예제 #1
static Bool
gma_uxa_check_copy(PixmapPtr src, PixmapPtr dst, int alu, Pixel planemask)
	struct gma_bo *dst_bo = gma_get_surface(dst);
	struct gma_bo *src_bo = gma_get_surface(src);

	if (!dst_bo || !src_bo)
		return FALSE;

	if (!UXA_PM_IS_SOLID ((DrawablePtr)src, planemask) || alu != GXcopy)
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #2
static Bool
intel_uxa_check_solid(DrawablePtr drawable, int alu, Pixel planemask)
	ScrnInfoPtr scrn = xf86Screens[drawable->pScreen->myNum];

	if (!UXA_PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, planemask)) {
		intel_debug_fallback(scrn, "planemask is not solid\n");
		return FALSE;

	switch (drawable->bitsPerPixel) {
	case 8:
	case 16:
	case 32:
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
예제 #3
 * Accelerates GetImage for solid ZPixmap downloads from framebuffer memory.
 * This is probably the only case we actually care about.  The rest fall through
 * to migration and fbGetImage, which hopefully will result in migration pushing
 * the pixmap out of framebuffer.
uxa_get_image(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int x, int y, int w, int h,
	      unsigned int format, unsigned long planeMask, char *d)
	ScreenPtr screen = pDrawable->pScreen;
	uxa_screen_t *uxa_screen = uxa_get_screen(screen);
	BoxRec Box;
	PixmapPtr pPix = uxa_get_drawable_pixmap(pDrawable);
	int xoff, yoff;
	Bool ok;

	uxa_get_drawable_deltas(pDrawable, pPix, &xoff, &yoff);

	Box.x1 = pDrawable->y + x + xoff;
	Box.y1 = pDrawable->y + y + yoff;
	Box.x2 = Box.x1 + w;
	Box.y2 = Box.y1 + h;

	if (uxa_screen->info->flags & UXA_USE_GLAMOR) {
		ok = 0;
		if (uxa_prepare_access(pDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RW)) {
			ok = glamor_get_image_nf(pDrawable, x, y, w, h,
						 format, planeMask, d);
			uxa_finish_access(pDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RW);

		if (!ok)
			goto fallback;


	if (uxa_screen->force_fallback)
		goto fallback;

	pPix = uxa_get_offscreen_pixmap(pDrawable, &xoff, &yoff);

	if (pPix == NULL || uxa_screen->info->get_image == NULL)
		goto fallback;

	/* Only cover the ZPixmap, solid copy case. */
	if (format != ZPixmap || !UXA_PM_IS_SOLID(pDrawable, planeMask))
		goto fallback;

	/* Only try to handle the 8bpp and up cases, since we don't want to
	 * think about <8bpp.
	if (pDrawable->bitsPerPixel < 8)
		goto fallback;

	ok = uxa_screen->info->get_image(pPix, pDrawable->x + x + xoff,
					 pDrawable->y + y + yoff, w, h, d,
					 PixmapBytePad(w, pDrawable->depth));
	if (ok)

	UXA_FALLBACK(("from %p (%c)\n", pDrawable,

	if (uxa_prepare_access(pDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RO)) {
		fbGetImage(pDrawable, x, y, w, h, format, planeMask, d);
		uxa_finish_access(pDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RO);

예제 #4
uxa_copy_n_to_n(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable,
		DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
		GCPtr pGC,
		BoxPtr pbox,
		int nbox,
		int dx,
		int dy,
		Bool reverse, Bool upsidedown, Pixel bitplane, void *closure)
	ScreenPtr screen = pDstDrawable->pScreen;
	uxa_screen_t *uxa_screen = uxa_get_screen(screen);
	int src_off_x, src_off_y;
	int dst_off_x, dst_off_y;
	PixmapPtr pSrcPixmap, pDstPixmap;

	if (uxa_screen->info->flags & UXA_USE_GLAMOR) {
		int ok = 0;

		if (uxa_prepare_access(pSrcDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RO)) {
			if (uxa_prepare_access(pDstDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RW)) {
				ok = glamor_copy_n_to_n_nf(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
							   pGC, pbox, nbox, dx, dy,
							   reverse, upsidedown, bitplane,
				uxa_finish_access(pDstDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RW);
			uxa_finish_access(pSrcDrawable, UXA_GLAMOR_ACCESS_RO);

		if (!ok)
			goto fallback;


	if (uxa_screen->force_fallback)
		goto fallback;

	pSrcPixmap = uxa_get_drawable_pixmap(pSrcDrawable);
	pDstPixmap = uxa_get_drawable_pixmap(pDstDrawable);
	if (!pSrcPixmap || !pDstPixmap)
		goto fallback;

	if (uxa_screen->info->check_copy &&
	    !uxa_screen->info->check_copy(pSrcPixmap, pDstPixmap,
					  pGC ? pGC->alu : GXcopy,
					  pGC ? pGC->planemask : FB_ALLONES))
		goto fallback;

	uxa_get_drawable_deltas(pSrcDrawable, pSrcPixmap, &src_off_x,
	uxa_get_drawable_deltas(pDstDrawable, pDstPixmap, &dst_off_x,

	/* Mixed directions must be handled specially if the card is lame */
	if ((uxa_screen->info->flags & UXA_TWO_BITBLT_DIRECTIONS) &&
	    reverse != upsidedown) {
		if (uxa_copy_n_to_n_two_dir
		    (pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, pbox, nbox, dx, dy))
		goto fallback;

	if (!uxa_pixmap_is_offscreen(pDstPixmap)) {
		int stride, bpp;
		char *dst;

		if (!uxa_pixmap_is_offscreen(pSrcPixmap))
			goto fallback;

		if (!uxa_screen->info->get_image)
			goto fallback;

		/* Don't bother with under 8bpp, XYPixmaps. */
		bpp = pSrcPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel;
		if (bpp != pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel || bpp < 8)
			goto fallback;

		/* Only accelerate copies: no rop or planemask. */
		if (pGC && (!UXA_PM_IS_SOLID(pSrcDrawable, pGC->planemask) || pGC->alu != GXcopy))
			goto fallback;

		dst = pDstPixmap->devPrivate.ptr;
		stride = pDstPixmap->devKind;
		bpp /= 8;
		while (nbox--) {
			if (!uxa_screen->info->get_image(pSrcPixmap,
							 pbox->x1 + dx + src_off_x,
							 pbox->y1 + dy + src_off_y,
							 pbox->x2 - pbox->x1,
							 pbox->y2 - pbox->y1,
							 (char *) dst +
							 (pbox->y1 + dst_off_y) * stride +
							 (pbox->x1 + dst_off_x) * bpp,
				goto fallback;



	if (uxa_pixmap_is_offscreen(pSrcPixmap)) {
	    if (!(*uxa_screen->info->prepare_copy) (pSrcPixmap, pDstPixmap,
						reverse ? -1 : 1,
						upsidedown ? -1 : 1,
						pGC ? pGC->alu : GXcopy,
						pGC ? pGC->
						planemask : FB_ALLONES))
		goto fallback;

	    while (nbox--) {
		(*uxa_screen->info->copy) (pDstPixmap,
					   pbox->x1 + dx + src_off_x,
					   pbox->y1 + dy + src_off_y,
					   pbox->x1 + dst_off_x,
					   pbox->y1 + dst_off_y,
					   pbox->x2 - pbox->x1,
					   pbox->y2 - pbox->y1);

	    (*uxa_screen->info->done_copy) (pDstPixmap);
	} else {
	    int stride, bpp;
	    char *src;

	    if (!uxa_screen->info->put_image)
		goto fallback;

	    /* Don't bother with under 8bpp, XYPixmaps. */
	    bpp = pSrcPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel;
	    if (bpp != pDstDrawable->bitsPerPixel || bpp < 8)
		goto fallback;

	    /* Only accelerate copies: no rop or planemask. */
	    if (pGC && (!UXA_PM_IS_SOLID(pSrcDrawable, pGC->planemask) || pGC->alu != GXcopy))
		goto fallback;

	    src = pSrcPixmap->devPrivate.ptr;
	    stride = pSrcPixmap->devKind;
	    bpp /= 8;
	    while (nbox--) {
		if (!uxa_screen->info->put_image(pDstPixmap,
						 pbox->x1 + dst_off_x,
						 pbox->y1 + dst_off_y,
						 pbox->x2 - pbox->x1,
						 pbox->y2 - pbox->y1,
						 (char *) src +
						 (pbox->y1 + dy + src_off_y) * stride +
						 (pbox->x1 + dx + src_off_x) * bpp,
		    goto fallback;



	UXA_FALLBACK(("from %p to %p (%c,%c)\n", pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable,
	if (uxa_prepare_access(pDstDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RW)) {
		if (pSrcDrawable == pDstDrawable ||
		    uxa_prepare_access(pSrcDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RO)) {
			fbCopyNtoN(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, pbox, nbox,
				   dx, dy, reverse, upsidedown, bitplane,
			if (pSrcDrawable != pDstDrawable)
				uxa_finish_access(pSrcDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RO);
		uxa_finish_access(pDstDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RW);
예제 #5
static Bool
uxa_do_put_image(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int depth, int x, int y,
		 int w, int h, int format, char *bits, int src_stride)
	uxa_screen_t *uxa_screen = uxa_get_screen(pDrawable->pScreen);
	PixmapPtr pPix;
	RegionPtr pClip;
	BoxPtr pbox;
	int nbox;
	int xoff, yoff;
	int bpp = pDrawable->bitsPerPixel;

	/* Don't bother with under 8bpp, XYPixmaps. */
	if (format != ZPixmap || bpp < 8)
		return FALSE;

	if (uxa_screen->force_fallback)
		return FALSE;

	if (!uxa_screen->info->put_image)
		return FALSE;

	/* Only accelerate copies: no rop or planemask. */
	if (!UXA_PM_IS_SOLID(pDrawable, pGC->planemask) || pGC->alu != GXcopy)
		return FALSE;

	pPix = uxa_get_offscreen_pixmap(pDrawable, &xoff, &yoff);
	if (!pPix)
		return FALSE;

	x += pDrawable->x;
	y += pDrawable->y;

	pClip = fbGetCompositeClip(pGC);
	for (nbox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pClip),
	     pbox = REGION_RECTS(pClip); nbox--; pbox++) {
		int x1 = x;
		int y1 = y;
		int x2 = x + w;
		int y2 = y + h;
		char *src;
		Bool ok;

		if (x1 < pbox->x1)
			x1 = pbox->x1;
		if (y1 < pbox->y1)
			y1 = pbox->y1;
		if (x2 > pbox->x2)
			x2 = pbox->x2;
		if (y2 > pbox->y2)
			y2 = pbox->y2;
		if (x1 >= x2 || y1 >= y2)

		src = bits + (y1 - y) * src_stride + (x1 - x) * (bpp / 8);
		ok = uxa_screen->info->put_image(pPix, x1 + xoff, y1 + yoff,
						 x2 - x1, y2 - y1, src,
		/* If we fail to accelerate the upload, fall back to using
		 * unaccelerated fb calls.
		if (!ok) {
			FbStip *dst;
			FbStride dst_stride;
			int dstBpp;
			int dstXoff, dstYoff;

			if (!uxa_prepare_access(pDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RW))
				return FALSE;

			fbGetStipDrawable(pDrawable, dst, dst_stride, dstBpp,
					  dstXoff, dstYoff);

			fbBltStip((FbStip *) bits +
				  (y1 - y) * (src_stride / sizeof(FbStip)),
				  src_stride / sizeof(FbStip),
				  (x1 - x) * dstBpp,
				  dst + (y1 + dstYoff) * dst_stride, dst_stride,
				  (x1 + dstXoff) * dstBpp, (x2 - x1) * dstBpp,
				  y2 - y1, GXcopy, FB_ALLONES, dstBpp);

			uxa_finish_access(pDrawable, UXA_ACCESS_RW);

	return TRUE;