int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) USmtpClient smtp; UString tmp(argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); if (smtp._connectServer(tmp)) { UString rcpt(argv[2], strlen(argv[2])); # ifdef USE_LIBSSL bool secure = (argc == 4); # else bool secure = false; # endif smtp.setSenderAddress(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("< *****@*****.** >")); smtp.setRecipientAddress(rcpt); cout << (smtp.sendMessage(secure) ? "mail send" : "mail NOT send") << '\n'; // exit(0); } }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UCDB y(false); UFileConfig fcg; off_t sz = 30000L; UString cfg(argv[1], strlen(argv[1])), dbname(argv[2]); if ( == false) U_ERROR("file configurazione <%s> not valid...", fcg.getPath().data()); URDBServer s(&fcg, false); if (y.UFile::creat(dbname)) { y.UFile::ftruncate(sz); y.UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); cin >> y; // do ftruncate() and munmap()... y.UFile::close(); y.UFile::reset(); if ( s.go(); }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) ULDAP ldap; if (ldap.init(argv[1]) && ldap.set_protocol() && ldap.bind(argv[2],argv[3])) { int i, n =[4], LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, (char**)attr_name); if (n > 0) { ULDAPEntry entry(NUM_ATTR, attr_name, n); ldap.get(entry); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cout << "dn: " << entry[i] << "\n" << "cn: " << entry.getCStr(0, i) << "\n" << "mail: " << entry.getCStr(1, i) << "\n\n"; } } } }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[], char* env[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) u_init_ulib_hostname(); u_init_ulib_username(); ULog y(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("$PWD/test_log.log"), 1024, "tmp"); y.setPrefix(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_SERVER_LOG_PREFIX)); uint32_t i, n = (argc > 1 ? u_atoi(argv[1]) : 10); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { y.log(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("message %6d - %H %U %w"), i+1); y.msync(); } cout << "ok" << '\n'; }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UUnixSocket x; if (x.connectServer(UString(argv[1]), 0)) { const char* str = "Hello"; int size = strlen(str); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (x.send(str, size) == size) { cout << str << '\n'; char buffer[1024]; if (x.recv(buffer, size) == size) { cout.write(buffer, size); cout << '\n'; } } } } }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UTimeDate data1(31,12,99), data2("31/12/99"); U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("14/09/1752").getJulian() == 2361222 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("31/12/1900").getJulian() == 2415385 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("01/01/1970").getJulian() == 2440588 ) U_ASSERT( data1 == data2 ) U_ASSERT( data1.getDayOfWeek() == 5 ) // Venerdi U_ASSERT( data2.getDayOfYear() == 365 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("1/3/00").getDayOfWeek() == 3 ) // Mercoledi U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(31,12,00).getDayOfYear() == 366 ) UTimeDate data3(60,2000); UTimeDate data4("29/02/00"); U_ASSERT( data3 == data4 ) U_ASSERT( data3.getDayOfYear() == 60 ) UTimeDate data5(60,1901); UTimeDate data6("1/3/1901"); U_ASSERT( data5 == data6 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(17, 5, 2002).isValid() == true ) // TRUE May 17th 2002 is valid U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(30, 2, 2002).isValid() == false ) // FALSE Feb 30th does not exist U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(29, 2, 2004).isValid() == true ) // TRUE 2004 is a leap year UTimeDate data7(29, 2, 2004); UString x = data7.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"); U_ASSERT( x == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("2004-02-29") ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("14/09/1752").getJulian() == 2361222 ) cout << "Date: " << data6.strftime("%d/%m/%y") << '\n'; while (cin >> data6) cout << data6 << '\n'; U_ASSERT( UTimeDate::getSecondFromTime("19030314104248Z", true, "%4u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2uZ") < u_now->tv_sec ) }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UString filename; while (cin >> filename) { UString dati = UFile::contentOf(filename); check(dati); } }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)", argc) UString filename_crl, filename_ca; while (cin >> filename_crl && cin >> filename_ca) { UString dati_crl = UFile::contentOf(filename_crl), dati_ca = UFile::contentOf(filename_ca); check(dati_crl, dati_ca); } }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UCDB y(false); off_t sz = 30000L; UString name(argv[1]); if (y.UFile::creat(name)) { y.UFile::ftruncate(sz); y.UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); cin >> y; // do ftruncate() and munmap()... y.UFile::close(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UTwilioClient tc(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("SID"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("TOKEN")); bool ok = tc.getCompletedCalls(); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) ok = tc.makeCall(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("http://xxxx")); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) ok = tc.sendSMS(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("\"Hello, how are you?\"")); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UString x, url(argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); UHttpClient<USSLSocket> http(0); http.setRequestPasswordAuthentication(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Aladdin"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("open sesame")); if (http.connectServer(url) && http.sendRequest(x)) { UString content = http.getContent(); cout.write(, content.size()); } }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) U_ASSERT_EQUALS( UServices::dosMatchWithOR(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(""), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("SSI|benchmark||"), FNM_INVERT), false) UString buffer(2000); u_base64_max_columns = 72; UBase64::encode(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(TESTOA), buffer); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("buffer = %#.*S", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(buffer)) U_ASSERT( buffer == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(TESTOB) ) UBase64::decode( U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(TESTOB), buffer); U_ASSERT( buffer == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(TESTOA) ) UString cmd, result1, result2; int fd_stderr = U_SYSCALL(open, "%S,%d", "err/services.err", O_WRONLY); cmd = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("ls test_services.cpp"); result1 = UCommand::outputCommand(cmd); // U_ASSERT( result1 == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("test_services.cpp\n") ) buffer = UServices::getUUID(); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("buffer = %#.*S", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(buffer)) cmd = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("cat test_services.cpp"); result2 = UCommand::outputCommand(cmd, 0, -1, fd_stderr); U_ASSERT( result2.empty() == false ) cout.write(, result2.size()); }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UString value, path, domain, port, not_found; HttpCookie c1(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Name=value")), c2(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(COOKIE_2)), c5(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(COOKIE_5)); U_ASSERT( c5.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("otptoken"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("pluto") ) U_ASSERT( c1.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Name")) == 1 ) U_ASSERT( c2.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("$Domain")) == 2 ) U_ASSERT( c1.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Name"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("value") ) U_ASSERT( path == not_found ) U_ASSERT( domain == not_found ) U_ASSERT( port == not_found ) U_ASSERT( c2.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("NameB"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("ValueB") ) U_ASSERT( domain == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("domain1") ) U_ASSERT( port == not_found ) #ifdef SERGIO U_ASSERT( path == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("/") ) #else U_ASSERT( path == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("\"/\"") ) #endif U_ASSERT( c2.del(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("NameB")) == true ) value = path = domain = port = not_found; U_ASSERT( c2.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Name"), value, path, domain, port) == false ) U_ASSERT( value == not_found ) U_ASSERT( path == not_found ) U_ASSERT( domain == not_found ) U_ASSERT( port == not_found ) U_ASSERT( c2.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("NameC"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("ValueC") ) U_ASSERT( path == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("domain1") ) #ifdef SERGIO U_ASSERT( port == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("123") ) U_ASSERT( domain == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("/") ) #else U_ASSERT( port == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("\"123\"") ) U_ASSERT( domain == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("\"/\"") ) #endif HttpSetCookie s1(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Set-Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(SETCOOKIE_1)), s2(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Set-Cookie2"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(SETCOOKIE_2)); U_ASSERT( s1.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Domain")) == 2 ) U_ASSERT( s2.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Port")) == 1 ) HttpCookie c3(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(COOKIE_AUTH) ); U_ASSERT( c3.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("AUTHTOKEN")) == 1 ) value = path = domain = port = not_found; U_ASSERT( c3.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("AUTHTOKEN"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) U_ASSERT( path == not_found ) U_ASSERT( domain == not_found ) U_ASSERT( port == not_found ) value.erase(value.size()-1, 1); value.erase(0, 1); #ifdef U_PROXY_UNIT DES3engine eng("pippo"); OtpAuthToken a(&eng, value); #else u_des3_key("pippo"); OtpAuthToken a(0, value); #endif U_ASSERT( a.tid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Current_Server_ID") ) U_ASSERT( a.uid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("User_ID") ) U_ASSERT( a.sid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Session_ID") ) U_ASSERT( a.ts == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("20031125131800") ) U_ASSERT( == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("codicefiscale1") ) U_ASSERT( a.migrate == true ) HttpHeader h; HttpField* f = new HttpField(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Content-Type"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(" application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); HttpBaAuthorization* ba = new HttpBaAuthorization(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Authorization"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(" Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==")); HttpBaAuthorization* ba1 = new HttpBaAuthorization(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Authorization"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(" Basic dXRlbnRlMTpzaWQx")); h.add(ba); h.add(f); h.add(ba1); HttpOtpPostLogin p(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(POST_BODY), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("user"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("pin"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("token"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("password"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("cf"), h); U_ASSERT( p.user == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("stefano casazza") ) U_ASSERT( == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("12345") ) U_ASSERT( p.token == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("autorizzativo") ) HttpField* p1 = h.del(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Content-Type")); U_ASSERT( p1 != 0 ) U_ASSERT( p1 == f ) HttpBaAuthorization* p2 = (HttpBaAuthorization*) h.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Authorization")); U_ASSERT( p2 != 0 ) U_ASSERT( p2 == ba ) U_ASSERT( p2->user == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Aladdin") ) U_ASSERT( p2->passwd == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("open sesame") ) HttpBaAuthorization* p3 = (HttpBaAuthorization*) h.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Authorization"), 1); U_ASSERT( p3 != 0 ) U_ASSERT( p3 == ba1 ) U_ASSERT( p3->user == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("utente1") ) U_ASSERT( p3->passwd == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("sid1") ) h.clear(); UString result; a.stringify(result); // TID=trustACCESS1;UID=utente1;SID=;TS=20031201174127;CF=codicefiscale1 # define COOKIE_AUTH_1 \ "U2FsdGVkX1/QsrBvmsVHx0rrX78ldh6IJu1+4GhKoJ9O5ETSbfSiDip1gszkZX7w5ah6vkYfRWI8271LcNKhUsZVehRoscudLO8uotQgeiiF1B46ITphGw==" // TID=trustACCESS1;UID=utente1;SID=sid;TS=20031201174127;CF=codicefiscale1;HP1=Profile_Header1;HPn=Profile_Headern;MIGRATE # define COOKIE_AUTH_2 \ "U2FsdGVkX1+tUkpPi14NVlKhm5KUFbSH0JFvi23+8B75MnKgtyD/sc0hc0ESmSahiYozVbS6a3OoZfWDHX3G3zuUwCP7n1+3jXK0wu6niifYUW+cKBk1WUdpJZd0xjJernDsWtPfq9j30uatAhHULG57vdrKlbtxM/EIaiaUow1AeLuDiZDcTRonghpI/aaz" #ifdef U_PROXY_UNIT DES3engine eng1("password"); OtpAuthToken c(&eng1, U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(COOKIE_AUTH_2)); DES3engine eng2("password"); OtpAuthToken b(&eng2, U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(COOKIE_AUTH_1)); #else u_des3_key("password"); OtpAuthToken c(0, U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(COOKIE_AUTH_2)); u_des3_reset(); OtpAuthToken b(0, U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(COOKIE_AUTH_1)); #endif U_ASSERT( b.is_valid() == false ) U_ASSERT( c.is_valid() == true ) U_ASSERT( c.tid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("trustACCESS1") ) U_ASSERT( c.uid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("utente1") ) U_ASSERT( c.sid == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("sid") ) U_ASSERT( c.ts == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("20031201174127") ) U_ASSERT( == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("codicefiscale1") ) U_ASSERT( c.migrate == true ) value = not_found; U_ASSERT( c.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("HP1"), value) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Profile_Header1") ) U_ASSERT( c.del(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("HP1")) == true ) value = not_found; U_ASSERT( c.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("HPn"), value) == true ) U_ASSERT( value == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Profile_Headern") ) HttpCookie c4(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(COOKIE_PROBLEM) ); U_ASSERT( c4.count(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("otptoken")) == 1 ) value = path = domain = port = not_found; U_ASSERT( c4.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("otptoken"), value, path, domain, port) == true ) value.erase(value.size()-1, 1); value.erase(0, 1); #ifdef U_PROXY_UNIT DES3engine eng3("password"); OtpAuthToken d(&eng3, value); #else u_des3_reset(); OtpAuthToken d(0, value); #endif U_ASSERT( d.is_valid() == false ) result.erase(result.size()-1, 1); result.erase(0, 1); cout.write(, result.size()); }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UTimeVal x; x.set(0L); U_ASSERT(x.isZero()); UTimeVal a(1L); UTimeVal y(a); a.add(8L, 1999999L); a.sub(8L, 1999999L); U_ASSERT(y == a); U_ASSERT(y == UTimeVal(1L)); U_ASSERT(y <= UTimeVal(1L)); U_ASSERT(y >= UTimeVal(1L)); U_ASSERT(y > UTimeVal(0L, 999999)); U_ASSERT(y < UTimeVal(1L, 2L)); y = a; U_ASSERT(y == a); UTimeVal tv1; UTimeVal tv2(2); UTimeVal tv3(100); UTimeVal tv4(1, 100000); UTimeVal tv5(2); UTimeVal tv6(1, -100000); tv1.set(0L); U_ASSERT(tv1 == x); U_ASSERT(tv2 < tv3); U_ASSERT(tv2 <= tv2); U_ASSERT(tv2 >= tv4); U_ASSERT(tv5 >= tv6); U_ASSERT(tv5 != tv4); U_ASSERT(tv2 != tv4); U_ASSERT(tv1 != tv2); U_ASSERT(tv6 != tv1); U_gettimeofday U_ASSERT(y < *u_now); set_alarm(); y.nanosleep(); y += *u_now; U_ASSERT(y > *u_now); /* long start = (u_now->tv_sec - (u_now->tv_sec % U_ONE_HOUR_IN_SECOND)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= U_ONE_DAY_IN_SECOND; ++i) check_time(start+i); */ }
int U_EXPORT main (int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UTimeDate data1(31,12,99), data2("31/12/99"); U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("14/09/1752").getJulian() == 2361222 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("31/12/1900").getJulian() == 2415385 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("01/01/1970").getJulian() == 2440588 ) U_ASSERT( data1 == data2 ) U_ASSERT( data1.getDayOfWeek() == 5 ) // Venerdi U_ASSERT( data2.getDayOfYear() == 365 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("1/3/00").getDayOfWeek() == 3 ) // Mercoledi U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(31,12,0).getDayOfYear() == 366 ) UTimeDate data3(60,2000); UTimeDate data4("29/02/00"); U_ASSERT( data3 == data4 ) U_ASSERT( data3.getDayOfYear() == 60 ) UTimeDate data5(60,1901); UTimeDate data6("1/3/1901"); U_ASSERT( data5 == data6 ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(17, 5, 2002).isValid() == true ) // TRUE May 17th 2002 is valid U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(30, 2, 2002).isValid() == false ) // FALSE Feb 30th does not exist U_ASSERT( UTimeDate(29, 2, 2004).isValid() == true ) // TRUE 2004 is a leap year UTimeDate data7(29, 2, 2004); UString x = data7.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"); U_ASSERT( x == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("2004-02-29") ) U_ASSERT( UTimeDate("14/09/1752").getJulian() == 2361222 ) cout << "Date: " << data6.strftime("%d/%m/%y") << '\n'; while (cin >> data6) cout << data6 << '\n'; U_ASSERT( UTimeDate::getSecondFromTime("19030314104248Z", true, "%4u%2u%2u%2u%2u%2uZ") < u_now->tv_sec ) /* typedef struct static_date { struct timeval _timeval; // => u_now char lock1[1]; char date1[17+1]; // 18/06/12 18:45:56 char lock2[1]; char date2[26+1]; // 04/Jun/2012:18:18:37 +0200 char lock3[1]; char date3[6+29+2+12+2+19+1]; // Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 11:43:17 GMT\r\nServer: ULib\r\nConnection: close\r\n } static_date; */ ULog::static_date log_data; (void) u_strftime2(log_data.date1, 17, "%d/%m/%y %T", u_now->tv_sec + u_now_adjust); (void) u_strftime2(log_data.date2, 26, "%d/%b/%Y:%T %z", u_now->tv_sec + u_now_adjust); (void) u_strftime2(log_data.date3, 6+29+2+12+2+17+2, "Date: %a, %d %b %Y %T GMT\r\nServer: ULib\r\nConnection: close\r\n", u_now->tv_sec); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("date1 = %.17S date2 = %.26S date3+6 = %.29S", log_data.date1, log_data.date2, log_data.date3+6) /* for (int i = 0; i < 360; ++i) { u_now->tv_sec++; UTimeDate::updateTime(log_data.date1 + 12); UTimeDate::updateTime(log_data.date2 + 15); UTimeDate::updateTime(log_data.date3+6 + 20); cout.write(log_data.date1, 17); cout.write(" - ", 3); cout.write(log_data.date2, 26); cout.write(" - ", 3); cout.write(log_data.date3+6, 29); cout.put('\n'); } */ }
int U_EXPORT main(int argc, char* argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5, "main(%d)", argc) UString x, url(argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); UHttpClient<UTCPSocket> http(0); #ifndef JOHN http.setRequestPasswordAuthentication(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Aladdin"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("open sesame")); if (http.connectServer(url) && http.sendRequest()) { UString content = http.getContent(); cout.write(, content.size()); } #else (void) http.setHostPort(url.getHost(), url.getPort()); # define AB_REQUEST(ver) "GET /usp/benchmarking.usp?name=stefano HTTP/1."#ver"\r\n" \ "Host: stefano\r\n" \ "User-Agent: ApacheBench/2.3\r\n" \ "Accept: */*\r\n" \ "\r\n" /* # define HTTP_VER 1 */ # define HTTP_VER 0 x = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(AB_REQUEST(HTTP_VER)); # if HTTP_VER == 1 if (http.connect()) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 100000 && http.sendRequest(x); ++i) { } } # else for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < 100000; ++i) { if (http.connect()) { if (http.sendRequest(x)) { http.close(); continue; } } break; } # endif #endif }