예제 #1
StatusMessageList::LoadFile(TLineReader &reader)
  // Init first entry
  StatusMessage current;

  /* Read from the file */
  TCHAR *buffer;
  const TCHAR *key, *value;
  while ((buffer = reader.ReadLine()) != NULL) {
    // Check valid line? If not valid, assume next record (primative, but works ok!)
    if (*buffer == _T('#') || !parse_assignment(buffer, key, value)) {
      // Global counter (only if the last entry had some data)
      if (!current.IsEmpty()) {

        if (list.full())
    } else {
      if (_tcscmp(key, _T("key")) == 0) {
        if (current.key == NULL)
          current.key = UnescapeBackslash(value);
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("sound")) == 0) {
        if (current.sound == NULL)
          current.sound = UnescapeBackslash(value);
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("delay")) == 0) {
        TCHAR *endptr;
        unsigned ms = ParseUnsigned(value, &endptr);
        if (endptr > value)
          current.delay_ms = ms;
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("hide")) == 0) {
        if (_tcscmp(value, _T("yes")) == 0)
          current.visible = false;

  if (!current.IsEmpty())
예제 #2
  void commit(InputConfig &config, unsigned line) {
    if (empty())

    TCHAR *token;

    // For each mode
    token = mode.first_token(_T(" "));

    // General errors - these should be true
    assert(location < 1024);

    const TCHAR *new_label = NULL;
    while (token != NULL) {

      // All modes are valid at this point
      int mode_id = config.MakeMode(token);
      assert(mode_id >= 0);

      // Make label event
      // TODO code: Consider Reuse existing entries...
      if (location > 0) {
        // Only copy this once per object - save string space
        if (!new_label) {
          new_label = UnescapeBackslash(label);

        config.AppendMenu(mode_id, new_label, location, event_id);

      // Make key (Keyboard input)
      // key - Hardware key or keyboard
      if (type.equals(_T("key"))) {
        // Get the int key (eg: APP1 vs 'a')
        unsigned key = ParseKeyCode(data);
        if (key > 0)
          config.Key2Event[mode_id][key] = event_id;
          LogStartUp(_T("Invalid key data: %s at %u"), data.c_str(), line);

        // Make gce (Glide Computer Event)
        // GCE - Glide Computer Event
      } else if (type.equals(_T("gce"))) {
        // Get the int key (eg: APP1 vs 'a')
        int key = InputEvents::findGCE(data);
        if (key >= 0)
          config.GC2Event[key] = event_id;
          LogStartUp(_T("Invalid GCE data: %s at %u"), data.c_str(), line);

        // Make gesture (Gesture Event)
        // Key - Key Event
      } else if (type.equals(_T("gesture"))) {
        // Check data for invalid characters:
        bool valid = true;
        for (const TCHAR* c = data; *c; c++)
          if (*c != _T('U') &&
              *c != _T('D') &&
              *c != _T('R') &&
              *c != _T('L'))
            valid = false;
        if (valid) {
          // One entry per key: delete old, create new
          config.Gesture2Event.Add(data.c_str(), event_id);
        } else
          LogStartUp(_T("Invalid gesture data: %s at %u"), data.c_str(), line);

        // Make ne (NMEA Event)
        // NE - NMEA Event
      } else if (type.equals(_T("ne"))) {
        // Get the int key (eg: APP1 vs 'a')
        int key = InputEvents::findNE(data);
        if (key >= 0)
          config.N2Event[key] = event_id;
          LogStartUp(_T("Invalid GCE data: %s at %u"), data.c_str(), line);

        // label only - no key associated (label can still be touch screen)
      } else if (type.equals(_T("label"))) {
        // Nothing to do here...

      } else {
        LogStartUp(_T("Invalid type: %s at %u"), type.c_str(), line);

      token = mode.next_token(_T(" "));
예제 #3
ParseInputFile(InputConfig &config, TLineReader &reader)
  // TODO code - Safer sizes, strings etc - use C++ (can scanf restrict length?)

  // Multiple modes (so large string)
  EventBuilder current;

  int line = 0;

  // Read from the file
  TCHAR *buffer;
  while ((buffer = reader.ReadLine()) != NULL) {

    const TCHAR *key, *value;

    // experimental: if the first line is "#CLEAR" then the whole default config is cleared
    //               and can be overwritten by file
    if (line == 1 && StringIsEqual(buffer, _T("#CLEAR"))) {
    } else if (buffer[0] == _T('\0')) {
      // Check valid line? If not valid, assume next record (primative, but works ok!)
      // General checks before continue...
      current.commit(config, line);

      // Clear all data.

    } else if (StringIsEmpty(buffer) || buffer[0] == _T('#')) {
      // Do nothing - we probably just have a comment line
      // NOTE: Do NOT display buffer to user as it may contain an invalid stirng !

    } else if (parse_assignment(buffer, key, value)) {
      if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("mode"))) {
        current.mode = value;
      } else if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("type"))) {
        current.type = value;
      } else if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("data"))) {
        current.data = value;
      } else if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("event"))) {
        if (_tcslen(value) < 256) {
          TCHAR d_event[256] = _T("");
          TCHAR d_misc[256] = _T("");
          int ef;

          #if defined(__BORLANDC__)
          memset(d_event, 0, sizeof(d_event));
          memset(d_misc, 0, sizeof(d_event));
          if (_tcschr(value, ' ') == NULL) {
            _tcscpy(d_event, value);
          } else {

          ef = _stscanf(value, _T("%[^ ] %[A-Za-z0-9 \\/().,]"), d_event,

          #if defined(__BORLANDC__)

          if ((ef == 1) || (ef == 2)) {

            // TODO code: Consider reusing existing identical events

            pt2Event event = InputEvents::findEvent(d_event);
            if (event) {
              TCHAR *allocated = UnescapeBackslash(d_misc);
              current.event_id = config.AppendEvent(event, allocated,

              /* not freeing the string, because
                 InputConfig::AppendEvent() stores the string point
                 without duplicating it; strictly speaking, this is a
                 memory leak, but the input file is only loaded once
                 at startup, so this is acceptable; in return, we
                 don't have to duplicate the hard-coded defaults,
                 which saves some memory */

            } else {
              LogStartUp(_T("Invalid event type: %s at %i"), d_event, line);
          } else {
            LogFormat("Invalid event type at %i", line);
      } else if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("label"))) {
        current.label = value;
      } else if (StringIsEqual(key, _T("location"))) {
        current.location = ParseUnsigned(value);

      } else {
        LogStartUp(_T("Invalid key/value pair %s=%s at %i"), key, value, line);
    } else  {
      LogFormat("Invalid line at %i", line);


  current.commit(config, line);
예제 #4
StatusMessageList::LoadFile(TLineReader &reader)
  int ms; // Found ms for delay
  const TCHAR **location; // Where to put the data
  bool some_data; // Did we find some in the last loop...

  // Init first entry
  StatusMessageSTRUCT current;
  some_data = false;

  /* Read from the file */
  TCHAR *buffer;
  const TCHAR *key, *value;
  while ((buffer = reader.read()) != NULL) {
    // Check valid line? If not valid, assume next record (primative, but works ok!)
    if (*buffer == _T('#') || !parse_assignment(buffer, key, value)) {
      // Global counter (only if the last entry had some data)
      if (some_data) {
        some_data = false;

        if (StatusMessageData.full())
    } else {
      location = NULL;

      if (_tcscmp(key, _T("key")) == 0) {
        some_data = true; // Success, we have a real entry
        location = &current.key;
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("sound")) == 0) {
        current.doSound = true;
        location = &current.sound;
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("delay")) == 0) {
        TCHAR *endptr;
        ms = _tcstol(value, &endptr, 10);
        if (endptr > value)
          current.delay_ms = ms;
      } else if (_tcscmp(key, _T("hide")) == 0) {
        if (_tcscmp(value, _T("yes")) == 0)
          current.doStatus = false;

      // Do we have somewhere to put this &&
      // is it currently empty ? (prevent lost at startup)
      if (location && (_tcscmp(*location, _T("")) == 0)) {
        // TODO code: this picks up memory lost from no entry, but not duplicates - fix.
        if (*location) {
          // JMW fix memory leak
          free((void*)const_cast<TCHAR *>(*location));
        *location = UnescapeBackslash(value);

  if (some_data)