
                if (FALSE == csa->now_crit)
                if (cr->read_in_progress < -1)
                {   /* outside of design; clear to known state */
                    assert(0 == cr->r_epid);
                    cr->r_epid = 0;
                } else  if (cr->read_in_progress >= 0)
                    if (0 != (blocking_pid = cr->r_epid))
                        if (FALSE == is_proc_alive(blocking_pid, cr->image_count))
                        {   /* process gone: release that process's lock */
                            assert(0 == cr->bt_index);
                            if (cr->bt_index)
                                SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(csd->wc_blocked, TRUE);
                                BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wc_blocked_t_qread_bad_bt_index1);
                                set_wc_blocked = TRUE;
                            cr->cycle++;	/* increment cycle for blk number changes (for tp_hist) */
                            cr->blk = CR_BLKEMPTY;
                        } else
                            send_msg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
                            send_msg(VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_BUFOWNERSTUCK, 7, process_id, blocking_pid,
                                     cr->blk, cr->blk, (lcnt / BUF_OWNER_STUCK),
                                     cr->read_in_progress, cr->rip_latch.latch_pid);
                            if ((4 * BUF_OWNER_STUCK) <= lcnt)
                            /* Kickstart the process taking a long time in case it was suspended */
                    } else
                    {   /* process stopped before could set r_epid */
                        assert(0 == cr->bt_index);
                        if (cr->bt_index)
                            SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(csd->wc_blocked, TRUE);
                            BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wc_blocked_t_qread_bad_bt_index2);
                            set_wc_blocked = TRUE;
                        cr->cycle++;	/* increment cycle for blk number changes (for tp_hist) */
                        cr->blk = CR_BLKEMPTY;
                        if (cr->read_in_progress < -1)	/* race: process released since if r_epid */
                            LOCK_BUFF_FOR_READ(cr, dummy);
                if (was_crit != csa->now_crit)
            } else
        if (set_wc_blocked)	/* cannot use csd->wc_blocked here as we might not necessarily have crit */
        if (BAD_LUCK_ABOUNDS <= ocnt)
            if (BAD_LUCK_ABOUNDS < ocnt || csa->now_crit)
            if (FALSE == csa->now_crit)
    } while (TRUE);
예제 #14
/* Return number of regions (including jnlpool dummy region) if have or are aquiring crit or in_wtstart
 * ** NOTE **  This routine is called from signal handlers and is thus called asynchronously.
 * If CRIT_IN_COMMIT bit is set, we check if in middle of commit (PHASE1 inside crit or PHASE2 outside crit) on some region.
 * If CRIT_RELEASE bit is set, we release crit on region(s) that:
 *   1)  we hold crit on (neither CRIT_IN_COMMIT NOR CRIT_TRANS_NO_REG is specified)
 *   2)  are part of the current transactions except those regions that are marked as being valid
 *       to have crit in by virtue of their crit_check_cycle value is the same as crit_deadlock_check_cycle.
 * If CRIT_ALL_REGIONS bit is set, go through the entire list of regions
uint4 have_crit(uint4 crit_state)
	gd_region	*r_top, *r_local;
	gd_addr		*addr_ptr;
	sgmnt_addrs	*csa;
	uint4		crit_reg_cnt = 0;

	/* in order to proper release the necessary regions, CRIT_RELEASE implies going through all the regions */
	if (crit_state & CRIT_RELEASE)
		UNIX_ONLY(assert(!jgbl.onlnrlbk)); /* should not request crit to be released if online rollback */
		crit_state |= CRIT_ALL_REGIONS;
	if (0 != crit_count)
		if (0 == (crit_state & CRIT_ALL_REGIONS))
			return crit_reg_cnt;
	for (addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(NULL); addr_ptr; addr_ptr = get_next_gdr(addr_ptr))
		for (r_local = addr_ptr->regions, r_top = r_local + addr_ptr->n_regions; r_local < r_top; r_local++)
			if (r_local->open && !r_local->was_open)
				csa = &FILE_INFO(r_local)->s_addrs;
				if (NULL != csa)
					if (csa->now_crit)
						/* It is possible that if DSE has done a CRIT REMOVE and stolen our crit, it
						 * could be given to someone else which would cause this test to fail. The
						 * current thinking is that the state DSE put this process is no longer viable
						 * and it should die at the earliest opportunity, there being no way to know if
						 * that is what happened anyway.
						if (csa->nl->in_crit != process_id)
						/* If we are releasing (all) regions with critical section or if special
						 * TP case, release if the cycle number doesn't match meaning this is a
						 * region we should not hold crit in (even if it is part of tp_reg_list).
						if ((0 != (crit_state & CRIT_RELEASE)) &&
						    (0 == (crit_state & CRIT_NOT_TRANS_REG) ||
						     crit_deadlock_check_cycle != csa->crit_check_cycle))
							send_msg(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_MUTEXRELEASED, 6,
								 process_id, process_id,  DB_LEN_STR(r_local),
								 dollar_tlevel, t_tries);
						if (0 == (crit_state & CRIT_ALL_REGIONS))
							return crit_reg_cnt;
					/* In Commit-crit is defined as the time since when early_tn is 1 + curr_tn upto when
					 * t_commit_crit is set to FALSE. Note that the first check should be done only if we
					 * hold crit as otherwise we could see inconsistent values.
					if ((crit_state & CRIT_IN_COMMIT)
						&& (csa->now_crit && (csa->ti->early_tn != csa->ti->curr_tn) || csa->t_commit_crit))
						if (0 == (crit_state & CRIT_ALL_REGIONS))
							return crit_reg_cnt;
					if ((crit_state & CRIT_IN_WTSTART) && csa->in_wtstart)
						if (0 == (crit_state & CRIT_ALL_REGIONS))
							return crit_reg_cnt;
	if (NULL != jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl)
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg)->s_addrs;
		if (NULL != csa && csa->now_crit)
			if (0 != (crit_state & CRIT_RELEASE))
	return crit_reg_cnt;