예제 #1
void GraphicalUintTest::test_valueString()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true);

  QCOMPARE( value->valueString(), QString("78646") );

  QCOMPARE( value->valueString(), QString("165464") );

  delete value;
예제 #2
IterativeSolver::IterativeSolver ( const std::string& name ) :

  // properties

  properties().add( "iteration", Uint(0) );

  // static components

  m_pre_actions  = create_static_component<ActionDirector>("PreActions");

  m_update = create_static_component<ActionDirector>("Update");

  m_post_actions = create_static_component<ActionDirector>("PostActions");

  // dynamic components

  create_component<CriterionMaxIterations>( "MaxIterations" );

  ComputeLNorm& cnorm = *post_actions().create_component<ComputeLNorm>( "ComputeNorm" );
  post_actions().create_component<PrintIterationSummary>( "IterationSummary" );
  post_actions().create_component<PeriodicWriteMesh>( "PeriodicWriter" );

  cnorm.options().set("scale", true);
  cnorm.options().set("order", 2u);
예제 #3
IterativeSolver::IterativeSolver ( const std::string& name ) :

  // properties

  m_properties.add_property( "iteration", Uint(0) );

  // static components

  m_pre_actions  = create_static_component_ptr<CActionDirector>("PreActions");

  m_update = create_static_component_ptr<CActionDirector>("Update");

  m_post_actions = create_static_component_ptr<CActionDirector>("PostActions");

  // dynamic components

  create_component<CCriterionMaxIterations>( "MaxIterations" );

  CComputeLNorm& cnorm = post_actions().create_component<CComputeLNorm>( "ComputeNorm" );
  post_actions().append( cnorm );

  CPeriodicWriteMesh& cwriter = post_actions().create_component<CPeriodicWriteMesh>( "PeriodicWriter" );
  post_actions().append( cwriter );

  cnorm.configure_option("Scale", true);
  cnorm.configure_option("Order", 2u);
예제 #4
 boost::optional<Block> JsonBlockFactory::deserialize(
     const Document &document) {
   auto des = makeFieldDeserializer(document);
   auto des_transactions = [this](auto array) {
     auto acc_transactions = [this](auto init, auto &x) {
       return init | [this, &x](auto transactions) {
         return factory_.deserialize(x) |
             [&transactions](auto transaction) {
               return boost::make_optional(std::move(transactions));
     return std::accumulate(
   return boost::make_optional(model::Block())
       | des.Uint64(&Block::created_ts, "created_ts")
       | des.Uint64(&Block::height, "height")
       | des.Uint(&Block::txs_number, "txs_number")
       | des.String(&Block::hash, "hash")
       | des.String(&Block::prev_hash, "prev_hash")
       | des.Array(&Block::sigs, "signatures")
       | des.Array(&Block::transactions, "transactions", des_transactions);
예제 #5
 Implementation(Action& timed_action) : m_timed_component(timed_action)
   m_timed_component.properties().add("timer_count", Uint(0));
   m_timed_component.properties().add("timer_minimum", Real(0.));
   m_timed_component.properties().add("timer_mean", Real(0.));
   m_timed_component.properties().add("timer_maximum", Real(0.));
   m_timed_component.properties().add("timer_variance", Real(0.));
예제 #6
Real ComputeUpdateCoefficient::limit_end_time(const Real& time, const Real& end_time)
  const Real milestone_dt  =  m_time->options().value<Real>("time_step");
  if (milestone_dt == 0)
    return end_time;

  const Real milestone_time = (Uint((time+m_tolerance)/milestone_dt)+1.)*milestone_dt;
  return std::min(milestone_time,end_time);
예제 #7
void GraphicalUintTest::test_constructor()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true);
  QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value);

  QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) );

  // 1. check the range
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->minimum()), Consts::uint_min() );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->maximum()), Consts::uint_max() );

  // 2. value is empty, the line edit should be empty as well
  QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 0 );

  delete value;
  value = new GraphicalInt(true, 1456);
  spinBox = findSpinBox(value);

  // 3. value is not empty
  QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) );
  QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 1456 );

  delete value;
예제 #8
void GraphicalUintTest::test_signalEmmitting()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true);
  QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value);
  QSignalSpy spy(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged()));

  // 1. through setValue()

  // 1 signals should have been emitted (the second value is not a Uint)
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 1 );


  // 2. by simulating keyboard events
  value->show(); // make the value visible (it ignores keyboard events if not)
  QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "+2014" );
  QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "357" );
  QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "aq45s2" );

  // 10 signals should have been emitted (one per character)
  // (13 chars entered but '-', 'a', 'q' and 's' were ignored)
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 10 );

  // 3. when committing

  // 1 signal should have been emitted
  QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 1 );

  delete value;
예제 #9
void create_circle_2d ( Mesh& mesh, const Real radius, const Uint segments, const Real start_angle, const Real end_angle )
  Region& region = mesh.topology().create_region("region");
  Dictionary& nodes = mesh.geometry_fields();

  Handle<Faces> cells = region.create_component<Faces>("Faces");
  Table<Uint>& connectivity = cells->geometry_space().connectivity();

  const bool closed = std::abs(std::abs(end_angle - start_angle) - 2.0*pi()) < eps();

  mesh.initialize_nodes(segments + Uint(!closed) , DIM_2D);

  for(Uint u = 0; u != segments; ++u)
    const Real theta = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle) * (static_cast<Real>(u) / static_cast<Real>(segments));
    Table<Real>::Row coord_row = nodes.coordinates()[u];

    coord_row[XX] = radius * cos(theta);
    coord_row[YY] = radius * sin(theta);

    Table<Uint>::Row nodes = connectivity[u];
    nodes[0] = u;
    nodes[1] = u+1;
    connectivity[segments-1][1] = 0;
    Table<Real>::Row coord_row = nodes.coordinates()[segments];
    coord_row[XX] = radius * cos(end_angle);
    coord_row[YY] = radius * sin(end_angle);
예제 #10
void CField::create_data_storage()

  cf_assert( m_var_types.size()!=0 );
  cf_assert( is_not_null(m_topology->follow()) );

  // Check if there are coordinates in this field, and add to map
  m_coords = find_parent_component<CMesh>(topology()).nodes().coordinates().as_ptr<CTable<Real> >();

  Uint row_size(0);
  boost_foreach(const VarType var_size, m_var_types)
    row_size += Uint(var_size);


  switch (m_basis)
    case Basis::POINT_BASED:
      m_used_nodes = CElements::used_nodes(topology()).as_ptr<CList<Uint> >();
    case Basis::ELEMENT_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CEntities>(topology()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::CELL_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CCells>(topology()))
        //CFinfo << name() << ": creating cellbased field storage in " << field_elements.uri().path() << CFendl;
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::FACE_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively_with_tag<CEntities>(topology(),Mesh::Tags::face_entity()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());

      throw NotSupported(FromHere() , "Basis can only be ELEMENT_BASED or NODE_BASED");
예제 #11
void GraphicalUintTest::test_setValue()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true);
  QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value);

  QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) );

  // 1. check with Uints
  QVERIFY( value->setValue(Uint(1456)) );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(1456) );

  QVERIFY( value->setValue(Uint(215468)) );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(215468) );

  // 2. check with other types
  QVERIFY( !value->setValue(-3592) );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(215468) );

  QVERIFY( !value->setValue(3.141592) );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(215468) );

  QVERIFY( !value->setValue(true) );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(215468) );

  QVERIFY( !value->setValue("789654123") );
  QCOMPARE( Uint(spinBox->value()), Uint(215468) );

  delete value;
예제 #12
  // -- NOTE ----
  // The following code is a copy from libMesh project_vector.C plus it adds some features, so we can couple variable values
  // and we also do not call any callbacks, but we use our initial condition system directly.
  // ------------

  // The element matrix and RHS for projections.
  // Note that Ke is always real-valued, whereas Fe may be complex valued if complex number support is enabled
  DenseMatrix<Real> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;
  // The new element coefficients
  DenseVector<Number> Ue;

  const FEType & fe_type = _var.feType();

  // The dimension of the current element
  const unsigned int dim = _current_elem->dim();
  // The element type
  const ElemType elem_type = _current_elem->type();
  // The number of nodes on the new element
  const unsigned int n_nodes = _current_elem->n_nodes();
  // The global DOF indices
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
  // Side/edge DOF indices
  std::vector<unsigned int> side_dofs;

  // Get FE objects of the appropriate type
  // We cannot use the FE object in Assembly, since the following code is messing with the quadrature rules
  // for projections and would screw it up. However, if we implement projections from one mesh to another,
  // this code should use that implementation.
  UniquePtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

  // Prepare variables for projection
  UniquePtr<QBase> qrule     (fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(dim));
  UniquePtr<QBase> qedgerule (fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(1));
  UniquePtr<QBase> qsiderule (fe_type.default_quadrature_rule(dim-1));

  // The values of the shape functions at the quadrature points
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();

  // The gradients of the shape functions at the quadrature points on the child element.
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > * dphi = NULL;

  const FEContinuity cont = fe->get_continuity();

  if (cont == C_ONE)
    const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > & ref_dphi = fe->get_dphi();
    dphi = &ref_dphi;

  // The Jacobian * quadrature weight at the quadrature points
  const std::vector<Real> & JxW =  fe->get_JxW();
  // The XYZ locations of the quadrature points
  const std::vector<Point>& xyz_values = fe->get_xyz();

  // Update the DOF indices for this element based on the current mesh
  dof_indices = _var.dofIndices();

  // The number of DOFs on the element
  const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_indices.size();
  if (n_dofs == 0)

  // Fixed vs. free DoFs on edge/face projections
  std::vector<char> dof_is_fixed(n_dofs, false); // bools
  std::vector<int> free_dof(n_dofs, 0);

  // Zero the interpolated values
  Ue.resize (n_dofs);

  // In general, we need a series of
  // projections to ensure a unique and continuous
  // solution.  We start by interpolating nodes, then
  // hold those fixed and project edges, then
  // hold those fixed and project faces, then
  // hold those fixed and project interiors

  _fe_problem.sizeZeroes(n_nodes, _tid);

  // Interpolate node values first
  unsigned int current_dof = 0;
  for (unsigned int n = 0; n != n_nodes; ++n)
    // FIXME: this should go through the DofMap,
    // not duplicate dof_indices code badly!
    const unsigned int nc = FEInterface::n_dofs_at_node (dim, fe_type, elem_type, n);
    if (!_current_elem->is_vertex(n))
      current_dof += nc;
    if (cont == DISCONTINUOUS)
      libmesh_assert(nc == 0);
    // Assume that C_ZERO elements have a single nodal
    // value shape function
    else if (cont == C_ZERO)
      libmesh_assert(nc == 1);
      _qp = n;
      _current_node = _current_elem->get_node(n);
      Ue(current_dof) = value(*_current_node);
      dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
    // The hermite element vertex shape functions are weird
    else if (fe_type.family == HERMITE)
      _qp = n;
      _current_node = _current_elem->get_node(n);
      Ue(current_dof) = value(*_current_node);
      dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
      Gradient grad = gradient(*_current_node);
      // x derivative
      Ue(current_dof) = grad(0);
      dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
      if (dim > 1)
        // We'll finite difference mixed derivatives
        Point nxminus = _current_elem->point(n),
              nxplus = _current_elem->point(n);
        nxminus(0) -= TOLERANCE;
        nxplus(0) += TOLERANCE;
        Gradient gxminus = gradient(nxminus);
        Gradient gxplus = gradient(nxplus);
        // y derivative
        Ue(current_dof) = grad(1);
        dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
        // xy derivative
        Ue(current_dof) = (gxplus(1) - gxminus(1)) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
        dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;

        if (dim > 2)
          // z derivative
          Ue(current_dof) = grad(2);
          dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
          // xz derivative
          Ue(current_dof) = (gxplus(2) - gxminus(2)) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
          dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
          // We need new points for yz
          Point nyminus = _current_elem->point(n),
                nyplus = _current_elem->point(n);
          nyminus(1) -= TOLERANCE;
          nyplus(1) += TOLERANCE;
          Gradient gyminus = gradient(nyminus);
          Gradient gyplus = gradient(nyplus);
          // xz derivative
          Ue(current_dof) = (gyplus(2) - gyminus(2)) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
          dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
          // Getting a 2nd order xyz is more tedious
          Point nxmym = _current_elem->point(n),
                nxmyp = _current_elem->point(n),
                nxpym = _current_elem->point(n),
                nxpyp = _current_elem->point(n);
          nxmym(0) -= TOLERANCE;
          nxmym(1) -= TOLERANCE;
          nxmyp(0) -= TOLERANCE;
          nxmyp(1) += TOLERANCE;
          nxpym(0) += TOLERANCE;
          nxpym(1) -= TOLERANCE;
          nxpyp(0) += TOLERANCE;
          nxpyp(1) += TOLERANCE;
          Gradient gxmym = gradient(nxmym);
          Gradient gxmyp = gradient(nxmyp);
          Gradient gxpym = gradient(nxpym);
          Gradient gxpyp = gradient(nxpyp);
          Number gxzplus = (gxpyp(2) - gxmyp(2)) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
          Number gxzminus = (gxpym(2) - gxmym(2)) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
          // xyz derivative
          Ue(current_dof) = (gxzplus - gxzminus) / 2. / TOLERANCE;
          dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
    // Assume that other C_ONE elements have a single nodal
    // value shape function and nodal gradient component
    // shape functions
    else if (cont == C_ONE)
      libmesh_assert(nc == 1 + dim);
      _current_node = _current_elem->get_node(n);
      Ue(current_dof) = value(*_current_node);
      dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
      Gradient grad = gradient(*_current_node);
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != dim; ++i)
        Ue(current_dof) = grad(i);
        dof_is_fixed[current_dof] = true;
  } // loop over nodes

  // From here on out we won't be sampling at nodes anymore
  _current_node = NULL;

  // In 3D, project any edge values next
  if (dim > 2 && cont != DISCONTINUOUS)
    for (unsigned int e=0; e != _current_elem->n_edges(); ++e)
      FEInterface::dofs_on_edge(_current_elem, dim, fe_type, e, side_dofs);

      // Some edge dofs are on nodes and already
      // fixed, others are free to calculate
      unsigned int free_dofs = 0;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != side_dofs.size(); ++i)
        if (!dof_is_fixed[side_dofs[i]])
          free_dof[free_dofs++] = i;

      // There may be nothing to project
      if (!free_dofs)

      Ke.resize (free_dofs, free_dofs); Ke.zero();
      Fe.resize (free_dofs); Fe.zero();
      // The new edge coefficients
      DenseVector<Number> Uedge(free_dofs);

      // Initialize FE data on the edge
      fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qedgerule.get());
      fe->edge_reinit (_current_elem, e);
      const unsigned int n_qp = qedgerule->n_points();
      _fe_problem.sizeZeroes(n_qp, _tid);

      // Loop over the quadrature points
      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < n_qp; qp++)
        // solution at the quadrature point
        Number fineval = value(xyz_values[qp]);
        // solution grad at the quadrature point
        Gradient finegrad;
        if (cont == C_ONE)
          finegrad = gradient(xyz_values[qp]);

        // Form edge projection matrix
        for (unsigned int sidei = 0, freei = 0; sidei != side_dofs.size(); ++sidei)
          unsigned int i = side_dofs[sidei];
          // fixed DoFs aren't test functions
          if (dof_is_fixed[i])
          for (unsigned int sidej = 0, freej = 0; sidej != side_dofs.size(); ++sidej)
            unsigned int j = side_dofs[sidej];
            if (dof_is_fixed[j])
              Fe(freei) -= phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
              Ke(freei,freej) += phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp];
            if (cont == C_ONE)
              if (dof_is_fixed[j])
                Fe(freei) -= ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
                Ke(freei,freej) += ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp];
            if (!dof_is_fixed[j])
          Fe(freei) += phi[i][qp] * fineval * JxW[qp];
          if (cont == C_ONE)
            Fe(freei) += (finegrad * (*dphi)[i][qp]) * JxW[qp];

      Ke.cholesky_solve(Fe, Uedge);

      // Transfer new edge solutions to element
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != free_dofs; ++i)
        Number &ui = Ue(side_dofs[free_dof[i]]);
        libmesh_assert(std::abs(ui) < TOLERANCE || std::abs(ui - Uedge(i)) < TOLERANCE);
        ui = Uedge(i);
        dof_is_fixed[side_dofs[free_dof[i]]] = true;

  // Project any side values (edges in 2D, faces in 3D)
  if (dim > 1 && cont != DISCONTINUOUS)
    for (unsigned int s=0; s != _current_elem->n_sides(); ++s)
      FEInterface::dofs_on_side(_current_elem, dim, fe_type, s, side_dofs);

      // Some side dofs are on nodes/edges and already
      // fixed, others are free to calculate
      unsigned int free_dofs = 0;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != side_dofs.size(); ++i)
        if (!dof_is_fixed[side_dofs[i]])
          free_dof[free_dofs++] = i;

      // There may be nothing to project
      if (!free_dofs)

      Ke.resize (free_dofs, free_dofs); Ke.zero();
      Fe.resize (free_dofs); Fe.zero();
      // The new side coefficients
      DenseVector<Number> Uside(free_dofs);

      // Initialize FE data on the side
      fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qsiderule.get());
      fe->reinit (_current_elem, s);
      const unsigned int n_qp = qsiderule->n_points();
      _fe_problem.sizeZeroes(n_qp, _tid);

      // Loop over the quadrature points
      for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < n_qp; qp++)
        // solution at the quadrature point
        Number fineval = value(xyz_values[qp]);
        // solution grad at the quadrature point
        Gradient finegrad;
        if (cont == C_ONE)
          finegrad = gradient(xyz_values[qp]);

        // Form side projection matrix
        for (unsigned int sidei = 0, freei = 0; sidei != side_dofs.size(); ++sidei)
          unsigned int i = side_dofs[sidei];
          // fixed DoFs aren't test functions
          if (dof_is_fixed[i])
          for (unsigned int sidej = 0, freej = 0; sidej != side_dofs.size(); ++sidej)
            unsigned int j = side_dofs[sidej];
            if (dof_is_fixed[j])
              Fe(freei) -= phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
              Ke(freei,freej) += phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp];
            if (cont == C_ONE)
              if (dof_is_fixed[j])
                Fe(freei) -= ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
                Ke(freei,freej) += ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp];
            if (!dof_is_fixed[j])
          Fe(freei) += (fineval * phi[i][qp]) * JxW[qp];
          if (cont == C_ONE)
            Fe(freei) += (finegrad * (*dphi)[i][qp]) * JxW[qp];

      Ke.cholesky_solve(Fe, Uside);

      // Transfer new side solutions to element
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != free_dofs; ++i)
        Number &ui = Ue(side_dofs[free_dof[i]]);
        libmesh_assert(std::abs(ui) < TOLERANCE || std::abs(ui - Uside(i)) < TOLERANCE);
        ui = Uside(i);
        dof_is_fixed[side_dofs[free_dof[i]]] = true;

  // Project the interior values, finally

  // Some interior dofs are on nodes/edges/sides and
  // already fixed, others are free to calculate
  unsigned int free_dofs = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
    if (!dof_is_fixed[i])
      free_dof[free_dofs++] = i;

  // There may be nothing to project
  if (free_dofs)
    Ke.resize (free_dofs, free_dofs); Ke.zero();
    Fe.resize (free_dofs); Fe.zero();
    // The new interior coefficients
    DenseVector<Number> Uint(free_dofs);

    // Initialize FE data
    fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qrule.get());
    fe->reinit (_current_elem);
    const unsigned int n_qp = qrule->n_points();
    _fe_problem.sizeZeroes(n_qp, _tid);

    // Loop over the quadrature points
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<n_qp; qp++)
      // solution at the quadrature point
      Number fineval = value(xyz_values[qp]);
      // solution grad at the quadrature point
      Gradient finegrad;
      if (cont == C_ONE)
        finegrad = gradient(xyz_values[qp]);

      // Form interior projection matrix
      for (unsigned int i=0, freei=0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
        // fixed DoFs aren't test functions
        if (dof_is_fixed[i])
        for (unsigned int j=0, freej=0; j != n_dofs; ++j)
          if (dof_is_fixed[j])
            Fe(freei) -= phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
            Ke(freei,freej) += phi[i][qp] * phi[j][qp] * JxW[qp];
          if (cont == C_ONE)
            if (dof_is_fixed[j])
              Fe(freei) -= ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp] * Ue(j);
              Ke(freei,freej) += ((*dphi)[i][qp] * (*dphi)[j][qp]) * JxW[qp];
          if (!dof_is_fixed[j])
        Fe(freei) += phi[i][qp] * fineval * JxW[qp];
        if (cont == C_ONE)
          Fe(freei) += (finegrad * (*dphi)[i][qp]) * JxW[qp];
    Ke.cholesky_solve(Fe, Uint);

    // Transfer new interior solutions to element
    for (unsigned int i=0; i != free_dofs; ++i)
      Number &ui = Ue(free_dof[i]);
      libmesh_assert(std::abs(ui) < TOLERANCE || std::abs(ui - Uint(i)) < TOLERANCE);
      ui = Uint(i);
      dof_is_fixed[free_dof[i]] = true;
  } // if there are free interior dofs

  // Make sure every DoF got reached!
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; ++i)

  NumericVector<Number> & solution = _var.sys().solution();

  // 'first' and 'last' are no longer used, see note about subdomain-restricted variables below
  // const dof_id_type
  //   first = solution.first_local_index(),
  //   last  = solution.last_local_index();

  // Lock the new_vector since it is shared among threads.
    Threads::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(Threads::spin_mtx);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dofs; i++)
      // We may be projecting a new zero value onto
      // an old nonzero approximation - RHS
      // if (Ue(i) != 0.)

      // This is commented out because of subdomain restricted variables.
      // It can be the case that if a subdomain restricted variable's boundary
      // aligns perfectly with a processor boundary that the variable will get
      // no value.  To counteract this we're going to let every processor set a
      // value at every node and then let PETSc figure it out.
      // Later we can choose to do something different / better.
//      if ((dof_indices[i] >= first) && (dof_indices[i] < last))
        solution.set(dof_indices[i], Ue(i));
        if (cont == C_ZERO)
          _var.setNodalValue(Ue(i), i);
예제 #13
	virtual void init()
		float const width = (float) CoreEngine::instance()->mainWindow()->contextOptions().width;
		float const height = (float) CoreEngine::instance()->mainWindow()->contextOptions().height;
		CoreEngine::instance()->renderEngine().setViewport(0, 0, width, height);

		video_capture = VideoCapture::create();

		if (true)
			SharedPointer<ThreadedVideoCapture> threaded_video_capture = new ThreadedVideoCapture(video_capture);
			video_capture = threaded_video_capture;

		VideoCapture::Devices devices = video_capture->enumerateDevices();

		for (Uint index = 0; index != Uint(devices.size()); ++index)

			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "--- Capture Device [" << devices[index].index << "] ---" << std::endl;
			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "Location \t" << devices[index].location << std::endl;
			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "Name \t\t" << devices[index].name << std::endl;
			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "Driver \t\t" << devices[index].driver << std::endl;
			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "Bus \t\t" << devices[index].bus << std::endl;

			VideoCapture::Format format;
			//format.mode = "YUY2";
			//format.mode = "YUYV";
			//format.mode = "MJPG";
			format.interval_denominator = 5;
			//format.width = 320;
			//format.height = 120;

			VideoCapture::Formats formats = video_capture->enumerateFormats(devices[index]);
			formats = VideoCapture::filterByFormat( video_capture->enumerateFormats(devices[index]) , format);
			format = VideoCapture::matchBestFormat( video_capture->enumerateFormats(devices[index]) , format);

			CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "[B] \t"
				<< format.mode << " \t"
				<< format.width << "x" << format.height << " \t"
				<< format.interval_numerator << " / " << format.interval_denominator << std::endl;

			for (Uint format_index = 0; format_index != Uint(formats.size()); ++format_index)
				format = formats[format_index];
				CoreEngine::instance()->log() << "[" << format_index << "] \t"
					<< format.mode << " \t"
					<< format.width << "x" << format.height << " \t"
					<< format.interval_numerator << " / " << format.interval_denominator << std::endl;

		VideoCapture::CaptureOptions options;
		//options.mode = "MJPG";
		//options.mode = "YUY2";
		//options.mode = "RGB3";
		//options.width = 640;
		//options.interval_denominator = 5;

		catch (VideoCaptureException caught)
			cout << caught << endl;

		if (video_capture->ready())
			SharedPointer<Image> image = new Image(video_capture->captureOptions().width, video_capture->captureOptions().height, 3);

			texture = new Texture2D(image);
			quadrilateral = new Quadrilateral();
			quadrilateral->setCornersVertex(Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vector3D(Real(video_capture->captureOptions().width),
				Real(video_capture->captureOptions().height), 0.0f));

			SharedPointer<Program> decal_program = CoreEngine::instance()->resourceManager().load<Program>("data/shaders/core/DecalTexture.eff");

			quadrilateral->states()->setCapability(DrawStates::DepthTest, DrawStates::Off);
			quadrilateral->states()->setCapability(DrawStates::Blend, DrawStates::Off);
			quadrilateral->states()->setCapability(DrawStates::CullFace, DrawStates::Off);
예제 #14
파일: romb.cpp 프로젝트: apik/RoMB
 *  loop momentums,propagator expressions,
 *  invariants substitutions,propagator powers,number of loops
 \param k_lst loop momentums list
 \param p_lst propagator expressions list
 \param subs_lst invariants substitutions list
 \param nu propagator powers list
 \param l number of loops 
RoMB_loop_by_loop:: RoMB_loop_by_loop(
				      lst k_lst,
				      lst p_lst,
				      lst subs_lst,
                                      lst nu,
                                      bool subs_U
	 empty integral
      MBintegral MBlbl_int(lst(),lst(),1);
	 Full set of unused propagators, will change 
      exlist input_prop_set;//( p_lst.begin(),p_lst.end());
	 map for propagator powers
      exmap prop_pow_map;
      for(lst::const_iterator Pit = p_lst.begin(); Pit != p_lst.end(); ++Pit)
          prop_pow_map[Pit->expand()] = nu.op(std::distance(p_lst.begin(),Pit));
      cout<<"INPSET: "<<input_prop_set<<endl;

	 Iterate over momentums k1,k2,k3,etc.
      unsigned int displacement_x = 0;
      unsigned int displacement_w = 0;
      for(lst::const_iterator kit = k_lst.begin(); kit != k_lst.end(); ++kit)
          // Integral Normalization coefficient 
        //            MBlbl_int *= pow(I,k_lst.nops());
           MBlbl_int *= 1/tgamma(1+get_symbol("eps"));
          //MBlbl_int *= pow(Pi,2-get_symbol("eps"));
          //MBlbl_int *= exp(Euler*get_symbol("eps"));	  
          cout<<"PROP_POW_MAP "<<prop_pow_map<<endl;
	    temporary set of propagators, with all momentum,except deleted
	  exlist tmp_p_lst(input_prop_set.begin(), input_prop_set.end()); 
	    temporary set of propagators, with KIT momentum
	  lst P_with_k_lst;
	  BOOST_FOREACH(ex prop_tmp, tmp_p_lst)
	  cout<< "Set wo k_i "<<input_prop_set<<endl;
	  cout<<" PWKlst "<<P_with_k_lst<<endl;
	  bool direct_formula_applied = false;
          // if only one term in PWKLST use well known formulas
          // [Smirnov A.1]
          if(!direct_formula_applied && (P_with_k_lst.nops() == 1))
              ex pr_t = P_with_k_lst.op(0);
              ex nu_t = prop_pow_map[pr_t];
              exmap repls;
              BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(pr_t.match(-pow(*kit,2) + wild(2)),"ONE PROP");
              if(pr_t.match(-pow(*kit,2) + wild(2),repls))cout<<"repls: "<<repls<<endl;
              ex mass_tadpole = (tgamma(nu_t+get_symbol("eps")-2)/tgamma(nu_t)*pow(wild(2).subs(repls),-nu_t-get_symbol("eps")+2));
              MBlbl_int *= mass_tadpole;
              direct_formula_applied = true;
          if(!direct_formula_applied && (P_with_k_lst.nops() == 2)) 
              //TWO terms in PWK_LST, [Smirnov A.4]
              exmap repls_tad;
              if((P_with_k_lst.nops()==2) &&
        	 (( (P_with_k_lst.op(0).match(-pow(*kit,2))) && (P_with_k_lst.op(1).match(-pow(*kit,2)+wild())))||
                  ( (P_with_k_lst.op(1).match(-pow(*kit,2))) && (P_with_k_lst.op(0).match(-pow(*kit,2)+wild()))))
                 && !wild().has(*kit)
                  cout<<"Two prop tadpole "<<wild()<<endl;
                  exmap r1,r2;
                  ex mm,lmb1,lmb2;
                  if( (P_with_k_lst.op(0).match(-pow(*kit,2))) && (P_with_k_lst.op(1).match(-pow(*kit,2)+wild(),r1)))
                      lmb1 = prop_pow_map[P_with_k_lst.op(1)];
                      lmb2 = prop_pow_map[P_with_k_lst.op(0)];
                  else if( (P_with_k_lst.op(1).match(-pow(*kit,2))) && (P_with_k_lst.op(0).match(-pow(*kit,2)+wild(),r2)))
                      lmb1 = prop_pow_map[P_with_k_lst.op(0)];
                      lmb2 = prop_pow_map[P_with_k_lst.op(1)];
                  else throw std::logic_error(std::string("Wrong two prop topology to use eq [Smir:A.4]"));
                  ex mass_tadpole = tgamma(lmb1+lmb2+get_symbol("eps")-2)*tgamma(-lmb2-get_symbol("eps")+2)/tgamma(lmb1)/tgamma(2-get_symbol("eps"))*pow(mm,-lmb1-lmb2-get_symbol("eps")+2);
              //          cout<< " coe: "<<coe_prop_lst<<endl;
                lexi sort of input prop list, and it's modification
              // uf and then MB represenatation construction
              // subs only in F for last momentum
              UFXmap inUFmap;
              if(boost::next(kit) == k_lst.end())
                    inUFmap = UF(lst(*kit),P_with_k_lst,subs_lst,displacement_x);
                    inUFmap = UF(lst(*kit),P_with_k_lst,subs_lst,displacement_x); // no substitution!!!
                  displacement_x +=fusion::at_key<UFX::xlst>(inUFmap).nops(); 

                  lst nu_into;
                  for(lst::const_iterator nuit = P_with_k_lst.begin(); nuit != P_with_k_lst.end(); ++nuit )
                  cout<<" Powers list before input: "<<nu_into<<endl;
                    MBintegral Uint(

                  MBintegral Uint(inUFmap,nu_into,1,subs_U,displacement_w);
                  cout<<"ui9nt eps (no gamma) : "<<Uint.get_expr().subs(tgamma(wild()) == 1)<<endl;
                  cout<<"ui9nt eps : "<<Uint.get_expr()<<endl;
                    expression to mul root integral
                    where to subs prop(k_prev)==1
                  ex expr_k_to_subs_1= Uint.get_expr();

                  ex mom_find = Uint.get_expr();
                  cout<< "where find props: "<<mom_find<<endl;
                      // set of a^b?, need to have momentums from *kit to *k_lst.end()
                      exset found_prop_raw,found_prop;
                      cout<<" is a mul raw "<<found_prop_raw<<endl;
                      // really props
                      BOOST_FOREACH(ex px_c,found_prop_raw)
                          bool is_a_p = false;
                          for(lst::const_iterator kpi = kit; kpi != k_lst.end(); ++kpi)
                                is_a_p = true;
                          if(is_a_p) found_prop.insert(px_c);
                      cout<<" is a mul  "<<found_prop<<endl;
                      BOOST_FOREACH(ex propex_c,found_prop)
                          // next momentum in loop momentum list
                          ex next_k ;
                          for(lst::const_iterator nkit = kit; nkit != k_lst.end(); ++nkit)
                                next_k = *nkit;
                          cout<<"before subs kex : "<<expr_k_to_subs_1.subs(tgamma(wild()) == 1)<<endl;
                          expr_k_to_subs_1 = expr_k_to_subs_1.subs(propex_c == 1);
                          cout<<"after subs kex : "<<expr_k_to_subs_1.subs(tgamma(wild()) == 1)<<endl;
                            converting prop to form -p^2+m^2
                          ex p_power;
                          ex p_expr;
                          ex p_not_corr = ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(0);
                          ex coeff_ksq = p_not_corr.expand().coeff(next_k,2); // coeff infront of K^2
                          if( coeff_ksq != -1 )
                              p_not_corr /=coeff_ksq;
                              cout<<"koeff_ksq "<<coeff_ksq<<endl;
                              MBlbl_int*= pow(coeff_ksq,ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(1));
                              //                  propex = pow(p_not_corr,ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(1));
                              p_power = ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(1);
                              p_expr = p_not_corr.expand();
                              p_power = ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(1);
                              p_expr = ex_to<power>(propex_c).op(0).expand();
                            Search for duplications in prop set
                          cout<<"where to find props: "<<input_prop_set<<endl;
                          cout<< input_prop_set.size()<<endl;
                          cout<<"PWK_MAP to modiff"<<prop_pow_map<<endl;
                          if(prop_pow_map.count(p_expr) > 0)
                              BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(count(input_prop_set.begin(),input_prop_set.end(),p_expr) > 0,"Propagator not found in prop set");
                              cout<<"PPM bef: "<< prop_pow_map[p_expr]<<endl;
                              prop_pow_map[p_expr] -=p_power;
                              cout<<"PPM aft: "<< prop_pow_map[p_expr]<<endl;
                              prop_pow_map[p_expr] = (-1)*p_power;
                          cout<<"PWK_MAP after modiff"<<prop_pow_map<<endl;
                  //cout<<"needed props "<<prop_pow_lst<<endl;
                  cout<<"ya tut"<<endl;            
                  cout<<"ya tut"<<endl;            
                  //          cout<<"HAS INT :    "<<MBlbl_int.get_expr().subs(tgamma(wild(4)) == 0)<<endl;
                  //            MBlbl_int.insert_w_lst(Uint.get_w_lst());
                  // MBlbl_int.insert_pole_lst(Uint.get_pole_lst());
                  //}// else more then one prop            
                }// two prop formula
예제 #15
Uint operator%(Uint first, Uint second)
    std::ostringstream sstream;
    sstream << first.getName() << " % " << second.getName();
    return Uint( sstream.str());
예제 #16
Uint operator/( Uint left, Uint right )
    std::ostringstream sstream;
    sstream << left.getName() << " / " << right.getName();
    return Uint( sstream.str());