예제 #1
/***	int UdpServer::availableClients(void)
**	Synopsis:   
**      Checks to see how many pending clients are availabe to be accepted.
**	Parameters:
**      None
**	Return Values:
**      The number of waiting UdpClients to be accepted.
**	Errors:
**      None
**  Notes:
**      This is the workhorse of the UdpServer Class
**      It will update pending clients if a datagram is detected
**      It will attempt to start listening if a socket comes avalialbe for listening
**      It will clean up disconnected clients
int UdpServer::availableClients(void)
    int i = 0;


    if(isListening() && UdpClientAvailable(_rghUDP[_cPending]) > 0)
        // remember, we listen on the last hUDP in the buffer.

    // The AcceptClient could have removed someone from the list
    // do this first, so if we resume we have a socket to listen
    while(i <_cPending)
        // see if we need to clear this one
        if(_rghUDP[i] >= INVALID_UDP_SOCKET)
            int j = i;
            byte iBuff = _iBuff[i];     // this buffer came available

            // shift everyone from this location down.
            // include everything possible (_cPendingMax), even things beyond _cPending
            // because I want to shift the listening one at _rghUDP[_cPending] as well
            for(; j < _cPendingMax-1; j++)
                _rghUDP[j] = _rghUDP[j+1];
                _iBuff[j] = _iBuff[j+1];
            // we know the very last slot is open, because we just removed one and shifted down
            // make sure we have an invalid socket number in there. 
            // also, since we shifted, the last 2 slots will have the same iBuff index
            // but we just opened up a new index that we just removed, move it to the last socket slot
            // we know this last socket slot is open, if we are not listening, then this will be picked
            // as our listening slot when we do the resume below          
            _rghUDP[_cPendingMax-1] = INVALID_UDP_SOCKET;
            _iBuff[_cPendingMax-1] = iBuff;

            // reduce the pending count as we just removed one

        // if nothing was shifted, look at the next value; if we shifted
        // don't increment as we want to look at he shifted one.

    // if we are supposed to be listening, then try to listening

예제 #2
파일: UdpClient.cpp 프로젝트: nsfw/kelp
/***	int UdpClient::available(void)
**	Synopsis:   
**      Returns the number of bytes in the next available datagram
**	Parameters:
**      None
**	Return Values:
**      The actual number of bytes available in the datagram ready for reading, 0 if no datagrams are in the cache
**	Errors:
**      None
**  Notes:
**      If you read a partial datagram on a previous ReadDatagram, this call will return the
**      number of unread bytes in the remaining datagram. If other datagrams are in the cache, they
**      will not be visible until the previous datagram is read and removed from the cache.
size_t UdpClient::available(void)
    // isDNETcK::EndPointResolved will call periodic tasks
        return((unsigned int) UdpClientAvailable(_hUDP));