예제 #1
  This function will connect console device except ConIn base on the console
  device variable  ConOut and ErrOut.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              At least one of the ConOut device have
                                   been connected success.
  @retval EFI_STATUS               Return the status of BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable ().

BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsolesWithOutConIn (
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  BOOLEAN                   SystemTableUpdated;

  // Connect all default console variables except ConIn

  // It seems impossible not to have any ConOut device on platform,
  // so we check the status here.
  Status = BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable (L"ConOut");
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Insert the performance probe for Console Out
  PERF_START (NULL, "ConOut", "BDS", 1);
  PERF_END (NULL, "ConOut", "BDS", 0);

  // The _ModuleEntryPoint err out var is legal.
  BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable (L"ErrOut");

  SystemTableUpdated = FALSE;
  // Fill console handles in System Table if no console device assignd.
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ConOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->ConsoleOutHandle, (VOID **) &gST->ConOut)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ErrOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->StandardErrorHandle, (VOID **) &gST->StdErr)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;

  if (SystemTableUpdated) {
    // Update the CRC32 in the EFI System Table header
    gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0;
    gBS->CalculateCrc32 (
          (UINT8 *) &gST->Hdr,

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

예제 #2
  This function will connect all the console devices base on the console
  device variable ConIn, ConOut and ErrOut.
EfiBootManagerConnectAllDefaultConsoles (
  BOOLEAN                   SystemTableUpdated;

  EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ConOut, TRUE);
  PERF_START (NULL, "ConOutReady", "BDS", 1);
  PERF_END   (NULL, "ConOutReady", "BDS", 0);

  EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ConIn, TRUE);
  PERF_START (NULL, "ConInReady", "BDS", 1);
  PERF_END   (NULL, "ConInReady", "BDS", 0);

  // The _ModuleEntryPoint err out var is legal.
  EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ErrOut, TRUE);
  PERF_START (NULL, "ErrOutReady", "BDS", 1);
  PERF_END   (NULL, "ErrOutReady", "BDS", 0);

  SystemTableUpdated = FALSE;
  // Fill console handles in System Table if no console device assignd.
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ConIn", &gEfiSimpleTextInProtocolGuid, &gST->ConsoleInHandle, (VOID **) &gST->ConIn)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ConOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->ConsoleOutHandle, (VOID **) &gST->ConOut)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ErrOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->StandardErrorHandle, (VOID **) &gST->StdErr)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;

  if (SystemTableUpdated) {
    // Update the CRC32 in the EFI System Table header
    gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0;
    gBS->CalculateCrc32 (
          (UINT8 *) &gST->Hdr,
예제 #3
  This function will connect console device base on the console
  device variable ConIn, ConOut and ErrOut.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              At least one of the ConIn and ConOut device have
                                   been connected success.
  @retval EFI_STATUS               Return the status of BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable ().

BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsoles (
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  BOOLEAN                   SystemTableUpdated;

  // Connect all default console variables

  // It seems impossible not to have any ConOut device on platform,
  // so we check the status here.
  Status = BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable (L"ConOut");
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Insert the performance probe for Console Out
  PERF_START (NULL, "ConOut", "BDS", 1);
  PERF_END (NULL, "ConOut", "BDS", 0);

  // Because possibly the platform is legacy free, in such case,
  // ConIn devices (Serial Port and PS2 Keyboard ) does not exist,
  // so we need not check the status.
  BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable (L"ConIn");

  // The _ModuleEntryPoint err out var is legal.
  BdsLibConnectConsoleVariable (L"ErrOut");

  SystemTableUpdated = FALSE;
  // Fill console handles in System Table if no console device assignd.
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ConIn", &gEfiSimpleTextInProtocolGuid, &gST->ConsoleInHandle, (VOID **) &gST->ConIn)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ConOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->ConsoleOutHandle, (VOID **) &gST->ConOut)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;
  if (UpdateSystemTableConsole (L"ErrOut", &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, &gST->StandardErrorHandle, (VOID **) &gST->StdErr)) {
    SystemTableUpdated = TRUE;

  if (SystemTableUpdated) {
    // Update the CRC32 in the EFI System Table header
    gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0;
    gBS->CalculateCrc32 (
          (UINT8 *) &gST->Hdr,

  // If any component set PcdTestKeyUsed to TRUE because use of a test key
  // was detected, then display a warning message on the debug log and the console
  if (PcdGetBool (PcdTestKeyUsed) == TRUE) {
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "**********************************\n"));
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "**  WARNING: Test Key is used.  **\n"));
    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "**********************************\n"));
    Print (L"**  WARNING: Test Key is used.  **\n");

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
