void Chorus::Update(int index, int sign, DWORD modifiers) { switch (index) { case TITLE: fx_active[BASS_FX_DX8_CHORUS] = sign > 0; EnableEffect(BASS_FX_DX8_CHORUS, fx_active[BASS_FX_DX8_CHORUS]); break; case WET_DRY_MIX: UpdateProperty(fx_chorus.fWetDryMix, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 0, 100); break; case DEPTH: UpdateProperty(fx_chorus.fDepth, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 0, 100); break; case FEEDBACK: UpdateProperty(fx_chorus.fFeedback, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, -99, 99); break; case FREQUENCY: UpdateProperty(fx_chorus.fFrequency, sign, modifiers, 100, time_step, 0, 10); break; case WAVEFORM: fx_chorus.lWaveform = !fx_chorus.lWaveform; break; case DELAY: UpdateProperty(fx_chorus.fDelay, sign, modifiers, 100, time_step, 0, 20); break; case PHASE: fx_chorus.lPhase = (fx_chorus.lPhase + 5 + sign) % 5; break; default: __assume(0); } UpdateEffect(BASS_FX_DX8_CHORUS); }
void Controller::GetUpdate() { MMThreadGuard myLock(lock_); { string propName; Purge(); Send("CSS?"); do { ReceiveOneLine(); } while (0 != buf_string_.compare(0, 3, "CSS", 0, 3)); globalState_ = false; //Record intensities and first LED on for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //Read the intensity channelIntensities_[i] = atol(buf_string_.substr(6 + i * 6, 3).c_str()); string t = buf_string_.substr(4 + i * 6, 1); channelSelection_[i] = buf_string_.substr(4 + i * 6, 1) == "S" ? 1 : 0; propName = g_Keyword_Intensity; propName.push_back('A' + (char)i); intensityUpdated_[i] = true;; UpdateProperty(propName.c_str()); propName = g_Keyword_Selection; propName.push_back('A' + (char)i); selectionUpdated_[i] = true; UpdateProperty(propName.c_str()); globalState_ |= buf_string_.substr(5 + i * 6, 1) == "N"; globalStateUpdated_ = true; } } }
void Echo::Update(int index, int sign, DWORD modifiers) { switch (index) { case TITLE: fx_active[BASS_FX_DX8_ECHO] = sign > 0; EnableEffect(BASS_FX_DX8_ECHO, fx_active[BASS_FX_DX8_ECHO]); break; case WET_DRY_MIX: UpdateProperty(fx_echo.fWetDryMix, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 0, 100); break; case FEEDBACK: UpdateProperty(fx_echo.fFeedback, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 0, 100); break; case LEFT_DELAY: UpdateProperty(fx_echo.fLeftDelay, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 1, 2000); break; case RIGHT_DELAY: UpdateProperty(fx_echo.fRightDelay, sign, modifiers, 10, time_step, 1, 2000); break; case PAN_DELAY: fx_echo.lPanDelay = !fx_echo.lPanDelay; break; default: __assume(0); } UpdateEffect(BASS_FX_DX8_ECHO); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 功能:响应点击按钮 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KUiNewPlayer2::OnClickButton(KWndWindow* pWnd) { if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_OK) OnOk(); else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Cancel) OnCancel(); else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Gold) { m_Info.Attribute = series_metal; UpdateProperty(); } else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Wood) { m_Info.Attribute = series_wood; UpdateProperty(); } else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Water) { m_Info.Attribute = series_water; UpdateProperty(); } else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Fire) { m_Info.Attribute = series_fire; UpdateProperty(); } else if (pWnd == (KWndWindow*)&m_Earth) { m_Info.Attribute = series_earth; UpdateProperty(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void medPipeComputeWrapping::OnEvent(mafEventBase *maf_event) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { if (mafEvent *e = mafEvent::SafeDownCast(maf_event)) { mmaMeter *meter_attrib = m_WrappedMeterVME->GetMeterAttributes(); switch(e->GetId()) { case ID_SHOW_LABEL: UpdateProperty(); break; case ID_COLOR_MODE: m_Gui->Enable(ID_DISTANCE_RANGE,meter_attrib->m_ColorMode == medVMEComputeWrapping::RANGE_COLOR); m_MaterialButton->Enable(meter_attrib->m_ColorMode == medVMEComputeWrapping::ONE_COLOR); UpdateProperty(); break; case ID_METER_REPRESENTATION: m_Gui->Enable(ID_TUBE_RADIUS, meter_attrib->m_Representation == medVMEComputeWrapping::TUBE_REPRESENTATION); m_Gui->Enable(ID_TUBE_CAPPING, meter_attrib->m_Representation == medVMEComputeWrapping::TUBE_REPRESENTATION); UpdateProperty(); break; case ID_TUBE_RADIUS: m_Tube->SetRadius(meter_attrib->m_TubeRadius); break; case ID_TUBE_CAPPING: m_Tube->SetCapping(meter_attrib->m_Capping); break; case ID_DISTANCE_RANGE: break; case ID_METER_MEASURE_TYPE: case ID_INIT_MEASURE: case ID_DELTA_PERCENT: case ID_GENERATE_EVENT: m_WrappedMeterVME->GetDataPipe()->Update(); break; default: m_WrappedMeterVME->ForwardUpEvent(*e); break; } mafEventMacro(mafEvent(this,CAMERA_UPDATE)); } else if (maf_event->GetSender() == m_WrappedMeterVME) { if(maf_event->GetId() == VME_OUTPUT_DATA_UPDATE) { UpdateProperty(); } else if(maf_event->GetId() == medVMEComputeWrapping::LENGTH_THRESHOLD_EVENT) { } } }
void ezQtTypeWidget::PropertyEventHandler(const ezDocumentObjectPropertyEvent& e) { if (m_bUndead) return; UpdateProperty(e.m_pObject, e.m_sProperty); }
void CNativeRibbonApp::UpdateCmdUI(BOOL bDisableIfNoHandler) { for (auto it = m_commandIds.begin(); it != m_commandIds.end(); ++it) { CRibbonCmdUI ui(*it); ui.DoUpdate(m_pFrame, bDisableIfNoHandler); if (ui.m_bEnableChanged) { PROPVARIANT val = { 0 }; UIInitPropertyFromBoolean(UI_PKEY_Enabled, ui.m_bOn, &val); m_pFramework->SetUICommandProperty(*it, UI_PKEY_Enabled, val); } if (ui.m_bCheckChanged) { PROPVARIANT val = { 0 }; UIInitPropertyFromBoolean(UI_PKEY_BooleanValue, ui.m_nCheck, &val); m_pFramework->SetUICommandProperty(*it, UI_PKEY_BooleanValue, val); } } for (auto it = m_collectionCommandIds.begin(); it != m_collectionCommandIds.end(); ++it) { PROPVARIANT currentValue = { 0 }; PROPVARIANT newValue = { 0 }; UpdateProperty(*it, UI_PKEY_SelectedItem, ¤tValue, &newValue); m_pFramework->SetUICommandProperty(*it, UI_PKEY_SelectedItem, newValue); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CLogicNavigation::TurnOn() { if ( m_isOn ) return; m_isOn = true; gEntList.AddListenerEntity( this ); UpdateProperty(); }
void CustomPropertyAutomator::SetCustomProperty( const CStdString& sName, const _variant_t& value ) { _variant_t vt = GetCustomProperty( sName ); if( vt.vt == VT_EMPTY ) AddProperty( sName, value ); else UpdateProperty( sName, value ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CLogicNavigation::TurnOff() { if ( !m_isOn ) return; m_isOn = false; gEntList.RemoveListenerEntity( this ); UpdateProperty(); }
XnStatus XnSensorFirmwareParams::UpdateAllProperties() { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; xnLogVerbose(XN_MASK_DEVICE_SENSOR, "Reading all params from firmware..."); for (XnFirmwareParamsHash::Iterator it = m_AllFirmwareParams.begin(); it != m_AllFirmwareParams.end(); ++it) { XnFirmwareParam& param = it.Value(); nRetVal = UpdateProperty(¶m); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } xnLogVerbose(XN_MASK_DEVICE_SENSOR, "Firmware params were updated."); return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
int CGigECamera::OnBinningV( MM::PropertyBase* pProp, MM::ActionType eAct ) { int ret = DEVICE_OK; switch(eAct) { case MM::AfterSet: { if(IsCapturing()) return DEVICE_CAMERA_BUSY_ACQUIRING; long binFactor; pProp->Get( binFactor ); int64_t oldBin, oldh; nodes->get( oldBin, BINNING_VERTICAL ); nodes->get( oldh, HEIGHT ); if( binFactor != (long) oldBin ) { bool retval = nodes->set( binFactor, BINNING_VERTICAL ); if( retval == false ) { // set it back nodes->set( oldBin, BINNING_VERTICAL ); pProp->Set( (long) oldBin ); ret = DEVICE_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE; } else { // new limits int64_t high, low; high = nodes->getMax( HEIGHT ); low = nodes->getMin( HEIGHT ); SetPropertyLimits( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Height, (double) low, (double) high ); // new height int64_t dim; nodes->get( dim, HEIGHT ); if( dim == oldh ) // this camera doesn't auto-adjust its height w/ binning change { dim = dim * oldBin / binFactor; } SetProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Height, CDeviceUtils::ConvertToString( (long) dim ) ); UpdateProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Height ); LogMessage( (std::string) "setting v bin to " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( binFactor ) + " and height to " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( dim ) + " (oldBin: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( oldBin ) + ") " + " new limits (" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( low ) + + " " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( high ) + ")", true ); if( nodes->isAvailable( HEIGHT_MAX ) ) { UpdateProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Height_Max ); } OnPropertiesChanged(); ret = DEVICE_OK; } ResizeImageBuffer(); } } break; case MM::BeforeGet: { int64_t vBin; nodes->get( vBin, BINNING_VERTICAL ); pProp->Set( (long) vBin ); ret=DEVICE_OK; } break; } return ret; } // OnBinningV
int CGigECamera::OnBinningH( MM::PropertyBase* pProp, MM::ActionType eAct ) { int ret = DEVICE_OK; switch(eAct) { case MM::AfterSet: { if(IsCapturing()) return DEVICE_CAMERA_BUSY_ACQUIRING; long binFactor; pProp->Get( binFactor ); int64_t oldBin, oldw; nodes->get( oldBin, BINNING_HORIZONTAL ); nodes->get( oldw, WIDTH ); if( binFactor != (long) oldBin ) { bool retval = nodes->set( (int64_t) binFactor, BINNING_HORIZONTAL ); if( retval == false ) { // set it back nodes->set( oldBin, BINNING_HORIZONTAL ); pProp->Set( (long) oldBin ); ret = DEVICE_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE; } else { int64_t dim; nodes->get( dim, WIDTH ); if( dim == oldw ) { dim = dim * oldBin / binFactor; } SetProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Width, CDeviceUtils::ConvertToString( (long) dim ) ); int64_t high, low; high = nodes->getMax( WIDTH ); low = nodes->getMin( WIDTH ); SetPropertyLimits( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Width, (double) low, (double) high ); UpdateProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Width ); LogMessage( (std::string) "setting h bin to " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( binFactor ) + " and width to " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( dim ) + " (oldBin: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( oldBin ) + ") " + " new limits (" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( low ) + + " " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( high ) + ")", true ); if( nodes->isAvailable( WIDTH_MAX ) ) { UpdateProperty( MM::g_Keyword_Image_Width_Max ); } OnPropertiesChanged(); ret = DEVICE_OK; } ResizeImageBuffer(); } } break; case MM::BeforeGet: { int64_t hBin; nodes->get( hBin, BINNING_HORIZONTAL ); pProp->Set( (long) hBin ); ret=DEVICE_OK; } break; } return ret; } // OnBinningH